Wray And Horowitz Lead Off BIG Week

Tom Horn

Gold Member
Aug 31, 2015
These two apologists lead off a week that should be explosive and could well end Herr Mueller's witch hunt. The Senate committees rarely produce anything of value and probably won't this time. The GOPers will treat these two with deference, not getting riled when Wray continuously claims "that's classified" about what time of day it is. The Rats will shower them with accolades since Horowitz claimed there was no bias in the agencies' actions, ie "are you going to believe me or your lying eyes?" The good times will be when they appear before the House committees and have to deal with the likes of Nunes, Gowdy, and Jim Jordan. Jordan in particular has HAD IT with these guys, last year yelling at Mueller which startled the old nazi. Something has lit a fire under Paul Ryan's ass lately too, so if the intel shills don't deliver the documents they have subpoenas on, we could well see an IMPEACHMENT vote for Rosenstein. That would give Trump cover to finally fire that sold-out piece of shit. It begins today on C-Span.

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Frist question..........no statement...
I want those fucking documents........

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