Liberal Big Tech is a Boot Stamping on Face of Diamond and Silk For EVER


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
The complete silence of the liberal establishment on how FB is stifling Diamond and Silk and justifying by asserting that they are a danger to the community tells us many things.

1. It tells us that liberals are AOK with corporate abuse of power as long as it is against conservative people.

2. The consider any minority conservatives to be a threat to their monopoly of the narratives in these communities.

3. They have no problem with people being silenced for their opinions.

We need to break up Face Book as a monopoly and give social forums more competition with the same tech.

Delingpole: Big Tech Is a Boot Stamping on the Face of Diamond and Silk Forever | Breitbart

But the thing that bothers me still more than all those liberal fascists out there who want to rebrand conservative free speech “hate speech” or “fake news” and drive it off the internet are the establishment conservative fuddy duddies who still don’t get how big the problem is.

A good example was a recent leader page article in the London Daily Telegraph titled “It is time to cut Mark Zuckerberg and the tech titans down to size”.

Yeah, I agree with the sentiment but the justification underneath was the usual bilge about hate speech, radicals, child bullying, drug dealing, Cambridge Analytica, inappropriate data usage, data protection, unregulated cyberspace, “fake news”, and all the other distracting preoccupations of the liberal elite regarding new media.

The issue of liberal bias got a mention in two fleeting sentences out of, perhaps, 1200 words.

Had this article appeared in a shamelessly left-liberal publication such as the New York Times or the Guardian, this ducking of the issue would have been understandable.​
Waaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh! The private company doesn't like the Trump supporters who I would hate if they weren't Trump supporters! Waaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh!
The complete silence of the liberal establishment on how FB is stifling Diamond and Silk and justifying by asserting that they are a danger to the community tells us many things.

1. It tells us that liberals are AOK with corporate abuse of power as long as it is against conservative people.

2. The consider any minority conservatives to be a threat to their monopoly of the narratives in these communities.

3. They have no problem with people being silenced for their opinions.

We need to break up Face Book as a monopoly and give social forums more competition with the same tech.

Delingpole: Big Tech Is a Boot Stamping on the Face of Diamond and Silk Forever | Breitbart

But the thing that bothers me still more than all those liberal fascists out there who want to rebrand conservative free speech “hate speech” or “fake news” and drive it off the internet are the establishment conservative fuddy duddies who still don’t get how big the problem is.

A good example was a recent leader page article in the London Daily Telegraph titled “It is time to cut Mark Zuckerberg and the tech titans down to size”.

Yeah, I agree with the sentiment but the justification underneath was the usual bilge about hate speech, radicals, child bullying, drug dealing, Cambridge Analytica, inappropriate data usage, data protection, unregulated cyberspace, “fake news”, and all the other distracting preoccupations of the liberal elite regarding new media.

The issue of liberal bias got a mention in two fleeting sentences out of, perhaps, 1200 words.

Had this article appeared in a shamelessly left-liberal publication such as the New York Times or the Guardian, this ducking of the issue would have been understandable.​
I heard them mentioned a couple times when Gowdy was grilling Zuckerberg last week. Has Diamond & Silk been allowed to come back on Facebook or Youtube yet?
The complete silence of the liberal establishment on how FB is stifling Diamond and Silk and justifying by asserting that they are a danger to the community tells us many things.

1. It tells us that liberals are AOK with corporate abuse of power as long as it is against conservative people.

2. The consider any minority conservatives to be a threat to their monopoly of the narratives in these communities.

3. They have no problem with people being silenced for their opinions.

We need to break up Face Book as a monopoly and give social forums more competition with the same tech.

Delingpole: Big Tech Is a Boot Stamping on the Face of Diamond and Silk Forever | Breitbart

But the thing that bothers me still more than all those liberal fascists out there who want to rebrand conservative free speech “hate speech” or “fake news” and drive it off the internet are the establishment conservative fuddy duddies who still don’t get how big the problem is.

A good example was a recent leader page article in the London Daily Telegraph titled “It is time to cut Mark Zuckerberg and the tech titans down to size”.

Yeah, I agree with the sentiment but the justification underneath was the usual bilge about hate speech, radicals, child bullying, drug dealing, Cambridge Analytica, inappropriate data usage, data protection, unregulated cyberspace, “fake news”, and all the other distracting preoccupations of the liberal elite regarding new media.

The issue of liberal bias got a mention in two fleeting sentences out of, perhaps, 1200 words.

Had this article appeared in a shamelessly left-liberal publication such as the New York Times or the Guardian, this ducking of the issue would have been understandable.​
ZOMG, for EVAH, he queefs..
The complete silence of the liberal establishment on how FB is stifling Diamond and Silk and justifying by asserting that they are a danger to the community tells us many things.

1. It tells us that liberals are AOK with corporate abuse of power as long as it is against conservative people.

2. The consider any minority conservatives to be a threat to their monopoly of the narratives in these communities.

3. They have no problem with people being silenced for their opinions.

We need to break up Face Book as a monopoly and give social forums more competition with the same tech.

the complete silence of conservative establishment on how Infowars and WND and every other contard website stifles and censors any content by liberals and regularly bans liberals from posting on their sites tells us one thing.

