'With All This Bias I Don't See How Mueller Prosecutes Anyone'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
The argument has been made that considering all of the massive political bias within the FBI that has been exposed - not to mention the extreme political bias and collusion within and between the Obama DOJ, CIA, NIA, and FBI in a unified effort to ensure Donald Trump did not win the WH and goal of removing him from office if he did get elected (treason), it will be d@mned-near impossible for Mueller to get a prosecution of anyone in this witch hunt.

Rest assured, though - despite having to go back to before Obama was elected President and ignore Manafort's partner at the time was Hillary's campaign manager - who he has protected from the same indictment he charged Manafort with, Mueller will walk away with his own 'Scooter Libby' indictment of Manafort....and snowflakes will rejoice and parrot the Liberal propaganda line of how that was complete justification for their witch hunt / treason.

Trey Gowdy: With all this bias at the FBI, I don't know how Mueller successfully prosecutes anyone

'On Friday, marveling at Gowdy’s anger over the IG report, I flagged the following quote about Peter Strzok from his interview with Bret Baier the night before. No one within the GOP has been as stalwart a defender of the Russiagate probe as Gowdy has. The despair was palpable:

“God only knows what damage he has done before Mueller fired him (Strzok). This is what’s so pervasive about bias, Bret, it doesn’t matter what Mueller comes up with. Some people are going to believe that Strzok’s level of animus was so high that you can’t remove the taint.”

"Gowdy’s looking at Mueller’s dilemma from the perspective of a prosecutor. Put aside the question of whether Strzok’s bias actually influenced his investigative decisions. The cold, hard fact is that he *was* biased and the entire world now knows it."

"...that bias is so pervasive and everyone who’s ever stood in front of a jury and had to explain it away we’ll tell you it is most miserable feeling in the world. And I have never seen this level of bias.

So, you have Peter Strzok who can’t think of a single American who can vote for Donald Trump and you got Peter Strzok who says, we’ll stop it. The campaign and the presidency, we’ll stop the campaign and if it doesn’t work, the day after the election, he’s talking about impeachment.

So, how would you like that to be your lead investigator? Two weeks after you’re assigned to look into what a foreign country did to us, the only thing he can think to talk about is an insurance policy to keep Donald Trump from winning, and then he says we’ll stop it. I assume the “we” is the FBI. So, how would you like if you’re Bob Mueller to present that case to a jury?"

A pi$$ed-off Mueller and the rest of the rabid, reality-denying, butt-hurt Trump-Haters will settle for a conviction of Manafort - as long as none of the Democrats exposed as having committed crimes are held accountable, and they along with the complicit Anti-Trump Liberal media will attempt to sell the idea that a conviction of Manafort for a crime that occurred before Obama was elected President was justification for their treasonous witch hunt / attempted political coup....

...and snowflakes will eat it up and parrot it forever.
Shouldn't that decision be based on the evidence Mueller presents?

No. It should be based on all the evidence, to include what has been exposed...and what has been exposed, as Gowdy points out, is proof enough that the rampant, extreme bias within the FBI and within Mueller's own investigation - if nothing else other than the time during Strzok worked for him.

Let me guess, slick - you are going to argue that there is / was 'NO BIAS' at all? :p

Comey was Mueller's apprentice / protégé, and Comey is a key witness in the false Obstruction Case against the President
- Not only is there proven BIAS but also a MAJOR Conflict of Interest.

The entire leadership within the FBI as well as Page and Strzok have been 'compromised', proven to have been both biased and criminal

Obama's Directors of the CIA, NIA, FBI, and DOJ have all been proven to have been part of the 'Secret Society' / having committed crimes (Perjury / Obstruction) in their biased co-conspiratorial parts.

Mueller's team was / is made up of 100% biased big-time DNC and Hillary donors, all Trump-Haters, and one of his members is even the lawyers who ran / runs the Clinton Foundation! You can't possibly get more biased than that...unless you made Slick Willy a Special Counsel member.

Shouldn't that decision be based on the evidence Mueller presents?

No. It should be based on all the evidence, to include what has been exposed...and what has been exposed, as Gowdy points out, is proof enough that the rampant, extreme bias within the FBI and within Mueller's own investigation - if nothing else other than the time during Strzok worked for him.

Let me guess, slick - you are going to argue that there is / was 'NO BIAS' at all? :p

Comey was Mueller's apprentice / protégé, and Comey is a key witness in the false Obstruction Case against the President
- Not only is there proven BIAS but also a MAJOR Conflict of Interest.

The entire leadership within the FBI as well as Page and Strzok have been 'compromised', proven to have been both biased and criminal

Obama's Directors of the CIA, NIA, FBI, and DOJ have all been proven to have been part of the 'Secret Society' / having committed crimes (Perjury / Obstruction) in their biased co-conspiratorial parts.

Mueller's team was / is made up of 100% biased big-time DNC and Hillary donors, all Trump-Haters, and one of his members is even the lawyers who ran / runs the Clinton Foundation! You can't possibly get more biased than that...unless you made Slick Willy a Special Counsel member.


