Yes it is the renewables that are killing your electric bill


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2013
Yes, Solar And Wind Really Do Increase Electricity Prices -- And For Inherently Physical Reasons

An excellent article that discusses in very simple terms the undeniable logistics of renewable energy additions to the grid.

This does not mean we should stop pursuing the renewables. but it is important to admit to ourselves exactly what is happening as a result of the renewable energy revolution so to speak.

In the meantime while everyone else is tying themselves in knots trying to extract energy from the sun and the wind China is growing its coal industry by leaps and bounds and building no less than 200 coal-fired energy plants throughout the entire world.

Yes, Solar And Wind Really Do Increase Electricity Prices -- And For Inherently Physical Reasons

An excellent article that discusses in very simple terms the undeniable logistics of renewable energy additions to the grid.

This does not mean we should stop pursuing the renewables. but it is important to admit to ourselves exactly what is happening as a result of the renewable energy revolution so to speak.

In the meantime while everyone else is tying themselves in knots trying to extract energy from the sun and the wind China is growing its coal industry by leaps and bounds and building no less than 200 coal-fired energy plants throughout the entire world.


They leave off the fact that if Solar and Wind does exponentially increase your bill you probably started out with a woefully out of date infrastructure that would have been overloaded very quickly even if you did add that Nuclear power plant or any other power sources anyway. In MOST states that have increase Solar and Wind, the electric bills have gone down after the first couple of years. Yes, Dorathy, the first couple of years the price will be a bit higher because the consumer pays for the expansion. But once the expansion is paid for, the cost goes way down and the savings are passed on to the consumer.

So nice try, cupcake. Justify where you live and keep paying those skyrocketing electric bills and you can keep buying our excess electricity.
Wind and solar are a joke. Wind obviously only works when the wind is blowing, and solar is horribly inefficient as we do not yet have the technology to properly harness it.

There are 2 alternative energy sources we should be focusing on:

1) Geothermal, which given the remaining lifespan of the earth is essentially infinite.
2) Hydrogen, which comprises 78% of the UNIVERSE, burns clean, and for all practical purposes is again infinite.
Wind and solar are a joke. Wind obviously only works when the wind is blowing, and solar is horribly inefficient as we do not yet have the technology to properly harness it.

There are 2 alternative energy sources we should be focusing on:

1) Geothermal, which given the remaining lifespan of the earth is essentially infinite.
2) Hydrogen, which comprises 78% of the UNIVERSE, burns clean, and for all practical purposes is again infinite.

Geothermal isn't used enough. Watching This Old House once in awhile they do set up a Geothermal system. But they are extremely expensive. But once it's installed, the heating and cooling is very cheap. But it's also very complicated. This is out of reach for most new home owners. But not for any new large corporate buildings who also don't utilize it.

Hydrogen has a real problem. It's nearly impossible to contain safely. It's the smallest molecule. It seems to find ways around what would be thought to be perfectly good seals. The drain off is a bit high. That alone wouldn't be enough not to use it. The problem in cars is, it has a tendency to find it's way into door panels, fender wells, and more and is extremely flammable. On paper and in Labs, Hydrogen shows up as a good choice but in reality, it's a very dangerous fuel. This kind of reminds me of that old spoof spy movie where they barely ding the back end of a Ford Pinto and BOOM. I can see it now, after releasing a whole fleet of those to the public, having to recall all of them to have huge signs painted on them on all sides, "Highly Flammable".
We pay a little more now so that people in the future will still have power. Ok by me.
Yes, Solar And Wind Really Do Increase Electricity Prices -- And For Inherently Physical Reasons

An excellent article that discusses in very simple terms the undeniable logistics of renewable energy additions to the grid.

This does not mean we should stop pursuing the renewables. but it is important to admit to ourselves exactly what is happening as a result of the renewable energy revolution so to speak.

In the meantime while everyone else is tying themselves in knots trying to extract energy from the sun and the wind China is growing its coal industry by leaps and bounds and building no less than 200 coal-fired energy plants throughout the entire world.

They gotta get the money for those subsidies and to pay for their mismanagement from somewhere. Itsr a shame they're not really serious about reducing the use of fossil fuels. If they were they'd be developing thorium fueled nuclear fission instead of chasing after rainbows and unicorns.
Yes, Solar And Wind Really Do Increase Electricity Prices -- And For Inherently Physical Reasons

An excellent article that discusses in very simple terms the undeniable logistics of renewable energy additions to the grid.

This does not mean we should stop pursuing the renewables. but it is important to admit to ourselves exactly what is happening as a result of the renewable energy revolution so to speak.

In the meantime while everyone else is tying themselves in knots trying to extract energy from the sun and the wind China is growing its coal industry by leaps and bounds and building no less than 200 coal-fired energy plants throughout the entire world.


They leave off the fact that if Solar and Wind does exponentially increase your bill you probably started out with a woefully out of date infrastructure that would have been overloaded very quickly even if you did add that Nuclear power plant or any other power sources anyway. In MOST states that have increase Solar and Wind, the electric bills have gone down after the first couple of years. Yes, Dorathy, the first couple of years the price will be a bit higher because the consumer pays for the expansion. But once the expansion is paid for, the cost goes way down and the savings are passed on to the consumer.

So nice try, cupcake. Justify where you live and keep paying those skyrocketing electric bills and you can keep buying our excess electricity.
Or they've been turning off your power plants cause they are "killing" the planet. Been lot of that going on
Yes, Solar And Wind Really Do Increase Electricity Prices -- And For Inherently Physical Reasons

An excellent article that discusses in very simple terms the undeniable logistics of renewable energy additions to the grid.

This does not mean we should stop pursuing the renewables. but it is important to admit to ourselves exactly what is happening as a result of the renewable energy revolution so to speak.

