With a week to go, Obama supporters are in denial


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
by SonlitKnight @ The Deeper Truth Deepertruthblog- helping Catholics defend the holy faith

In 2004, with 4 days to go until election day, a top operative with the Bush campaign told me that you could tell Kerry was in trouble by where both of the candidates were campaigning and spending money. It was almost exclusively in blue states. With a week to go until the election, ads are being run in, and trips are being made to, Iowa, Wisconsin, Minnesota and Pennsylvania. These were states that all went to Obama in 2008 by wide margins and none were considered to be in play until the last couple of weeks.

Obama's firewall of Florida, North Carolina, Virginia and Ohio is in ashes. Romney now leads in all 4, as well as Missouri, Indiana, Colorado and New Hampshire. Iowa and Wisconsin are toss-ups.

The Tarrance group, in their Battleground Poll is projecting a 52-47 Romney win, the Gallup organization shows Romney leading early voting by about the same margin and virtually every pollster from ABC to Rasmussen has Romney at or near the 50% mark in the National numbers and in swing state polling..

Republicans enjoy huge, and growing, leads among Independents and Party ID and Intensity are at historic levels. Credible objective evidence shows that this election is over and is showing definitive signs of being a rout.

The poll aggregators, 10/30/2012. Someone's in denial, but it's not the Democrats.

But not to worry. Instead of looking at actual polls, Republicans can simply rely on rumors and their gut feeling.

RCP O290-R248
RealClearPolitics - 2012 Election Maps - Electoral Map No Toss Ups

Pollster.com O277-R206
Pollster: Pictures, Videos, Breaking News

Five-thirty-eight.com (Nate Silver) O294.6-R243.4
Election Forecasts - FiveThirtyEight Blog - NYTimes.com

Princeton Election consortium O303-R235
Princeton Election Consortium — A first draft of electoral history

AP O271-R206
AP Analysis: Advantage Obama in race for electoral votes

InTrade O281-R257
2012 Electoral Map - The Intrade Forecast 10/30/2012

There are a few more, but they show the same thing.
by SonlitKnight @ The Deeper Truth Deepertruthblog- helping Catholics defend the holy faith

In 2004, with 4 days to go until election day, a top operative with the Bush campaign told me that you could tell Kerry was in trouble by where both of the candidates were campaigning and spending money. It was almost exclusively in blue states. With a week to go until the election, ads are being run in, and trips are being made to, Iowa, Wisconsin, Minnesota and Pennsylvania. These were states that all went to Obama in 2008 by wide margins and none were considered to be in play until the last couple of weeks.

Obama's firewall of Florida, North Carolina, Virginia and Ohio is in ashes. Romney now leads in all 4, as well as Missouri, Indiana, Colorado and New Hampshire. Iowa and Wisconsin are toss-ups.

The Tarrance group, in their Battleground Poll is projecting a 52-47 Romney win, the Gallup organization shows Romney leading early voting by about the same margin and virtually every pollster from ABC to Rasmussen has Romney at or near the 50% mark in the National numbers and in swing state polling..

Republicans enjoy huge, and growing, leads among Independents and Party ID and Intensity are at historic levels. Credible objective evidence shows that this election is over and is showing definitive signs of being a rout.


The bolded is a series of lies. Those who are making up a narrative at this point are truly those in denial.
At this point, it isn't 100% clear who will win.

Obama is leading in the States he absolutely has to, namely all of his Safe and Leans states along with WI, OH and NV. That takes him to 271. New Hampshire is gravy.

I'm still predicting a VERY slim electoral vote win for Obama. But as I said, I'm not in denial here. Mitt could win. He will probably take VA and FL, IN and NC were always expected to flip red, and IA and CO are within reach. At that point he only has to flip one of the 3 state Obama has to absolutely have. WI is probably the easiest target.
I agree that Mitt was looking good a week ago, but lying about jobs just isn't going to cut it in the Rust Belt. Kiss OH good-bye.
Libberhoids jumping off buildings election night.
I'll bring a camcorder. Gonna be classic / fun / entertaining.
End of Socialism. FINALLY!!!!!
I don't think there will be any kind of meltdown if Obama loses. If he does, he clearly only has himself to blame for blowing the first debate. Prior to that, Obama had this in the bag. After that he pretty much had to write off Virginia, Florida, and a whole host of potential electoral votes. Democrats will close ranks, filibuster like mad, and rally in 2016 behind the Clintons. Sigh.

