Win the Wilderness


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
On a hill
This was a good series.
Synopsis... an 80+ year old couple built an amazing cabin home, all by themselves in the late 80s. The home is probably the most isolated home in America. Literally only way to get there is by plane. They are now too old to continue to live there and take care of the place they love. They want to pick the next couple who live there and be sure they will be committed to it like they have been. And will not sell it. But give it to them.

Loved it.....watched the whole thing in one day....beautiful scenery....
I watched it and thought the old couple were pretty dumb in their choices that included a bimbo that needs to curl her lashes in the middle of the wilderness. Gosh, I guess a bear will think her too pretty to eat? Then there were the two vegetarians. And the finale with MS, the other with freshly curled eyelashes. I also was not too crazy about the old lady home owner. I did like the old man though. I don't know why they just gave away that property even being old. Someone would have loved to live there WITH them until they passed away. Overall..i wasnt impressed. The ones I thought should have won were the ex cop and his wife.
I watched it and thought the old couple were pretty dumb in their choices that included a bimbo that needs to curl her lashes in the middle of the wilderness. Gosh, I guess a bear will think her too pretty to eat? Then there were the two vegetarians. And the finale with MS, the other with freshly curled eyelashes. I also was not too crazy about the old lady home owner. I did like the old man though. I don't know why they just gave away that property even being old. Someone would have loved to live there WITH them until they passed away. Overall..i wasnt impressed. The ones I thought should have won were the ex cop and his wife.
Remember the ex cop's wife really only wanted to do it for him. She flat out said so "he deserves this"...not we deserve this.
The biggest problem I had with the show was why did they choose Brits? It's not like Brits have loads of people living in the wild like America.
To me the choices were too slim. Major - Major issues with all of them.
The runner up couple, the wife had big time doubts the whole time. Clearly she was also just doing it for her husband. The clunky vegan people...say what? What were they even doing there?
All in all it was a good show. I also liked the old lady, she is a tough bird and exactly the type of woman it would take to pull it off. At the last episode was powerful for me.
Did some research. I KNEW they made a mistake naming those two as winners. Mark is back on the farm teaching his kids how to raise sheep, in England. The wife is somewhere, but not sure where. I think in England too. They claim they can't go back to Alaska due to covid. I call bullshit. Her MS is probably acting up and they said it would be difficult to transistion to alaska from england for insurance health purposes. So...the place sits and gathers dust, gardens dead, etc. They claim they have friends in Alaska keeping an eye on the place for them. Um. That wasn't the deal. They were supposed to move there and stay put and keep building. They didn't.

Meanwhile, Old Man is writing another book about alaska, and he and Lena live in a small podunk town in Wisconsin. Neither regret leaving, but they regret who they handed the house over to, I'm betting.

The best fit for that place was the ex cop and his wife. Said it then. Say it now.
Did some research. I KNEW they made a mistake naming those two as winners. Mark is back on the farm teaching his kids how to raise sheep, in England. The wife is somewhere, but not sure where. I think in England too. They claim they can't go back to Alaska due to covid. I call bullshit. Her MS is probably acting up and they said it would be difficult to transistion to alaska from england for insurance health purposes. So...the place sits and gathers dust, gardens dead, etc. They claim they have friends in Alaska keeping an eye on the place for them. Um. That wasn't the deal. They were supposed to move there and stay put and keep building. They didn't.

Meanwhile, Old Man is writing another book about alaska, and he and Lena live in a small podunk town in Wisconsin. Neither regret leaving, but they regret who they handed the house over to, I'm betting.

The best fit for that place was the ex cop and his wife. Said it then. Say it now.
They could probably find someone that's a perfect fit to keep the place going without TV being involved.
My cracker ass would never even consider that place.
Ol' boy was smart and built a snow roof.
Permafrost, even..oh hell no! :funnyface:
Well this begs an answer to the original question... why on earth did they choose people from another country?
Why on earth would they choose anyone except someone who CURRENTLY lived in Alaska?
What Mark and Emily said Gracie, to me...just my opinion, actually makes sense. They would indeed have had to go back to England to get stuff, make tons of arrangements etc. Before going to Alaska for good. Then due to travel bans, they can't get back.
On the other hand, you would think since they took over in May 2019...they would have done all of that before winter. Obviously you must get there by winter.
Her MS and insurance, totally get it.... which again - begs an answer to why choose a couple from a foreign country?!

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