Won't 'endorse tyranny and fascism", so she resigned

Oh my. Now anyone that stands up to Trump is a "patriot." That has to be the most misused word in the political dictionary.

"Anyone" is it? Where the fuck do you see "anyone"? This is a specific story about a specific person.
Perhaps hasty generalization is the most misused fallacy in political discourse, although I still lean to Composition for that dubious honor.

Singluar - plural... know the difference.

Think about it. When Christian bakers and photographers stood up for their beliefs, they weren't called patriots. They were called hateful bigots.

No Idea what you're talking about. This is a singer. She sings. I've made no references to "bakers and photographers". Ever. Your point is what?

This singer? She's the brave, bold, patriotic hero for standing up to the evil Trump guy.

Nope. For taking a stand for what she believes in, which is not endorsing tryanny. It means she has what we call "principles".

Even though she's orange. See, it can be done

So it goes: someone is only a patriot when they're standing up for beliefs you agree with or against people you didn't vote for in the last election.

How childish.

Want childish ? Read your own post. Again --- where do you see "only"? Some reason you need to replace my words with your own?

SMH oh the butthurt....
>> A member of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir says she “could never look myself in the mirror again with self respect” if she performed at Donald Trump’s inauguration.

Jan Chamberlin said in a lengthy Facebook post Thursday that she is resigning from the Christian group after it agreed to sing for the President-elect on Jan. 20. Saying that she views the performance as a moral issue, the five-year veteran said “it will appear that Choir is endorsing tyranny and fascism by singing for this man.”

"I only know I could never 'throw roses to Hitler,'" Chamberlain wrote. "And I certainly could never sing for him."

... Chamberlin later deleted the scathing post, noting she had received an immense amount of hateful messages. <<​

Without a doubt. Who would expect any less after all the "in the old days they'd be carried out on a stretcher" type of rhetoric.

Her best line:

"Evil people prosper when good people stand by and do nothing".

Bravo, patriot. :salute:

Link: Mormon Tabernacle Choir Singer Resigns

So, now you love the Mormons?

Now you believe in evil for that matter?

Where the fuck do you see that?

Are any of you assclowns capable of dealing with the material as presented without inserting your own content?
>> A member of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir says she “could never look myself in the mirror again with self respect” if she performed at Donald Trump’s inauguration.

Jan Chamberlin said in a lengthy Facebook post Thursday that she is resigning from the Christian group after it agreed to sing for the President-elect on Jan. 20. Saying that she views the performance as a moral issue, the five-year veteran said “it will appear that Choir is endorsing tyranny and fascism by singing for this man.”

"I only know I could never 'throw roses to Hitler,'" Chamberlain wrote. "And I certainly could never sing for him."

... Chamberlin later deleted the scathing post, noting she had received an immense amount of hateful messages. <<​

Without a doubt. Who would expect any less after all the "in the old days they'd be carried out on a stretcher" type of rhetoric.

Her best line:

"Evil people prosper when good people stand by and do nothing".

Bravo, patriot. :salute:

Link: Mormon Tabernacle Choir Singer Resigns
^ Fake News

How? Didn't she resign? How is reporting on reality = fake? I guess if you don't like it = fake.

You just hate anyone that disagrees with you.

It's fake because it's not news

Ah, so you already knew about it, ergo not news.

Coulda scooped me but hey I posted it first.
Not news because it's just not news

And yet ---- here you are. Three posts? Four?
>> A member of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir says she “could never look myself in the mirror again with self respect” if she performed at Donald Trump’s inauguration.

Jan Chamberlin said in a lengthy Facebook post Thursday that she is resigning from the Christian group after it agreed to sing for the President-elect on Jan. 20. Saying that she views the performance as a moral issue, the five-year veteran said “it will appear that Choir is endorsing tyranny and fascism by singing for this man.”

"I only know I could never 'throw roses to Hitler,'" Chamberlain wrote. "And I certainly could never sing for him."

