Woman Texting During ‘Guardians Of Galaxy II’ Hit With Lawsuit


Gold Member
Jun 27, 2011
A Texas man filed a lawsuit against his date Thursday for texting during a 3D showing of “Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2.”

Brandon Vezmar, 37, is seeking $17.31 (the price of admission) in damages, according to the American-Statesman.

“It was kind of a first date from hell,” said Vezmar. “This is like one of my biggest pet peeves.”

Vezmar claims that she started using her mobile device 15 minutes into the film. He said he asked her to stop texting, but she refused. After telling her that texting is probably more appropriate outside the confines of the theatre, she reportedly left and never returned.

“Oh my God. This is crazy,” the 35-year-old woman, who remains anonymous, told the Statesman, apparently unaware she was a part of a legal complaint. “I had my phone low and I wasn’t bothering anybody.” She went on to say that she was consoling a distressed friend who was in an argument with her boyfriend.

“It wasn’t like constant texting,” the woman continued.

After exiting the theatre, she drove off, even though she gave her date a ride to the cinema.

“While damages sought are modest, the principle is important as defendant’s behavior is a threat to civilized society,” the official petition reads, according to the Statesman. The legal complaint also reportedly alleges that the texting was a “direct violation” of theater rules and that the date “adversely” affected Vezmar and other moviegoers’ experience.

Evidently irritated, Vezmar said he texted her days later to ask for $17.31. But just like her refusal to stop texting during the movie, she declined. Her justification is that “he took me out on a date,” so there are no refunds.

“I’m not a bad women. I just went out on a date,” the woman told the Statesman.

She also says that she is planning on filing a protective order against Vezmar because he allegedly contacted her younger sister for the money.
Seems like a crazy lawsuit, but I hope the guys wins his $17.31. If everyone in the theater felt like they could text just a few times the movie would be ruined. Why she feels like her friend's hurt feelings are more important than everyone else is beyond me. Cellphones are a great piece of technology, but it's amazing how so many people can't stay off them for more than 15 minutes at a time.
He is announcing to the world that he is a very boring date
I am, too. In fact, when my girlfriend and I are in the same room, she insists that I text her.

So I do.

I prefer to read messages over conversation. My son is out of the country and I INSIST that he not telephone me------but e-mail me instead. -----I am past
"dating age"------and recall with HORROR-----those forced idiot conversations thru which I suffered in my youth
If she had that much of a need to "console" that friend at that time (never heard that one before), then she should have politely declined the date in the first place.
If you go on a date with someone you don't tend to other business during that time. It's obnoxiously rude.

The man is lucky in the long run that the relationship was over quickly.
He can turn this is into a gold mine. It's every eharmony commercial in real life. He would make an excellent spokesman.
That guy sounds like a real winner. lol

Goes to a movie on the first date--- FAIL
Has her do the driving--- FAIL
Sues to get his $17 back--- FAIL

I can't blame her for ditching that loser.

I'm guilty of texting my son when he's upstairs on the other side of the house and I don't feel like yelling, or don't want to wake everyone up.

Before I got texting I would just unplug his internet and he'd come down. ~snickers~

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