If Romney loses there will be a civil war in the GOP. The Rockefeller types will blame the Tea Party, the Tea Party will blame the Rockefellers, and the social cons will erupt.
Virginia and Colorado are leaning Obama now, Florida is a dead heat, and all of Obama's firewall states are solid. NC is the only swing state still with Romney. It's tough to see how Romney can reverse that misfortune in the short time left to him. Everything would have to break Romney's way in order for him to pull out a win. That's possible, but very unlikely.
by SonlitKnight @ The Deeper Truth Deepertruthblog- helping Catholics defend the holy faith

In 2004, with 4 days to go until election day, a top operative with the Bush campaign told me that you could tell Kerry was in trouble by where both of the candidates were campaigning and spending money. It was almost exclusively in blue states. With a week to go until the election, ads are being run in, and trips are being made to, Iowa, Wisconsin, Minnesota and Pennsylvania. These were states that all went to Obama in 2008 by wide margins and none were considered to be in play until the last couple of weeks.

Obama's firewall of Florida, North Carolina, Virginia and Ohio is in ashes. Romney now leads in all 4, as well as Missouri, Indiana, Colorado and New Hampshire. Iowa and Wisconsin are toss-ups.

The Tarrance group, in their Battleground Poll is projecting a 52-47 Romney win, the Gallup organization shows Romney leading early voting by about the same margin and virtually every pollster from ABC to Rasmussen has Romney at or near the 50% mark in the National numbers and in swing state polling..

Republicans enjoy huge, and growing, leads among Independents and Party ID and Intensity are at historic levels. Credible objective evidence shows that this election is over and is showing definitive signs of being a rout.

Yea real rout huh
:fu:I suppose you dumbshits on the right think Hillary is real trouble too, she hasn't even started campaigning yet

:rofl:You clowns on the right are as stupid as the day is long..

Obama in trouble huh, he's been pistol whipping your sorry ass party for 7: long years now and I'm loving every minute of it!!!
Virginia and Colorado are leaning Obama now, Florida is a dead heat, and all of Obama's firewall states are solid. NC is the only swing state still with Romney. It's tough to see how Romney can reverse that misfortune in the short time left to him. Everything would have to break Romney's way in order for him to pull out a win. That's possible, but very unlikely.
An astute prediction.
In longknife's defense, the polling data was as bifurcated as I've ever seen it--I was with him thinking we were going to win. If it seems foolish in hindsight for the red team to have been optimistic in the face of Gallup, just ask the Labour party in the UK after their last go 'round.

And rest assured, you guys on the left are on the record with some outstanding predictions I'm going to remember for a long, long time....
I will be perfectly honest here. Romney lost for no other reason than he was trying to be a "nice guy." He refused to lay out the truths about Obama and his terrible record. He was either naive or dumb enough to eschew attack ads while Obama's people were doing a job on him

One thing we will see in the 2016 campaign is a no holds barred fight. They're being good now because they don't have someone on the other side to actually go after.
I will be perfectly honest here. Romney lost for no other reason than he was trying to be a "nice guy." He refused to lay out the truths about Obama and his terrible record. He was either naive or dumb enough to eschew attack ads while Obama's people were doing a job on him

One thing we will see in the 2016 campaign is a no holds barred fight. They're being good now because they don't have someone on the other side to actually go after.

But...but....Romney said he lost because of "free stuff"
In longknife's defense, the polling data was as bifurcated as I've ever seen it--I was with him thinking we were going to win. If it seems foolish in hindsight for the red team to have been optimistic in the face of Gallup, just ask the Labour party in the UK after their last go 'round.

And rest assured, you guys on the left are on the record with some outstanding predictions I'm going to remember for a long, long time....

I saw the same polling data and it was obvious that Obama would win

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