Yet another school shooting

If drugs were the cause, girls would be shooting up schools too.

That’s been explained before. Stating the same discredited argument will not make it any better.

The big difference between men and women who kill

90% of murders are committed by men. And men commit murder for different reasons than women.


If a woman drinks too much alcohol, a drug, she gets drunk. The same with men who drink too much.

The outcomes are the same regardless.

If SSRIs, a drug, turned kids into killers, the outcome would be the same regardless of gender: just like alcohol

Are you really trying to claim, given the links already supplied, that men and women react exactly the same?

So then, taking the drug out of the equation for a moment, do women not commit the same number of murders than men?

You are trying to make an argument that simply does not exist

I’m not putting drugs into the equation; you are as you are a good soldier of the NRA spewing the latest “reason” for mass murders we alone suffer from in the first world. It used to be video games. Remember after Sandy Hook…that was the cause of Adam Lanza’s murder spree. Then it became fashionable to try to link Hollywood since there are very few votes for the RWNJ’s out there anyway. Then someone pointed out the obvious that the games are worldwide properties as are the movies (James Bond is British BTW…) so that nonsense died down. Now the newest trial balloon is SSRIs. Soon it will be El Nino, or the sulphur from the volcanoes in Hawaii or something else.

Are men and women the same. No. Of course not. But when you take any drug, the drug doesn’t discriminate and affect women one way and men another. Like I stated, if you drink too much alcohol—a drug, you get drunk and you can’t stand up straight, recite the alphabet, follow the officer’s fingers from side to side etc…

Is that why Drs. Want to know the gender before prescribing?

You realize we are not chemically balanced the same, right?

And no, drugs will often react differently in males and females. As it does by age group.

That is what is so worrisome. In the age group of these shooters, these drugs increase violent behavior by 50%. Older people are not affected nearly so.

Did you ever stop to consider that perhaps instead of causing these behaviors, they are simply ineffective at stopping the behavior?
If drugs were the cause, girls would be shooting up schools too.

That’s been explained before. Stating the same discredited argument will not make it any better.

The big difference between men and women who kill

90% of murders are committed by men. And men commit murder for different reasons than women.


If a woman drinks too much alcohol, a drug, she gets drunk. The same with men who drink too much.

The outcomes are the same regardless.

If SSRIs, a drug, turned kids into killers, the outcome would be the same regardless of gender: just like alcohol

Are you really trying to claim, given the links already supplied, that men and women react exactly the same?

So then, taking the drug out of the equation for a moment, do women not commit the same number of murders than men?

You are trying to make an argument that simply does not exist

I’m not putting drugs into the equation; you are as you are a good soldier of the NRA spewing the latest “reason” for mass murders we alone suffer from in the first world. It used to be video games. Remember after Sandy Hook…that was the cause of Adam Lanza’s murder spree. Then it became fashionable to try to link Hollywood since there are very few votes for the RWNJ’s out there anyway. Then someone pointed out the obvious that the games are worldwide properties as are the movies (James Bond is British BTW…) so that nonsense died down. Now the newest trial balloon is SSRIs. Soon it will be El Nino, or the sulphur from the volcanoes in Hawaii or something else.

Are men and women the same. No. Of course not. But when you take any drug, the drug doesn’t discriminate and affect women one way and men another. Like I stated, if you drink too much alcohol—a drug, you get drunk and you can’t stand up straight, recite the alphabet, follow the officer’s fingers from side to side etc…

Is that why Drs. Want to know the gender before prescribing?
You realize we are not chemically balanced the same, right?
And no, drugs will often react differently in males and females. As it does by age group.
That is what is so worrisome. In the age group of these shooters, these drugs increase violent behavior by 50%. Older people are not affected nearly so.

It’s hopeless.

Have a nice weekend.
Enough with this subject. The liberals have there view and the conservatives (me) have our view. This subject needs to be handled carefully without any knee jerk reactions.

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Liberals have their view, cons have their excuses

No liberals just want things there way. Guns don’t kill people, people kill people. Put either a retired cop or a military veteran in the schools and this will stop period.

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Apparently there was a security guard at Santa Fe High School.

What happened fuck face?

He wasn’t armed asshole. Like the 3 security guards in Florida. There was 1 retired police officer in that enormous school. If he was armed he would of shot him. Good try moron. Try again

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Actually according to USA Today, the guard was armed. Strike two fuck face

Unless I see it I don’t believe it. Even if he was he is not trained that why we need retired cops and military veterans handling it. I love scum like you. Just like the pieces of shit I dealt with in the projects. They use to talk shit just like you until I got them to the station and took off there cuffs. Then they shut up and didn’t say a word. All talk no action like most of your liberal assholes. Your a bunch of spineless jellyfish. BTW. Tell you wife or girlfriend if she wants a real man to message me.

