Workplace Discrimination based on Seual Orientation and Gender Identity Must End

Nobody has a right to have anyone else associate with them who does not wish to associate with them. Any such “right” would be irreconcilable with every individual's freedom of association.
Then crawl back under your rock. This is the 21st century. But seriously, I know that the finer points of arguments, the nuances of things are hard for you, but try to understand that there is a difference between private / social associations, and business associations.

What century it is is irrelevant.

Nobody has a right to force someone else to associate with them, who doesn't want that association. It was true in the 18th Century, it was true in the 19th century, it was true in the 20th century, it is true in the 21st, century, and it will be true in the 22nd century, and for as long as mankind exists.

Sorry normal sex scares you. Get help.

what is "normal"? and who are you to decide what other people should do?

The fact you have to ask speaks volumes about your apparent willful stupidity.
Yes we are a collective and as such we have determined that discrimination is NOT ONLY wrong but that it should not be allowed. The idea that people have a right to discriminate is absurd and abhorrent. People have a right NOT TO BE DISCRIMINATED AGAINST.

Nobody has a right to have anyone else associate with them who does not wish to associate with them. Any such “right” would be irreconcilable with every individual's freedom of association.

"ASSOCIATE" can be a very loosely defined term and lawyers could have a field day with it ..... if you choose to not associate with a fruit cake, such as lets say the OP. That's your right, but if that fruit cake is your co worker and your duties require you association with it ---- than are your rights being violated by being forced to associate with said fag ?
  • The Tenth Amendment establishes that the federal government has only those powers which the Constitution explicitly delegates to it. Nowhere in the Constitution is there anything that suggests any power on the part of the federal government to dictate with whom anyone may or must associate; therefore, per the Tenth Amendment, the federal government has no such power.
You are living in the pre civil war reality . Read the 14th Amendment

Read the 2nd Amendment....... punk
You have no freakin idea of who I am, what I want, or what my state of mind is

I'm GAY and I CAN'T GET UP !!!!!!!!


Another snowflake who is mad because he can't get extra special "Princess" treatment 24/7
You don't want "equality"'re an angry moron mad at the world who wants entitlements.
Me? You have no freakin idea of who I am, what I want, or what my state of mind is. If you think you do you must be psychotic or just that stupid

I'm GAY and I CAN'T GET UP !!!!!!!!


Another snowflake who is mad because he can't get extra special "Princess" treatment 24/7
You don't want "equality"'re an angry moron mad at the world who wants entitlements.
Me? You have no freakin idea of who I am, what I want, or what my state of mind is. If you think you do you must be psychotic or just that stupid
While many states have laws against workplace discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity, many others do not. For employers to be able to fire someone for posting his or her wedding photos on social media is a travesty. In that Congress is paralyses, and the fact that it will likely take decades longer for some states to come around and offer protections, it is imperative that the federal courts step in now.

Here is the current situation

Fortunately, issue is being brought to the forefront by a number of groups , spearheaded by View attachment 183879

47 Businesses, States, EEOC and Civil Rights Groups Urge Federal Court to End Sexual Orientation Employment Discrimination

47 businesses, attorneys general from 15 states and the District of Columbia, the nation’s leading LGBT rights organizations, and several other organizations submitted friend-of-the-court briefs to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit in support of Lambda Legal client Mark Horton, a gay man whose job offer from a St. Louis-based health management organization was withdrawn after the company’s owners learned Horton is gay.

The nation’s top corporations recognize that discrimination is bad for business. Our economy cannot thrive unless all people are welcome both as employees and customers,” said Omar Gonzalez-Pagan, Lambda Legal Staff Attorney. “Companies across all industries know that when an employee like Mark can bring their whole selves to work without fear of retaliation, they can focus on their jobs and succeed. Mark was recruited because of his recognized skills, which is what matters – and not his sexual orientation.”

There is a growing consensus among business leaders, government officials, and scholars, that discrimination against LGBT employees is not just wrong, but counter-productive,” Lambda Legal Employment Fairness Project Director Greg Nevins added.

Links to the various cases appear throughout the article.

Oh, wow!

