Wonderful Breaking News! Trump To Pardon Scooter Libby


This has nothing to do with scooter Libby.....

Trump was against the war in Iraq and trump was against the Bush Cheney lies about the yellow cake that got the public to support it and shenanigans that got us there INCLUDING Scooter Libby.

There is ONE REASON ONLY of why the Trumpster is doing this...

He is showing Manafort, Flynn, and Kushner and who knows who else that he can pardon ANYONE of their crimes, even crimes committed against our justice system by LYING to prosecutors and official investigators......

He is sending THEM a message to hold tough, do not expose his crimes to Mueller, The Donald has their back.
I only wish that were true. Trump should pardon everyone of Herr Mewler's targets right now and end this farce.
except that once again, is obstruction of justice on trump's part, trying to interfere in an official investigation... :rolleyes: dangling pardons to his buddies under official investigation who could incriminate him in crimes is obstruction of an official investigation....a felony!

The Man of Lawlessness Trump really needs to be impeached.....!!!! :eek:
Once again, he can't be charged with corruption for exercising a constitutional power. They didn't charge H. W. Bush with obstruction when he pardoned Weinberger, Pondexter and North.
they were not in the middle of an investigation....they all had been indicted or found guilty already, and Bush 1 had loss the election and had less than a month left in office.... it takes at least 6 month to go through the hearings and trial for an impeachment from office....and he was already out the door but hi shadow.
But obstruction of justice is a federal crime. Bush could have been charged even after Clinton was inaugurated.

Your claim is obviously false.
Trump was for the Iraq war before he claimed he was against it.
There's an Howard Stern interview proving he was for it.
Trump is literally incapable of telling the truth.

Washington: "I cannot tell a lie"
Nixon: "I cannot tell the truth"
Rump: "I cannot tell the difference"

If it weren't for self-delusion Rump would have nothing to say at all. He seems to genuinely believe he can redo the past simply by claiming something he did or said, 'never happened'. Or something that never happened, did. It's as if Reality has been cancelled, as if it were a fucking TV show.

Then he wants to tell us about "fake news", his label for anybody who dares to return to that Reality.

That's psycho enough by itself, but then we get zombies who actually buy this crapola instead of calling it out for the bullshit it clearly is.
Oh, I'll call it bullshit. I think it is terrific.

It's wonderful. And here you are, calling it out as it is. And there are a lot of folks that support him that will tell you that he is doing just that. I know quite a few. Just roll with it buddy. If you don't know that all politicians do that, you are being disingenuous.

I know. We all know.

Isn't it delicious. :rock:

Once AGAIN none of this is about "all politicians" or "people named Hillary" or "Buick drivers" or "those born under Pisces with Leo rising" or anyone else. It's about (1) Rump, (2) Rump and (3) see #1. Ain't rocket surgery.

Your compartmentalization is starting to get dull. If you refuse to see the forest for the STUMP, I cannot help you.

Trump is a merely a symptom, he is NOT the disease. Were it not for the cancer, the public would not have resorted to chemotherapy.

This has nothing to do with scooter Libby.....

Trump was against the war in Iraq and trump was against the Bush Cheney lies about the yellow cake that got the public to support it and shenanigans that got us there INCLUDING Scooter Libby.

There is ONE REASON ONLY of why the Trumpster is doing this...

He is showing Manafort, Flynn, and Kushner and who knows who else that he can pardon ANYONE of their crimes, even crimes committed against our justice system by LYING to prosecutors and official investigators......

He is sending THEM a message to hold tough, do not expose his crimes to Mueller, The Donald has their back.
I only wish that were true. Trump should pardon everyone of Herr Mewler's targets right now and end this farce.
except that once again, is obstruction of justice on trump's part, trying to interfere in an official investigation... :rolleyes: dangling pardons to his buddies under official investigation who could incriminate him in crimes is obstruction of an official investigation....a felony!

The Man of Lawlessness Trump really needs to be impeached.....!!!! :eek:


All of D.C. is lawless. Trump fits right in.
I suppose you are getting the government you deserve then.... cuz your excuse for them, and do nothingness to enforce the law... IS the root of the problem imo.
Trump was for the Iraq war before he claimed he was against it.
There's an Howard Stern interview proving he was for it.
Trump is literally incapable of telling the truth.