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They are depressed! People who are depressed commit suicide, are violent and homicidal.


Enough with this subject. The liberals have there view and the conservatives (me) have our view. This subject needs to be handled carefully without any knee jerk reactions.

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Liberals have their view, cons have their excuses

No liberals just want things there way. Guns don’t kill people, people kill people. Put either a retired cop or a military veteran in the schools and this will stop period.

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Criminals will always have guns. There easy to buy on the streets. I am a retired cop so I know the facts. So your moron answer just proves that liberals are assholes.

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It’s they’re, not “there” moron.

Okay, I’m in Phoenix, where can I buy a gun on the street?

Really asshole. You go to the big cities you can get them. You want to think it isn’t true but it is. I live in NJ, a hell of a lot nicer the Arizona with some of the highest property values in the country, but you can get guns in almost every town. Your delusional if you think it is in Arizona. So you are 0 for 100.

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That’s been explained before. Stating the same discredited argument will not make it any better.

The big difference between men and women who kill

90% of murders are committed by men. And men commit murder for different reasons than women.


If a woman drinks too much alcohol, a drug, she gets drunk. The same with men who drink too much.

The outcomes are the same regardless.

If SSRIs, a drug, turned kids into killers, the outcome would be the same regardless of gender: just like alcohol

Are you really trying to claim, given the links already supplied, that men and women react exactly the same?

So then, taking the drug out of the equation for a moment, do women not commit the same number of murders than men?

You are trying to make an argument that simply does not exist

I’m not putting drugs into the equation; you are as you are a good soldier of the NRA spewing the latest “reason” for mass murders we alone suffer from in the first world. It used to be video games. Remember after Sandy Hook…that was the cause of Adam Lanza’s murder spree. Then it became fashionable to try to link Hollywood since there are very few votes for the RWNJ’s out there anyway. Then someone pointed out the obvious that the games are worldwide properties as are the movies (James Bond is British BTW…) so that nonsense died down. Now the newest trial balloon is SSRIs. Soon it will be El Nino, or the sulphur from the volcanoes in Hawaii or something else.

Are men and women the same. No. Of course not. But when you take any drug, the drug doesn’t discriminate and affect women one way and men another. Like I stated, if you drink too much alcohol—a drug, you get drunk and you can’t stand up straight, recite the alphabet, follow the officer’s fingers from side to side etc…

Is that why Drs. Want to know the gender before prescribing?

You realize we are not chemically balanced the same, right?

And no, drugs will often react differently in males and females. As it does by age group.

That is what is so worrisome. In the age group of these shooters, these drugs increase violent behavior by 50%. Older people are not affected nearly so.

Did you ever stop to consider that perhaps instead of causing these behaviors, they are simply ineffective at stopping the behavior?

Of course I have, but the data speaks for itself. Those on this class of drug are 50% more likely to commit violent crimes than those who are on a different treatment course, or no treatment at all.

Kind of damning when you see the actual stories.

Here’s a database:

Index to SSRI Stories
That’s been explained before. Stating the same discredited argument will not make it any better.

The big difference between men and women who kill

90% of murders are committed by men. And men commit murder for different reasons than women.


If a woman drinks too much alcohol, a drug, she gets drunk. The same with men who drink too much.

The outcomes are the same regardless.

If SSRIs, a drug, turned kids into killers, the outcome would be the same regardless of gender: just like alcohol

Are you really trying to claim, given the links already supplied, that men and women react exactly the same?

So then, taking the drug out of the equation for a moment, do women not commit the same number of murders than men?

You are trying to make an argument that simply does not exist

I’m not putting drugs into the equation; you are as you are a good soldier of the NRA spewing the latest “reason” for mass murders we alone suffer from in the first world. It used to be video games. Remember after Sandy Hook…that was the cause of Adam Lanza’s murder spree. Then it became fashionable to try to link Hollywood since there are very few votes for the RWNJ’s out there anyway. Then someone pointed out the obvious that the games are worldwide properties as are the movies (James Bond is British BTW…) so that nonsense died down. Now the newest trial balloon is SSRIs. Soon it will be El Nino, or the sulphur from the volcanoes in Hawaii or something else.

Are men and women the same. No. Of course not. But when you take any drug, the drug doesn’t discriminate and affect women one way and men another. Like I stated, if you drink too much alcohol—a drug, you get drunk and you can’t stand up straight, recite the alphabet, follow the officer’s fingers from side to side etc…

Is that why Drs. Want to know the gender before prescribing?
You realize we are not chemically balanced the same, right?
And no, drugs will often react differently in males and females. As it does by age group.
That is what is so worrisome. In the age group of these shooters, these drugs increase violent behavior by 50%. Older people are not affected nearly so.