Another Progressive Patriot thread that centers of his penchant for posting anything and everything about homosexuality, yet claims he is straight!

Big surprise!

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  • The Tenth Amendment establishes that the federal government has only those powers which the Constitution explicitly delegates to it. Nowhere in the Constitution is there anything that suggests any power on the part of the federal government to dictate with whom anyone may or must associate; therefore, per the Tenth Amendment, the federal government has no such power.
You are living in the pre civil war reality . Read the 14th Amendment

There is nothing in the Fourteenth Amendment—nor anywhere else in the Constitution—which supports your position.
The 14th extends the bill of rights to the states meaning that state law must comply with the bill of rights and that the tenth is not to be interpreted to mean that the states can violate federally mandated civil rights . I am fully aware of the fact that some of you entertain a "Texturalist of Originalist interpretation of the constitution ala Scalia but most constitutional scholars would agree with me.. Try getting 5 Scalias on SCOTUS and you might get some place with that horseshit
we had gays at our work one ever gave them trouble/etc
you are blowing this out of proportion just like the blacks do with race
''various cases''....people get fired/laid/off screwed over all the time by employers
please prove this deviant discrimination is a major, chronic problem

Tee hee hee!

You said "blowing"!

How gay can you get?

While many states have laws against workplace discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity, many others do not. For employers to be able to fire someone for posting his or her wedding photos on social media is a travesty. In that Congress is paralyses, and the fact that it will likely take decades longer for some states to come around and offer protections, it is imperative that the federal courts step in now.

Here is the current situation

Fortunately, issue is being brought to the forefront by a number of groups , spearheaded by View attachment 183879

47 Businesses, States, EEOC and Civil Rights Groups Urge Federal Court to End Sexual Orientation Employment Discrimination

47 businesses, attorneys general from 15 states and the District of Columbia, the nation’s leading LGBT rights organizations, and several other organizations submitted friend-of-the-court briefs to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit in support of Lambda Legal client Mark Horton, a gay man whose job offer from a St. Louis-based health management organization was withdrawn after the company’s owners learned Horton is gay.

The nation’s top corporations recognize that discrimination is bad for business. Our economy cannot thrive unless all people are welcome both as employees and customers,” said Omar Gonzalez-Pagan, Lambda Legal Staff Attorney. “Companies across all industries know that when an employee like Mark can bring their whole selves to work without fear of retaliation, they can focus on their jobs and succeed. Mark was recruited because of his recognized skills, which is what matters – and not his sexual orientation.”

There is a growing consensus among business leaders, government officials, and scholars, that discrimination against LGBT employees is not just wrong, but counter-productive,” Lambda Legal Employment Fairness Project Director Greg Nevins added.

Links to the various cases appear throughout the article.

Oh, wow!

Another Progressive Patriot thread that centers of his penchant for posting anything and everything about homosexuality, yet claims he is straight!

Big surprise!

Federal PA laws are unconstitutional.
Really Professor?? Based on......?
Please quote the enumerated power in the Constitution that gives the fed gov the right to tell a business how to run their company?
More evidence of your ignorance of constitutional law . I would try to school you on the importance of case law that establishes in-enumerated rights but I suspect that would be useless..
I dont need case law. I can read the document just fine. Can you not read it? IF you could, we wouldnt be arguing about this right now.
Really? Prey tell why??

The expression is "pray tell".

The only preying you do is apparently at a gay bar.
While many states have laws against workplace discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity, many others do not. For employers to be able to fire someone for posting his or her wedding photos on social media is a travesty. In that Congress is paralyses, and the fact that it will likely take decades longer for some states to come around and offer protections, it is imperative that the federal courts step in now.

Here is the current situation

Fortunately, issue is being brought to the forefront by a number of groups , spearheaded by View attachment 183879

47 Businesses, States, EEOC and Civil Rights Groups Urge Federal Court to End Sexual Orientation Employment Discrimination

47 businesses, attorneys general from 15 states and the District of Columbia, the nation’s leading LGBT rights organizations, and several other organizations submitted friend-of-the-court briefs to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit in support of Lambda Legal client Mark Horton, a gay man whose job offer from a St. Louis-based health management organization was withdrawn after the company’s owners learned Horton is gay.

