Will Planned Parenthood stop the killings with this development?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
The world's first artificial womb for humans
The world's first artificial womb for humansClose
Scientists in the Netherlands say they are within 10 years of developing an artificial womb that could save the lives of premature babies.
Premature birth, before 37 weeks, is globally the biggest cause of death among newborns.

Artificial Womb for Humans: A Step Forward in Survival for Premature Babies
Imagine a baby that needs to be delivered prematurely. But instead of worrying about the age of viability, care providers can quickly place the baby in an artificial womb, potentially saving the life of a child who would otherwise not have lived.

So Planned Parenthood could be for the first time honest with their name.

Planned Parenthood Received $1.6 Billion of Our Tax Dollars to Promote Its Abortion Agenda

Would PP help research abandoning their abortion policy and move towards saving babies lives in artificial wombs?
Think about since 1973 over 61 million Americans that could be paying taxes, making money, defending America, all gone because of the
crude, neanderthal mentality regarding abortion. Why not save the baby, save our future?

Americans aren't making enough babies to replace ourselves
For the population to reproduce itself at current numbers, the “total fertility rate” needs to be 2,100 births per 1,000 women of childbearing age over their lifetime, researchers for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said in their report, released early Thursday.
But the latest data show a current rate of just 1,765.5 per 1,000, or 16 percent below the number needed to keep the population stable without additions through immigration.
And yet we kill babies today.
The world's first artificial womb for humans
The world's first artificial womb for humansClose
Scientists in the Netherlands say they are within 10 years of developing an artificial womb that could save the lives of premature babies.
Premature birth, before 37 weeks, is globally the biggest cause of death among newborns.

Artificial Womb for Humans: A Step Forward in Survival for Premature Babies
Imagine a baby that needs to be delivered prematurely. But instead of worrying about the age of viability, care providers can quickly place the baby in an artificial womb, potentially saving the life of a child who would otherwise not have lived.

So Planned Parenthood could be for the first time honest with their name.

Planned Parenthood Received $1.6 Billion of Our Tax Dollars to Promote Its Abortion Agenda

Would PP help research abandoning their abortion policy and move towards saving babies lives in artificial wombs?
Think about since 1973 over 61 million Americans that could be paying taxes, making money, defending America, all gone because of the
crude, neanderthal mentality regarding abortion. Why not save the baby, save our future?

Americans aren't making enough babies to replace ourselves
For the population to reproduce itself at current numbers, the “total fertility rate” needs to be 2,100 births per 1,000 women of childbearing age over their lifetime, researchers for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said in their report, released early Thursday.
But the latest data show a current rate of just 1,765.5 per 1,000, or 16 percent below the number needed to keep the population stable without additions through immigration.
And yet we kill babies today.

No one is killing babies.

why don’t you worry about being a propaganda - spreading trumpkin. Women are perfectly. Arable of making their own decisions.

thanks for playing

Oh. And people don’t have babies when there is a pandemic and people are out of work.
Its really non of you business what PP does, if you don't go to PP.
The world's first artificial womb for humans
The world's first artificial womb for humansClose
Scientists in the Netherlands say they are within 10 years of developing an artificial womb that could save the lives of premature babies.
Premature birth, before 37 weeks, is globally the biggest cause of death among newborns.

Artificial Womb for Humans: A Step Forward in Survival for Premature Babies
Imagine a baby that needs to be delivered prematurely. But instead of worrying about the age of viability, care providers can quickly place the baby in an artificial womb, potentially saving the life of a child who would otherwise not have lived.

So Planned Parenthood could be for the first time honest with their name.

Planned Parenthood Received $1.6 Billion of Our Tax Dollars to Promote Its Abortion Agenda

Would PP help research abandoning their abortion policy and move towards saving babies lives in artificial wombs?
Think about since 1973 over 61 million Americans that could be paying taxes, making money, defending America, all gone because of the
crude, neanderthal mentality regarding abortion. Why not save the baby, save our future?

Americans aren't making enough babies to replace ourselves
For the population to reproduce itself at current numbers, the “total fertility rate” needs to be 2,100 births per 1,000 women of childbearing age over their lifetime, researchers for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said in their report, released early Thursday.
But the latest data show a current rate of just 1,765.5 per 1,000, or 16 percent below the number needed to keep the population stable without additions through immigration.
And yet we kill babies today.

No one is killing babies.

why don’t you worry about being a propaganda - spreading trumpkin. Women are perfectly. Arable of making their own decisions.

thanks for playing

Oh. And people don’t have babies when there is a pandemic and people are out of work.

So as a woman, given the choice of having your potentially aborted baby being able to live and adopted by people that want the baby VERSUS the baby being killed, you'd choose the baby being killed? Is that right? Under the above technique, if you were pregnant and wanted an abortion and given the choice you'd choose the baby to die? Is that right?
Its really non of you business what PP does, if you don't go to PP.

I'm sorry BUT it IS my business as a taxpayer that $500 million in Federal taxes is going to PP Planned Parenthood has made the decision to withdraw from the federal Title X family planning program and leave behind $60 million that could be used to assist non-abortion patients, but the abortion giant is still receiving over $500 million annually in taxpayer funding.

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