It’s hopeless.

Have a nice weekend.

You are hopeless. This destroyes your hope that it is the NRA to blame for it.

Take a few minutes and read the horror that these drugs have caused:

Index to SSRI Stories

Note the use of hammers, strangulation, and many murders and suicides, while on these that don’t involve guns.

Killers kill, and when drug induced, they don’t care what they use, they just kill.

Have a nice day
And you have nothing that will stop a person with a gun from getting into a school do you?

And with your room temperature IQ you can't seem to realize that the way to stop any mass shooting is to stop people with guns from getting into any venue it works for night clubs, restaurants, post offices, any place of employment etc

Yeah, how did that work out in Vegas?


To prevent shootings from hotel windows don't let people with guns into hotels

Are you really that fucking stupid to realize that your laws and gun bans won't do jack shit?
You don't want to ban so called assault rifles?

And FYI this thread is about school shootings

No - 21 minimum age - 3 day waiting period.

I am quite on topic.

Then stick to school shootings and none of that shit will stop a person from walking onto a school with a gun

If you want to prevent school shootings you have to prevent people from walking into a school with a gun

That has worked so well at preventing bank robberies. No ever uses a gun to rob a bank anymore.

When was the last time anyone was checked for a gun before they went into a bank?

Why are you making my point for me?

Your only point is that schools are already secure and it's impossible to stop people with guns from just walking in
And you have nothing that will stop a person with a gun from getting into a school do you?

And with your room temperature IQ you can't seem to realize that the way to stop any mass shooting is to stop people with guns from getting into any venue it works for night clubs, restaurants, post offices, any place of employment etc

Yeah, how did that work out in Vegas?


To prevent shootings from hotel windows don't let people with guns into hotels

Are you really that fucking stupid to realize that your laws and gun bans won't do jack shit?

Liberals are to stupid to realize that

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Enough with this subject. The liberals have there view and the conservatives (me) have our view. This subject needs to be handled carefully without any knee jerk reactions.

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Liberals have their view, cons have their excuses

No liberals just want things there way. Guns don’t kill people, people kill people. Put either a retired cop or a military veteran in the schools and this will stop period.

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Criminals will always have guns. There easy to buy on the streets. I am a retired cop so I know the facts. So your moron answer just proves that liberals are assholes.

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It’s they’re, not “there” moron.

Okay, I’m in Phoenix, where can I buy a gun on the street?

Really asshole. You go to the big cities you can get them. You want to think it isn’t true but it is. I live in NJ, a hell of a lot nicer the Arizona with some of the highest property values in the country, but you can get guns in almost every town. Your delusional if you think it is in Arizona. So you are 0 for 100.

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So the mythical dealers aren’t in AZ
And you have nothing that will stop a person with a gun from getting into a school do you?

And with your room temperature IQ you can't seem to realize that the way to stop any mass shooting is to stop people with guns from getting into any venue it works for night clubs, restaurants, post offices, any place of employment etc

Yeah, how did that work out in Vegas?


To prevent shootings from hotel windows don't let people with guns into hotels

Are you really that fucking stupid to realize that your laws and gun bans won't do jack shit?

Liberals are to stupid to realize that

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Sometimes the joke writes itself.
Liberals have their view, cons have their excuses

No liberals just want things there way. Guns don’t kill people, people kill people. Put either a retired cop or a military veteran in the schools and this will stop period.

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Apparently there was a security guard at Santa Fe High School.

What happened fuck face?

He wasn’t armed asshole. Like the 3 security guards in Florida. There was 1 retired police officer in that enormous school. If he was armed he would of shot him. Good try moron. Try again

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Actually according to USA Today, the guard was armed. Strike two fuck face

Unless I see it I don’t believe it. Even if he was he is not trained that why we need retired cops and military veterans handling it. I love scum like you. Just like the pieces of shit I dealt with in the projects. They use to talk shit just like you until I got them to the station and took off there cuffs. Then they shut up and didn’t say a word. All talk no action like most of your liberal assholes. Your a bunch of spineless jellyfish. BTW. Tell you wife or girlfriend if she wants a real man to message me.

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Ever been to Poland?


Do you believe it exists?

Educate yourself: clearly all others who have tried to have met with failure.
Liberals have their view, cons have their excuses

No liberals just want things there way. Guns don’t kill people, people kill people. Put either a retired cop or a military veteran in the schools and this will stop period.

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Criminals will always have guns. There easy to buy on the streets. I am a retired cop so I know the facts. So your moron answer just proves that liberals are assholes.

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It’s they’re, not “there” moron.

Okay, I’m in Phoenix, where can I buy a gun on the street?

