Without a job, Romney made $57,000.00 a DAY for last two years.

Which is why every time a budget is made it should be done with the idea of creating a surplus just in case something happens you're ready for it.

Just like every american with common sense does.

If hyperpartisans like you demanded that level of basic common sense out of your beloved politicians, we'd have a revolutionary change in gov't.

Does the law require or allow a rainy day fund? Would citizens allow for it, or demand it be remitted back to them?

BTW, I simply don't like Republicans of the "I got mine, screw the rest of you" type; that does not make me a hyperpartisan Democrat.

I'm tired of that bullshit hyperpartisan Democrat talking point. I don't know a single Republican or conservative who feels that way. Rather, it's, "I got mine and you and everyone else can have yours too if you make the right choices in life. Let me show you how". But people like you want to claim their is finite wealth and rick people are stealing it from poor people and it just isn't fair, so the government should take it from them and give it to me. That is where the "screw you" part comes in. You are confusing the two.
You grow weak people, you get run over by foreign people who want what you have and will kill to get it.

This nation went through a lot of bullshit to get to where it is today. We do not want to experiment around taking property away from people who earned or inherited it from those who did for the kind of hopelessness you are plugging for.

The trouble with Saul Alinsky's theoretical model is it didn't take into account the murder factor of bullies who abide by no rules.

In America, we have the rule of law.
Romney's 'plan' is as follows:

1. Cut taxes for himself and his upper income pals.

2. Increase defense spending

3. Balance the budget with a magic wand.

...sound familiar? It's what every budget busting slave of the defense lobby Republican president since Reagan has promised.
That's the silliest thing I ever heard of.
So who will you be voting for to achieve those 2 objectives?

Specifics please
President Obama and, hopefully Charlie Wilson over Bill Johnson as my congressman.

And which of your two stated objectives will Obama be achieving? Oh, that's right, he'll be acheiving neither. He'll just be achieving your REAL objective: being a Democrat.

A lot of people vote against their own best interests without even knowing it.

Nosmo is telling us that he knows he's voting against his own best interests, I dunno if that's better or worse.
Which is why every time a budget is made it should be done with the idea of creating a surplus just in case something happens you're ready for it.

Just like every american with common sense does.

If hyperpartisans like you demanded that level of basic common sense out of your beloved politicians, we'd have a revolutionary change in gov't.

Does the law require or allow a rainy day fund? Would citizens allow for it, or demand it be remitted back to them?

BTW, I simply don't like Republicans of the "I got mine, screw the rest of you" type; that does not make me a hyperpartisan Democrat.

I'm tired of that bullshit hyperpartisan Democrat talking point. I don't know a single Republican or conservative who feels that way. Rather, it's, "I got mine and you and everyone else can have yours too if you make the right choices in life. Let me show you how". But people like you want to claim their is finite wealth and rick people are stealing it from poor people and it just isn't fair, so the government should take it from them and give it to me. That is where the "screw you" part comes in. You are confusing the two.

It does rather highlight one of two things:

Either democrats are really stupid - for actually believing that 'I got mine, screw the rest of you' bullshit.


They use it because they are not logical enough to argue their point. Which is kind of the same as being 'really stupid'.
Romney's tax plan would cut taxes for the upper classes and raise taxes on the lower classes.

That is class warfare.

If you mean that everyone will effectivley pay there "FAIR SHARE" that the president has been bitching about lately I can go along with that. How is it fair for people who start business and hire people to pay more while the lower 48% sit on there ass doing nothing and paying nothing while bitching that the upper class does not pay enough?
Myself, I am in huge favor of a fair tax, that way everyone pays regardless of income.

You're an idiot.

'Fair' isn't taxing the money that families need for basic necessities at the same rate you tax money that the rich don't even need.

And where the fuck are you from where the people who make 20 or 30 or 40 grand a year don't work for it?

Fair. Let's consider the liberal concept of fair. Let's say I'm only getting a little from my wife once every three weeks and you're getting a little from your wife three times a week. Fair would be you only having sex with your wife twice a week and letting me have sex with your wife at least once a week to even up the old nookie inequality. I mean, you have more than you need and I don't have enough to satisfy my need. Come on buddy, fair is fair, you can afford it. Now substitute personal wealth for a monogomous relationship. See how that works?
I am not envious. I am disappointed in the rigged system that rewards stock speculation with unfathomable wealth and disparages the middle class.

The system is not rigged. You chose to work for income. Someone else chose to invest in a business by purchasing stock. If the company did real well they'll get a hefty return on their investment. That isn't 'rigged'. It's a choice about how to generate income that someone made that you didn't. Deal with it.

