Wow, read This About a far left History text book, OMG


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
This explains why so many kids are just droolongly libtarded til they reach 30, lol.

AP U.S. History Text: White, Christian Americans Finding It ‘Difficult to Adjust’ to Becoming Minority | Breitbart

Another photographed page states, “Trump tapped into the sense of alienation and “being left behind” that many voters – most of all white poor and working-class voters – felt.”

Fraser describes Trump as “extremely anti-immigrant, especially attacking Muslim immigrants.”

“Most thought that Trump was too extreme a candidate to win the nomination, but his extremism, his anti-establishment rhetoric, and, some said, his not-very-hidden racism connected with a significant number of primary voters – more voters than any other single Republican candidate,” the author continues.

Fraser describes Trump’s supporters as “a mostly older, often rural or suburban, and overwhelmingly white group,” while Hillary Clinton’s supporters are portrayed as fearful “the election had been determined by people who were afraid of a rapidly developing ethnic diversity of the country, discomfort with their candidate’s gender, and nostalgia for an earlier time in the nation’s history.”

“They also worried about the mental stability of the president-elect and the anger that he and his supporters brought to the nation,” Fraser adds about Clinton voters.

Stanley Kurtz, senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center and contributing editor to National Review Online, has studied extensively the revised AP U.S. History framework and emphasized its left-leaning portrayal of U.S. history. While he tells Breitbart News he has yet to read Fraser’s fuller text to ensure the excerpts in the tweeted photos convey a fair impression, he asserts the material in the photos is “very disturbing.”

“These passages represent an almost purely partisan liberal Democratic perspective dressed up to look like balanced history,” Kurtz explains. “If this textbook was an outlier, that wouldn’t much matter. Unfortunately, the tilt of this text is entirely typical of the left-liberal bias that pervades just about every other AP U.S. History textbook.”​
This explains why so many kids are just droolongly libtarded til they reach 30, lol.

AP U.S. History Text: White, Christian Americans Finding It ‘Difficult to Adjust’ to Becoming Minority | Breitbart

Another photographed page states, “Trump tapped into the sense of alienation and “being left behind” that many voters – most of all white poor and working-class voters – felt.”

Fraser describes Trump as “extremely anti-immigrant, especially attacking Muslim immigrants.”

“Most thought that Trump was too extreme a candidate to win the nomination, but his extremism, his anti-establishment rhetoric, and, some said, his not-very-hidden racism connected with a significant number of primary voters – more voters than any other single Republican candidate,” the author continues.

Fraser describes Trump’s supporters as “a mostly older, often rural or suburban, and overwhelmingly white group,” while Hillary Clinton’s supporters are portrayed as fearful “the election had been determined by people who were afraid of a rapidly developing ethnic diversity of the country, discomfort with their candidate’s gender, and nostalgia for an earlier time in the nation’s history.”

“They also worried about the mental stability of the president-elect and the anger that he and his supporters brought to the nation,” Fraser adds about Clinton voters.

Stanley Kurtz, senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center and contributing editor to National Review Online, has studied extensively the revised AP U.S. History framework and emphasized its left-leaning portrayal of U.S. history. While he tells Breitbart News he has yet to read Fraser’s fuller text to ensure the excerpts in the tweeted photos convey a fair impression, he asserts the material in the photos is “very disturbing.”

“These passages represent an almost purely partisan liberal Democratic perspective dressed up to look like balanced history,” Kurtz explains. “If this textbook was an outlier, that wouldn’t much matter. Unfortunately, the tilt of this text is entirely typical of the left-liberal bias that pervades just about every other AP U.S. History textbook.”​
While he tells Breitbart News he has yet to read Fraser’s fuller text to ensure the excerpts in the tweeted photos convey a fair impression, he asserts the material in the photos is “very disturbing.”

He hasn't even read the book.

Just like you.

Just relying on Breitbart- and Breitbart would never be partisan about anything.....
This explains why so many kids are just droolongly libtarded til they reach 30, lol.

AP U.S. History Text: White, Christian Americans Finding It ‘Difficult to Adjust’ to Becoming Minority | Breitbart

Another photographed page states, “Trump tapped into the sense of alienation and “being left behind” that many voters – most of all white poor and working-class voters – felt.”

Fraser describes Trump as “extremely anti-immigrant, especially attacking Muslim immigrants.”

“Most thought that Trump was too extreme a candidate to win the nomination, but his extremism, his anti-establishment rhetoric, and, some said, his not-very-hidden racism connected with a significant number of primary voters – more voters than any other single Republican candidate,” the author continues.