... Chamberlin later deleted the scathing post, noting she had received an immense amount of hateful messages. <<​

Without a doubt. Who would expect any less after all the "in the old days they'd be carried out on a stretcher" type of rhetoric.

Her best line:

"Evil people prosper when good people stand by and do nothing".

Bravo, patriot. :salute:

Link: Mormon Tabernacle Choir Singer Resigns
"tyranny", "fascism", "Hitler", "evil".

I realize she's upset, but she's clearly bought into the wild hyperbole that has so infected our political discourse on both ends of the spectrum.

There's nothing serious or constructive there. Just blind, shallow emotion.
It isn't the press (though there is enormous cowardice and excess) more than the consumers.
This is exactly what I mean by rhetoric.

Trump wants to keep the media honest...not censor them. The media and liberals have twisted this into an anti-First Amendment screed...and then bought into their own bullshit.

When your criterion is "a hit piece which is a disgrace" or "the Washington Post which is there for other reasons" you're well past the line of rationality. It's exactly the same whine as he sends out in tweets at 3:20 in the morning because somebody exposed his misogyny somewhere and he can't deal with it.

There's nothing -- NO part anywhere -- of the First Amendment that protects any clown from having his widdle feewings hurt. There's nothing in the iotasphere "honest" about threatening to change laws on the basis that some Orange Narcissist has diaper rash.

What he needs to do is grow a pair and man the fuck up.

Again ---- I can't speak for the subject. I have no idea whether this is one of her issues or not. I simply offered that --- HAD it been me resigning --- this might have been a large factor. And maybe it was, who knows.

Trumps anti-terrorist policies only apply to immigrants or visitors from countries that are a breeding ground for terrorism. The liberal media spun this into a Muslim Registry.

In my late-night grogginess I cited not the best example -- what I was going for was the whole religious discrimination thing with deportations and immigrations. Of course that's illegal, and we all know it would be illegal, but this is the guy who came up with the idea. Again I cannot speak for what her specific issues are as you seem to be demanding I do, but this is another possibility. She wishes to not portray to the world that Americans approve of this (or other) bigoted sentiments. That's her right. And you don't get to judge her rationale based on my random guesses of what her bases are.

She's embarrassed for her country and where it's going. Simple as that. And as she put it, couldn't face herself in the mirror if she went on with it. She wishes to be not a hypocrite. So go ahead and make the argument for hypocrisy.
Last edited:
Oh well. If she is under the impression that she can't be replaced, she is only fooling herself.

God bless you always!!!


Has nothing to do with whether her spot can be replaced, or needs to. There are enough singers in the group that that difference will be negligible, even unnoticeable.

What it has to do with is personal involvement. Again, she wishes not to be a hypocrite and it was worth resigning to uphold that principle.

In other words she values honesty.
^ Fake News

How? Didn't she resign? How is reporting on reality = fake? I guess if you don't like it = fake.

You just hate anyone that disagrees with you.

It's fake because it's not news

Ah, so you already knew about it, ergo not news.

Coulda scooped me but hey I posted it first.
Not news because it's just not news

And yet ---- here you are. Three posts? Four?
Right. And it's still not news
How? Didn't she resign? How is reporting on reality = fake? I guess if you don't like it = fake.

You just hate anyone that disagrees with you.

It's fake because it's not news

Ah, so you already knew about it, ergo not news.

Coulda scooped me but hey I posted it first.
Not news because it's just not news

And yet ---- here you are. Three posts? Four?
Right. And it's still not news

TBH when I created this thread I figured a dozen posts tops, Andropov. But here we are at 72.

Ya just never know what will interest people as news. So ya just report it and let the paint chips fall where they may.
You know, I like these definitions that Mark Twain gave us for "patriot"..........

Patriotism is usually the refuge of the scoundrel. He is the man who talks the loudest.
- Education and Citizenship speech, 5/14/1908

Patriot: the person who can holler the loudest without knowing what he is hollering about.
- More Maxims of Mark, Johnson, 1927

Mark Twain quotations - Patriotism
>> A member of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir says she “could never look myself in the mirror again with self respect” if she performed at Donald Trump’s inauguration.