And someone decided to skim the cream from the top before rewarding those who milked the cow. How was it that the 39% tax rate for the wealthiest made for balanced federal budgets and tax cuts for the wealthiest resulted in budget deficits? How is it that raising the tax rate BACK to 39% can result in something tantamount to a Marxist revolution?

Yeah. I'm too far gone.

Because none of that is true. Not taxing wealthy people enough is not what caused our deficits or our debt. Spending more than you take in is what causes deficits and debt. The simplisitc notion that we solve the problem simply by taking more from people is not going to solve the problem. It ignores that Washington has an addiction to spending. No amount will ever be enough. They will always find something to spend it on. And like any addiction you don't treat it by continuing to enable their habit. You don't give a coke head money because they say they need it anymore than you should give government more money simply becaise they say they need it. You tell government, like you would tell an addict, that, first things first, YOU have to decide and show that you're going to change your behavior. Untill then, that is until government shows that is willing to take a hard look at what its real obligations are and cut those that are not, I refuse to support any policy that enables them to continue their addiction to spending.
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Romney's tax plan would cut taxes for the upper classes and raise taxes on the lower classes.

That is class warfare.

If you mean that everyone will effectivley pay there "FAIR SHARE" that the president has been bitching about lately I can go along with that. How is it fair for people who start business and hire people to pay more while the lower 48% sit on there ass doing nothing and paying nothing while bitching that the upper class does not pay enough?
Myself, I am in huge favor of a fair tax, that way everyone pays regardless of income.

You're an idiot.

'Fair' isn't taxing the money that families need for basic necessities at the same rate you tax money that the rich don't even need.

And where the fuck are you from where the people who make 20 or 30 or 40 grand a year don't work for it?
Who the frack are -you- to decide what --anyone-- needs/doesnt need?
It's all about the Entitlement mentality and Class Warfare for Obama and the Democrats. I guess we'll see if the American People buy it in November.

Are workers over paid? Are union workers earning their living? Should a person have a right to join a labor union?

Let's see how class warfare is fought from the Right.

You don't deserve anything. You're not entitled to fellow Citizens' income. You don't have the right to steal from others. I realize you'll never grasp that concept though. You're too far gone now. You've been 'Community Organized' by Democrat assholes for too long. Now you're just bitter & envious. And that's very sad. Good luck.
Pedophiles are naturally inclined to believe all adults are sexually attracted to children. Their orientation impedes conceiving of any other perception. The same kind of reflective projection operates in the right-wing mentality which is inclined to believe anyone who criticizes the inequitable accumulation of excessive wealth is jealous or maliciously envious rather than simply and justifiably resentful. As if there is not ample cause to resent the devious and corruptly destructive ways some of today's fortunes were built.
You don't deserve anything. You're not entitled to fellow Citizens' income. You don't have the right to steal from others. I realize you'll never grasp that concept though. You're too far gone now. You've been 'Community Organized' by Democrat assholes for too long. Now you're just bitter & envious. And that's very sad. Good luck.
I am not envious. I am disappointed in the rigged system that rewards stock speculation with unfathomable wealth and disparages the middle class.

And someone decided to skim the cream from the top before rewarding those who milked the cow. How was it that the 39% tax rate for the wealthiest made for balanced federal budgets and tax cuts for the wealthiest resulted in budget deficits? How is it that raising the tax rate BACK to 39% can result in something tantamount to a Marxist revolution?

Yeah. I'm too far gone.

Like i said, you don't have the right to steal from others just because you're bitter & envious. You are not entitled to fellow Citizens' income. And you are too far gone to grasp that concept. You're just a very sad case now.
Is there something about the sentence I am not envious that is too tough for you? Or is it that your whole contention is anyone thinking the rich are taxed too little in comparison to those who earn a living is nothing but envy? Your argument is coming up short! Trying to assign emotions to a legitimate argument is juvenile at best, delusional at worst.

Are you juvenile or delusional?
I am not envious. I am disappointed in the rigged system that rewards stock speculation with unfathomable wealth and disparages the middle class.

And someone decided to skim the cream from the top before rewarding those who milked the cow. How was it that the 39% tax rate for the wealthiest made for balanced federal budgets and tax cuts for the wealthiest resulted in budget deficits? How is it that raising the tax rate BACK to 39% can result in something tantamount to a Marxist revolution?

Yeah. I'm too far gone.

Like i said, you don't have the right to steal from others just because you're bitter & envious. You are not entitled to fellow Citizens' income. And you are too far gone to grasp that concept. You're just a very sad case now.
Is there something about the sentence I am not envious that is too tough for you?
Speaking of juvenile...
You believe that you are entitled to more than what you have, and you believe that you deserve to have the wealthy give it to you.
I am not envious. I am disappointed in the rigged system that rewards stock speculation with unfathomable wealth and disparages the middle class.

