Woman Claims She Was Dead For 30 Minutes And Saw Angels

Cammmpbell, do you KNOW what a soul is? The human brain according to Websters dictionary. Do you KNOW what a spirit is? The human mind. Got any questions? :dunno:
If you or any other bible thumper will prove that there is any such thing maybe we can talk.

All that malarky came from primitive mankind during the stone age when his imagination was beginning to develop and he absolutely could not accept his mortality. Gods, saviors, angels, heaven, hell, devils, ghosts, spirits, souls, witches, miracles.............bullshit.

P. T. Barnum said, "There's A Sucker Born Every Minute." Religion proved him right.

It isn't malarky. It represents a great many things on different levels. Even, and especially science. I don't thump my bible in the face of others to maneuver them into my way of thinking, I sometimes merely point out that it is a far more complex book than.... Hallucinagenics coupled with good and bad trips.
Obviously the woman was not actually dead during those 30 minutes.
Total brain death does not happen immediately when respiration and heartbeat stops.
Takes the brain cells a while longer to die.

Yeah...they lose 90% of their capability after five minutes. An exception might be drowning in sub free ing temperature
Obviously the woman was not actually dead during those 30 minutes.
Total brain death does not happen immediately when respiration and heartbeat stops.
Takes the brain cells a while longer to die.

Yeah...they lose 90% of their capability after five minutes. An exception might be drowning in sub free ing temperature

So how long ago were you pronounced brain dead? Are they still trying to revive you?
Obviously the woman was not actually dead during those 30 minutes.
Total brain death does not happen immediately when respiration and heartbeat stops.
Takes the brain cells a while longer to die.

Yeah...they lose 90% of their capability after five minutes. An exception might be drowning in sub free ing temperature

And since we only use a small portion of our brain anyway...
Woman Claims She Was Dead For 30 Minutes And Saw Angels

She among many report the same kind of near death experience.

I myself have had a similar near death experience.

I suspect that the dying brain tends to go through various stages if the death isn't instantaneous.

And the dying brain is capable of taking one's beliefs and inventing a reality for it that fits with the persons expectations.

That or there really IS something to all these reports.

Me, personally?

I don't know, and I don't think it matters one way or the other.

Perhaps, first, strollingbones, you should either ask for a definition of what a witch is, or give the one you identify with.... Just so there is no confusion, or less confusion than is necessary... considering.
Obviously the woman was not actually dead during those 30 minutes.
Total brain death does not happen immediately when respiration and heartbeat stops.
Takes the brain cells a while longer to die.

Yeah...they lose 90% of their capability after five minutes. An exception might be drowning in sub free ing temperature

So how long ago were you pronounced brain dead? Are they still trying to revive you?

Brain Dead ........................

My Story:

I've had three IQ tests...average score 129

Began as paper boy in 1944...I was nine years old. Pay $3.60 per week

Began to mow lawns in 1946. I was eleven years old. Averaged $20 per week during summers

Continued both papers and mowing and began to buy my own clothes when I was fourteen
went in debt for my first car before I was able to legally drive it

Began working at a full service garage when I was barely sixteen

Worked 40 hrs junior and senior year HS and 60 hours during summers...$0.60 per hour

Hired at a Uranium processing plant in 1952...rotating shift...Pay $1.71 per hour

Worked five years and was drafted into the army infantry Pay...$73 per month

Returned in 1959 and continued my job as process operator pay $3.10 per hour
The company gave me seniority credit for the time I was in the army, continued in national guards

I play keyboards and piano so I was drawing checks from three places when my kids were young. My regular job, the national guards and playing when I could with small bands and combos. Discharged from guards in 1964 as a tank commander on an M-48 Medium Patton Tank

Was laid off because of seniority in February 1961 but relocated to the data processing center where they were installing a new $2.5 million main frame computer. Continued to work rotating shift work. Took a $200 a month cut...about 30%.

Worked about 18 months, learned to program in C T and Fortran 1 and made shift supervisor. With overtime about $700 a month.

In 1968 was set up to computer operations supervisor over three shifts and 40 employees. Pay...approximately $800 a month but worked straight days and no overtime

Our center had $66 million of computing and telecommunications equipment installed on 18,000 sq. ft. of floating floor. Our power bill to TVA was over half a million dollars per year and the center required over 400 tons of refrigeration. We installed Oak Ridge's first super computer...the Cray XMP 2/4. We later upgraded to a 4.

25 years later I retired after 41 years with the same company. Good pension and at age 62 began to draw social security...about $48,000 per year total. My wife has a similar career path and between the two of us and her part time job we make about $75,000 per year.

We both have a high school education but I did complete an electronics school which lasted about two and a half years in the mid 1960's.

We have a 4br brick rancher with 220ft. lake frontage. I have a dock, well pump in the lake with six well spaced outlets for irrigation. I have a pontoon boat with a 115hp Evinrude engine and we hit the lake every once in a while for a little fishing etc.

LOL......................You Wish
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Delog: Journey to Realms Beyond Death tells the story of a 16 year old delog, Dawa Drolma’s journey to various realms after death.

Delog refers to a person who has died, visited the realms of heaven and hell, the bardo, and returns to tell the tale.

Born in the early 20th century, Dawa Drolma lived most of her life in Central Tibet outside of Lhasa and died in 1941. She was revered as a lama and dakini and was well known throughout the region as a delog. To become a delog, Dawa Drolma made the conscious choice to induce a death like state. At the age of 16 she traveled for five days through the six realms, (including the hell realms), and the pure realms, and returned to talk about it.

Dawa Drolma was the mother of Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche, who established Tibetan Buddhist centers in the West. Tibetans have collected delog accounts for hundreds of years.
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When I was a teenager in Eastern Tibet, a famous delog, Shugchung Khadroma, lived just 20 miles from Dodrupchen Monastery where I grew up and studied. Although I never met her, I used to be mesmerized by her experiences, which she had written down. Streams of people used to visit her for news about dead relatives. She could usually tell them where they had taken rebirth and relay messages they may have given her.

Tulku Thondup Rinpoche
Shambhala Mountain Center
From an 8 year old kid:

Angels Among Us? Tornado Survivors Say Yes - WHNT

This reminds me of a similar story I saw on the news about 10 years ago. A family survived a tornado that tore apart their home. One of the kids said afterwards "mommy- I saw angels, and they were golden".

She seems like a level headed child. I found myself believing her story.

Why wouldn't you

Anybody who will accept any of this bullshit as fact will believe anything:

The entire universe created in six days six thousand years ago

Mankind and dinosaurs on a boat till nearly four mile deep waters

Big fish puking up live men

Folks living through a 1200 degree furnace

Seas opening long enough for the white hats to pass then closing on the bad guys

Stone walls falling on command

Evil people instantly being turned into salt

The sun blacked out by a god

5,000 hungry pilgrims plus women and children
being fed with two fish and five loaves then twelve baskets of leftovers collected

Virgin Birth

Healing leprosy by touching

Walking on water

Water into wine

Raising from the dead

Hanging a man up and bleeding him to death only to see
him fit as a fiddle two days later
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I don't believe any of this as literal truth, campbell.

I've long since decided it's not very clear what you believe but it's definitely not the entire bible...by any stretch of one's imagination.

It's ok...the Jews wrote it and they don't even believe it.

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