Jan Chamberlin said in a lengthy Facebook post Thursday that she is resigning from the Christian group after it agreed to sing for the President-elect on Jan. 20. Saying that she views the performance as a moral issue, the five-year veteran said “it will appear that Choir is endorsing tyranny and fascism by singing for this man.”

"I only know I could never 'throw roses to Hitler,'" Chamberlain wrote. "And I certainly could never sing for him."

... Chamberlin later deleted the scathing post, noting she had received an immense amount of hateful messages. <<​

Without a doubt. Who would expect any less after all the "in the old days they'd be carried out on a stretcher" type of rhetoric.

Her best line:

"Evil people prosper when good people stand by and do nothing".

Bravo, patriot. :salute:

Link: Mormon Tabernacle Choir Singer Resigns

So, now you love the Mormons?

Now you believe in evil for that matter?

Where the fuck do you see that?

Are any of you assclowns capable of dealing with the material as presented without inserting your own content?

Simple questions; afraid to give simple answers. Bok-bok......
>> A member of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir says she “could never look myself in the mirror again with self respect” if she performed at Donald Trump’s inauguration.

Jan Chamberlin said in a lengthy Facebook post Thursday that she is resigning from the Christian group after it agreed to sing for the President-elect on Jan. 20. Saying that she views the performance as a moral issue, the five-year veteran said “it will appear that Choir is endorsing tyranny and fascism by singing for this man.”

"I only know I could never 'throw roses to Hitler,'" Chamberlain wrote. "And I certainly could never sing for him."

... Chamberlin later deleted the scathing post, noting she had received an immense amount of hateful messages. <<​

Without a doubt. Who would expect any less after all the "in the old days they'd be carried out on a stretcher" type of rhetoric.

Her best line:

"Evil people prosper when good people stand by and do nothing".

Bravo, patriot. :salute:

Link: Mormon Tabernacle Choir Singer Resigns
^ Fake News

How? Didn't she resign? How is reporting on reality = fake? I guess if you don't like it = fake.

You just hate anyone that disagrees with you.
And yet when your side calls actual news fake here you never peep a word about it, go figure.
>> A member of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir says she “could never look myself in the mirror again with self respect” if she performed at Donald Trump’s inauguration.

Jan Chamberlin said in a lengthy Facebook post Thursday that she is resigning from the Christian group after it agreed to sing for the President-elect on Jan. 20. Saying that she views the performance as a moral issue, the five-year veteran said “it will appear that Choir is endorsing tyranny and fascism by singing for this man.”

"I only know I could never 'throw roses to Hitler,'" Chamberlain wrote. "And I certainly could never sing for him."

... Chamberlin later deleted the scathing post, noting she had received an immense amount of hateful messages. <<​

Without a doubt. Who would expect any less after all the "in the old days they'd be carried out on a stretcher" type of rhetoric.

Her best line:

"Evil people prosper when good people stand by and do nothing".

Bravo, patriot. :salute:

Link: Mormon Tabernacle Choir Singer Resigns

So, now you love the Mormons?

Now you believe in evil for that matter?

Where the fuck do you see that?

Are any of you assclowns capable of dealing with the material as presented without inserting your own content?

Simple questions; afraid to give simple answers. Bok-bok......

You realize you just posted that note-to-self on the internets?

*I* asked *you* the question, Squiggles. Which was, and still is, where do you see anything about "loving the Mormons"? I posted nothing about religion at all.
More here including video short interview with Jan Chamberlin

>> Consider that a core principle of Mormonism is the importance of religious freedom. That's because the founders of the church were harassed, driven from their homes and even ordered "exterminated" by US government officials on account of their beliefs. As such, much of the church's early history was defined by persecution.

