Worshipping The Evil Rich

Both parties have been pandering to the needs of the superwealthy for the last 40 years.

Naturally this has come back to bite us ALL on the ass.

Now wealth is so disproportionately distributed that we're having a deflationary depression.

Now, had both parties pandered to the needs of the working classes to the same extent, we'd ALSO be in economic trouble, but one of a different type.

In that case we'd be dealing with runaway INflation.

This is so elementary, that I find it hard to understand how so many (otherwise obviously intelligent people) are missing it.

Newsflash. Wealth is not distributed. It is earned.
I am thoroghly fascinated by the constant carping about how so few have so much. However when pressing the complainers, invariably the complainers look to government to solve their problem. That problem is jealousy.
Not one of you who whine not about what others have, but what YOU do not have has any solution other than to slap those who you see as "having enough" or "having too much" with confiscatory taxes. All except those wealthy people on YOUR side of the aisle.
You people ,you lefties are so buried in your class envy that you fail to notice that many of the wealthiest people on the planet vote liberal and contribute financially to liberal/socialist causes. You are too stupid to realize that it is the goal of the super welathy to keep control setting up a system of a welathy elite ruling class.
George Soros and Rupert Murdoch are two of the biggest libs on planet Earth. And you think because Murdoch's communications properties have a conservative editorial bias he is one of the rich people you hate so much. He's one of YOU.
No the agreement is not one-sided. In the last ten years, unions hae been giving back salary and benefits to prevent layoffs. If unions are so powerful, why has the standard of living decreased?
A union just forces you to deal with all employees at once

Please give us references to what your talking about, leftwinger.
You do realize that more people are NOT in a union, right?

Lower pay plus fewer benefits= lower standard of living
Unions blew the bell curve on pay vs value.
Look, this nonsense of "lower pay fewer benefits" is the old pro-labor mantra. There isn't a single union boss who looked at a firm's balance sheet to see what percentage of their gross revenue could or better, should be spent on labor. All the union people cared about is how much they got paid and creating work rules to preserve employment for their members.
The bottom line is this. In business, an employees value to the company is proportional to the ability of that employee to help the business turn a profit.
Businesses DO NOT operate to hire employees. The first priority of a business is to create a positive return on investment for the owners and the investors. Period.
Over the years, buisnesses came to the realization that they no longer had to bend over and grab their ankles every time the union contract came up for negotiation.
In the last 50 years, union membership in the private sector has decreased from over 30% to the present 7%. Gee, I wonder why.
GWB earned all of his wealth?

Some was inherited. What's your point?
The bottom line is the wealth he inherited was earned by his family.

Umm wasn't some of it from taxpayer funding in a stadium?
MUncipalities fund these venues by choice. The normal course is the local political and business establishments love to spend money on shiny new thingys. Sports venues, amss transit schemes that taxpayers subsidize anyway are feathers in the political cap.
Lastly, 90% of all pro sports teams operate at a loss. These are essentially tax write-offs. So if you're asking if Bush earned some of his wealth from the Rangers, the answer is no.
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Some was inherited. What's your point?
The bottom line is the wealth he inherited was earned by his family.

Umm wasn't some of it from taxpayer funding in a stadium?
MUncipalities fund these venues by choice. The normal course is the local political and business establishments love to spend money on shiny new thingys. Sports venues, amss transit schemes that taxpayers subsidize anyway are feathers in the political cap.
Lastly, 90% of all pro sports teams operate at a loss. These are essentially tax write-offs.SDO if yopu're asking if Bush earned some of his wealth from the Rangers, the answer is no.

Figures, about like he ran the government. Into the ground.
Bullshit. I couldn't care less how many yachts Angelo Mozila owned.
Work in a town that exists thanks to their yacht factory.

See how much you care then.

Somehow I doubt there are as many people affected as, say, the textile industry. Nice try, though.
And what do you think rich people do with their money? Let it sit in municipal bonds? No they reinvest it. They put money into textile firms or yacht manufacturers or paper mills, or hedge funds which invest in all those things too.

Their money never stops working and afford you the ability to have a job.

Thank you for proving you haven't a clue how an economy works.

And thanks for providing the textile mill example. Why do you think they left the US? They were being hampered on the ablility to find a good return on investment. Profits go down, investors won't sink their money in, and the firm gets shaky. So they move to where business CAN yield a good profit, and investors come back with more money.

Your problem isn't with rich people, it's with their ability to be mobile with their capital and being underbid by other nations. It is up to you to make yourself a good investment, and right now, libs have no interest in doing this. They seem to think that if they think good enough thoughts and are kind and sensitive people will give the the life they want for nothing more.

Umm wasn't some of it from taxpayer funding in a stadium?
MUncipalities fund these venues by choice. The normal course is the local political and business establishments love to spend money on shiny new thingys. Sports venues, amss transit schemes that taxpayers subsidize anyway are feathers in the political cap.
Lastly, 90% of all pro sports teams operate at a loss. These are essentially tax write-offs.SDO if yopu're asking if Bush earned some of his wealth from the Rangers, the answer is no.

