Woke and broke U.S. Army now accepting recruits with ADHD, other "behavioral challenges"


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Everything the left touches it wrecks. And the U.S. military is now part of that ruination.


All this morale-destroying socialist BS produced – like the massive admin bloat on college campuses – the accompanying rise in employment opportunities not for warfighters, but for Experts™ and Diversity Police™.

…The Biden administration’s politicization of the armed forces has contributed to this disturbing collapse in morale.

Soon after Joe Biden became president, the Pentagon ordered an unprecedented military-wide “stand down” of service members to root out right wing domestic extremists, wasting 5.8 million man hours. The Pentagon then hired Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Officers at salaries as high as $200,000. For the past two years, the Department of Defense rigidly enforced vaccine requirements, cutting off tens of thousands of service members from benefits, even when many have legitimate objections and are young, healthy adults.

…In recent years, the academies have also taught radical doctrines like Critical Race Theory under the label of “diversity and inclusion.” The Air Force Academy established a special “Diversity and Inclusion reading room” that it described as a “safe space” for America’s young warriors.

It also created an organization of hand-picked cadets – identified by a purple braid on their dress uniform—to spread these controversial ideals in the ranks. At West Point, cadets can now minor in “Diversity and Inclusion Studies” alongside cadets studying serious subjects like Grand Strategy, Aeronautical Engineering, and Nuclear Science.


First our police departments and now the military. ICE will soon be next if it hasn't been hit yet.

Kick out all the good people and then in desperation replace them with less competent people willing to do the job. If we ever get into a major conflict such as China going into Taiwan or get involved in the Ukraine war, we simply are no longer prepared anymore thank to these anti-Americans ruining our country.
The military is a shadow of it's former self.

Even this

Standards lowered because someone in power said "a woman will graduate ranger school". Sounds like when Biden said "a black woman will be on the supreme court". They are more worried about the right sex, the right skin color, the right sexual orientation doing something rather than the best PERSON doing something.

I was in ranger school when I was 19, at my peak and it ruined me and I barely scraped by. No way a 38 year mother of 2 graduated it.

I was once proud to be in the army. Now I wouldn't recommend anyone to into the military. At times I am ashamed of what it's become.
So right , OP .
God help US ground forces if they have to face the Russian military .
The final embarrassment ,after never having never won anything in over 75 years .

If only the US could go out with something like a bang , instead of a whimper .
First our police departments and now the military. ICE will soon be next if it hasn't been hit yet.

Kick out all the good people and then in desperation replace them with less competent people willing to do the job. If we ever get into a major conflict such as China going into Taiwan or get involved in the Ukraine war, we simply are no longer prepared anymore thank to these anti-Americans ruining our country.

Gorbachev never dreamed his plan to use the useful idiots to destroy America would work so well.
If you leftists don’t understand read a book.
So right , OP .
God help US ground forces if they have to face the Russian military .
The final embarrassment ,after never having never won anything in over 75 years .

If only the US could go out with something like a bang , instead of a whimper .
It is easy to see missiles flying may come faster than the traditional ways if this keeps up. it seems we are not allowed to win wars as much as battles and stealth insurgencies.
During Vietnam, the Army would take recruits who scored 80 IQ, so? ADHD wasn't even a thing..and certainly not a thing that would keep you from the Draft. You need bone spurs for that~

Under the new rules, a potential recruit who has completed high school or college or successfully held a job without counseling or medication for three years for ADHD would be able to enlist. That symptom-free period “is reassuring that they would make it through their initial entry training and hopefully have a successful military career,” said Army Lt. Col. Kim Helgemoe, a member of Pentagon’s Accession Policy, an office that sets medical admissions standards across the force.

A potential recruit who has in the past been treated for depression or other mental-health ailments, or has taken any medication for such conditions, can join the military only with a waiver. Those waivers can be difficult to obtain as they factor in the recruit’s health, the potential job and the requirements of the service. A recruit also may not be taking medication upon entering basic training, according to military guidelines.
During Vietnam, the Army would take recruits who scored 80 IQ, so? ADHD wasn't even a thing..and certainly not a thing that would keep you from the Draft. You need bone spurs for that~

Under the new rules, a potential recruit who has completed high school or college or successfully held a job without counseling or medication for three years for ADHD would be able to enlist. That symptom-free period “is reassuring that they would make it through their initial entry training and hopefully have a successful military career,” said Army Lt. Col. Kim Helgemoe, a member of Pentagon’s Accession Policy, an office that sets medical admissions standards across the force.

A potential recruit who has in the past been treated for depression or other mental-health ailments, or has taken any medication for such conditions, can join the military only with a waiver. Those waivers can be difficult to obtain as they factor in the recruit’s health, the potential job and the requirements of the service. A recruit also may not be taking medication upon entering basic training, according to military guidelines.

It doesn't change the fact our military is getting desperate and taking people they didn't before. The Communists have chased all the good people out with their shots and racial brainwashing, and now they can't find the best any longer. The same thing they did to our police force.

At one time getting a job as a police officer used to be next to impossible. Five jobs would have 800 applicants. Today they'll take anybody willing to do the job like my city. With five openings today, they're lucky to get 20 applicants, and most won't even get past the entrance exam. Trust me, I spoke in great detail about this with our police Chief.
It doesn't change the fact our military is getting desperate and taking people they didn't before. The Communists have chased all the good people out with their shots and racial brainwashing, and now they can't find the best any longer. The same thing they did to our police force.

At one time getting a job as a police officer used to be next to impossible. Five jobs would have 800 applicants. Today they'll take anybody willing to do the job like my city. With five openings today, they're lucky to get 20 applicants, and most won't even get past the entrance exam. Trust me, I spoke in great detail about this with our police Chief.
It's up to the police force in your town to do more to attract the people that you desire. Those people are obviously doing other more lucrative jobs. Just like the fake labor shortage. People go to the better jobs leaving the WORSE jobs open. As it SHOULD be. And then people have the audacity to complain about some made up labor shortage.
Double police salaries, offer more vacation time and increase benefits and you will start getting those applicants you want. Seems you haven't figured it out.

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