You can build a mosque.....

ok, i think the rational peole on this board would agree no one has a right to stop the imam from building the mosque near ground zero.

but what is the downside for him to say, "i realize this is touching a sore spot for many new yorkers. with that in mind, we're moving it somewhere else"

who would be the big loser in that scenario?

That would be a win for honesty and big step toward reconcilliation.
ok, i think the rational peole on this board would agree no one has a right to stop the imam from building the mosque near ground zero.

but what is the downside for him to say, "i realize this is touching a sore spot for many new yorkers. with that in mind, we're moving it somewhere else"

who would be the big loser in that scenario?

That would be a win for honesty and big step toward reconcilliation.

Yep, no losers in that scenario.
What part of the First Amendment don't you get?

I'm not about to throw the First Amendment out the window because you are upset that other countries discriminate against certain religions. You can rant and rave all you want but that ain't gonna change, little boy.

What part of the fact that this NOT a legalese issue.



I answered your OP with my first post.

Your moral and political issue conflicts directly with the First Amendment and I will take the First Amendment over your "morals" and political views all day long.

I don't give a fuck about your preferences.

America faces an issue where the fucking Islamofascist Headchopping cocksuckers AND THEIR, SUPPOSEDLY, "PEACFUL"MUSLIM SUPPORTERS......the latter being the OVERWHELMING NUMBER OF MUSLIMS of the Mid East (a statement which the Liebarrhoid will undoubtedly reject)......INSIST on building their fucking Mosque PRIMARILY....I say PRIMARILY.....NOT for the purpose of prayer.....BUT FOR THEIR CULTURAL and POLITICAL REASONS.

The LATTER is the PRIMARY REASON for the whole issue.

This is NOT an issue for the First Amendment.

This is NOT a legal issue.

This is an issue where the fucking Muslims want to satisfy their POLITICAL and CULTURAL desire to build a mosque at the site of a GREAT VICTORY......which is a RELIGIOUSLY TRADITIONAL THINGY.

All their spiel about using the combined "mosque & recreational" center as a beneficent way to bridge "ill feelings" is OBVIOUSLY TRANSPARENT BULLSHIT and the perfect display of their use of their religious technique of TAQIYAH.

TAQIYAH being a uniquely (?) approved Muslim technique of: LYING being OK for SAVING ONE'S RELIGIOUS ARSE OR FURTHERING ISLAM !!!!

So, America has a choice: It can do as I, and the overwhelming number of Americans want to do.....and that is to reply to the Fucking Muslims with the counter offer:

"You can build a mosque in or around Ground Zero if you allow us to build a SINGLE Church, Synagogue or a Buddhist Temple ANYWHERE in Mecca or Medina.


IS THAT A DEAL ????????? "

Or, to do what the fucking Liebarrhoid arseholes suggest: which is to have the Islamofascist Headchopping Terrorist Arseholes AND their regular fucking "peaceful" MUSLIM SUPPORTERS who happen to be the OVERWHELMING NUMBER OF MUSLIMS of the Mid East, and/or Muslims of Mid Eastern Origin living amongst us......To rub our noses in their CULTURAL and POLITICAL VOMIT !!!!!


NOW, of course , you will have to read all sort of deflection and obfuscation....i.e. TRANSPARENT BULLSHIT which the Liebarrhoid ISLAMOFASCIST HEADCHOPPING ARSELICKERS will puke out, as they will ALWAYS further ANY CRAP that DIMINSHES AMERICA.......under the guise that by their convoluted logic "elevates" America.

BTW, the Liebarrhoid ISLAMOFASCIST HEADCHOPPING ARSELICKERS represented by their mouthpiece ACLU have come up with ANOTHER way of fucking America (or in their delusional minds"ELEVATES" America): The curtailment of the drones that are successfully destroying the Al Queda in Afghanistan and Pakistan.
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You want to strike down the building of a place of worship because of the religion that will be worshiped there. That screams First Amendment to me. You got more in common with radical Imams than you realize.


the impotent RAGGGE by assholes like guatama make my motherfucking day.


ok, i think the rational peole on this board would agree no one has a right to stop the imam from building the mosque near ground zero.

but what is the downside for him to say, "i realize this is touching a sore spot for many new yorkers. with that in mind, we're moving it somewhere else"

who would be the big loser in that scenario?

