World Religions


Oct 5, 2012
If anyone says that his/her religion is the only path to God and that other paths lead to hell, I have one humble question. The question is for every religion without any trace of partiality. The simple question is: Today I have heard your Religion and if I follow that, I reach God and if I refuse I will go to the hell for my own fault. This is very much reasonable. But before your ancestors discovered our country, the literature or even the name of your religion was not known to our ancestor and he could not reach God for no fault of him. But your ancestor reached God through your religion at that time.

Even if I assume that my ancestor will take rebirth now and will follow your religion to reach God, such possibility is ruled out because you say that there is no rebirth for the soul. Thus my ancestor suffered forever for no fault of him and the responsibility for this falls on the partiality of God. Had the God been impartial, He could have revealed your religion to all the countries at a time. Had that happened, my ancestor might have also reached God as your ancestor. Therefore your statement proves your own God partial.

The only way left over to you to make your God impartial is that you must accept that your God appeared in all the countries at a time in various forms and preached your path in various languages. The same form did not appear everywhere and the same language does not exist everywhere. The syllabus and explanation are one and the same, though the media and teachers are different. Can you give any alternative reasonable answer to my question other than this? Certainly not! Any person of any religion to any other religion can pose this question.

Moreover every religion states that their God only created this world. Unfortunately this world is one only and every God cannot create the same world. There are no many worlds to justify that each God created His own world. Therefore any human being with an iota of commonsense has to agree that there is only one impartial God who created this one world and He came in different forms to different countries and preached the same path in all the languages simultaneously at one time.

Let this logic sword of the divine knowledge cut the rigid conservatism of the religious fans in this world to establish the Universal Peace. I need not beg all these religious followers to be united and harmonious to each other for the sake of world peace. Such begging appeals are made enough in the past. The religious fans feel that there is no unity really in the religions but they have to be united since their kind hearts melted by these appeals. Thus a temporary change was only brought. At the maximum one generation of the followers got united. The next generation fights with each other because they feel that there is no real unity in them due to lack of the real unity in their religious scriptures.

A permanent solution for this does not lie in the begging appeals, which may or may not unite the followers. Even if the appeals unite such unity is not permanent. If the real unity in all the religious scriptures is exposed through the logical divine knowledge, the followers have to be united for generations together. Therefore, My attack is not on the hearts of the followers through love and kindness. My attack is on all the religious scriptures through intellectual logical analysis of divine knowledge. The unity of hearts through love can be only temporary. The unity of brains through intellectual analytical divine knowledge will be permanent. Hearts agree but brains realize. Agreement is temporary, but realization is permanent. Thus this is My first blow of My divine Conch shell for the permanent unity of all the religions aiming at eternal Universal Peace.
What about the religions that laim that the Earth(this world) is a God.

Yep--you are following the Judeo-Christian-Islamic line of religion. That group do not speak for all religions.
How about dropping the brands and labels. ;) Learn to put God first in all things, through Conscience, the Ambassador of the Soul. We Each learn to see through our own eyes, right? Where does one go from there? Be Fruitful, Multiply, Replenish the Earth. Bear Witness from your own unique perspective, and, tell the truth about what you see. We owe each other, at least that much.
What about the religions that laim that the Earth(this world) is a God.

Yep--you are following the Judeo-Christian-Islamic line of religion. That group do not speak for all religions.

Judea-Christian, at the least, puts the Earth and It's Forces, under God's Command.
How about dropping the brands and labels. ;) Learn to put God first in all things, through Conscience, the Ambassador of the Soul. We Each learn to see through our own eyes, right? Where does one go from there? Be Fruitful, Multiply, Replenish the Earth. Bear Witness from your own unique perspective, and, tell the truth about what you see. We owe each other, at least that much.
If you want to beat somebody, call him as dog and then beat him. Even though he is not a dog; you have confirmed him as a dog for all practical purposes, in order to beat him. Similarly, you want to capture Brahman or God, who is unimaginable and cannot be captured even by intensive process of imagination. Therefore, you name some imaginable item as Brahman, capture it and then claim that you have captured God. Whatever you named or subsequently captured is not the actual absolute God. You have captured some subtle part of the creation itself, and claim that you have captured Brahman, which is beyond Creation.

I will give a small illustration. One day yourself and your friends jumped for a long time and failed to touch the roof of your house. Therefore, all of you named the roof as unattainable, since it is untouchable by hand. For some years, you have practiced the high jump and could touch the roof by your hand. Now you declare that you have attained the unattainable. Actually the roof is not really and permanently unattainable item. The real and permanently unattainable item is the sky, which cannot be touched by you even through millions of births. Similarly, Brahman or God who is the Creator of this Universe is really and permanently unattainable, since He cannot be imagined even by the sharpest intelligence.

The reason for this is that God, the Creator, is beyond spatial dimensions, because He was the creator of this space. The Creator exists before the Creation of this space. This means that God existed even in the absence of the space before its creation. You can never imagine the absence of space, because you and your intelligence cannot go beyond space by continuous efforts even for millions of lives. Even the minutest, you imagine, must have minutest spatial dimensions. It can never imagine anything without dimensions. Therefore, when you say that you have captured or imagined something, it must be a part of the creation only. It might have not been captured till today due to lack of scientific analysis and sophisticated technical instruments and it does not mean that it is really unimaginable. It remained unimaginable for a period of time due to lack of equipment, just like the roof of your house remained untouchable for some time due to lack of practice in high jump. By touching the roof, you should not claim that you have touched the sky. By capturing the universal consciousness, you should not shout that you have captured God. Just like the roof is not the sky, the Universal Consciousness is not God.
What about the religions that laim that the Earth(this world) is a God.

Yep--you are following the Judeo-Christian-Islamic line of religion. That group do not speak for all religions.

Exhibition of miracles is necessary because the establishment of unimaginable item is possible only through miracles. Everybody is learning science for the sake of better living. Science keeps silent about the unimaginable item because science analyses and speaks always about the imaginable items of the creation. Since the entire creation is made of imaginable items, the creation is not unimaginable God. Science is always involved in the analysis of imaginable items only. Therefore, science deals with creation only and keeps silent about the unimaginable creator.

There cannot be multiplicity in the creator or the tools of creation. You are applying the logic of imaginable items to the unimaginable God and speak God, His power, the materials and tools for creation, etc. The logic of imaginable items can never apply in the unimaginable God. All the unimaginable items form only one unimaginable item since you cannot differentiate the boundaries of any two unimaginable items. It is always reasonable and meaningful to conclude God, His power, tools and materials as one entity only and call the single resulting unimaginable entity as God only. Even the process of creation is unimaginable and cannot be separated from God. The only imaginable item is this universe, which is the product of the process of unimaginable creation.
How about dropping the brands and labels. ;) Learn to put God first in all things, through Conscience, the Ambassador of the Soul. We Each learn to see through our own eyes, right? Where does one go from there? Be Fruitful, Multiply, Replenish the Earth. Bear Witness from your own unique perspective, and, tell the truth about what you see. We owe each other, at least that much.
It is true that if look from the brother hood stance without religion some people may get convinced. However sin cannot be controlled without the notion of God, hell and heaven.
What about the religions that laim that the Earth(this world) is a God.

Yep--you are following the Judeo-Christian-Islamic line of religion. That group do not speak for all religions.

This universe is only a created item by God and hence not God. God is beyond this universe and He is unimaginable and do not have any co-ordinates.

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