And someone decided to skim the cream from the top before rewarding those who milked the cow. How was it that the 39% tax rate for the wealthiest made for balanced federal budgets and tax cuts for the wealthiest resulted in budget deficits? How is it that raising the tax rate BACK to 39% can result in something tantamount to a Marxist revolution?

Yeah. I'm too far gone.

Like i said, you don't have the right to steal from others just because you're bitter & envious. You are not entitled to fellow Citizens' income. And you are too far gone to grasp that concept. You're just a very sad case now.
Is there something about the sentence I am not envious that is too tough for you? Or is it that your whole contention is anyone thinking the rich are taxed too little in comparison to those who earn a living is nothing but envy? Your argument is coming up short! Trying to assign emotions to a legitimate argument is juvenile at best, delusional at worst.

Are you juvenile or delusional?

Save the psychobabble for Democrat Dummies who are willing to listen. No one deserves or is entitled to stealing fellow Citizens' income just because they are bitter and unhappy about how their life turned out. That doesn't give them the right to steal. Get educated and work hard. That's how you get ahead. Period, end of story.
Pedophiles are naturally inclined to believe all adults are sexually attracted to children. Their orientation impedes conceiving of any other perception. The same kind of reflective projection operates in the right-wing mentality which is inclined to believe anyone who criticizes the inequitable accumulation of excessive wealth is jealous or maliciously envious rather than simply and justifiably resentful. As if there is not ample cause to resent the devious and corruptly destructive ways some of today's fortunes were built.

Let's go with your theory for a second. That a lot of the wealthy got that way basically by stealing it from people. Okay. How SPECIFICALLY did 'they' do that? And who is 'they'? Who SPECIFICALLY should we be going after to get the money back that was supposedly stolen from us?
Like i said, you don't have the right to steal from others just because you're bitter & envious. You are not entitled to fellow Citizens' income. And you are too far gone to grasp that concept. You're just a very sad case now.
Is there something about the sentence I am not envious that is too tough for you? Or is it that your whole contention is anyone thinking the rich are taxed too little in comparison to those who earn a living is nothing but envy? Your argument is coming up short! Trying to assign emotions to a legitimate argument is juvenile at best, delusional at worst.

Are you juvenile or delusional?

Save the psychobabble for Democrat Dummies who are willing to listen. No one deserves or is entitled to stealing fellow Citizens' income just because they are bitter and unhappy about how their life turned out. That doesn't give them the right to steal. Get educated and work hard. That's how you get ahead. Period, end of story.
If you were capable of abstract reasoning you could not have been so obviously brainwashed.
The average American family makes $50,000.00 a year.

Romney paid 13.9% in taxes.

The average American's taxes are double Romney's.

This is the bottom line.

Romney's tax plan would cut his taxes by half.

Newt's tax plan would taxes for Romney all together.

Both would raise taxes on the average American.

I want to see Republicans run on this.

Jealous much?

I make Romney's amount in a year and my tax rate is twice that amount.

Jealousy has nothing to do with it. I'm PISSED and so should you be.
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The average American family makes $50,000.00 a year.

Romney paid 13.9% in taxes.

The average American's taxes are double Romney's.

This is the bottom line.

Romney's tax plan would cut his taxes by half.

Newt's tax plan would taxes for Romney all together.

Both would raise taxes on the average American.

I want to see Republicans run on this.

Jealous much?

I make Romney's amount in a year and I pay twice that much in tax.

Jealousy has nothing to do with it. I'm PISSED and so should you be.

You understand the money that Romney has already been taxed once, right?

The % you guys are complaining about, is the 2nd time it's been taxed.
Like i said, you don't have the right to steal from others just because you're bitter & envious. You are not entitled to fellow Citizens' income. And you are too far gone to grasp that concept. You're just a very sad case now.
Is there something about the sentence I am not envious that is too tough for you? Or is it that your whole contention is anyone thinking the rich are taxed too little in comparison to those who earn a living is nothing but envy? Your argument is coming up short! Trying to assign emotions to a legitimate argument is juvenile at best, delusional at worst.

Are you juvenile or delusional?

Save the psychobabble for Democrat Dummies who are willing to listen. No one deserves or is entitled to stealing fellow Citizens' income just because they are bitter and unhappy about how their life turned out. That doesn't give them the right to steal. Get educated and work hard. That's how you get ahead. Period, end of story.
If your argument is hinged on the false belief that bitterness and envy are components of the outrage, your argument is as flat as last night's beer.
The average American family makes $50,000.00 a year.

Romney paid 13.9% in taxes.

The average American's taxes are double Romney's.

