wow...One HUGE reason to keep the Kerry's out of office...

Bonnie said:
Yes Lolita you are a shining example of virtue and a paragon of light..........Trouble is you are also a hypocrite and don't have the sense to know it. You judge others for having an opinion that differs from yours, and that is exactly what you accuse the so called christian right of doing
yeah well not everyone is a christian.
lolita715 said:
so you think homo sexual acts are wrong???


Their vile, abnormal acts are more than wrong, they are disgusting. I don't need to kiss their asses and not speak the truth to be tolerant. I couldn't care less what they do behind their closed doors but I certainly don't want their disease pouring out on to our streets and part of our mainstream society.
lolita715 said:
No it's not. I dont discriminate against gay people, i think its wrong and ignorant!!! Does everyone relize we live in 2004???

How exactly is believing homosexuality is wrong discriminating against gay people? I disagree with murder and stealing as well, am i discriminating against murdered and burglars?
-=d=- said:
I will never agree to disagree...
The position you take - equating Sexual CHOICE with Race is WRONG. No 'maybe' about it.


Enjoy your day.
do you think its ok to discrminate against gays but not race???
lolita715 said:
Bonnie said:
Yes Lolita you are a shining example of virtue and a paragon of light..........Trouble is you are also a hypocrite and don't have the sense to know it. You judge others for having an opinion that differs from yours, and that is exactly what you accuse the so called christian right of doing

yeah well not everyone is a christian.
What does that even mean????????????? :confused: in relation to what I stated
lolita715 said:
Thank god some logic!!!!!!

They are comparable if they ARE a pedophile or a rapist.

People Choose to Molest Children.

People Choose to Rape others.

Rapists and Child Molesters often claim they are victims of their impulses for such behaviour; that they were 'born that way'.

Homosexuality - actually, EVERYTHING we do - we do of our own free will. We make judgement calls on lesser of evils sometimes, but there is nothing anyone can 'force' you to do, nor are we 'forced by inate control' to engage in homosexual acts...heterosexual acts either. Both are complete the result of choices we make.

We cannot 'choose' to be Black...or White...Mike Jackson notwithstanding.
Avatar4321 said:
How exactly is believing homosexuality is wrong discriminating against gay people? I disagree with murder and stealing as well, am i discriminating against murdered and burglars?
I hope none of you ever have kids, and teach them to hate gay people and tell them there disgusting, they will never learn tolerance
-=d=- said:
They are comparable if they ARE a pedophile or a rapist.

People Choose to Molest Children.

People Choose to Rape others.

Rapists and Child Molesters often claim they are victims of their impulses for such behaviour; that they were 'born that way'.

Homosexuality - actually, EVERYTHING we do - we do of our own free will. We make judgement calls on lesser of evils sometimes, but there is nothing anyone can 'force' you to do, nor are we 'forced by inate control' to engage in homosexual acts...heterosexual acts either. Both are complete the result of choices we make.

We cannot 'choose' to be Black...or White...Mike Jackson notwithstanding.

Not only that they all involve a similar crime. Misuse of the powers to procreate.
lolita715 said:
I hope none of you ever have kids, and teach them to hate gay people and tell them there disgusting, they will never learn tolerance

We DO have tolerance. If we didn't, you and your pathetic rants would have been tossed aside from this board long ago. We are handicapped friendly. :)
lolita715 said:
I hope none of you ever have kids, and teach them to hate gay people and tell them there disgusting, they will never learn tolerance

Why not just answer the question? you have accused us of being intolerant. explain how we discriminate against homosexuals by believing homosexuality is wrong. Are we discriminating agianst murderers for thinking murder is wrong?
Avatar4321 said:
Why not just answer the question? you have accused us of being intolerant. explain how we discriminate against homosexuals by believing homosexuality is wrong. Are we discriminating agianst murderers for thinking murder is wrong?
Being gay does not hurt anyone!!! Its not violent, your born gay!!! Are you serious???
lolita715 said:
Being gay does not hurt anyone!!! Its not violent, your born gay!!! Are you serious???

It hurts me, it makes me sick. :)

Seriously though, disagreeing with their actions and believing it is wrong does not make us intolerant. Kicking their asses would be intolerant, and I don't believe you see anyone stating and/or advocating such actions.
lolita715 said:
Being gay does not hurt anyone!!! Its not violent, your born gay!!! Are you serious???

ther is a very big difference between forming an opinon about Homosexuality being wrong, and actually going out and physically hurting anyone for what ever reason.......There are laws agianst this it's called Assault.
And how dare you judge paretns for the morality they teach their own children........None of your business!!
lolita715 said:
Being gay does not hurt anyone!!! Its not violent, your born gay!!! Are you serious???

Yeah im serious. so why not answer the question. Im against stealing too. thats not violent, does that mean im discriminating against burglars?

homosexuality is a moral act. no one forces anyone to engaged in homosexual behavior between consenting adults.
jimnyc said:
It hurts me, it makes me sick. :)

Seriously though, disagreeing with their actions and believing it is wrong does not make us intolerant. Kicking their asses would be intolerant, and I don't believe you see anyone stating and/or advocating such actions.
Thank you I guess thats what I wanted to hear. If you dont believe in it at least your not one of those assholes who goes around beating up gay people. I have many gay friends and there all wonderful people, I dont look at them any different then any of my other friends
Bonnie said:
ther is a very big difference between forming an opinon about Homosexuality being wrong, and actually going out and physically hurting anyone for what ever reason.......There are laws agianst this it's called Assault.
And how dare you judge paretns for the morality they teach their own children........None of your business!!
I was judged by being anti war, I belive some one called in unpatriotic. So whats the difference??
-=d=- said:
They are comparable if they ARE a pedophile or a rapist.

People Choose to Molest Children.

People Choose to Rape others.

Rapists and Child Molesters often claim they are victims of their impulses for such behaviour; that they were 'born that way'.

Homosexuality - actually, EVERYTHING we do - we do of our own free will. We make judgement calls on lesser of evils sometimes, but there is nothing anyone can 'force' you to do, nor are we 'forced by inate control' to engage in homosexual acts...heterosexual acts either. Both are complete the result of choices we make.

We cannot 'choose' to be Black...or White...Mike Jackson notwithstanding.

I am not arguing the free will issue. Sure everything you do is of your own free will. I do see one difference that puts rapists and pedophiles in another league for me.

The Children did not choose to be molested.

The victims did not choose to be raped.

Homosexuals choose to perform those acts (evil as they may or may not be) consensually.

The consent of all parties involved separates gays from rapists and pedophiles in my opinion and makes them incomparable.
lolita715 said:
I was judged by being anti war, I belive some one called in unpatriotic. So whats the difference??

Well heres the thing........ready...everyone on this planet has opinons and make judgements.Thats life, deal with it.
It is everyone's right to do so.. Chritians as well! If you are so sure of you own beliefs, then why do you care what anyone else thinks???

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