Wonderful Breaking News! Trump To Pardon Scooter Libby

Your compartmentalization is starting to get dull. If you refuse to see the forest for the STUMP, I cannot help you.

Trump is a merely a symptom, he is NOT the disease. Were it not for the cancer, the public would not have resorted to chemotherapy.

I see my previous map was too complex.

Once AGAIN the point is not "the disease", it's not "all politicians", it's not "symptoms".

It's Rump. PERIOD, full stop. Your endless quest to can-we-please-talk-about-something-else-and-turn-that-spotlight-off is as ineffectual as it is transparent.

You've have become unhinged.

Your personal animosity for one person has precluded rational talk about context.


Yuh huh.

--- that's why you tried to change the subject to "b-but.. but... but Hillary" is it?


Actually, I think you are projecting, I never mentioned her or bought her up. I just mentioned the Washington establishment, politicians in general.

You are the one that has this obsession now.

Ummmmmmmyyyyeah. Roll tape.


So amazing that you can see the logic here, but you can't see the logic with Hillary being Hillary's own problem when Wikileaks revealed what a criminal she was. . .

SO interesting.

The Bush family and Clinton family are two peas in a pod, yet you just don't see yet.

You can sit there and explain to a partisan their partisan blinders, yet you cannot see your own?


Perhaps someone's hacking your account. Either that or you're sleep-posting.


I was just reviewing the current thread of conversation, missed that post earlier in the thread, my mistake.

:eusa_whistle: The latter actually. . . just got up from another nap.

Ahhh, that post.

My apologies, I thought that was in a different thread.

Sorry, not all of us are posting sober. Please apply the ADA to me in this instance.
None the less, it does prove my point. folks on the left wish to ignore the corruption in D.C. and focus exclusively on their hatred of Trump. YOU CAN'T TALK ABOUT TRUMP W/O TALKING ABOUT THE OTHER POLITICIANS.

They are the reason he is there, SPECIFICALLY the CLINTON'S AND THE BUSH'S.

AMERICA collectively cringed at the idea of having another Clinton or Bush presidency, as we all know how corrupt both those families are.
I see my previous map was too complex.

Once AGAIN the point is not "the disease", it's not "all politicians", it's not "symptoms".

It's Rump. PERIOD, full stop. Your endless quest to can-we-please-talk-about-something-else-and-turn-that-spotlight-off is as ineffectual as it is transparent.

You've have become unhinged.

Your personal animosity for one person has precluded rational talk about context.


Yuh huh.

--- that's why you tried to change the subject to "b-but.. but... but Hillary" is it?


Actually, I think you are projecting, I never mentioned her or bought her up. I just mentioned the Washington establishment, politicians in general.

You are the one that has this obsession now.

Ummmmmmmyyyyeah. Roll tape.


So amazing that you can see the logic here, but you can't see the logic with Hillary being Hillary's own problem when Wikileaks revealed what a criminal she was. . .

SO interesting.

The Bush family and Clinton family are two peas in a pod, yet you just don't see yet.

You can sit there and explain to a partisan their partisan blinders, yet you cannot see your own?


Perhaps someone's hacking your account. Either that or you're sleep-posting.


I was just reviewing the current thread of conversation, missed that post earlier in the thread, my mistake.

:eusa_whistle: The latter actually. . . just got up from another nap.

Ahhh, that post.

My apologies, I thought that was in a different thread.

Sorry, not all of us are posting sober. Please apply the ADA to me in this instance.

All good! :beer:

Ooops --- maybe beer isn't the best course right now :eusa_doh:
None the less, it does prove my point. folks on the left wish to ignore the corruption in D.C. and focus exclusively on their hatred of Trump. YOU CAN'T TALK ABOUT TRUMP W/O TALKING ABOUT THE OTHER POLITICIANS.

They are the reason he is there, SPECIFICALLY the CLINTON'S AND THE BUSH'S.

AMERICA collectively cringed at the idea of having another Clinton or Bush presidency, as we all know how corrupt both those family are.

Bullshit. Of course we can. We aren't The Borg --- individuals have their own characteristics.

In Rump's case, sui generis.

Rump isn't a politician. He's never run for office before the one he slithered into.
He's simply an ass hole.

Not in any way to suggest no other ass holes exist, but he's on an entirely different plane.
And that bears repeating until it finally sinks in.

Still not sure why you're trying to bury this in "politicians".
Trump is warming up
Hoping someone will someday pardon him

Trump is hoping for similar treatment in the future

By your metrics, Obama expected to be in prison the day he left office.

You conservatives were pretty sure that Obama wasn't going to prison, but rather he was going to stay for a 3rd term because he was going to be a dictator of this country.

Then, you were saying that he would be prosecuted and convicted by Trump in Trump's first year.

Neither has happened.

I think that Trump is going to run Libby as a test case to see what the reaction is so that he can figure out if he wants to pardon some of his own people.
Who laundered money? What on Earth are you talking about?

Moonbats make up their own reality, who needs facts when you're so consumed by hate and envy that it prevents you from ever having to defend the politics you embrace?

That's all liberalism is anyway. The politics of hate and envy.

