World Cup 2006 - No Haters Please

GotZoom said:
I'm sticking with Germany and Ecuador advancing. Ecuador has moments of greatness; they did beat Argentina and Brazil in qualifiying.

Their inconsistancy is going to hurt them though.

Poland beat Ecuador in a friendly 3-0 so this was nice revenge.

I think England will beat Paraguay (after Valdez and Santa Cruz, they just aren't that deep) and agree with you on Sweden and Argentina.

Ivory Coast will be the sleeper this year but they won't beat Argentina.

I thought CR looked good in their loss to Germany and I believe Ecuador didn't look that impressive in their win against Poland. It was a slow paced game but I must admit, EC was much better at swarming the ball and getting their players up and down the field as needed.

Perhaps it will be EC moving on, but I still think it will be CR. We'll see!
I really think that Brazil is going to take it all. And those new balls really fly! They are adding some huge power to the kicks.
no1tovote4 said:
I really think that Brazil is going to take it all.
I couldn't find US v. Czech for tomorrow on television. The game on 12th is going to be covered though. I'll be at work. :coffee3:
Kathianne said:
I couldn't find US v. Czech for tomorrow on television. The game on 12th is going to be covered though. I'll be at work. :coffee3:

Google has live updates, so if you are at work you might want to pull that up....
no1tovote4 said:
Google has live updates, so if you are at work you might want to pull that up....
No internet at bank, that we can access. :cry: I'll be checking when I get home.
Kathianne said:
No internet at bank, that we can access. :cry: I'll be checking when I get home.

Then begin a hostile takeover of the desk that can access it, make them report to you on the results immediately at the slightest change...

no1tovote4 said:
Then begin a hostile takeover of the desk that can access it, make them report to you on the results immediately at the slightest change...

Good idea! ;)
England moved the ball well, but not much else. It's a good think Paraguay scored a goal for them or they might have ended up in a tie.

I wasn't that impressed with their win and I am wondering if perhaps the European teams are thinking they can cruise through the first round because so far, they have all looked pretty lack-luster.

At least so far I have one win on my three game parlay. I hope Sweden wins by at least two!
Well, the game isn't yet over, but I see my parlay card going in the trash... hell, three of them since I had Sweden on three different cards.

I am convinced... the European teams are not taking the non-Euro teams seriously. T&T looked good, but considering they played the entire second half with just ten men, Sweden should have won this game.

I guess my strategy for here on out is to bet AGAINST the European teams (of course, that just means taking the points).

So far this WC isn't very exciting (well, maybe that's just because I am losing my bets!).
roomy said:
Come On England, Come On England.

I would like to see England do well, but you can't have been impressed with their play today. They looked pretty weak against a team they should have dominated.
roomy said:
They dominated pretty much for 60 mins until they took Owen off and left Crouch up front on his own, silly tactic if you ask me.I digress, Paraguay were very lucky to go in at half time only 1 down it could easily have been and should have have been 2/3 nil at half time.We will play much better against Trinidad and Tobago and when we win we will have qualified top of the group, the Sweden game will give some of the other lads a chance to play.

Granted, England definately controlled the ball much better and dominated in that regard, but they couldn't score. I was fairly impressed by T&T even though I was also unimpressed with Sweden. Sure, Sweden kept the ball on T&T's end of the field, but again, like England, they couldn't score.

All in all Brazil will most likely win, but it is looking like there could be some surprise teams. But alas, it is really too early to tell.
roomy said:
T&T have had their world cup, and I am pleased for them, sometimes you get upsets but I wouldn't hold my breath for any major shocks although I would like to see some as long as they don't concern England.You are right about Brazil being the team to beat.

LOL. Sounds like somebody is looking past T&T again! Don't be falling for their "we're so tiny so our team must suck" spin!

Why is it you get to play T&T and we have to play in Group E?!! Come on!

One thing for sure.... every four years during the WC I am reminded that Futbol players are the best actors on earth!
freeandfun1 said:
One thing for sure.... every four years during the WC I am reminded that Futbol players are the best actors on earth!

funny, notice the english get staright up.....latins are the worst
manu1959 said:
funny, notice the english get staright up.....latins are the worst

I'll pretty much agree with that. I've seen some players so busy putting on their acts that they miss out on opportunities to get up and get the ball in the goal or at least keep possesion on the opponents end of the field. Such a waste and very tiring to watch frankly as it wastes so much time.
Well, I find myself cheering for Mexico... no way in hell I would cheer for Iran.

Germany is strong, and plays a lot about the physical force (not like Brazil, who plays a lot with technical things ;) ).

I am for France of course, but I hope Germany will do great things, it's my 2nd favourite team :)

Brazil is the best team for the final victory.

Germany can also .

England : the match against Paraguay shows a quite weak team. they won, but with luck (autogoal of Paraguay).
Wait and see...

Netherlands are strong, and I like them too. :D

France can do great thnigs, they have several players who are really excellent : Zidane, Ribéry (dynamite !), Viera, Henry, Trézéguet....
But they have to have a good team play. If they have the same spirit and team play of 98 or 2000, they can win. or be finalist.

For me, the best this year are all the same BRAZIL !!!!!!!!!
roomy said:
Don't be suprised if we beat them by at least 3 clear goals.

Luck of the draw that you got the easiest group of the competition.Best USA team ever, I fancy them to go through to the knockout stage.

England is giving two points at the Casinos. I'm still trying to decide... take T7T and the points, or take England -2..... tuff decision.

Mexico looked pretty good in the 2nd half today. Sure, they were playing Iran, but they (Mexico) were fast and they showed pretty good technical skills. It will be interesting to see how well they do.
My dark horse is Italy, and I see Holland there or there abouts. To be honest I haven't been that impressed with Brazil of late. Take out Ronaldihno and maybe Kaka and they look pretty ordinary. Thought England played like crap, but the Argies looked impressive...
roomy said:
Today I expect Australia to beat Japan, USAvCzech Rep most likely a draw but hope the USA just sneak a win, ItalyvGhana is a formality for Italy but I would love to see an upset.

My picks for today are:

Japan (Even)
Czech Rep (-1/2)
Italy (-1)

On one Parlay Card I have the USA +1/2, but I'm not so sure about the US. I have a feeling the Czech Republic is going to come out fighting very hard. I hate to cheer against the USA, so I am thinking of not watching that game.

At 1/2 time Japan is winning 1 nil.

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