Washington: "I cannot tell a lie"
Nixon: "I cannot tell the truth"
Rump: "I cannot tell the difference"

If it weren't for self-delusion Rump would have nothing to say at all. He seems to genuinely believe he can redo the past simply by claiming something he did or said, 'never happened'. Or something that never happened, did. It's as if Reality has been cancelled, as if it were a fucking TV show.

Then he wants to tell us about "fake news", his label for anybody who dares to return to that Reality.

That's psycho enough by itself, but then we get zombies who actually buy this crapola instead of calling it out for the bullshit it clearly is.
Oh, I'll call it bullshit. I think it is terrific.

It's wonderful. And here you are, calling it out as it is. And there are a lot of folks that support him that will tell you that he is doing just that. I know quite a few. Just roll with it buddy. If you don't know that all politicians do that, you are being disingenuous.

I know. We all know.

Isn't it delicious. :rock:

Once AGAIN none of this is about "all politicians" or "people named Hillary" or "Buick drivers" or "those born under Pisces with Leo rising" or anyone else. It's about (1) Rump, (2) Rump and (3) see #1. Ain't rocket surgery.

Your compartmentalization is starting to get dull. If you refuse to see the forest for the STUMP, I cannot help you.

Trump is a merely a symptom, he is NOT the disease. Were it not for the cancer, the public would not have resorted to chemotherapy.

I see my previous map was too complex.

Once AGAIN the point is not "the disease", it's not "all politicians", it's not "symptoms".

It's Rump. PERIOD, full stop. Your endless quest to can-we-please-talk-about-something-else-and-turn-that-spotlight-off is as ineffectual as it is transparent.

This has nothing to do with scooter Libby.....

Trump was against the war in Iraq and trump was against the Bush Cheney lies about the yellow cake that got the public to support it and shenanigans that got us there INCLUDING Scooter Libby.

There is ONE REASON ONLY of why the Trumpster is doing this...

He is showing Manafort, Flynn, and Kushner and who knows who else that he can pardon ANYONE of their crimes, even crimes committed against our justice system by LYING to prosecutors and official investigators......

He is sending THEM a message to hold tough, do not expose his crimes to Mueller, The Donald has their back.
I only wish that were true. Trump should pardon everyone of Herr Mewler's targets right now and end this farce.
except that once again, is obstruction of justice on trump's part, trying to interfere in an official investigation... :rolleyes: dangling pardons to his buddies under official investigation who could incriminate him in crimes is obstruction of an official investigation....a felony!

The Man of Lawlessness Trump really needs to be impeached.....!!!! :eek:
Once again, he can't be charged with corruption for exercising a constitutional power. They didn't charge H. W. Bush with obstruction when he pardoned Weinberger, Pondexter and North.
they were not in the middle of an investigation....they all had been indicted or found guilty already, and Bush 1 had loss the election and had less than a month left in office.... it takes at least 6 month to go through the hearings and trial for an impeachment from office....and he was already out the door but hi shadow.
But obstruction of justice is a federal crime. Bush could have been charged even after Clinton was inaugurated.

Your claim is obviously false.
i said impeached, I did not say charged with the crime after kicked from office....
By the way Trump pardoned "Scooter" Libby in order to send a message to witnesses and others who are feeling the heat from Mueller...the message is "there is a way out do not cooperate"..:1peleas:

This has nothing to do with scooter Libby.....

Trump was against the war in Iraq and trump was against the Bush Cheney lies about the yellow cake that got the public to support it and shenanigans that got us there INCLUDING Scooter Libby.

There is ONE REASON ONLY of why the Trumpster is doing this...

He is showing Manafort, Flynn, and Kushner and who knows who else that he can pardon ANYONE of their crimes, even crimes committed against our justice system by LYING to prosecutors and official investigators......

He is sending THEM a message to hold tough, do not expose his crimes to Mueller, The Donald has their back.
I only wish that were true. Trump should pardon everyone of Herr Mewler's targets right now and end this farce.
except that once again, is obstruction of justice on trump's part, trying to interfere in an official investigation... :rolleyes: dangling pardons to his buddies under official investigation who could incriminate him in crimes is obstruction of an official investigation....a felony!