In the meantime while everyone else is tying themselves in knots trying to extract energy from the sun and the wind China is growing its coal industry by leaps and bounds and building no less than 200 coal-fired energy plants throughout the entire world.


They leave off the fact that if Solar and Wind does exponentially increase your bill you probably started out with a woefully out of date infrastructure that would have been overloaded very quickly even if you did add that Nuclear power plant or any other power sources anyway. In MOST states that have increase Solar and Wind, the electric bills have gone down after the first couple of years. Yes, Dorathy, the first couple of years the price will be a bit higher because the consumer pays for the expansion. But once the expansion is paid for, the cost goes way down and the savings are passed on to the consumer.

So nice try, cupcake. Justify where you live and keep paying those skyrocketing electric bills and you can keep buying our excess electricity.

You are a gullible fool.....

Once the expansion is paid for it will be just like the income tax you doofus. You don't seriously think that a corporate body is going to let go of the gouging just because the expansion is paid for do you?

In the mean time China continues at a record pace putting up coal fired power plants that generate ultra cheap electricity.

Yes, Solar And Wind Really Do Increase Electricity Prices -- And For Inherently Physical Reasons

An excellent article that discusses in very simple terms the undeniable logistics of renewable energy additions to the grid.

This does not mean we should stop pursuing the renewables. but it is important to admit to ourselves exactly what is happening as a result of the renewable energy revolution so to speak.

In the meantime while everyone else is tying themselves in knots trying to extract energy from the sun and the wind China is growing its coal industry by leaps and bounds and building no less than 200 coal-fired energy plants throughout the entire world.


They leave off the fact that if Solar and Wind does exponentially increase your bill you probably started out with a woefully out of date infrastructure that would have been overloaded very quickly even if you did add that Nuclear power plant or any other power sources anyway. In MOST states that have increase Solar and Wind, the electric bills have gone down after the first couple of years. Yes, Dorathy, the first couple of years the price will be a bit higher because the consumer pays for the expansion. But once the expansion is paid for, the cost goes way down and the savings are passed on to the consumer.

So nice try, cupcake. Justify where you live and keep paying those skyrocketing electric bills and you can keep buying our excess electricity.
Or they've been turning off your power plants cause they are "killing" the planet. Been lot of that going on

This guy has been bamboozled into thinking that the expansion costs will go must be under 25 years old.

Wind and solar are a joke. Wind obviously only works when the wind is blowing, and solar is horribly inefficient as we do not yet have the technology to properly harness it.

There are 2 alternative energy sources we should be focusing on:

1) Geothermal, which given the remaining lifespan of the earth is essentially infinite.
2) Hydrogen, which comprises 78% of the UNIVERSE, burns clean, and for all practical purposes is again infinite.

Yes... a hydrogen furnace is a mighty heat beast that outperforms all other combustion processes by a mile ANNNNNND the end product is...
WATER! Amazing that we have not seen more of them.

The problem currently lies in the electrolysis of the gas...but if we used large solar plants to do the electrolysis it could be cost effective enough to make it well worth the effort!

Geothermal is something that should be required in all new home construction. The total energy savings potential is nearly unlimited!

Good post!

Totally agree!

Fossil Fuel is so plentiful in the United States that we should treat it LIKE a RENEWABLE. It s cheap, efficient, available, and clean, especially natural gas which we have A LOT of. We are finding new huge oil and gas fields all the time.

From the article.

One big reason seems to be their inherently unreliable nature, which requires expensive additions to the electrical grid in the form of natural gas plants, hydro-electric dams, batteries, or some other form of stand-by power.

Several readers kindly pointed out that I had failed to mention a huge cost of adding renewables: new transmission lines.

Transmission is much more expensive for solar and wind than other plants. This is true around the world — for physical reasons.

I'd like to see more focus on home and business based solar panels that DON'T REQUIRE transmission lines. Not huge wind farms and solar farms.
Yes, Solar And Wind Really Do Increase Electricity Prices -- And For Inherently Physical Reasons

An excellent article that discusses in very simple terms the undeniable logistics of renewable energy additions to the grid.

This does not mean we should stop pursuing the renewables. but it is important to admit to ourselves exactly what is happening as a result of the renewable energy revolution so to speak.

In the meantime while everyone else is tying themselves in knots trying to extract energy from the sun and the wind China is growing its coal industry by leaps and bounds and building no less than 200 coal-fired energy plants throughout the entire world.


They leave off the fact that if Solar and Wind does exponentially increase your bill you probably started out with a woefully out of date infrastructure that would have been overloaded very quickly even if you did add that Nuclear power plant or any other power sources anyway. In MOST states that have increase Solar and Wind, the electric bills have gone down after the first couple of years. Yes, Dorathy, the first couple of years the price will be a bit higher because the consumer pays for the expansion. But once the expansion is paid for, the cost goes way down and the savings are passed on to the consumer.

So nice try, cupcake. Justify where you live and keep paying those skyrocketing electric bills and you can keep buying our excess electricity.

You are a gullible fool.....

Once the expansion is paid for it will be just like the income tax you doofus. You don't seriously think that a corporate body is going to let go of the gouging just because the expansion is paid for do you?

In the mean time China continues at a record pace putting up coal fired power plants that generate ultra cheap electricity.


Montrose Colorado was buying their Electricity from one company that was strictly Oil, Gas and Coal. A Company south of them offered them a 20% savings which included Gas, Wind and Solar. It took a court order to break the contract in order for Montrose to change to the new supplier. Suppliers like to try and get communities to sign iron clad agreements to prevent this. But there ARE other companies that will compete and will use alternative resources that are cheaper and the initial investments have already been paid for. What this agreement did was force at least one other provider to invest in alternative resources. Complacency only works when there is no competition.

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