Well, the New Yorkers you're referencing would be ill-informed. They'd essentially be saying: "we blame your religion for 9/11 and everyone associated with it." And, that's not right.
You want to strike down the building of a place of worship because of the religion that will be worshiped there. That screams First Amendment to me. You got more in common with radical Imams than you realize.

Keep farting.

The only ones you will convince are your own Lieberrhoid Islamofascist Headchopping arselickers and the enemies of America.
You want to strike down the building of a place of worship because of the religion that will be worshiped there. That screams First Amendment to me. You got more in common with radical Imams than you realize.

Keep farting.

The only ones you will convince are your own Lieberrhoid Islamofascist Headchopping arselickers and the enemies of America.

fortunately, nothing you growl out while throwing your fucking tantrum will keep this mosque from being built.

ENJOY knowing that.



the impotent RAGGGE by assholes like guatama make my motherfucking day.




For once we agree.

You are who you say you are: an indisputable MFer.

ok, i think the rational peole on this board would agree no one has a right to stop the imam from building the mosque near ground zero.

but what is the downside for him to say, "i realize this is touching a sore spot for many new yorkers. with that in mind, we're moving it somewhere else"

who would be the big loser in that scenario?

Well, the New Yorkers you're referencing would be ill-informed. They'd essentially be saying: "we blame your religion for 9/11 and everyone associated with it." And, that's not right.

since many on this board seem to think all forms of religious extremism are equal, i'll give you the following example.

over a period of years, your cousin was molested by his catholic priest. eventually your cousin became so ashemd, he killed himself. at the ten year anniversary, might some of your family members be a little "off-put" if a group of priests decided they were going to build a shrine to jesus near the location of his suicide?

no one would find that in poor taste?
ok, i think the rational peole on this board would agree no one has a right to stop the imam from building the mosque near ground zero.

but what is the downside for him to say, "i realize this is touching a sore spot for many new yorkers. with that in mind, we're moving it somewhere else"

who would be the big loser in that scenario?

Well, the New Yorkers you're referencing would be ill-informed. They'd essentially be saying: "we blame your religion for 9/11 and everyone associated with it." And, that's not right.

since many on this board seem to think all forms of religious extremism are equal, i'll give you the following example.

over a period of years, your cousin was molested by his catholic priest. eventually your cousin became so ashemd, he killed himself. at the ten year anniversary, might some of your family members be a little "off-put" if a group of priests decided they were going to build a shrine to jesus near the location of his suicide?

no one would find that in poor taste?

so, in your example every catholic, including those looking to build a shrine, are equivocal butt fuckers?


sorry, in that case the catholics would be able to build their shrine too. You seem to be under the same assumption as the rest of the failures on your side of this fence: that the actions of individuals reflect the motives of a generalized mass. Sorry, tonto, that is not how America works.
ok, i think the rational peole on this board would agree no one has a right to stop the imam from building the mosque near ground zero.

but what is the downside for him to say, "i realize this is touching a sore spot for many new yorkers. with that in mind, we're moving it somewhere else"

who would be the big loser in that scenario?

Well, the New Yorkers you're referencing would be ill-informed. They'd essentially be saying: "we blame your religion for 9/11 and everyone associated with it." And, that's not right.

On the other hand, the New Yorkers are saying:

"We are treating you Islamofascist Headchopping cocksuckers this way because by insisting on defecating on our justified sensibilities you are proving that you are NOT the "peaceful" fucking Muslims you portray yourselves to be by using your Bogus Taqiyah Bullshit.

You are who we already know who you are: the fucking overwhelming number of Muslims of the Mid East (or Mid Eastern 0rigin) whom we saw on TV rejoicing and dancing on the streets (and undoubtedly in your homes) when the 9/11 tragedy occured. And, we are not uneducated fools , or Lieberrhoid enemies of America, who will fall for your Taqiyah BULLSHIT because we know about your Cultural and Political predilections.