Fraser describes Trump’s supporters as “a mostly older, often rural or suburban, and overwhelmingly white group,” while Hillary Clinton’s supporters are portrayed as fearful “the election had been determined by people who were afraid of a rapidly developing ethnic diversity of the country, discomfort with their candidate’s gender, and nostalgia for an earlier time in the nation’s history.”

“They also worried about the mental stability of the president-elect and the anger that he and his supporters brought to the nation,” Fraser adds about Clinton voters.

Stanley Kurtz, senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center and contributing editor to National Review Online, has studied extensively the revised AP U.S. History framework and emphasized its left-leaning portrayal of U.S. history. While he tells Breitbart News he has yet to read Fraser’s fuller text to ensure the excerpts in the tweeted photos convey a fair impression, he asserts the material in the photos is “very disturbing.”

“These passages represent an almost purely partisan liberal Democratic perspective dressed up to look like balanced history,” Kurtz explains. “If this textbook was an outlier, that wouldn’t much matter. Unfortunately, the tilt of this text is entirely typical of the left-liberal bias that pervades just about every other AP U.S. History textbook.”​
This explains why so many kids are just droolongly libtarded til they reach 30, lol.

AP U.S. History Text: White, Christian Americans Finding It ‘Difficult to Adjust’ to Becoming Minority | Breitbart

Another photographed page states, “Trump tapped into the sense of alienation and “being left behind” that many voters – most of all white poor and working-class voters – felt.”

Fraser describes Trump as “extremely anti-immigrant, especially attacking Muslim immigrants.”

“Most thought that Trump was too extreme a candidate to win the nomination, but his extremism, his anti-establishment rhetoric, and, some said, his not-very-hidden racism connected with a significant number of primary voters – more voters than any other single Republican candidate,” the author continues.

Fraser describes Trump’s supporters as “a mostly older, often rural or suburban, and overwhelmingly white group,” while Hillary Clinton’s supporters are portrayed as fearful “the election had been determined by people who were afraid of a rapidly developing ethnic diversity of the country, discomfort with their candidate’s gender, and nostalgia for an earlier time in the nation’s history.”

“They also worried about the mental stability of the president-elect and the anger that he and his supporters brought to the nation,” Fraser adds about Clinton voters.

Stanley Kurtz, senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center and contributing editor to National Review Online, has studied extensively the revised AP U.S. History framework and emphasized its left-leaning portrayal of U.S. history. While he tells Breitbart News he has yet to read Fraser’s fuller text to ensure the excerpts in the tweeted photos convey a fair impression, he asserts the material in the photos is “very disturbing.”

“These passages represent an almost purely partisan liberal Democratic perspective dressed up to look like balanced history,” Kurtz explains. “If this textbook was an outlier, that wouldn’t much matter. Unfortunately, the tilt of this text is entirely typical of the left-liberal bias that pervades just about every other AP U.S. History textbook.”​

No worse then the conservatard historical revisionist textbooks that tell us slavery was a happy time for blacks.
This explains why so many kids are just droolongly libtarded til they reach 30, lol.

AP U.S. History Text: White, Christian Americans Finding It ‘Difficult to Adjust’ to Becoming Minority | Breitbart

Another photographed page states, “Trump tapped into the sense of alienation and “being left behind” that many voters – most of all white poor and working-class voters – felt.”

Fraser describes Trump as “extremely anti-immigrant, especially attacking Muslim immigrants.”

“Most thought that Trump was too extreme a candidate to win the nomination, but his extremism, his anti-establishment rhetoric, and, some said, his not-very-hidden racism connected with a significant number of primary voters – more voters than any other single Republican candidate,” the author continues.

Fraser describes Trump’s supporters as “a mostly older, often rural or suburban, and overwhelmingly white group,” while Hillary Clinton’s supporters are portrayed as fearful “the election had been determined by people who were afraid of a rapidly developing ethnic diversity of the country, discomfort with their candidate’s gender, and nostalgia for an earlier time in the nation’s history.”

“They also worried about the mental stability of the president-elect and the anger that he and his supporters brought to the nation,” Fraser adds about Clinton voters.

Stanley Kurtz, senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center and contributing editor to National Review Online, has studied extensively the revised AP U.S. History framework and emphasized its left-leaning portrayal of U.S. history. While he tells Breitbart News he has yet to read Fraser’s fuller text to ensure the excerpts in the tweeted photos convey a fair impression, he asserts the material in the photos is “very disturbing.”