Figures, about like he ran the government. Into the ground.
Well, he spent like a liberal. Largest increses in social spending came during the Bush years. GWB spent his 8 years in office stealing democrat issues and spending like a democrat.
THese things we conservatives had always objected to.

BTW, the Ranger organization was not run into the ground. Like most other pro sports teams, the Rangers operated at a loss. However compared to some other franchises, Texas was a success.

Is there anything else you want?
MUncipalities fund these venues by choice. The normal course is the local political and business establishments love to spend money on shiny new thingys. Sports venues, amss transit schemes that taxpayers subsidize anyway are feathers in the political cap.
Lastly, 90% of all pro sports teams operate at a loss. These are essentially tax write-offs.SDO if yopu're asking if Bush earned some of his wealth from the Rangers, the answer is no.

Figures, about like he ran the government. Into the ground.
Well, he spent like a liberal. Largest increses in social spending came during the Bush years. GWB spent his 8 years in office stealing democrat issues and spending like a democrat.
THese things we conservatives had always objected to.

BTW, the Ranger organization was not run into the ground. Like most other pro sports teams, the Rangers operated at a loss. However compared to some other franchises, Texas was a success.

Is there anything else you want?

the winning Powerball numbers for this Wednesday?
MUncipalities fund these venues by choice. The normal course is the local political and business establishments love to spend money on shiny new thingys. Sports venues, amss transit schemes that taxpayers subsidize anyway are feathers in the political cap.
Lastly, 90% of all pro sports teams operate at a loss. These are essentially tax write-offs.SDO if yopu're asking if Bush earned some of his wealth from the Rangers, the answer is no.

Figures, about like he ran the government. Into the ground.
Well, he spent like a liberal. Largest increses in social spending came during the Bush years. GWB spent his 8 years in office stealing democrat issues and spending like a democrat.
THese things we conservatives had always objected to.

BTW, the Ranger organization was not run into the ground. Like most other pro sports teams, the Rangers operated at a loss. However compared to some other franchises, Texas was a success.

Is there anything else you want?

Typical Republican

What? We didn't elect him

Must have been some Democrats and Libruls that voted for the guy. Did Reagan spend like a liberal too? Has there ever been a Conservative who did not "spend like a liberal"??
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Fuck it all. We should just make 'being rich' illegal and not stop punishing the rich until all American's are punished equaly. These 'financial extremists' must be stopped. All companies over a certain size should be controlled by the gubmint. It's time to start the "War on Financial Terror" and invade lower Manhattan!!!! "Death to Success!!! Death to Success!!! Death to Success!!!"
C'mon everyone!!! Burn a dollar bill in protest!!!!!! [/sarcasm]

I know you wrote this tongue-in-cheek, but you aren't far wrong, Jeremy. We have laws in this country that should have prevented the formation of mega-banks, etc. and these laws were not enforced. Under the Sherman Anti-Trust Act, no merger or acquisition of public companies can be accomplished without approval of the SEC (if they are a certain size or larger). The SEC is supposed to test legality by measuring whether market strength will be unduly concentrated after the planned transaction.

We have been screwed.
This is what becomes of a man who steals and destroys with a suit on......

Ex-Countrywide CEO Settles With SEC For $67.5M : NPR

This is what becomes of a man who steals and destroys wearing blue jeans....

Death To Gang Members: The Feds' New Tactic : NPR

We have a class war going on in this country. Wake The Fuck Up, people. The rich are NOT your friends.

How many jobs have you gotten from a poor man?

And why do you hate rich people?

I don't hate anyone. I am astounded as I watch the mega-rich buying our electoral process and bumfuddled at my fellow Americans who cannot sell their vote fast enough.

I know what motivates Karl Rove. WTF motivates you to cooperate with him in your own demise escapes me, Lonestar.

And to answer your question: I was a lawyer, and many in my profession live well off what they earn by representing the poor. But I was not one; the work I have done for people who could not afford me, I did for free.
How many of the top 2% actually wind up PAYING the top rate?

Rush clarified this issue rather well. When you are rich and have the ability to keep money from the government on principle because you KNOW how badly you're being fucked over to support lazy ingrates, you do it when you can. You hire that accounting firm to keep your cash safe from assholes who have no idea what it is to do a real job, meet a payroll, mind investments, or even how to stay in a budget.

A 50k investment to save millions is always money well spent. And you know what? They deserve to protect what the thieves in government are trying to steal for 'the sake of the children'. Yeah well, maybe if they'd stop condescending to minorities and thinking they can't make it 'without them' and get real jobs themselves, their lot in life would improve. You know who's really evil here? Bureaucrats and do-gooders who think they have the right and responsibility to steal from others to accomplish goals they feel need to be accomplished. Put your own damn money in if you feel drawn to help the poor. Quit shoving the government's gun in the face of others do do what they don't want.