The Man of Lawlessness Trump really needs to be impeached.....!!!! :eek:


All of D.C. is lawless. Trump fits right in.
I suppose you are getting the government you deserve then.... cuz your excuse for them, and do nothingness to enforce the law... IS the root of the problem imo.

Same shit, different politicians, nothing changes. They are all criminals, and the folks doing the investigating and judging are criminals as well.

We are fooling ourselves if we believe otherwise.

It's all a distraction.

The best case scenario IS for nothing to happen, for anything else would be chaos, a coup, civil war, or disaster.

The best of all worlds would see them all in a cage, and to have all these illegal wars stopped.

But we all know that will never happen.
I only wish that were true. Trump should pardon everyone of Herr Mewler's targets right now and end this farce.
except that once again, is obstruction of justice on trump's part, trying to interfere in an official investigation... :rolleyes: dangling pardons to his buddies under official investigation who could incriminate him in crimes is obstruction of an official investigation....a felony!

The Man of Lawlessness Trump really needs to be impeached.....!!!! :eek:
Once again, he can't be charged with corruption for exercising a constitutional power. They didn't charge H. W. Bush with obstruction when he pardoned Weinberger, Pondexter and North.
they were not in the middle of an investigation....they all had been indicted or found guilty already, and Bush 1 had loss the election and had less than a month left in office.... it takes at least 6 month to go through the hearings and trial for an impeachment from office....and he was already out the door but hi shadow.
But obstruction of justice is a federal crime. Bush could have been charged even after Clinton was inaugurated.

Your claim is obviously false.
i said impeached, I did not say charged with the crime after kicked from office....
He can be impeached for any reason at any time. There are no legal standards about that.
Trump was for the Iraq war before he claimed he was against it.
There's an Howard Stern interview proving he was for it.
Trump is literally incapable of telling the truth.

Washington: "I cannot tell a lie"
Nixon: "I cannot tell the truth"
Rump: "I cannot tell the difference"

If it weren't for self-delusion Rump would have nothing to say at all. He seems to genuinely believe he can redo the past simply by claiming something he did or said, 'never happened'. Or something that never happened, did. It's as if Reality has been cancelled, as if it were a fucking TV show.

Then he wants to tell us about "fake news", his label for anybody who dares to return to that Reality.

That's psycho enough by itself, but then we get zombies who actually buy this crapola instead of calling it out for the bullshit it clearly is.
Oh, I'll call it bullshit. I think it is terrific.

It's wonderful. And here you are, calling it out as it is. And there are a lot of folks that support him that will tell you that he is doing just that. I know quite a few. Just roll with it buddy. If you don't know that all politicians do that, you are being disingenuous.

I know. We all know.

Isn't it delicious. :rock:

Once AGAIN none of this is about "all politicians" or "people named Hillary" or "Buick drivers" or "those born under Pisces with Leo rising" or anyone else. It's about (1) Rump, (2) Rump and (3) see #1. Ain't rocket surgery.

Your compartmentalization is starting to get dull. If you refuse to see the forest for the STUMP, I cannot help you.

Trump is a merely a symptom, he is NOT the disease. Were it not for the cancer, the public would not have resorted to chemotherapy.

I see my previous map was too complex.

Once AGAIN the point is not "the disease", it's not "all politicians", it's not "symptoms".

It's Rump. PERIOD, full stop. Your endless quest to can-we-please-talk-about-something-else-and-turn-that-spotlight-off is as ineffectual as it is transparent.

You've have become unhinged.

Your personal animosity for one person has precluded rational talk about context.