Contards are flaming hypocrites who only pretend to care about Capitalism when they are protecting their own pet industries.
The complete silence of the liberal establishment on how FB is stifling Diamond and Silk and justifying by asserting that they are a danger to the community tells us many things.

1. It tells us that liberals are AOK with corporate abuse of power as long as it is against conservative people.

2. The consider any minority conservatives to be a threat to their monopoly of the narratives in these communities.

3. They have no problem with people being silenced for their opinions.

We need to break up Face Book as a monopoly and give social forums more competition with the same tech.

Delingpole: Big Tech Is a Boot Stamping on the Face of Diamond and Silk Forever | Breitbart

But the thing that bothers me still more than all those liberal fascists out there who want to rebrand conservative free speech “hate speech” or “fake news” and drive it off the internet are the establishment conservative fuddy duddies who still don’t get how big the problem is.

A good example was a recent leader page article in the London Daily Telegraph titled “It is time to cut Mark Zuckerberg and the tech titans down to size”.

Yeah, I agree with the sentiment but the justification underneath was the usual bilge about hate speech, radicals, child bullying, drug dealing, Cambridge Analytica, inappropriate data usage, data protection, unregulated cyberspace, “fake news”, and all the other distracting preoccupations of the liberal elite regarding new media.

The issue of liberal bias got a mention in two fleeting sentences out of, perhaps, 1200 words.

Had this article appeared in a shamelessly left-liberal publication such as the New York Times or the Guardian, this ducking of the issue would have been understandable.​
They support evil. Fuck 'em.
The complete silence of the liberal establishment on how FB is stifling Diamond and Silk and justifying by asserting that they are a danger to the community tells us many things.

1. It tells us that liberals are AOK with corporate abuse of power as long as it is against conservative people.

2. The consider any minority conservatives to be a threat to their monopoly of the narratives in these communities.

3. They have no problem with people being silenced for their opinions.

We need to break up Face Book as a monopoly and give social forums more competition with the same tech.

Delingpole: Big Tech Is a Boot Stamping on the Face of Diamond and Silk Forever | Breitbart

But the thing that bothers me still more than all those liberal fascists out there who want to rebrand conservative free speech “hate speech” or “fake news” and drive it off the internet are the establishment conservative fuddy duddies who still don’t get how big the problem is.

A good example was a recent leader page article in the London Daily Telegraph titled “It is time to cut Mark Zuckerberg and the tech titans down to size”.

Yeah, I agree with the sentiment but the justification underneath was the usual bilge about hate speech, radicals, child bullying, drug dealing, Cambridge Analytica, inappropriate data usage, data protection, unregulated cyberspace, “fake news”, and all the other distracting preoccupations of the liberal elite regarding new media.

The issue of liberal bias got a mention in two fleeting sentences out of, perhaps, 1200 words.

Had this article appeared in a shamelessly left-liberal publication such as the New York Times or the Guardian, this ducking of the issue would have been understandable.​
They support evil. Fuck 'em.

Once again, the party of tolerance, inclusiveness, and diversity rears its ugly head.

So black folks are only ok when they support your narrative? Got it.
Once again, the party of tolerance, inclusiveness, and diversity rears its ugly head.

So black folks are only ok when they support your narrative? Got it.
We can't have no uppity negroes puttin' ideers in the darky's heads.
The complete silence of the liberal establishment on how FB is stifling Diamond and Silk and justifying by asserting that they are a danger to the community tells us many things.

1. It tells us that liberals are AOK with corporate abuse of power as long as it is against conservative people.

2. The consider any minority conservatives to be a threat to their monopoly of the narratives in these communities.

3. They have no problem with people being silenced for their opinions.

We need to break up Face Book as a monopoly and give social forums more competition with the same tech.

Delingpole: Big Tech Is a Boot Stamping on the Face of Diamond and Silk Forever | Breitbart

But the thing that bothers me still more than all those liberal fascists out there who want to rebrand conservative free speech “hate speech” or “fake news” and drive it off the internet are the establishment conservative fuddy duddies who still don’t get how big the problem is.

A good example was a recent leader page article in the London Daily Telegraph titled “It is time to cut Mark Zuckerberg and the tech titans down to size”.

Yeah, I agree with the sentiment but the justification underneath was the usual bilge about hate speech, radicals, child bullying, drug dealing, Cambridge Analytica, inappropriate data usage, data protection, unregulated cyberspace, “fake news”, and all the other distracting preoccupations of the liberal elite regarding new media.

The issue of liberal bias got a mention in two fleeting sentences out of, perhaps, 1200 words.

Had this article appeared in a shamelessly left-liberal publication such as the New York Times or the Guardian, this ducking of the issue would have been understandable.​
They support evil. Fuck 'em.

Once again, the party of tolerance, inclusiveness, and diversity rears its ugly head.

So black folks are only ok when they support your narrative? Got it.
No. I support anybody if they're a good person.

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