That is evil, and so are those who think that way.

No, it is not evil. Nobody has a patriotic duty to pay a dollar more in tax than he owes. However, it could be considered evil to pay lobbysists and fund campaigns so that a new tax loophole is created to shelter ever-more of your income. It could be considered evil to hire public relations experts to help convince those you steal from that giving you even more money is the right thing to do.

Obama: GOP favors tax loopholes that send jobs overseas - TheHill.com


Meh, I am not interested in the souls of the mega-rich; I am interested in trying to reach my fellow Americans with a message that we have been and are being sold a bill of goods. Common sense should tell you, your self-interest does not lie with the Rupert Murdochs and Karl Roves -- it lies with your fellow working man.
Both parties have been pandering to the needs of the superwealthy for the last 40 years.

Naturally this has come back to bite us ALL on the ass.

Now wealth is so disproportionately distributed that we're having a deflationary depression.

Now, had both parties pandered to the needs of the working classes to the same extent, we'd ALSO be in economic trouble, but one of a different type.

In that case we'd be dealing with runaway INflation.

This is so elementary, that I find it hard to understand how so many (otherwise obviously intelligent people) are missing it.

Newsflash. Wealth is not distributed. It is earned.
I am thoroghly fascinated by the constant carping about how so few have so much. However when pressing the complainers, invariably the complainers look to government to solve their problem. That problem is jealousy.
Not one of you who whine not about what others have, but what YOU do not have has any solution other than to slap those who you see as "having enough" or "having too much" with confiscatory taxes. All except those wealthy people on YOUR side of the aisle.
You people ,you lefties are so buried in your class envy that you fail to notice that many of the wealthiest people on the planet vote liberal and contribute financially to liberal/socialist causes. You are too stupid to realize that it is the goal of the super welathy to keep control setting up a system of a welathy elite ruling class.
George Soros and Rupert Murdoch are two of the biggest libs on planet Earth. And you think because Murdoch's communications properties have a conservative editorial bias he is one of the rich people you hate so much. He's one of YOU.

The "earning power" of the mega-rich derives predominately from their market position and their ability to bully Congress, etc. The local purse snatcher also "earns" his income under your definition.
Yep, that's Lonestar logic for ya! More code words kept alive by the rabid righties.

Code words? I asked two simple questions. There are NO code words. Perhaps your tinfoil hat is on too tight.

"Why do you hate rich people?"
"Why do you envy the rich?"

From the book "Brave New World," are found the words [paraphrased] "Say something subliminally 30,000 times and it becomes truth." In Huxley's "Utopia," hypnopaedia was designed as a method of mass indoctrination including playing a tape to a group over and over, instead of individualized learning. Utopia’s children are only taught the quantity and quality of information needed to fulfill their designated role in their society.

Nice dodge, now try answering the questions.
The rich don't "give" you jobs.

You provide labor for which they make a hefty profit. If they stop making a profit off of your labor, they fire you

There is a delicate balance between the wage that is paid (does it provide enough to live on and maintain some quality of life?) and the amount of profit margin off of the employee.

No need to keep displaying your utter stupidity. We figured your dumbass out a long time ago.

"We" did? :lol: Who is "we"?? "We" in your camp has it all backward.

We as in the majority of fair-minded conservatives that frequent this forum. That's leaves you out.
This is what becomes of a man who steals and destroys with a suit on......

Ex-Countrywide CEO Settles With SEC For $67.5M : NPR

This is what becomes of a man who steals and destroys wearing blue jeans....

Death To Gang Members: The Feds' New Tactic : NPR

We have a class war going on in this country. Wake The Fuck Up, people. The rich are NOT your friends.

How many jobs have you gotten from a poor man?

And why do you hate rich people?

I don't hate anyone. I am astounded as I watch the mega-rich buying our electoral process and bumfuddled at my fellow Americans who cannot sell their vote fast enough.

I know what motivates Karl Rove. WTF motivates you to cooperate with him in your own demise escapes me, Lonestar.

And to answer your question: I was a lawyer, and many in my profession live well off what they earn by representing the poor. But I was not one; the work I have done for people who could not afford me, I did for free.

Mega-rich? You mean folks like George Soros?

Tell us, what motivates Karl Rove?

And what makes you think I cooperate with him?

You working for free is supposed to answer my questions? Well then the answer to "how many jobs have you gotten from a poor man" is none. But it doesn't address the second question as to why you hate us rich folk.

"The US Economic Census indicates that attorneys median income is $165,000 a year it also indicates that the revenue per employee in law offices is $288,000."

"A legal aid attorney may make as little as $26,000-$40,000 in a small town. A senior partner in white collar crime defense at a large firm in New York can earn in excess of $1 million per year."

You lawyers are really living paycheck to paycheck huh? Poor thang!

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