Fast forward to 2015 when Trump, in the aftermath of the San Bernardino shootings, called for a ban on Muslim immigration. The choir should recognize how offensive this was (and is) to many Mormons. In fact, after Trump's comments, the LDS Church put out a statement, reiterating the church's commitment to religious freedom and quoted Joseph Smith, who Mormons believe to be a prophet. "It is a love of liberty which inspires my soul," Smith said in 1843, "civil and religious liberty to the whole of the human race."

And if stoking fears of faith wasn't enough, Trump's comments about Mexicans, immigrants and refugees should have been yet another reason for the choir to decline to participate in his inauguration.

Trump said Mexico sends the United States "rapists" and drug dealers, but Mexico is home to 1.4 million LDS members. Seven percent of US Mormons are Latino, and Latinos are the fastest-growing group in the Church. Trump rails against illegal immigration, while many Mormons empathize with immigrants because of their own experiences serving as missionaries. And though Trump often demonized refugees, the Mormon Church launched an effort to help refugees earlier this year. "Their story is our story, not that many years ago," one Mormon leader said.

It sends the wrong message to the church's members around the world that the choir would perform for a leader so at odds with LDS teachings -- and let's not even get into Trump's bragging about sexual assault.<<​
>> A member of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir says she “could never look myself in the mirror again with self respect” if she performed at Donald Trump’s inauguration.

Jan Chamberlin said in a lengthy Facebook post Thursday that she is resigning from the Christian group after it agreed to sing for the President-elect on Jan. 20. Saying that she views the performance as a moral issue, the five-year veteran said “it will appear that Choir is endorsing tyranny and fascism by singing for this man.”

"I only know I could never 'throw roses to Hitler,'" Chamberlain wrote. "And I certainly could never sing for him."

... Chamberlin later deleted the scathing post, noting she had received an immense amount of hateful messages. <<​

Without a doubt. Who would expect any less after all the "in the old days they'd be carried out on a stretcher" type of rhetoric.

Her best line:

"Evil people prosper when good people stand by and do nothing".

Bravo, patriot. :salute:

Link: Mormon Tabernacle Choir Singer Resigns

So, now you love the Mormons?

Now you believe in evil for that matter?

Where the fuck do you see that?

Are any of you assclowns capable of dealing with the material as presented without inserting your own content?

Simple questions; afraid to give simple answers. Bok-bok......

You realize you just posted that note-to-self on the internets?

*I* asked *you* the question, Squiggles. Which was, and still is, where do you see anything about "loving the Mormons"? I posted nothing about religion at all.

I'm the one that asked the questions, first, chicken.
>> A member of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir says she “could never look myself in the mirror again with self respect” if she performed at Donald Trump’s inauguration.

Jan Chamberlin said in a lengthy Facebook post Thursday that she is resigning from the Christian group after it agreed to sing for the President-elect on Jan. 20. Saying that she views the performance as a moral issue, the five-year veteran said “it will appear that Choir is endorsing tyranny and fascism by singing for this man.”

"I only know I could never 'throw roses to Hitler,'" Chamberlain wrote. "And I certainly could never sing for him."

... Chamberlin later deleted the scathing post, noting she had received an immense amount of hateful messages. <<​

Without a doubt. Who would expect any less after all the "in the old days they'd be carried out on a stretcher" type of rhetoric.

Her best line:

"Evil people prosper when good people stand by and do nothing".

Bravo, patriot. :salute:

Link: Mormon Tabernacle Choir Singer Resigns

So, now you love the Mormons?

Now you believe in evil for that matter?

Where the fuck do you see that?

Are any of you assclowns capable of dealing with the material as presented without inserting your own content?

Simple questions; afraid to give simple answers. Bok-bok......

You realize you just posted that note-to-self on the internets?

*I* asked *you* the question, Squiggles. Which was, and still is, where do you see anything about "loving the Mormons"? I posted nothing about religion at all.

I'm the one that asked the questions, first, chicken.

You won't get an answer to stupid questions. I don't traffic in blanket statements.

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