Women wanting to be equal with Men.


Gold Member
Aug 18, 2009
Why haven't they ever complained about changing their last when marrying. You'd think they'd be wanting that to change.
Why haven't they ever complained about changing their last when marrying. You'd think they'd be wanting that to change.

They demand to keep their last name..... and then wonder why they end up divorced and miserable.... but women seem to have lost their minds in western culture. So whatever.
I don't want equality.
I want a man to be the breadwinner, I get to stay home alone and do what I want.
No such fucking luck.
He can boss me while he's here, but since he'll be gone to work most of the day, I can do whatever the fuck I want... who wouldn't want that?
A bonus would be if he had to travel a lot.... no luck there either.
Every guy I have been with wants to be around me all the time. Fucking losers.
In my second marriage I traveled a lot and she didn't work. I thought she had it made. I even made her an offer your husband has probably not made to you. But she didn't see it that way. Oh well. Life moves on and just gets better.
Why haven't they ever complained about changing their last when marrying. You'd think they'd be wanting that to change.

There are women that keep their last name, but I have yet to see a man to offer to take his wife last name...
Why haven't they ever complained about changing their last when marrying. You'd think they'd be wanting that to change.

There are women that keep their last name, but I have yet to see a man to offer to take his wife last name...

I knew several men who took a hyphenated version of the two last names. So did their wives.
I wanted to keep my last name. Hubby look at me like he was going to kill me on the spot.
In my second marriage I traveled a lot and she didn't work. I thought she had it made. I even made her an offer your husband has probably not made to you. But she didn't see it that way. Oh well. Life moves on and just gets better.

actually my husband WANTS me to get a job outside the home. Trust me, I want that too!
Why haven't they ever complained about changing their last when marrying. You'd think they'd be wanting that to change.

There are women that keep their last name, but I have yet to see a man to offer to take his wife last name...

It's unusual, but I've heard of a few cases.
Women don't WANT to be equal....we ARE equal. And in some cases better... :cheeky-smiley-018:
Oh and I love my husbands last name. ♥♥
I don't think women are better.
I think men are more honest - and fun.
Not sure about smarts, the jury is still out on that. Maybe smart in different ways....
People say it's embarrassing to the kids when they go to research their genealogy. If they have the Mom's last name and/or don't even know who their dad is.
I don't think women are better.
I think men are more honest - and fun.
Not sure about smarts, the jury is still out on that. Maybe smart in different ways....

My reply was tongue in cheek..lol
Why haven't they ever complained about changing their last when marrying. You'd think they'd be wanting that to change.


In a dork chapter of my life I was into comparing numerology, astrology and last names. I had read somewhere that when you take on a man's last name then you also accept those issues that are family related. Years go on and I'm done with all that. I had forgotten about it right up until the time I got married. I remember standing there and it hit me from out of nowhere. I decided I was going to have a hyphenated name between me and all of that nonsense. Just in case.

Hell, I almost bolted during the wedding. We were married by a relative, justice of the peace, and she was on one side and he was on the other and if I would have figured out a way around them then I might have done it. Middle of a snow storm, at night and in an area that I really didn't know. Yep, short white chic in heels and sequins running down the road.
In my second marriage I traveled a lot and she didn't work. I thought she had it made. I even made her an offer your husband has probably not made to you. But she didn't see it that way. Oh well. Life moves on and just gets better.

actually my husband WANTS me to get a job outside the home. Trust me, I want that too!
So have you done that?

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