Without a job, Romney made $57,000.00 a DAY for last two years.

I don't hate either party. I find that self defeating. I do not understand why one party believes that cutting spending alone can reduce the deficit. I don't understand how some folks think that if we allow the most money to flow into the fewest hands we can get economic growth.

if you owed money, and you started to spend less than you brought in...would you not be able to oay off your debt?

As for part two of your post...

If such is true then why did the administration cherry pick the few to get the stimulus money? How would that help economic growth for their thousands of competitors?
Yes, I could start to pay off my debt. It would go easier and quicker if I could get a raise in income!

And who got the stimulus? The Bush administration stimulated the bankers and the Wall Street speculators. Was that cherry picking?

How about doing something to earn a raise.. not just complaining about it?? Taking any classes? Learning management? Getting certified in an up and coming skill that is in demand?? Working over without charge to show dedication?? Asking for projects or responsibility and showing you can put in the effort to do it?? Showcasing your talents to other employers??

Boo hoo... you COULD USE something... well, fucker, who couldn't??... some of us actually go after it though
Not hard working. The folks making $40,000 work hard. Romney never breaks a sweat. His income is from investments, not hard work.

You are an Idiot.

Good for you. What's your point? There's nothing noble or righteous about working hard for money. In fact, it's the dumbest, least efficient way of making money there is. It's even less efficient than being on welfare. Making money has never been, nor will ever be about how hard a person works. It is about how smart someone works. Why have so many peole been duped as you have into believing they have the moral high ground because they put in considerable effort to generate income? Given there are other more time efficient and effort efficient ways of earning money, that doesn't seem noble or morally righteous to me. That just seems stupid.
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Ahh, yes. The peculiar liberal conceit that only ditch diggers and others who sweat "really work".

How about we put YOUR ass on the floor of the NYSE for a bit, and see how much YOU sweat?

Come to work here and do some high level engineering work... his pea brain will explode

You see.. what these fuckers can't understand is that most everyone can use a shovel... not everyone can do the multi level plan to ensure the 100's with the shovels work right, the tolerances in the electrical layout work, the project comes in on time and on budget, the right negotiations are made, everything abides by law, etc

But hey.. a finger blister means you worked harder, right bozo king??

Romney's money is working. He isn't.

Really?? Please show the animate actions of his money.... where the money is making decisions, negotiating terms, etc..

Romney's tax plan would cut taxes for the upper classes and raise taxes on the lower classes.

That is class warfare.

If you mean that everyone will effectivley pay there "FAIR SHARE" that the president has been bitching about lately I can go along with that. How is it fair for people who start business and hire people to pay more while the lower 48% sit on there ass doing nothing and paying nothing while bitching that the upper class does not pay enough?
Myself, I am in huge favor of a fair tax, that way everyone pays regardless of income.
You're an idiot.
'Fair' isn't taxing the money that families need for basic necessities at the same rate you tax money that the rich don't even need.
You're being dishonest. Color me surprised.
"Fair" is whatever a liberal thinks he can sell to the 'have nots' in order to get their votes.
It's all about the Entitlement mentality and Class Warfare for Obama and the Democrats. I guess we'll see if the American People buy it in November.

Are workers over paid? Are union workers earning their living? Should a person have a right to join a labor union?

Let's see how class warfare is fought from the Right.

You don't deserve anything. You're not entitled to fellow Citizens' income. You don't have the right to steal from others. I realize you'll never grasp that concept though. You're too far gone now. You've been 'Community Organized' by Democrat assholes for too long. Now you're just bitter & envious. And that's very sad. Good luck.
I am not envious. I am disappointed in the rigged system that rewards stock speculation with unfathomable wealth and disparages the middle class.

And someone decided to skim the cream from the top before rewarding those who milked the cow. How was it that the 39% tax rate for the wealthiest made for balanced federal budgets and tax cuts for the wealthiest resulted in budget deficits? How is it that raising the tax rate BACK to 39% can result in something tantamount to a Marxist revolution?

