Woman laughs ahead of her 9th abortion and then sees her aborted baby

I don't give a shit what she does with her own body. She can poke herself with toothpicks till she dies for all I care. It's the babys body I care about.

If it's her body, prostitution would be legal.
Oh, so now we have no control over our bodies(which is true) because of progressive laws which seek only to protect ourselves from ourself...Congratulations.
They're not going to get that. You're giving them too much credit.
Well they better get used to it because it ain't going away.
Most nations in the world people are suffering. and we play kizz azz in this one wasting massive resources. Stop playing games and let all of this play out without any payments for people who do this. The collateral damage will be massively reduced or end after a while and we can move on to solving other issues. We need to become more responsible in our personal ways whether we like it or not.
When the masses have wealth equality like equality in death I will support equality in fetal protections.
Here is the thing. I don't want to pay for it anymore. It seems both sides are in a race to elect real strong politically conscious individuals. But you are leading. And they will turn on you as economics dictates.
Woman Laughs Ahead of Her 9th Abortion and Then Sees Her Aborted Baby | LifeNews.com
(LiveActionNews) — Abby Johnson’s book The Walls Are Talking: Former Abortion Clinic Workers Tell Their Stories collects firsthand accounts from former abortion facility workers. The stories vary in theme, each one an abortion worker’s memory of an event that stuck with her after she left. One story, called “Frequent Flyers,” is about a young woman who had nine abortions.

This is what you do when you are the devils whore, this is why they want you to FK with nno consequences, this is why they strip " GOD" from people , this is how you are indoctrinated this how you idiots are FOOLED by the WOLVES in sheeps clothing you stupid mother fkrs.

and you 60-90 something your next stupid asses..........

Whore doesnn't deserve to see it when she does want it the dumb ass wonnn't be able to have a kid THANK GOD!! you donn't deserve one 9 abortion later sleeze bag.

I'm not going to click your link but if you knew anything about abortion and what it does to the uterus you would know what you're posting is propaganda lies.

A woman can't have that many medically induced abortions. After a while scar tissue on the uterus renders the woman infertile. Even 2 abortions causes scar tissue in the uterus. So any woman who has had more than 3 medical induced abortions probably can't even conceive anymore.

Plus all states have laws that regulate how often a woman can have an abortion. My state has a 6 month law. That is a woman can't have an abortion if she's had one in the past less than 6 months. Mostly because if a woman has more than one abortion in less than 6 months it will cause scar tissue that will leave her infertile.

What you've posted is just more right wing extremist radical lies. Anyone who actually knows the truth about this subject knows what you posted is just a bunch of garbage.

You people are so far out of control with your lies it's sick.

You're the one spreading propaganda

You don't have the first freaking clue, lady

Abortion: Does it affect subsequent pregnancies?

Your link says nothing about multiple abortions. It's talking about your normal woman who has not had more than 3 abortions in her lifetime.

Also your link does say that it can cause scar tissue:

Women who have multiple surgical abortion procedures may also have more risk of trauma to the cervix.

That trauma is scar tissue. If she has too many abortions and too frequently she will be left infertile from the scar tissue.

You aren't comparing the same thing. I'm talking about multiple abortions. The Mayo Clinic doesn't say one word about a woman who has had more than 5 or even 3 abortions.

The OP is nothing but far right wing radical extremist lies.

Try to compare apples to apples.

You're not being honest. Stop lying.

Yes it does....try again, moonbat.

Reading comprehenison seems to be yet another ailment you suffer from other than progtardism

Can you tell I'm mocking you?

Now you're just out and out lying and calling me names.

Here's a screen shot of the page you posted. Show me where it says multiple abortions don't cause scar tissue and infertility.

In fact the only mention of multiple abortions is to say that it causes trauma. That trauma is scar tissue.

You didn't even read your own link.

Here's a screen shot of the page.

Stop lying.

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Oh, so now we have no control over our bodies(which is true) because of progressive laws which seek only to protect ourselves from ourself...Congratulations.
They're not going to get that. You're giving them too much credit.
Well they better get used to it because it ain't going away.
Most nations in the world people are suffering. and we play kizz azz in this one wasting massive resources. Stop playing games and let all of this play out without any payments for people who do this. The collateral damage will be massively reduced or end after a while and we can move on to solving other issues. We need to become more responsible in our personal ways whether we like it or not.
When the masses have wealth equality like equality in death I will support equality in fetal protections.
Here is the thing. I don't want to pay for it anymore. It seems both sides are in a race to elect real strong politically conscious individuals. But you are leading. And they will turn on you as economics dictates.
This hot button issue is another attempt at a state and religious takeover of an individual's liberty.
Woman Laughs Ahead of Her 9th Abortion and Then Sees Her Aborted Baby | LifeNews.com
(LiveActionNews) — Abby Johnson’s book The Walls Are Talking: Former Abortion Clinic Workers Tell Their Stories collects firsthand accounts from former abortion facility workers. The stories vary in theme, each one an abortion worker’s memory of an event that stuck with her after she left. One story, called “Frequent Flyers,” is about a young woman who had nine abortions.