Then state the question of the Op ed:

"You can build a mosque in or around Ground Zero if you allow us to build a SINGLE Church, Synagogue or a Buddhist Temple ANYWHERE in Mecca or Medina.


IS THAT A DEAL ????????? "

The above would test the SINCERITY of their Religious BULLSHIT !
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ok, i think the rational peole on this board would agree no one has a right to stop the imam from building the mosque near ground zero.

but what is the downside for him to say, "i realize this is touching a sore spot for many new yorkers. with that in mind, we're moving it somewhere else"

who would be the big loser in that scenario?

Well, the New Yorkers you're referencing would be ill-informed. They'd essentially be saying: "we blame your religion for 9/11 and everyone associated with it." And, that's not right.

since many on this board seem to think all forms of religious extremism are equal, i'll give you the following example.

over a period of years, your cousin was molested by his catholic priest. eventually your cousin became so ashemd, he killed himself. at the ten year anniversary, might some of your family members be a little "off-put" if a group of priests decided they were going to build a shrine to jesus near the location of his suicide?

no one would find that in poor taste?

They can jump up and down, scream and stamp their feet all day long about it but that Church would go up and I would support it.
You can build a mosque in or around Ground Zero if you allow us to build a SINGLE Church, Synagogue or a Buddhist Temple ANYWHERE in Mecca or Medina.


IS THAT A DEAL ?????????

So you are alright with US deciding where we can build a house of worship?


As to your question: I am perfectly comfortable treating others AS THEY TREAT ME !!!!

How very Christian of you!!! I thought is was "AS YOU TREAT YOURSELF"?!?!
You can build a mosque in or around Ground Zero if you allow us to build a SINGLE Church, Synagogue or a Buddhist Temple ANYWHERE in Mecca or Medina.


IS THAT A DEAL ?????????
We have religious freedom in the US. You can worship the religion of your choice or build your church where you chose, something the people of Saudi Arabia can not do. Allowing Muslims to build a church at ground zero is a testament to American religious tolerance, a belief that is a cornerstone of our democracy.

Because the 911 terrorist were Muslims, does not make all Muslims terrorist. Judging the many because of the actions of a few is just plain bigotry.
Well, the New Yorkers you're referencing would be ill-informed. They'd essentially be saying: "we blame your religion for 9/11 and everyone associated with it." And, that's not right.

since many on this board seem to think all forms of religious extremism are equal, i'll give you the following example.

over a period of years, your cousin was molested by his catholic priest. eventually your cousin became so ashemd, he killed himself. at the ten year anniversary, might some of your family members be a little "off-put" if a group of priests decided they were going to build a shrine to jesus near the location of his suicide?

no one would find that in poor taste?

They can jump up and down, scream and stamp their feet all day long about it but that Church would go up and I would support it.

again, i'm not framing this in terms of a legal argument. only an idiot (and i can think of one off the top of my head) is going to try to argue that they don' thave the right to build a mosque.

it's a PR thing. if you say the purpose of the mosque is to bring people together, it's obviously not working. maybe your goal could be better acccomplished somewhere else. i personally think they could give a shit what anybody else thinks. is that their right? yes.
ok, i think the rational peole on this board would agree no one has a right to stop the imam from building the mosque near ground zero.

but what is the downside for him to say, "i realize this is touching a sore spot for many new yorkers. with that in mind, we're moving it somewhere else"

who would be the big loser in that scenario?

Well, the New Yorkers you're referencing would be ill-informed. They'd essentially be saying: "we blame your religion for 9/11 and everyone associated with it." And, that's not right.

since many on this board seem to think all forms of religious extremism are equal, i'll give you the following example.

over a period of years, your cousin was molested by his catholic priest. eventually your cousin became so ashemd, he killed himself. at the ten year anniversary, might some of your family members be a little "off-put" if a group of priests decided they were going to build a shrine to jesus near the location of his suicide?

no one would find that in poor taste?

Well, no, because that would be ignorant to blame the Religion and its followers for something a pedofile did simply because he was an associate.

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