All the bias shown above has been presented in the court of public opinion, not in a court of law. Are we a country based on laws or are we a country based on tabloid sensationalism?

I think the Trumphlakes believe the latter.
The argument has been made that considering all of the massive political bias within the FBI that has been exposed - not to mention the extreme political bias and collusion within and between the Obama DOJ, CIA, NIA, and FBI in a unified effort to ensure Donald Trump did not win the WH and goal of removing him from office if he did get elected (treason), it will be d@mned-near impossible for Mueller to get a prosecution of anyone in this witch hunt.

Rest assured, though - despite having to go back to before Obama was elected President and ignore Manafort's partner at the time was Hillary's campaign manager - who he has protected from the same indictment he charged Manafort with, Mueller will walk away with his own 'Scooter Libby' indictment of Manafort....and snowflakes will rejoice and parrot the Liberal propaganda line of how that was complete justification for their witch hunt / treason.

Trey Gowdy: With all this bias at the FBI, I don't know how Mueller successfully prosecutes anyone

'On Friday, marveling at Gowdy’s anger over the IG report, I flagged the following quote about Peter Strzok from his interview with Bret Baier the night before. No one within the GOP has been as stalwart a defender of the Russiagate probe as Gowdy has. The despair was palpable:

“God only knows what damage he has done before Mueller fired him (Strzok). This is what’s so pervasive about bias, Bret, it doesn’t matter what Mueller comes up with. Some people are going to believe that Strzok’s level of animus was so high that you can’t remove the taint.”

"Gowdy’s looking at Mueller’s dilemma from the perspective of a prosecutor. Put aside the question of whether Strzok’s bias actually influenced his investigative decisions. The cold, hard fact is that he *was* biased and the entire world now knows it."

"...that bias is so pervasive and everyone who’s ever stood in front of a jury and had to explain it away we’ll tell you it is most miserable feeling in the world. And I have never seen this level of bias.

So, you have Peter Strzok who can’t think of a single American who can vote for Donald Trump and you got Peter Strzok who says, we’ll stop it. The campaign and the presidency, we’ll stop the campaign and if it doesn’t work, the day after the election, he’s talking about impeachment.

So, how would you like that to be your lead investigator? Two weeks after you’re assigned to look into what a foreign country did to us, the only thing he can think to talk about is an insurance policy to keep Donald Trump from winning, and then he says we’ll stop it. I assume the “we” is the FBI. So, how would you like if you’re Bob Mueller to present that case to a jury?"

A pi$$ed-off Mueller and the rest of the rabid, reality-denying, butt-hurt Trump-Haters will settle for a conviction of Manafort - as long as none of the Democrats exposed as having committed crimes are held accountable, and they along with the complicit Anti-Trump Liberal media will attempt to sell the idea that a conviction of Manafort for a crime that occurred before Obama was elected President was justification for their treasonous witch hunt / attempted political coup....

...and snowflakes will eat it up and parrot it forever.
Wow! Nice use of language..a bit florid..but very earnest.

I don't give a hoot about this attempt to link Trump and Manafort..because I'm fascinated by the look into the incursions the oligarchs have made in America.

It is kind of fun to watch both sides twist into the wind....with every news cycle!

All that bias...

And not a single piece of evidence. It's going to be difficult indeed.
Shouldn't that decision be based on the evidence Mueller presents?

No. It should be based on all the evidence, to include what has been exposed...and what has been exposed, as Gowdy points out, is proof enough that the rampant, extreme bias within the FBI and within Mueller's own investigation - if nothing else other than the time during Strzok worked for him.

Let me guess, slick - you are going to argue that there is / was 'NO BIAS' at all? :p

Comey was Mueller's apprentice / protégé, and Comey is a key witness in the false Obstruction Case against the President
- Not only is there proven BIAS but also a MAJOR Conflict of Interest.

The entire leadership within the FBI as well as Page and Strzok have been 'compromised', proven to have been both biased and criminal

Obama's Directors of the CIA, NIA, FBI, and DOJ have all been proven to have been part of the 'Secret Society' / having committed crimes (Perjury / Obstruction) in their biased co-conspiratorial parts.

Mueller's team was / is made up of 100% biased big-time DNC and Hillary donors, all Trump-Haters, and one of his members is even the lawyers who ran / runs the Clinton Foundation! You can't possibly get more biased than that...unless you made Slick Willy a Special Counsel member.


All the bias shown above has been presented in the court of public opinion, not in a court of law. Are we a country based on laws or are we a country based on tabloid sensationalism?

I think the Trumphlakes believe the latter.

You are mistaken.

The potential FISA abuse has not been turned over to Congress for
oversight. That's what the left fears most, and for good reason.

When the FISA documents are turned over, if it is discovered that
they (DOJ/FBI) omitted information that is required to be given to the
secret court, The SCOTUS will rule the warrants illegal and all information
obtained and the Special Counsel himself, will be judged to be null and void
and stricken from the record.

Nah, the real fun is right around the corner

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