What this chump has done, he has told the money launderer and crook , mannafort and cohen and all the others., if you lie for me I will pardon you.
He is using lying traitor libby for his own purposes.
By the way Trump pardoned "Scooter" Libby in order to send a message to witnesses and others who are feeling the heat from Mueller...the message is "there is a way out do not cooperate"..:1peleas:
Good. I hope it works.
Palmer Report‏Verified account @PalmerReport 45m45 minutes ago
Michael Cohen is in court today trying to block the Feds from using the evidence they seized from his office and residence.
If the evidence wasn’t incriminating, he wouldn’t give a damn
Oh, so the government should be able to sieze any lawyer's records whenever it wants?

Do you realize what a goosestepping fascist you sound like?

such drama!

the gvt isn't seizing just any old lawyer's records, they are seizing records of a lawyer implicated in committing a crime, with probable cause of committing this crime, in the records requested by the search....

lawyers are not above the law or you or me....
While I agree with this statement, I think from the media you are consuming, you believe "the law" is being applied evenly. I am sorry to say, it is not. Lady law is not wearing a blindfold, she is going after enemies with a political axe, and ignoring the crimes of those she favors.

Folks that consume different media can clearly see the corruption at work. And yes, there is some serious corruption in the central capital. When it works for your interests, any of our interests, we have a blinding ability to just not notice it.

If the rule of law were followed, Trump, Cheney, Bush, Obama, Clinton, (both husband and wife,) and many others would be behind bars. . .

Restoring the Rule of Law
Restoring the Rule of Law
None the less, it does prove my point. folks on the left wish to ignore the corruption in D.C. and focus exclusively on their hatred of Trump. YOU CAN'T TALK ABOUT TRUMP W/O TALKING ABOUT THE OTHER POLITICIANS.

They are the reason he is there, SPECIFICALLY the CLINTON'S AND THE BUSH'S.

AMERICA collectively cringed at the idea of having another Clinton or Bush presidency, as we all know how corrupt both those family are.

Bullshit. Of course we can. We aren't The Borg --- individuals have their own characteristics.

In Rump's case, sui generis.

Rump isn't a politician. He's never run for office before the one he slithered into.
He's simply an ass hole.

Not in any way to suggest no other ass holes exist, but he's on an entirely different plane.
And that bears repeating until it finally sinks in.

Still not sure why you're trying to bury this in "politicians".
Well, then you and I will just have to agree to disagree.

You see him as a cause of misery, I see him as an outgrowth of the misery that has always existed.

It's just a different perspective on the same thing.
DOJ: Michael Cohen 'under criminal investigation'
Source: CNN

Michael Cohen, President Donald Trump's personal attorney, is "under criminal investigation," the Justice Department said Friday.

In response to Cohen's motion to restrain the evidence collected in Monday's raids of his home and office, the US attorney in New York asserted the raids were authorized by a federal judge to seek evidence of conduct "for which Cohen is under criminal investigation."

Read more: DOJ: Michael Cohen 'under criminal investigation' - CNNPolitics

It's official!
Not near as bad as the Obama Administration allowing that filthy corrupt Crooked Hillary bitch to skate after she committed some serious crime. "No intent" my ass!
Not near as bad as the Obama Administration allowing that filthy corrupt Crooked Hillary bitch to skate after she committed some serious crime. "No intent" my ass!
then why blame a video.
Obama pardoned and commuted sentences from some pretty sleazy characters. Everything from drug dealers to traitors.
None the less, it does prove my point. folks on the left wish to ignore the corruption in D.C. and focus exclusively on their hatred of Trump. YOU CAN'T TALK ABOUT TRUMP W/O TALKING ABOUT THE OTHER POLITICIANS.

They are the reason he is there, SPECIFICALLY the CLINTON'S AND THE BUSH'S.

AMERICA collectively cringed at the idea of having another Clinton or Bush presidency, as we all know how corrupt both those family are.

Bullshit. Of course we can. We aren't The Borg --- individuals have their own characteristics.

In Rump's case, sui generis.

Rump isn't a politician. He's never run for office before the one he slithered into.
He's simply an ass hole.

Not in any way to suggest no other ass holes exist, but he's on an entirely different plane.
And that bears repeating until it finally sinks in.

Still not sure why you're trying to bury this in "politicians".
Well, then you and I will just have to agree to disagree.

You see him as a cause of misery, I see him as an outgrowth of the misery that has always existed.

It's just a different perspective on the same thing.

You're trying to say Rump IS a politician?

You're bending awfully far over backward to find any way you can to get him off the proverbial hook here.
DOJ: Michael Cohen 'under criminal investigation'
Source: CNN

Michael Cohen, President Donald Trump's personal attorney, is "under criminal investigation," the Justice Department said Friday.

In response to Cohen's motion to restrain the evidence collected in Monday's raids of his home and office, the US attorney in New York asserted the raids were authorized by a federal judge to seek evidence of conduct "for which Cohen is under criminal investigation."

Read more: DOJ: Michael Cohen 'under criminal investigation' - CNNPolitics

It's official!

Michael Cohen has taken over a term they use in baseball ---

"Mister October".

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