Would you agree to higher taxes in exchange for healthcare and college at no-cost?

No better or worse than the US....

All the more reason to stop the insanity, you want to go to college then YOU pay for it. I have no desire to fund you

Equal access to Education gives every child a more equal access at life. If a child is smart & studies hard he has an equal chance of advancement as a child who parents are rich.

Public education is generally cheaper than Private. Education pays a 9 to 1 on extra taxes collected later in life.

So you might not want to pay for it but US society needs Engineers, Doctors, Nurses.... then US deserve the best ones...
And we also pay for useless degrees with no demand...

Do we get a refund for those???

Besides, if you are a Doctor, Nurse, or Engineer, you're knocking off a pretty good paycheck (if you're not a dud)... Scholarships are available to get you started (if you're bright enough), and you can afford to repay your loans.

Useless degree are not applied for when all degrees are affordable,
This system is in nearly every country in Europe. College courses cost about $2500 a year, for every course.

How much debt do you want students to accumulate at such a young age. Do banks trust them? Why does the student have to risk all, they can't even claim bankruptcy on it.

Scholarships are method of one group offering charity on to another. The receiver is not getting it by right. It means that rich can alway put themselves at the top and give scraps... By the way the rich receive most of the scholarships any way.

It's amazing how much fallacious crap you can cram into a single post.

Again does anyone on the right actually know how to debate
I'm on a smart phone. It's a fact. Government use to subsidize state schools and teabaggers demanded cuts. What do I have to fucking educate you? You giving me homework? I'm your bitch now? Google boy.
I'm not your bitches to verify your claims.

You made a Bullshit claim that a political party played a role in controlling tuition costs.
I asked what authority either party has to do such a thing.

Your claim = your burden of proof
“Public education is under attack. We are living through a movement in which schooling is being radically re-envisioned as a private rather than a public enterprise, with little debate over whether the ideology of the free market belongs in American schools in the first place.”

Diane Ravitch – Former US Assistant Secretary of Education

Turds like you never question whether the ideology of big government belongs in schools, do they?
See every one? Once you prove to a Republican that the GOP is anti public schools, they will switch from denying it to defending it. So at least now we have one fucktard who admits they are anti public education. Thanks bripat9643 for at least being honest.

We already had this debate, about 200 fucking years ago. And moderates and independents need to realize what the Republican agenda is. And what it is IS no good for middle class and poor Americans. If you are rich this works great because it will lower your taxes and you can afford private school for your kids.

I remember a system like that before America. It was called England. The rich had great schools. The small working class merchants didn't complain but the masses commonly referred to as the rabble didn't have it so good. This is what you will return us to you fuck. And are you sure you, your neighbors, your kids, your other relatives and your friends will all do well in this new America? I say they won't. You're dumb.

We had universal public education in America 200 years ago? I'll be damned! I didn't know that.

BTW, you never answered my question: do you ever question whether the ideology of big government belongs in schools?

do you ever question whether the ideology of big government belongs in schools?
Well it is better than a conspiracy nutjob like you. Truth is you want to teach distorted versions of facts. You constantly lie on this forum.
You have next to no debating skills (insulting is not a debating skill).
Is government always Ideal, No. But it is far better than people like you.
That just sounds like jealousy.

Yes liberal countries are better educated, lower crime rates, better access to healthcare and education... They also retire earlier and have a higher quality of life.

And they are going broke doing it

No better or worse than the US....

All the more reason to stop the insanity, you want to go to college then YOU pay for it. I have no desire to fund you

Equal access to Education gives every child a more equal access at life. If a child is smart & studies hard he has an equal chance of advancement as a child who parents are rich.

Public education is generally cheaper than Private. Education pays a 9 to 1 on extra taxes collected later in life.

So you might not want to pay for it but US society needs Engineers, Doctors, Nurses.... then US deserve the best ones...

GOvernment schools are vastly more expensive than private schools. Where did you get this crap that they're cheaper? Also, where did you get this factoid that education pays a 9 to 1 on extra taxes collected later in life? That sounds entirely made up to me.

IF you believe public schools give a kid an "equal chance" ad advancement, you are delusional. Half the students graduate from public schools without even being able to read.

"GOvernment schools are vastly more expensive than private schools."
Again with the grammar mistakes.

This is just plain manure... So don't really need to go much further...
Lol, the employees you get from over here even get a huge tax credit, so we don't get a return on the investment.

It varies, nothing as good as in Europe.. Ireland especially.

I can hire a guy in Ireland for 9 months if he is on welfare for nothing and then get €10,000 if take him on for 6 months.

That really takes away my risk... It still costs me other stuff and invest a lot in new employees, but I like investing in people.

Some European countries are very business friendly especially if you are in the manufacturing or R&D. They promote high end jobs which drive an economy. The government actually try and help at every chance.
Then invest in them and your business, and quit acting like a lazy welfare Lib looking for a handout from US taxpayers.

I am not.. I did not complain, I just pointed out the difference.

I am in business in America having to take higher risks there than I do in Ireland. I still do it. The risk is calculated.

