You cannot help the poor by giving more tax cuts to the rich

Liberals think wealth comes from government, BECAUSE THEIR WEALTH COMES FROM GOVERNMENT.

I'm a liberal.

Explain to me how my wealth comes from the government.

If you believed it came from the private sector, you wouldn't be supporting Obama who is trying to destroy that private sector.

So, don't try it, you won't fool anyone!


I really don't understand why liberals don't get this concept?--:cuckoo:

1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity, by legislating the wealth out of

2. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for
without receiving.

3. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not firsttake from somebody else.

4. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.

5. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the otherhalf is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work, because somebody else is going to get what they work for, this is the beginning of the end of any nation.

"Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance,and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery."Winston Churchill
I really don't understand why liberals don't get this concept?--:cuckoo:

Care to take a shot at what the spammer failed to do and prove that my wealth comes from the know, with me being a liberal and all.
Please show where any of that is wrong.
You cannot. The record is clear. Your OP is simply wrong and a giant fail. The only good thing is you don't quote the HuffPo.
I thought you were leaving?

Two many liberals have a static view of the economy. That is, they think that if you tax an activity at a higher rate, you will automatically increase the tax revenue from that activity. Therefore, they think think that increasing tax rates on business enterprises will automatically increase the revenue (so that it can be given to the "less fortunate". Then when revenues actually decline, they look for other places to increase tax rates.

Liberals are incorrigibly STUPID!

As far as legitimate sources proving otherwise...they simply don't exist!

yes... you are somewhat correct... liberals sometimes do have a static view of the economy. However... that static view is based in what we see around us. We see working people suffering... proposed cuts to programs they've been paying into their whole lives that will make them suffer MORE.... and the extremely rich sipping on their Gin and Tonics saying "why should I have to pay".

I'll tell you what... I'll meet you halfway. I'll give them their damned tax cuts... but I want guarantees that they will invest their money here instead of China or some other impoverished nation where they can get the equivalent of slave labor. Deal? yeah... didn't think so.

That's the problem with you idiots... you will sell your left nut to those holding us hostage. They want their tax breaks and the freedom to use it elsewhere... no fucking way... it's either one or the other.

Go up to a millionaire and call him an idiot. Then say, "I'll meet you halfway." That's the problem with Progressives, you think you can dictate what someone else does with their own money. People suffered long before FDR and LBJ appropriated massive funds to end suffering. It didn't work.

The economy was bad when your folks got put in power. That didn't work either.

Please, call me an idiot again.
I'm a liberal.

Explain to me how my wealth comes from the government.

If you believed it came from the private sector, you wouldn't be supporting Obama who is trying to destroy that private sector.

So, don't try it, you won't fool anyone!


I really don't understand why liberals don't get this concept?--:cuckoo:

1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity, by legislating the wealth out of

2. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for
without receiving.

3. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not firsttake from somebody else.

4. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.

5. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the otherhalf is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work, because somebody else is going to get what they work for, this is the beginning of the end of any nation.

"Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance,and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery."Winston Churchill

6. You can't base macro-economic policy on fortune cookie sayings.
You don't understand how self centered liberals are.

This line is also pretty funny coming from the "fuck y'all, I gots mine" far right.

Please quote where I ever said that?

This is what liberals do when they are losing. They claim you said something (you didn't) and then expect you to argue from that false (lying) premise.

And see how stupid and one sided liberals are. "I got mine" presupposes I HAVE ANYTHING!

Dude, I am not rich! Thanks to Obama screwing up the economy, I don't even think I'm middle class anymore.

I'm just not a GREEDY liberal and think I deserve money OTHER PEOPLE EARN!

They used to call it stealing, until liberals called it, "caring for the poor."

But I'll bet Mother Theresa helped far more poor people than brie eaters like John Kerry or Hillary Clinton EVER HELPED, and Mother Theresa didn't cry for others to help the poor, while she stuffed her money into tax shelters.

You want to talk about the "I GOT MINE" mentality! You better look at your own!


[ame=] Do As I Say (Not As I Do): Profiles in Liberal Hypocrisy (9780767919029): Peter Schweizer: Books[/ame]

If you believed it came from the private sector, you wouldn't be supporting Obama who is trying to destroy that private sector.

So, don't try it, you won't fool anyone!


I really don't understand why liberals don't get this concept?--:cuckoo:

1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity, by legislating the wealth out of

2. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for
without receiving.

3. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not firsttake from somebody else.

4. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.

5. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the otherhalf is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work, because somebody else is going to get what they work for, this is the beginning of the end of any nation.

"Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance,and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery."Winston Churchill

6. You can't base macro-economic policy on fortune cookie sayings.

Well this fortune cookie is the truth. If you think someone is going to bust their ass to haul your ass along--you've got:lol: more serious problems than not being able to support your own ass-
Here's how wealth comes from the government....

Who built the interstate highway system?

Who built the Hoover Dam?

Who created the internet?

Who educates our children?

Who pays for the police department?

Who pays for the fire department?

Who runs the postal system?

Who helps the old and the sick with Social Security and Medicare?

Who created Seal Team Six?

Who created NASA?

Who supports MIT and Cal Tech and all of our other state universities?
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I'm a liberal.

Explain to me how my wealth comes from the government.

If you believed it came from the private sector, you wouldn't be supporting Obama who is trying to destroy that private sector.

So, don't try it, you won't fool anyone!


You claimed liberals think wealth comes from the government because THEIR wealth comes from the government.

I'm telling you I am a liberal.

Now prove that my wealth comes from the government or admit you were talking out of your ass.