This is the bottom line.

Romney's tax plan would cut his taxes by half.

Newt's tax plan would taxes for Romney all together.

Both would raise taxes on the average American.

I want to see Republicans run on this.

Jealous much?

I make Romney's amount in a year and I pay twice that much in tax.

Jealousy has nothing to do with it. I'm PISSED and so should you be.

Which comes from a very basic lack of understanding as to why the capital gains tax is less than income tax.
Are workers over paid? Are union workers earning their living? Should a person have a right to join a labor union?

Let's see how class warfare is fought from the Right.

You don't deserve anything. You're not entitled to fellow Citizens' income. You don't have the right to steal from others. I realize you'll never grasp that concept though. You're too far gone now. You've been 'Community Organized' by Democrat assholes for too long. Now you're just bitter & envious. And that's very sad. Good luck.
I am not envious. I am disappointed in the rigged system that rewards stock speculation with unfathomable wealth and disparages the middle class.

And someone decided to skim the cream from the top before rewarding those who milked the cow. How was it that the 39% tax rate for the wealthiest made for balanced federal budgets and tax cuts for the wealthiest resulted in budget deficits? How is it that raising the tax rate BACK to 39% can result in something tantamount to a Marxist revolution?

Yeah. I'm too far gone.

Short answer, spending.

CURL: The truly dismal state of the union - Washington Times

•The unemployment rate when Obama was elected was 6.8%; today it is 8.5% … and that is not considering the fact that 3 million fewer Americans are seeking work compared to 2007.
•There are now fewer payroll jobs than there were in 2000 and now, 40% of those jobs are considered “low paying.”
•Regular gasoline per gallon cost $1.68 in January 2009. Today, it’s $3.39 — that’s a 102% increase in just three years.
•Electricity bills have also skyrocketed, with households now paying a record $1,420 annually on average, up some $300.
•Since December 2008, food-stamp use has increased 46%.
•Nearly 20% of males age 25 to 34 now live with their parents.
•America’s annual budget has jumped to $3.8 trillion — and yet the United States brings in only about $2.1 trillion in revenue.
•America’s total public debt stands at $15.23 trillion; in January 2009, the debt was $10.62 trillion.
•Obama is on pace to borrow $6.2 trillion in just one term — more debt than was amassed by all presidents from Washington through Bill Clinton combined.
•The debt is rising by $4.2 billion every day — $175 million per hour, nearly $3 million per minute.
I am not envious. I am disappointed in the rigged system that rewards stock speculation with unfathomable wealth and disparages the middle class.

And someone decided to skim the cream from the top before rewarding those who milked the cow. How was it that the 39% tax rate for the wealthiest made for balanced federal budgets and tax cuts for the wealthiest resulted in budget deficits? How is it that raising the tax rate BACK to 39% can result in something tantamount to a Marxist revolution?

Yeah. I'm too far gone.

Like i said, you don't have the right to steal from others just because you're bitter & envious. You are not entitled to fellow Citizens' income. And you are too far gone to grasp that concept. You're just a very sad case now.
Is there something about the sentence I am not envious that is too tough for you? Or is it that your whole contention is anyone thinking the rich are taxed too little in comparison to those who earn a living is nothing but envy? Your argument is coming up short! Trying to assign emotions to a legitimate argument is juvenile at best, delusional at worst.

Are you juvenile or delusional?

But they aren't taxed to little. The 1% make 17% of the nations wealth. the 99% make the other 83% of wealth in the nation. The 1% pay 39% of the taxes. 47% of Americans pay no income tax. The other 52% pay the remaining 61% of taxes. So how much more above the 39% of all taxes paid do you consider a "fair share". Please define that term for us. Obama has failed to do so yet.
Like i said, you don't have the right to steal from others just because you're bitter & envious. You are not entitled to fellow Citizens' income. And you are too far gone to grasp that concept. You're just a very sad case now.
Is there something about the sentence I am not envious that is too tough for you? Or is it that your whole contention is anyone thinking the rich are taxed too little in comparison to those who earn a living is nothing but envy? Your argument is coming up short! Trying to assign emotions to a legitimate argument is juvenile at best, delusional at worst.

Are you juvenile or delusional?

But they aren't taxed to little. The 1% make 17% of the nations wealth. the 99% make the other 83% of wealth in the nation. The 1% pay 39% of the taxes. 47% of Americans pay no income tax. The other 52% pay the remaining 61% of taxes. So how much more above the 39% of all taxes paid do you consider a "fair share". Please define that term for us. Obama has failed to do so yet.
This simply denotes that the left isn't at all interested in 'fairness' - only in how much money they can bring in to the government so they can spend it on buying votes.

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