Really asshole. You go to the big cities you can get them. You want to think it isn’t true but it is. I live in NJ, a hell of a lot nicer the Arizona with some of the highest property values in the country, but you can get guns in almost every town. Your delusional if you think it is in Arizona. So you are 0 for 100.

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So the mythical dealers aren’t in AZ

Would you like me to draw a picture for you.

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And you have nothing that will stop a person with a gun from getting into a school do you?

And with your room temperature IQ you can't seem to realize that the way to stop any mass shooting is to stop people with guns from getting into any venue it works for night clubs, restaurants, post offices, any place of employment etc

Yeah, how did that work out in Vegas?


To prevent shootings from hotel windows don't let people with guns into hotels

Are you really that fucking stupid to realize that your laws and gun bans won't do jack shit?

Liberals are to stupid to realize that

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Sometimes the joke writes itself.

You should know. All of your posts are jokes Most of these school shooting would have never happened if people did there jobs and students opened there mouths.

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parents know their children better than anyone else and understand their impulse better than anyone else but that's not the same as knowing what they're doing at any given moment.
parents know their children better than anyone else and understand their impulse better than anyone else but that's not the same as knowing what they're doing at any given moment.

If you can’t tell your kid is fucked up then you don’t deserve to be a parent.

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To prevent shootings from hotel windows don't let people with guns into hotels

Are you really that fucking stupid to realize that your laws and gun bans won't do jack shit?

Oh Sweet Baby Jesus- How did I know THIS would be coming? :D

1. Vegas hosts many MANY gun shows - are you going to stop dealers from all over the world bringing guns into a gun show?
2. Nevada gun laws are loose & Lax as shit (or as Ex-Lax if you will) Stephen Paddock owned over 40 guns. Nevada law made that easy.

But taking your idiocy to even higher levels: How will you prevent kids from taking guns onto your brilliant idea of staggered school buses? The beach at spring break?? A public park on Memorial Day???

Dude, please stop - You randomly fluctuate between illogic, illiteracy and just flat-out ILL. ;)
To prevent shootings from hotel windows don't let people with guns into hotels

Are you really that fucking stupid to realize that your laws and gun bans won't do jack shit?

Oh Sweet Baby Jesus- How did I know THIS would be coming? :D

1. Vegas hosts many MANY gun shows - are you going to stop dealers from all over the world bringing guns into a gun show?
2. Nevada gun laws are loose & Lax as shit (or as Ex-Lax if you will) Stephen Paddock owned over 40 guns. Nevada law made that easy.

But taking your idiocy to even higher levels: How will you prevent kids from taking guns onto your brilliant idea of staggered school buses? The beach at spring break?? A public park on Memorial Day???

Dude, please stop - You randomly fluctuate between illogic, illiteracy and just flat-out ILL. ;)

Paddock did own 40 guns that were collected over 30 years. He was a competition shooter so the 40 guns wouldn’t come up as odd. You have collectors and gun buffs who have over a hundred guns and wouldn’t harm anyone. Paddock just lost it. It’s sad that the few are ruining it for the many who are upstanding citizens. I’m a retired police officer so gun safety to me is paramount. After I would qualify I would bring my gun home and clean it in the living room. When I was done I would call my kids over to let them hold it and study it and would let them know what to do. It took away there curiously and I never had an issue.

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The first action taken by us is to peer into the world of the shooter (in which could go straight to the shooters ability to do damage, by looking into his world while he holds the gun in his hand). We should look maybe to limit his abilities to do major damage in the format that he has chosen to use (i.e the weapon of choice and try to understand his reasoning behind the choice that was made).

Ok we are in his world now, and he is holding his weapon, now what can we do in order to stop his ability to kill so many while we are along for the observational ride ?

The first observation to maybe observe, is what type of weapon he chooses and why, and what would I do to counter what I see in order to slow him down ??? Wouldn't it be wise to have his weapon already limited in respect to his ability to rapidly kill as many as he can in the moment ??? How would we do that ? If made the clip of such a weapon limited to 2 bullets per clip, and created a couple of hoops for him to have to jump through in order to not so quickly change out the clip, then would this help ???? Otherwise it's Pow, pow, and then a button is held while another lever is pulled in order to change out the clip (somewhat complicated).

All things that slow down the death rates in the situation is a good thing right ??

Now go from there, and tell us what you would do once leave the person, and move into his twisted mind ?

After leaving the shooter totally, then let's go into the school yard, and see what needs to be done there, and then let's go into the school next.

After that talk about implementing strategies and full proof ways to stop this stuff by having a complete and comprehensive plan in place after all is said and done, then we should move on to other good ideas while always preserving the rights and freedoms we as good citizens enjoy in this country.

Yes, screening is important prior to the purchasing of a gun, and no one of a shady character prone to doing bad things by proof of should get their hands on a gun ever.
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