By the way Trump pardoned "Scooter" Libby in order to send a message to witnesses and others who are feeling the heat from Mueller...the message is "there is a way out do not cooperate"..:1peleas:
Good. I hope it works.
Palmer Report‏Verified account @PalmerReport 45m45 minutes ago
Michael Cohen is in court today trying to block the Feds from using the evidence they seized from his office and residence.
If the evidence wasn’t incriminating, he wouldn’t give a damn
By the way Trump pardoned "Scooter" Libby in order to send a message to witnesses and others who are feeling the heat from Mueller...the message is "there is a way out do not cooperate"..:1peleas:
Good. I hope it works.
Palmer Report‏Verified account @PalmerReport 45m45 minutes ago
Michael Cohen is in court today trying to block the Feds from using the evidence they seized from his office and residence.
If the evidence wasn’t incriminating, he wouldn’t give a damn
Oh, so the government should be able to sieze any lawyer's records whenever it wants?

Do you realize what a goosestepping fascist you sound like?

This has nothing to do with scooter Libby.....

Trump was against the war in Iraq and trump was against the Bush Cheney lies about the yellow cake that got the public to support it and shenanigans that got us there INCLUDING Scooter Libby.

There is ONE REASON ONLY of why the Trumpster is doing this...

He is showing Manafort, Flynn, and Kushner and who knows who else that he can pardon ANYONE of their crimes, even crimes committed against our justice system by LYING to prosecutors and official investigators......

He is sending THEM a message to hold tough, do not expose his crimes to Mueller, The Donald has their back.
I only wish that were true. Trump should pardon everyone of Herr Mewler's targets right now and end this farce.
except that once again, is obstruction of justice on trump's part, trying to interfere in an official investigation... :rolleyes: dangling pardons to his buddies under official investigation who could incriminate him in crimes is obstruction of an official investigation....a felony!

The Man of Lawlessness Trump really needs to be impeached.....!!!! :eek:


All of D.C. is lawless. Trump fits right in.
I suppose you are getting the government you deserve then.... cuz your excuse for them, and do nothingness to enforce the law... IS the root of the problem imo.

Same shit, different politicians, nothing changes. They are all criminals, and the folks doing the investigating and judging are criminals as well.

We are fooling ourselves if we believe otherwise.

It's all a distraction.

The best case scenario IS for nothing to happen, for anything else would be chaos, a coup, civil war, or disaster.

The best of all worlds would see them all in a cage, and to have all these illegal wars stopped.

But we all know that will never happen.
it won't happen because people like you and me and many others have the defeatist attitude that we don't make a difference, so we sit idly and let it happen.... I'm sorry, but it is becoming more and more evident, that WE ARE THE PROBLEM. Time to rise up to the occasion!
Illegal invasions are war crimes. Those in government voting to commit such a crime are criminals. Some of us will not vote for voracious, contemptible, inhuman persons disguised as entrepreneurs, nor for war criminals. Unfortunately for us, America's incapacity for anything other than dualistic thinking leaves no room for other than the two party dictatorship. We vote for third parties out of despair and a desire to participate in the democratic process even if futilely.

Illegal invasions are war crimes.

What illegal invasion?
By the way Trump pardoned "Scooter" Libby in order to send a message to witnesses and others who are feeling the heat from Mueller...the message is "there is a way out do not cooperate"..:1peleas:
Good. I hope it works.
Palmer Report‏Verified account @PalmerReport 45m45 minutes ago
Michael Cohen is in court today trying to block the Feds from using the evidence they seized from his office and residence.
If the evidence wasn’t incriminating, he wouldn’t give a damn
Oh, so the government should be able to sieze any lawyer's records whenever it wants?

Do you realize what a goosestepping fascist you sound like?

such drama!

the gvt isn't seizing just any old lawyer's records, they are seizing records of a lawyer implicated in committing a crime, with probable cause of committing this crime, in the records requested by the search....

lawyers are not above the law or you or me....
Washington: "I cannot tell a lie"
Nixon: "I cannot tell the truth"
Rump: "I cannot tell the difference"

If it weren't for self-delusion Rump would have nothing to say at all. He seems to genuinely believe he can redo the past simply by claiming something he did or said, 'never happened'. Or something that never happened, did. It's as if Reality has been cancelled, as if it were a fucking TV show.

Then he wants to tell us about "fake news", his label for anybody who dares to return to that Reality.

That's psycho enough by itself, but then we get zombies who actually buy this crapola instead of calling it out for the bullshit it clearly is.
Oh, I'll call it bullshit. I think it is terrific.