I do invest in US staff but I am just pointing out that some GOP policies make it harder to do business rather than easier.
Then invest in your business, instead of looking for a government handout.

Again not asking, just pointing out the GOP policies are making US uncompetitive.
For a company that you admits banks it's profits overseas, and we can't collect taxes from our own people that work over there. That's corporate welfare when you ask for handouts.

But I have a suggestion. A lot of US companies actually offer to help send their people to college (or even pay all the cost) as part of their benefits package. If you are that concerned about retaining good, quality workers here, maybe you should consider that. Hell, if you do that, we wouldn't even object if you transfer them elsewhere after you invest that money in them.
1. Public colleges are cheaper then most private colleges.
2. Why should we allow public colleges to act like corporations? We should vote on any increases in tuition! It is them that should serve us.

3. Free tuition has been proven to work!
I think Ted's problem is he doesn't understand how bad US public education is. It's horrible and there is no end to it in site. I have no idea what state Irish public schools are in but I'd be willing to bet they are in better shape than ours.
I think Ted's problem is he doesn't understand how bad US public education is. It's horrible and there is no end to it in site. I have no idea what state Irish public schools are in but I'd be willing to bet they are in better shape than ours.
I don't think he understands anything if he thinks US taxpayers should foot the bill to increase HIS profits, especially when he's running an overseas company.
Which purposes do our taxes go to? This is kind of regarding the controversy in the US. For higher taxes (how high would you allow? 30% or more?) Instead of payment changes per school district, a fixed amount budget per school. College at no cost as in tuition is 0, still paid by taxes. No payment per semester/quarter. Don't need loans for education.
However I suppose too many people won't accept my idea just calling it stupid.

If you think those things are expensive now, wait until they're "free."
I think Ted's problem is he doesn't understand how bad US public education is. It's horrible and there is no end to it in site. I have no idea what state Irish public schools are in but I'd be willing to bet they are in better shape than ours.
Schools in metro Detroit produce ceo's, schools in Detroit do not. The difference is night and day. I'm a white dude who went to Detroit public schools till 4th grade. When I left I was 1 of 3 whites in the whole school. Those kids don't stand a chance. The counselor at my new white school told my mom the only thing my bro and I learned, my mother taught me. So imagine how many of those kids have bad parents? Now consider those teachers only make $25k a year. You're not going to get the best teachers.

Today I'm a successful college grad and my bro went to msu and now is a VP of a major corporation. The public schools in white neighborhoods are great.
Seeing that every single one of the top 10 best educational systems on earth are public...Well, it is up to us to fix our colleges and schools.

Cutting and gutting isn't the solution!

I doubt that the current public education system is top tier. Our children attend private schools and their scores rank in as some of the highest in the state.
Seeing that every single one of the top 10 best educational systems on earth are public...Well, it is up to us to fix our colleges and schools.

Cutting and gutting isn't the solution!
In the early 20th century the newspaper giants were killing it. They wanted to do better so they cut paperboy pay. They forced the paperboys to organize. Why when they were doing great would they do such a thing? Because corporations do not care.
Seeing that every single one of the top 10 best educational systems on earth are public...Well, it is up to us to fix our colleges and schools.

Cutting and gutting isn't the solution!
In the early 20th century the newspaper giants were killing it. They wanted to do better so they cut paperboy pay. They forced the paperboys to organize. Why when they were doing great would they do such a thing? Because corporations do not care.

Paperboys the world around enjoy lucrative careers due to their valiant efforts.
Seeing that every single one of the top 10 best educational systems on earth are public...Well, it is up to us to fix our colleges and schools.

Cutting and gutting isn't the solution!

I doubt that the current public education system is top tier. Our children attend private schools and their scores rank in as some of the highest in the state.
Public school teachers make more. How do you attract the best without paying the best? This goes against all logic.
Seeing that every single one of the top 10 best educational systems on earth are public...Well, it is up to us to fix our colleges and schools.

Cutting and gutting isn't the solution!

I doubt that the current public education system is top tier. Our children attend private schools and their scores rank in as some of the highest in the state.
Public school teachers make more. How do you attract the best without paying the best? This goes against all logic.
Then why are so many public school systems failing???

You have to look at the quality of the teachers, instead of just throwing money at them.
Seeing that every single one of the top 10 best educational systems on earth are public...Well, it is up to us to fix our colleges and schools.

Cutting and gutting isn't the solution!

I doubt that the current public education system is top tier. Our children attend private schools and their scores rank in as some of the highest in the state.
Keeping them away from those lazy, stupid blacks? What state?
Seeing that every single one of the top 10 best educational systems on earth are public...Well, it is up to us to fix our colleges and schools.

Cutting and gutting isn't the solution!

I doubt that the current public education system is top tier. Our children attend private schools and their scores rank in as some of the highest in the state.
Public school teachers make more. How do you attract the best without paying the best? This goes against all logic.
Then why are so many public school systems failing???

You have to look at the quality of the teachers, instead of just throwing money at them.
Mainly where SOCIETY is failing...those lazy, stupid blacks again...

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