Yeah. I'm too far gone.
Ahh, yes. The peculiar liberal conceit that only ditch diggers and others who sweat "really work".

How about we put YOUR ass on the floor of the NYSE for a bit, and see how much YOU sweat?

Come to work here and do some high level engineering work... his pea brain will explode

You see.. what these fuckers can't understand is that most everyone can use a shovel... not everyone can do the multi level plan to ensure the 100's with the shovels work right, the tolerances in the electrical layout work, the project comes in on time and on budget, the right negotiations are made, everything abides by law, etc

But hey.. a finger blister means you worked harder, right bozo king??
I have done high level engineering work! I know how hard engineers work. But I've yet to work on a project with a colleague making $57,000 a day.

But why do you disparage hard manual labor as a means to earning a living? Why should anyone sign up for an ideology that regards their labor as worthless compared to the effort made by calling in a buy bid?

Again.. .how many qualify to use a shovel?? How many can handle the multi level plans, the brain work, the programming, the innovating??

I don't dispute that people come home exhausted from manual labor.. I used to come home exhausted every day while in the service... But don't think someone works 'harder' because they do physical labor...
So if Mitt Romney's taxes were 10% higher,

he'd make what? $52,000 a day?

Romney thinks his own taxes are too high. Romney thinks he should be making 60 or 70 grand a day for not working.

And somehow, sadly, he thinks (or pretends to think) that will make America a better place.

Why do you hate senior citizens?

I mean, you are aware that their retirement will either be put off for years (if they have not yet retired) or result in them outliving their money if they have to pay a higher cap gains tax.

You are aware of that....no?

Not if capital gains are taxed as ordinary income because for most seniors their capital gains won't be in the highest brackets.

Plus, if capital gains are taxed at higher rates, investment money will shift into tax free interest generating investments, such as municipal bonds,

which will push down their interest rates and make the cost of borrowing lower for all the local/state governments that are hurting financially.
Two hundred posts fighting over something that was considered an antiamerican activity in the 50s--class warfare.

We won't be free America much longer if class warfare pulls us down to communism's multiple failed system fronts.

Just sayin', folks. :eusa_whistle:

All communist countries wind up with the same issues: you have to murder about 20% of the population to scare the shit out of the rest of the people to take them over, lying that somehow everyone will have plenty, which is really a lie.
Romney's 'plan' is as follows:

1. Cut taxes for himself and his upper income pals.

2. Increase defense spending

3. Balance the budget with a magic wand.

...sound familiar? It's what every budget busting slave of the defense lobby Republican president since Reagan has promised.
Are workers over paid? Are union workers earning their living? Should a person have a right to join a labor union?

Let's see how class warfare is fought from the Right.

You don't deserve anything. You're not entitled to fellow Citizens' income. You don't have the right to steal from others. I realize you'll never grasp that concept though. You're too far gone now. You've been 'Community Organized' by Democrat assholes for too long. Now you're just bitter & envious. And that's very sad. Good luck.
I am not envious. I am disappointed in the rigged system that rewards stock speculation with unfathomable wealth and disparages the middle class.

And someone decided to skim the cream from the top before rewarding those who milked the cow. How was it that the 39% tax rate for the wealthiest made for balanced federal budgets and tax cuts for the wealthiest resulted in budget deficits? How is it that raising the tax rate BACK to 39% can result in something tantamount to a Marxist revolution?

Yeah. I'm too far gone.

Like i said, you don't have the right to steal from others just because you're bitter & envious. You are not entitled to fellow Citizens' income. And you are too far gone to grasp that concept. You're just a very sad case now.
Class warfare is a left wing ideology.

Goes to show how informed you are. Class warfare is not an ideology. It is a condition that arises when the interests of two different classes interfere with each other, most particularly when referring to members of differing socio-economic classes. For example, when employees strike for improved working conditions of some type which their employer has repeatedly refused, class warfare is taking place. Just like literal warfare, it is impossible for only one side of a conflict to engage in class warfare. Like any conflict, both sides must actively engage, otherwise the conflict immediately ends with the defeat of that side that did not participate.
Romney's 'plan' is as follows:

1. Cut taxes for himself and his upper income pals.

2. Increase defense spending

3. Balance the budget with a magic wand.

...sound familiar? It's what every budget busting slave of the defense lobby Republican president since Reagan has promised.

