World Ignores Christian Exodus from Islamic World


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
Raymond Ibrahim is right. The world's media is very, very silent on this issue, but are so busy (as he rightly says) dmonizing Israel. How many articles have we even seen in our own newspapers about this?

World Ignores Christian Exodus from Islamic World

by Raymond Ibrahim
August 6, 2014 at 5:00 am

"They were trying to kill us... because we were Christians." — Teenage girl from Homs, Syria.

There have been house-to-house searches in Mali for Christians who might be in hiding, and people tortured into revealing Christian relatives. At least one pastor was beheaded.

It is to the media's shame that those who slaughter, behead, crucify and displace people for no other reason than that they are Christian rarely get media coverage, while Israel, which kills only in the context of trying to defend itself from rocket attacks and terrorism, and not out of religious bigotry, is constantly demonized.

Paying jizya [special poll tax for non-Muslims] is not only about money. It is about subjugation.

While the world fixates on the conflict between Israel and Hamas—and while most mainstream media demonize Israel for trying to survive amid a sea of Arab-Islamic hostility—similar or worse tragedies continue to go virtually ignored.

One of the most ancient Christian communities in the world, that of Iraq—which already had been decimated over the last decade, by Islamic forces unleashed after the ousting of Saddam Hussein—has now been wiped out entirely by the new "caliphate," the so-called Islamic State, formerly known by the acronym "ISIS

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World Ignores Christian Exodus from Islamic World
Nobody is ignoring it, but there isn't a whole lot we can do about it, especially when Iraqi forces abandon their posts in droves, not that I blame them.

The gulf states are funding ISIS. We should be blowing the kingdom of Saud to hell, but at this point ISIS has an impressive army and a lot of cash.

I believe it's inevitable, considering the capital they have on hand, that they will start pursuing HEU on the black market.

We're eventually all going to die in a Nuclear inferno for the mistakes we've made.
Sally----so many shariah cesspits lost their jewish population in the last century------they desperately
needed new victims. I have read that the victims in the shariah cesspit in which hubby was born --
now that the jews are gone are NOW----descendants of Ethiopians. ------who are actually muslims--
but------a bit darker in complexion-----than the other muslims--------so they get treated like
the jews used to be treated. There is no question----shariah cesspits are OBLIGATE caste societies---
they REQUIRE an underclass.. Historically---in some sharia cesspits----there were times when
conversion to the stink of islam became DISCOURAGED-----because an "all muslim" society---just
does not work. Almost 20% of the residents of Saudi Arabia are NON MUSLIM-----they have to
IMPORT their LOW CASTE-----in order to have accessible rape victims
It 's NOT GETTING ENOUGH PRESS (is that because jews control the media?)
Jeb: We Should Admit Every Christian from Syria, Iraq
Letting in refugees without proper screening "a bad idea," but we have a "duty" to admit Christians whose lives are threatened
Bradford Thomas

On Hannity Thursday, Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush said that while admitting refugees from the war-torn Middle East without proper screening is "a bad idea," we should admit every Iraqi and Syrian Christian whose life is in danger if they remain.


Jeb: We Should Admit Every Christian from Syria, Iraq

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