Ok, where does your wealth come from... enlighten us.
400 people control HALF the wealth in this country.

What is more important, that American children get an education, that our people get healthcare, that roads and bridges get fixed, that advanced materials research be done, that our military be supplied with the best equipment, that old people be taken care of, that our debt be paid down, that food and water be safe, that our environment be clean, or that a billionaire gets a new yacht?
Here's how wealth comes from the government....

Who built the interstate highway system?
Private Contractors.

Who built the Hoover Dam?
Private citizens working for the The WPA

Who created the internet?
Leonard Kleinrock

Who educates our children?
Private schools... public schools indoctrinate children.

Who pays for the police department?
Citizen taxpayers.

Who pays for the fire department?
See above.

Who runs the postal system?
The USPS, at a huge deficit.

Who helps the old and the sick with Social Security and Medicare?

Who created Seal Team Six?
The U.S. Navy.

Who created NASA?
The U.S government?

Who supports MIT and Cal Tech and all of our other state universities?
Tuition payers. (note to self: CAL Tech & MIT are PRIVATE universities)
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I'm a liberal.

Explain to me how my wealth comes from the government.

If you believed it came from the private sector, you wouldn't be supporting Obama who is trying to destroy that private sector.

So, don't try it, you won't fool anyone!


Obama is trying to destroy the private sector? Are you fucking retarded?

Obama is wholly owned and controlled by the "private sector".

In other words he's not marxist enough for you!

I'm a liberal.

Explain to me how my wealth comes from the government.

If you believed it came from the private sector, you wouldn't be supporting Obama who is trying to destroy that private sector.

So, don't try it, you won't fool anyone!


You claimed liberals think wealth comes from the government because THEIR wealth comes from the government.

I'm telling you I am a liberal.

Now prove that my wealth comes from the government or admit you were talking out of your ass.

Get this. As IF he's the only liberal in the world. Very self centered of you.

But it doesn't change the facts. If you believed your wealth came from private sector, you wouldn't be backing the guy trying to destroy the private sector.

Nice try. I think we see who's talking out his ass!

If you believed it came from the private sector, you wouldn't be supporting Obama who is trying to destroy that private sector.

So, don't try it, you won't fool anyone!


Obama is trying to destroy the private sector? Are you fucking retarded?

Obama is wholly owned and controlled by the "private sector".


She hasn't figured out that Obama is just another corporate tool yet.

In other words, he's isn't moving us towards marxism fast enough for either of you!

Here's how wealth comes from the government....

Who built the interstate highway system?
Private Contractors.

Who built the Hoover Dam?
Private citizens working for the The WPA

Who created the internet?
Leonard Kleinrock

Who educates our children?
Private schools... public schools indoctrinate children.

Who pays for the police department?
Citizen taxpayers.

Who pays for the fire department?
See above.

Who runs the postal system?
The USPS, at a huge deficit.

Who helps the old and the sick with Social Security and Medicare?

Who created Seal Team Six?
The U.S. Navy.

Who created NASA?
The U.S government?

Who supports MIT and Cal Tech and all of our other state universities?
Tuition payers. (note to self: CAL Tech & MIT are PRIVATE universities)

Glad to see you agree with me. Except for this, which you got wrong....

MIT was elected to the Association of American Universities in 1934 and remains a research university with a very high level of research activity;[29][135] research expenditures totaled $718.2 million in 2009.[12] The federal government was the largest source of sponsored research, with the Department of Health and Human Services granting $255.9 million, Department of Defense $97.5 million, Department of Energy $65.8 million, National Science Foundation $61.4 million, and NASA $27.4 million.[12]

The government does a lot of good things.

And who destroyed the economy twice in the last 80 years.....corporate greed.
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I really don't understand why liberals don't get this concept?--:cuckoo:

Care to take a shot at what the spammer failed to do and prove that my wealth comes from the know, with me being a liberal and all.

Article15 proves another thing about liberals. They think the world just revolves around them, and ONLY them!

Narcissists are us = liberal!

Obama is trying to destroy the private sector? Are you fucking retarded?

Obama is wholly owned and controlled by the "private sector".


She hasn't figured out that Obama is just another corporate tool yet.

In other words, he's isn't moving us towards marxism fast enough for either of you!


I think it would be more accurate to say that you don't have the slightest idea what "marxism" is.

I'm pretty much an anarchist, by the way.
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Kind of like that woman who kept screaming--"I got my OBAMA money"--:lol:

Yeah, there are idiots like TeePeeSpammer on the left as well.

I think we see the idiot when your only argument is claiming I said something not in evidence.

Pretty damn desperate!


Still waiting for you to admit you were talking you of your ass when you claim that my wealth comes from the governemnt...

Liberals think wealth comes from government, BECAUSE THEIR WEALTH COMES FROM GOVERNMENT.
Here's how wealth comes from the government....

Who built the interstate highway system?
Private Contractors.

Who built the Hoover Dam?
Private citizens working for the The WPA

Who created the internet?
Leonard Kleinrock

Who educates our children?
Private schools... public schools indoctrinate children.

Who pays for the police department?
Citizen taxpayers.

Who pays for the fire department?
See above.

Who runs the postal system?
The USPS, at a huge deficit.

Who helps the old and the sick with Social Security and Medicare?

Who created Seal Team Six?
The U.S. Navy.

Who created NASA?
The U.S government?

Who supports MIT and Cal Tech and all of our other state universities?
Tuition payers. (note to self: CAL Tech & MIT are PRIVATE universities)

Glad to see you agree with me.

Not at all. The government produces nothing. NADA.

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