This is what you do when you are the devils whore, this is why they want you to FK with nno consequences, this is why they strip " GOD" from people , this is how you are indoctrinated this how you idiots are FOOLED by the WOLVES in sheeps clothing you stupid mother fkrs.

and you 60-90 something your next stupid asses..........

Whore doesnn't deserve to see it when she does want it the dumb ass wonnn't be able to have a kid THANK GOD!! you donn't deserve one 9 abortion later sleeze bag.

Dear MindWars if you call such women "whores"
what do you call the MEN who would have sex with them
without intent of having children if pregnancy occurs?

Are you only going after the Women as easy targets
as if they got pregnant by themselves?

They're not going to get that. You're giving them too much credit.
Well they better get used to it because it ain't going away.
Most nations in the world people are suffering. and we play kizz azz in this one wasting massive resources. Stop playing games and let all of this play out without any payments for people who do this. The collateral damage will be massively reduced or end after a while and we can move on to solving other issues. We need to become more responsible in our personal ways whether we like it or not.
When the masses have wealth equality like equality in death I will support equality in fetal protections.
Here is the thing. I don't want to pay for it anymore. It seems both sides are in a race to elect real strong politically conscious individuals. But you are leading. And they will turn on you as economics dictates.
This hot button issue is another attempt at a state and religious takeover of an individual's liberty.
Have you ever heard "cruel and unusual punishment"? Just what did that baby do to deserve death by taking its body apart?

There is something definitely wrong in this country when we give more moral thought to vicious criminals that we do to innocents.

There is also something wrong when we turn to murder to avoid being inconvenienced.
I had a secretary that had numerous abortions. It was so routine she would go in on her lunch hour take an Excedrin and go back to work.
Men’s sperm is responsible for 100% of unwanted pregnancies/abortion.

Women are 100% responsible for letting it happen in the first place. Unless they are raped which is a heinous crime. Most men don't rape women. Did you know that?
Are women 100% responsible for letting their boyfriends/husbands hit them, too?

You’re not smart.
Woman Laughs Ahead of Her 9th Abortion and Then Sees Her Aborted Baby | LifeNews.com
(LiveActionNews) — Abby Johnson’s book The Walls Are Talking: Former Abortion Clinic Workers Tell Their Stories collects firsthand accounts from former abortion facility workers. The stories vary in theme, each one an abortion worker’s memory of an event that stuck with her after she left. One story, called “Frequent Flyers,” is about a young woman who had nine abortions.

This is what you do when you are the devils whore, this is why they want you to FK with nno consequences, this is why they strip " GOD" from people , this is how you are indoctrinated this how you idiots are FOOLED by the WOLVES in sheeps clothing you stupid mother fkrs.

and you 60-90 something your next stupid asses..........

Whore doesnn't deserve to see it when she does want it the dumb ass wonnn't be able to have a kid THANK GOD!! you donn't deserve one 9 abortion later sleeze bag.

I'm not going to click your link but if you knew anything about abortion and what it does to the uterus you would know what you're posting is propaganda lies.

A woman can't have that many medically induced abortions. After a while scar tissue on the uterus renders the woman infertile. Even 2 abortions causes scar tissue in the uterus. So any woman who has had more than 3 medical induced abortions probably can't even conceive anymore.

Plus all states have laws that regulate how often a woman can have an abortion. My state has a 6 month law. That is a woman can't have an abortion if she's had one in the past less than 6 months. Mostly because if a woman has more than one abortion in less than 6 months it will cause scar tissue that will leave her infertile.

What you've posted is just more right wing extremist radical lies. Anyone who actually knows the truth about this subject knows what you posted is just a bunch of garbage.

You people are so far out of control with your lies it's sick.

You're the one spreading propaganda

You don't have the first freaking clue, lady

Abortion: Does it affect subsequent pregnancies?

Your link says nothing about multiple abortions. It's talking about your normal woman who has not had more than 3 abortions in her lifetime.

Also your link does say that it can cause scar tissue:

Women who have multiple surgical abortion procedures may also have more risk of trauma to the cervix.

That trauma is scar tissue. If she has too many abortions and too frequently she will be left infertile from the scar tissue.

You aren't comparing the same thing. I'm talking about multiple abortions. The Mayo Clinic doesn't say one word about a woman who has had more than 5 or even 3 abortions.

The OP is nothing but far right wing radical extremist lies.

Try to compare apples to apples.

You're not being honest. Stop lying.

Yes it does....try again, moonbat.

Reading comprehenison seems to be yet another ailment you suffer from other than progtardism

Can you tell I'm mocking you?

Now you're just out and out lying and calling me names.

Here's a screen shot of the page you posted. Show me where it says multiple abortions don't cause scar tissue and infertility.

In fact the only mention of multiple abortions is to say that it causes trauma. That trauma is scar tissue.

You didn't even read your own link.

Here's a screen shot of the page.

Stop lying.

View attachment 262839

Grow a spine and I've already debunked you....rather the Mayo Clinic did

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