“These passages represent an almost purely partisan liberal Democratic perspective dressed up to look like balanced history,” Kurtz explains. “If this textbook was an outlier, that wouldn’t much matter. Unfortunately, the tilt of this text is entirely typical of the left-liberal bias that pervades just about every other AP U.S. History textbook.”​
While he tells Breitbart News he has yet to read Fraser’s fuller text to ensure the excerpts in the tweeted photos convey a fair impression, he asserts the material in the photos is “very disturbing.”

He hasn't even read the book.

Just like you.

Just relying on Breitbart- and Breitbart would never be partisan about anything.....

No context would save that shit.
This explains why so many kids are just droolongly libtarded til they reach 30, lol.

AP U.S. History Text: White, Christian Americans Finding It ‘Difficult to Adjust’ to Becoming Minority | Breitbart

Another photographed page states, “Trump tapped into the sense of alienation and “being left behind” that many voters – most of all white poor and working-class voters – felt.”

Fraser describes Trump as “extremely anti-immigrant, especially attacking Muslim immigrants.”

“Most thought that Trump was too extreme a candidate to win the nomination, but his extremism, his anti-establishment rhetoric, and, some said, his not-very-hidden racism connected with a significant number of primary voters – more voters than any other single Republican candidate,” the author continues.

Fraser describes Trump’s supporters as “a mostly older, often rural or suburban, and overwhelmingly white group,” while Hillary Clinton’s supporters are portrayed as fearful “the election had been determined by people who were afraid of a rapidly developing ethnic diversity of the country, discomfort with their candidate’s gender, and nostalgia for an earlier time in the nation’s history.”

“They also worried about the mental stability of the president-elect and the anger that he and his supporters brought to the nation,” Fraser adds about Clinton voters.

Stanley Kurtz, senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center and contributing editor to National Review Online, has studied extensively the revised AP U.S. History framework and emphasized its left-leaning portrayal of U.S. history. While he tells Breitbart News he has yet to read Fraser’s fuller text to ensure the excerpts in the tweeted photos convey a fair impression, he asserts the material in the photos is “very disturbing.”

“These passages represent an almost purely partisan liberal Democratic perspective dressed up to look like balanced history,” Kurtz explains. “If this textbook was an outlier, that wouldn’t much matter. Unfortunately, the tilt of this text is entirely typical of the left-liberal bias that pervades just about every other AP U.S. History textbook.”​

No worse then the conservatard historical revisionist textbooks that tell us slavery was a happy time for blacks.

All the more reason to be involved in your children's education

Ours had a history book teaching the very wrong history of the Crusades and after review it was dropped from curriculum
No worse then the conservatard historical revisionist textbooks that tell us slavery was a happy time for blacks.

1. Those are not adopted texctbooks in the classrooms. Those are proposed books on the market, but tell me a state that has adopted them when they are too 'conservative' for Texas, bearing in mind that it was Democrats who defended and advanced slavery.

2. I found no comment that said slavery was a happy time for blacks, but I did find this.

First, a clarification: all three of these publishers provide thorough and accurate coverage of slavery in their products. There is no attempt to hide the issue in the run up to the Civil War. However, the requirement in the curriculum standards that compels coverage of “sectionalism, states’ rights, and slavery” (in that order) as causes of the war leads publishers to these sort of misleading – and even inaccurate – passages.

They are inaccurate for a simple reason: the concept of “states’ rights” in an abstract sense as a defense of secession did not appear until after the conclusion of the Civil War. Contemporaneous documents and statements by southerners make it plain that slavery was the underlying reason for their action. In their secession ordinances, South Carolina, Georgia, Mississippi and Texas all stated their understanding that slavery had been placed in danger by Lincoln’s election and made that their major theme. Moreover, high officials, such as Confederate President Jefferson Davis and Vice President Alexander H. Stephens, made plain the absolute centrality of protecting slavery as the reason for secession. That point is important for two reasons. One is that both Davis and Stephens revised their positions after the war was over to argue that slavery had not been the issue at all, maintaining instead that it had been about abstract constitutionalism. The other is that these passages, which appear designed to fit the TEKS requirement of considering “states’ rights” as a separate issue, does dovetail with current neo-Confederate ideology, which is deeply false to the historical record.
The reviewers are full of shit as Senator Calhoun argued for states rights even if it did not have that specific label at the time and he was well BEFORE the Civil War.
While he tells Breitbart News he has yet to read Fraser’s fuller text to ensure the excerpts in the tweeted photos convey a fair impression, he asserts the material in the photos is “very disturbing.”

He hasn't even read the book.

Just like you.

Just relying on Breitbart- and Breitbart would never be partisan about anything.....

No context would save that shit.

Syriusly needs no context other than if it is leftist = correct good wholesome and Eternal Truth, but if conservative it is vile evil debased and wrong.


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