It's wonderful. And here you are, calling it out as it is. And there are a lot of folks that support him that will tell you that he is doing just that. I know quite a few. Just roll with it buddy. If you don't know that all politicians do that, you are being disingenuous.

I know. We all know.

Isn't it delicious. :rock:

Once AGAIN none of this is about "all politicians" or "people named Hillary" or "Buick drivers" or "those born under Pisces with Leo rising" or anyone else. It's about (1) Rump, (2) Rump and (3) see #1. Ain't rocket surgery.

Your compartmentalization is starting to get dull. If you refuse to see the forest for the STUMP, I cannot help you.

Trump is a merely a symptom, he is NOT the disease. Were it not for the cancer, the public would not have resorted to chemotherapy.

I see my previous map was too complex.

Once AGAIN the point is not "the disease", it's not "all politicians", it's not "symptoms".

It's Rump. PERIOD, full stop. Your endless quest to can-we-please-talk-about-something-else-and-turn-that-spotlight-off is as ineffectual as it is transparent.

You've have become unhinged.

Your personal animosity for one person has precluded rational talk about context.


Yuh huh.

--- that's why you tried to change the subject to "b-but.. but... but Hillary" is it?

Oh, I'll call it bullshit. I think it is terrific.

It's wonderful. And here you are, calling it out as it is. And there are a lot of folks that support him that will tell you that he is doing just that. I know quite a few. Just roll with it buddy. If you don't know that all politicians do that, you are being disingenuous.

I know. We all know.

Isn't it delicious. :rock:

Once AGAIN none of this is about "all politicians" or "people named Hillary" or "Buick drivers" or "those born under Pisces with Leo rising" or anyone else. It's about (1) Rump, (2) Rump and (3) see #1. Ain't rocket surgery.

Your compartmentalization is starting to get dull. If you refuse to see the forest for the STUMP, I cannot help you.

Trump is a merely a symptom, he is NOT the disease. Were it not for the cancer, the public would not have resorted to chemotherapy.

I see my previous map was too complex.

Once AGAIN the point is not "the disease", it's not "all politicians", it's not "symptoms".

It's Rump. PERIOD, full stop. Your endless quest to can-we-please-talk-about-something-else-and-turn-that-spotlight-off is as ineffectual as it is transparent.

You've have become unhinged.

Your personal animosity for one person has precluded rational talk about context.


Yuh huh.

--- that's why you tried to change the subject to "b-but.. but... but Hillary" is it?


Actually, I think you are projecting, I never mentioned her or bought her up. I just mentioned the Washington establishment, politicians in general.

You are the one that has this obsession now.
Once AGAIN none of this is about "all politicians" or "people named Hillary" or "Buick drivers" or "those born under Pisces with Leo rising" or anyone else. It's about (1) Rump, (2) Rump and (3) see #1. Ain't rocket surgery.

Your compartmentalization is starting to get dull. If you refuse to see the forest for the STUMP, I cannot help you.

Trump is a merely a symptom, he is NOT the disease. Were it not for the cancer, the public would not have resorted to chemotherapy.

I see my previous map was too complex.

Once AGAIN the point is not "the disease", it's not "all politicians", it's not "symptoms".

It's Rump. PERIOD, full stop. Your endless quest to can-we-please-talk-about-something-else-and-turn-that-spotlight-off is as ineffectual as it is transparent.

You've have become unhinged.

Your personal animosity for one person has precluded rational talk about context.


Yuh huh.

--- that's why you tried to change the subject to "b-but.. but... but Hillary" is it?


Actually, I think you are projecting, I never mentioned her or bought her up. I just mentioned the Washington establishment, politicians in general.

You are the one that has this obsession now.

Ummmmmmmyyyyeah. Roll tape.


So amazing that you can see the logic here, but you can't see the logic with Hillary being Hillary's own problem when Wikileaks revealed what a criminal she was. . .

SO interesting.

The Bush family and Clinton family are two peas in a pod, yet you just don't see yet.

You can sit there and explain to a partisan their partisan blinders, yet you cannot see your own?


Perhaps someone's hacking your account. Either that or you're sleep-posting.


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