The nation’s top corporations recognize that discrimination is bad for business. Our economy cannot thrive unless all people are welcome both as employees and customers,” said Omar Gonzalez-Pagan, Lambda Legal Staff Attorney. “Companies across all industries know that when an employee like Mark can bring their whole selves to work without fear of retaliation, they can focus on their jobs and succeed. Mark was recruited because of his recognized skills, which is what matters – and not his sexual orientation.”

There is a growing consensus among business leaders, government officials, and scholars, that discrimination against LGBT employees is not just wrong, but counter-productive,” Lambda Legal Employment Fairness Project Director Greg Nevins added.

Links to the various cases appear throughout the article.

Oh, wow!

Another Progressive Patriot thread that centers of his penchant for posting anything and everything about homosexuality, yet claims he is straight!

Big surprise!


Try again. Your posting skills failed you again.
Really Professor?? Based on......?
Please quote the enumerated power in the Constitution that gives the fed gov the right to tell a business how to run their company?
More evidence of your ignorance of constitutional law . I would try to school you on the importance of case law that establishes in-enumerated rights but I suspect that would be useless..
I dont need case law. I can read the document just fine. Can you not read it? IF you could, we wouldnt be arguing about this right now.
Really? Prey tell why??

The expression is "pray tell".

The only preying you do is apparently at a gay bar.
That's where I saw you Saylor boy!!
Really Professor?? Based on......?
Please quote the enumerated power in the Constitution that gives the fed gov the right to tell a business how to run their company?
More evidence of your ignorance of constitutional law . I would try to school you on the importance of case law that establishes in-enumerated rights but I suspect that would be useless..
I dont need case law. I can read the document just fine. Can you not read it? IF you could, we wouldnt be arguing about this right now.
Really? Prey tell why??

The expression is "pray tell".

The only preying you do is apparently at a gay bar.

I would quit doing jobs for homosexuals, but that's not against policy. I won't do any more around where the customer's dicksucker said "Oooo, it looks like an orgy" though.

I ain't one to judge people, just don't push your bullshit on me.
Me? You have no freakin idea of who I am, what I want, or what my state of mind is. If you think you do you must be psychotic or just that stupid

I know what you PRESENT yourself as on this forum "Progressive Patriot" and Rump Ranger.
Anything there not true?
Rump Ranger?? TO fucking stupid to respond to
Me? You have no freakin idea of who I am, what I want, or what my state of mind is. If you think you do you must be psychotic or just that stupid

I know what you PRESENT yourself as on this forum "Progressive Patriot" and Rump Ranger.
Anything there not true?
Rump Ranger?? TO fucking stupid to respond to
Me? You have no freakin idea of who I am, what I want, or what my state of mind is. If you think you do you must be psychotic or just that stupid

I know what you PRESENT yourself as on this forum "Progressive Patriot" and Rump Ranger.
Anything there not true?
Rump Ranger?? TO fucking stupid to respond to

While many states have laws against workplace discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity, many others do not. For employers to be able to fire someone for posting his or her wedding photos on social media is a travesty. In that Congress is paralyses, and the fact that it will likely take decades longer for some states to come around and offer protections, it is imperative that the federal courts step in now.

Here is the current situation

Fortunately, issue is being brought to the forefront by a number of groups , spearheaded by View attachment 183879

47 Businesses, States, EEOC and Civil Rights Groups Urge Federal Court to End Sexual Orientation Employment Discrimination

47 businesses, attorneys general from 15 states and the District of Columbia, the nation’s leading LGBT rights organizations, and several other organizations submitted friend-of-the-court briefs to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit in support of Lambda Legal client Mark Horton, a gay man whose job offer from a St. Louis-based health management organization was withdrawn after the company’s owners learned Horton is gay.

The nation’s top corporations recognize that discrimination is bad for business. Our economy cannot thrive unless all people are welcome both as employees and customers,” said Omar Gonzalez-Pagan, Lambda Legal Staff Attorney. “Companies across all industries know that when an employee like Mark can bring their whole selves to work without fear of retaliation, they can focus on their jobs and succeed. Mark was recruited because of his recognized skills, which is what matters – and not his sexual orientation.”

