YO Michelle--Listen to Obama..You can't go take a trip to Las Vegas on the taxpayer's


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
First lady Michelle Obama and daughters Malia and Sasha are visiting Las Vegas after stopping in South Dakota on a family trip.
According to the Rapid City Journal, Michelle landed Wednesday at Ellsworth Air Force Base and hopped in a ten car motorcade for the trip to Mount Rushmore. Advance work had already been done by the Secret Service and White House staff, who had arrived in town earlier in the week.

TAXPAYERS footed this!!!

Michelle Obama, daughters visiting Las Vegas - Yahoo! News

The feud began in 2009, when Obama admonished corporations using federal bailout money: "You can't go take a trip to Las Vegas or go down to the Super Bowl on the taxpayer's dime." A year later, Obama warned families against gambling away college tuition: "You don't blow a bunch of cash in Vegas when you're trying to save for college."
Las Vegas still fumes over 2-year-old Obama remark - Boston.comLas Vegas still fumes over 2-year-old Obama remark - Boston.com

DOES Obama and his wife REALLY think people won't remember this at election time?

GSA organizer of Vegas conference got $9k bonus...
Former GSA Chief ‘Focused on Performance’ in Giving $9,000 Bonus to Organizer of $822,775 Vegas Conference
April 18, 2012 - Jeffrey Neely, the regional commissioner with the General Services Administration who was the chief organizer of a lavish conference paid for with $822,751 in tax money, received a $9,000 bonus courtesy of U.S. taxpayers.
The bonus was an issue raised at a House hearing on Monday that focused on the 2010 conference in Las Vegas and the over-the-top spending revealed in a report issued earlier this month by the GSA Office of Inspector General. That spending included a $31,208 pool-side reception and $327,151 in travel expenses. Martha Johnson, the GSA administrator and Obama appointee who resigned ahead of the report’s release, testified at the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform hearing.

“Ms. Johnson, without getting bogged down into conduct reviews versus performance reviews, why did you give that $9,000 bonus?” Rep. Joe Walsh (R-Ill.) asked Johnson.

“I gave that $9,000 bonus because I was focused on performance and because I – the recommendation came from the building's commissioner, who was the direct budget and supervisor of Mr. Neely,” Johnson said.

The issue of Neely’s bonus was first addressed by Rep. Darrell Issa’s (R-Calif.), chairman of the committee, in his opening remarks. “Why was Jeff Neely, a regional public building service commissioner who was the chief organizer of the 2010 Las Vegas conference, given a bonus approved by the agency's most senior officials even though they knew and were discussing sensational details of what had happened at the conference?” Issa said. “Question here from the dais has to be all the good works, all the assertions of a good job, if you have this kind of abuse can they balance out to be a positive bonus totaling over $9,000?” Issa said.

After Neely invoked his Fifth Amendment right to remain silent and refused to answer any questions, including his title with GSA, Issa removed him from the witness table and then questioned Johnson about the bonus. “Ms. Johnson, I appreciate your opening statement and the work that you said you did,” Issa said. “But I'm very troubled by the bonus that Mr. Neely received. “How can you justify a bonus for somebody that you knew at the time of his bonus from Mr. Miller, in fact, was at the center of this misconduct?”

Johnson tried to explain that the bonus is connected to “performance” reviews and not “conduct” reviews. “Congressman, there are two processes,” Johnson said. “One is the conduct process and one is the performance process. “The conduct process by which I could discipline someone was wrapped up in an investigation, which I requested from the I.G. It took much longer,” Johnson said.

“I appreciate that,” Issa said. “But Ms. Johnson – were you aware that excess money was spent at that conference, significant excess?

“I had received a communication from the I.G. with non-conclusive results. I was concerned. I wanted the full picture," Johnson said. “So when we moved to the performance cycle, the performance reviews for senior executives are based on a three for maintaining an organization, a four for reforming an organization, and a five for transforming,” Johnson said. “I was informed that his leasing processes were the model for the nation,” Johnson said. “Leasing is one of our critical issues, I granted him a four.”

well he clearly wasnt talking to his wife. He was talking to all you little peons.
Just doing what every other First Lady has always done - her job.
Michelle Obama to Give Coast Guard Cutter Sober Send Off - ABC News

Oh yeah, its the Obama's so they shouldn't do that. Better to save that money for another illegal Bush war, right?

"You don't blow a bunch of cash in Vegas when you're trying to save for college."

Good advice.

You people need to get some new rants. Maybe go back to the stupid crap about the dog. Yeah. You did reeel well with that one.

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