A magic wand would have a better chance of working than the idea of cutting taxes and skyrocketing spending that Bush and Obama have used.
The average American family makes $50,000.00 a year.

Romney paid 13.9% in taxes.

The average American's taxes are double Romney's.

This is the bottom line.

Romney's tax plan would cut his taxes by half.

Newt's tax plan would taxes for Romney all together.

Both would raise taxes on the average American.

I want to see Republicans run on this.

In what universe do you believe government has the right to others property??

Besides, only a fucking idiot would have the audacity to paint a person with money as "evil."

Fucking socialist beggar...
Class warfare is a left wing ideology.

Goes to show how informed you are. Class warfare is not an ideology. It is a condition that arises when the interests of two different classes interfere with each other, most particularly when referring to members of differing socio-economic classes. For example, when employees strike for improved working conditions of some type which their employer has repeatedly refused, class warfare is taking place. Just like literal warfare, it is impossible for only one side of a conflict to engage in class warfare. Like any conflict, both sides must actively engage, otherwise the conflict immediately ends with the defeat of that side that did not participate.

Oh shut the fuck up...

I'll teach you how to fish but I'm not giving you my fish and if you're too lazy or stupid to catch your own fish then you can just starve to death...
Why are you so blindingly obtuse that you refuse to acknowledge that not just Republicans own successful businesses, businesses that have found a necessary to move overseas in order to remain successful?

In other words, they weren't actually successful after all.....

Successful enough to know that when our government starts punishing their success with bullshit regulations, they have to go somewhere else if they want to remain in business.

Which means they weren't actually successful. They couldn't hack it, so they had to run away.
To simple minds cutting spending and living within ones means (not spending more than the revenue) is a good model for both the government and the citizen.

To more active minds such a plan is absurd. For a budget in the final analysis is a plan based on projections. When the projections are wrong, the plan needs to be modified. This week Alabama experienced an unplanned event. If the budget for Alabama and the Federal Government had been set in stone at the beginning of the fiscal year, no emergency services would have been available to aid its citizens.

I suppose to the fiscal conservative (and I use that term with utter sarcasm) it is up to the people not killed to rebuild their lives. Life to the simple minded is all about personal responsibility and there should be no talk of a social contract.

Which is why every time a budget is made it should be done with the idea of creating a surplus just in case something happens you're ready for it.

Just like every american with common sense does.

If hyperpartisans like you demanded that level of basic common sense out of your beloved politicians, we'd have a revolutionary change in gov't.

Does the law require or allow a rainy day fund? Would citizens allow for it, or demand it be remitted back to them?

BTW, I simply don't like Republicans of the "I got mine, screw the rest of you" type; that does not make me a hyperpartisan Democrat.

I'm tired of that bullshit hyperpartisan Democrat talking point. I don't know a single Republican or conservative who feels that way. Rather, it's, "I got mine and you and everyone else can have yours too if you make the right choices in life. Let me show you how". But people like you want to claim their is finite wealth and rick people are stealing it from poor people and it just isn't fair, so the government should take it from them and give it to me. That is where the "screw you" part comes in. You are confusing the two.
In other words, they weren't actually successful after all.....

Successful enough to know that when our government starts punishing their success with bullshit regulations, they have to go somewhere else if they want to remain in business.

Which means they weren't actually successful. They couldn't hack it, so they had to run away.

No it means government drove them to move on to a more business friendly environment..

Besides you have some fucking balls talking about "running away" considering thats exactly what democrat legislators in both Wisconsin and Indiana have done...

Not to mention the audacity of the leftist Indiana legislators - running away because they oppose a right to work piece of legislation.. Yeah only a tyrannical democrat would force someone to join a union if they want to work...

I thought this was a free country...

Democrats are evil fascists...

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