There is a growing consensus among business leaders, government officials, and scholars, that discrimination against LGBT employees is not just wrong, but counter-productive,” Lambda Legal Employment Fairness Project Director Greg Nevins added.

Links to the various cases appear throughout the article.

Oh, wow!

Another Progressive Patriot thread that centers of his penchant for posting anything and everything about homosexuality, yet claims he is straight!

Big surprise!


He's a flaming fruit cake - he already admitted it on another forum. He's as queer as a 3 dolar bill and likes to pretend he's straight as in his warped little mind it lends his arguments credibility.
No faggots allowed on my jobsite. GFY TPP. Seek government safety net measures.
Thank you for admitting that because of people like you , we need anti discrimination laws

Ask me how many fucks I give. Are you a steelworker? Mason? Oh, but you're not a faggot, just post things that a militant faggot would say every single time, amirite?

"we need" is you and your other faggots. If your needs are met, don't fuck with me, queer. You're going to have a very bad day if you do. I ain't kowtowing to any of your faggot bullshit, you're lucky you're not getting hung or castrated, okay? When you go try to force things on someone? Expect to reap the outcome in spades. We were willing to let you alone, but then you had to go and do that. I ain't bullshittin'.
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Me? You have no freakin idea of who I am, what I want, or what my state of mind is. If you think you do you must be psychotic or just that stupid

I know what you PRESENT yourself as on this forum "Progressive Patriot" and Rump Ranger.
Anything there not true?
Rump Ranger?? TO fucking stupid to respond to
Me? You have no freakin idea of who I am, what I want, or what my state of mind is. If you think you do you must be psychotic or just that stupid

I know what you PRESENT yourself as on this forum "Progressive Patriot" and Rump Ranger.
Anything there not true?
Rump Ranger?? TO fucking stupid to respond to
Me? You have no freakin idea of who I am, what I want, or what my state of mind is. If you think you do you must be psychotic or just that stupid

I know what you PRESENT yourself as on this forum "Progressive Patriot" and Rump Ranger.
Anything there not true?
Rump Ranger?? TO fucking stupid to respond to

While many states have laws against workplace discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity, many others do not. For employers to be able to fire someone for posting his or her wedding photos on social media is a travesty. In that Congress is paralyses, and the fact that it will likely take decades longer for some states to come around and offer protections, it is imperative that the federal courts step in now.

Here is the current situation

Fortunately, issue is being brought to the forefront by a number of groups , spearheaded by View attachment 183879

47 Businesses, States, EEOC and Civil Rights Groups Urge Federal Court to End Sexual Orientation Employment Discrimination

47 businesses, attorneys general from 15 states and the District of Columbia, the nation’s leading LGBT rights organizations, and several other organizations submitted friend-of-the-court briefs to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit in support of Lambda Legal client Mark Horton, a gay man whose job offer from a St. Louis-based health management organization was withdrawn after the company’s owners learned Horton is gay.

The nation’s top corporations recognize that discrimination is bad for business. Our economy cannot thrive unless all people are welcome both as employees and customers,” said Omar Gonzalez-Pagan, Lambda Legal Staff Attorney. “Companies across all industries know that when an employee like Mark can bring their whole selves to work without fear of retaliation, they can focus on their jobs and succeed. Mark was recruited because of his recognized skills, which is what matters – and not his sexual orientation.”

There is a growing consensus among business leaders, government officials, and scholars, that discrimination against LGBT employees is not just wrong, but counter-productive,” Lambda Legal Employment Fairness Project Director Greg Nevins added.

Links to the various cases appear throughout the article.

Oh, wow!

Another Progressive Patriot thread that centers of his penchant for posting anything and everything about homosexuality, yet claims he is straight!

Big surprise!


He's a flaming fruit cake - he already admitted it on another forum. He's as queer as a 3 dolar bill and likes to pretend he's straight as in his warped little mind it lends his arguments credibility.

Anyone with that avatar picture could NOT be straight and expect to ever get laid by any female unless there was a large sum of money being transferred.

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