Will Cultural Conservatives Condemn Rush...

Should Rush Limbaugh apologize for these comments?

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Birth Control is in the best interests of society, it helps prevent the spread of STDs, prevents unwanted pregnancies and abortions

Birth control pills do not prevent STDs.......:cuckoo:

No one is taking birth control away from anyone
, the FEDERAL government needs to stay out of my bedroom. The should not mandate everyone has free birth control.
I posted this in another thread on the same topic.
Newsflash: College kids have lots of sex. I think they drink more beer and smoke more pot however.
Should we pay for their beer and pot too?
Are contraceptive devices a health issue or a life style issue? Whose health is effected by an unwanted pregnancy? And should an unwanted pregnancy occur, what's the solution? Think first. Is the solution based on religious and political factors or real medical considerations?

If you want government out of your life, shouldn't you think of your health as well as your pocketbook? Denying health care procedures by way of religion and politics is dangerous to health, and eventually the politics that made such a stupid decision.
Face it...Liberoidals are towering cheapskates.

More than any other action this government can take, the one I oppose the most is invading and occupying other sovereign countries, blowing the shit out of those countries, killing thousands of innocent residents, being responsible for the deaths of thousands of young American military lives, for the loss of limbs, for the loss of minds, for the destruction of young military families, and at the cost of trillions of dollars that we truly don't have. All for a result that is debatable at best.

I don't feel hatred often. But I truly hate that.

And I still have to pay for it.

Looking forward to the spin on this one.

Non sequitur....False dichotomy....Red herring.
No they won't, like most deeply vowed neo conservatives they are all fluf and no substance.
The sign of their true character.
What's to apologize for?

The chick is attending Georgetown Law School, which isn't cheap by any stretch, and is too much of a tightwad to fork over a paltry few hundred bucks to pay for her own damned pills.

She deserves all the derision she gets.
Get this logic: we don't like you getting birth control because it makes you a slut. We don't want you to have an abortion because it makes you a murderer. Now, go forth and multiply, but don't look for any help you murdering slut.

It's not a war on women, is it? It's a religious crusade to build a firewall around the morals of the 1950s. And those morals were so steadfast that no one but the lunatics would ever dream of rebelling against them.

Conservatives: not only are they backward, but they never read history so they can retrace their steps without looking cruel, foolish and repressive.

You can go to any truck stop and buy a condom for 75 cents. I don't think that will break anyone. Plus every condom bought is helping to employ someone else.
Condoms are not the totality of the issue. Birth Control pills and the health benefit to women is the issue.

There is no health issue of birth control. Pregnancy is not a disease, particularly a life threatening disease. If anything non-prophylactic birth control is more dangerous since it DOES spread disease.

There is nothing, not one single thing about birth control that is so dangerous that it justifies being absolutely free. Sex is for the enjoyment of the participants, they should pay for it. If the participants want others to pay for it, those others should be included, such as by posting on-line.
I never listen to the guy on the radio. He's always come across as a buffoon as far as I'm concerned.

How do you think the clips get on ThinkProgress? When you're being programmed, they have clips of Rush to embed in your programming, where do you think those clips come from?

They are from other drones, who are programmed to listen to Rush and report back to the hive, so that the daily hating points can be compiled.

Say drone, do you think that the clips used in your programming are uncut and unedited? I mean, you were programmed to hate Breitbart for "editing" the clip with Sharrod - do you think the Rush clips the hive uses in your daily hating points are unedited?
Who was it who said that you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink?

Why should the taxpayers pay the party expenses of some slut who can't keep her legs together?
You mindless DittoTards should know by now that if your MessiahRushie says the taxpayers are paying for the health care of the students then you can be certain that the taxpayers are NOT paying for the students' health care!!!

The students are paying for it themselves! That's right, Georgetown has MANDATED that the students buy health care!!!! If the students don't have their own policy, which must meet certain comprehensive standards set by Georgetown, then they are MANDATED to buy the Georgetown policy which is put on their account every year.
The part you lefties like to ignore is that each business negotiates the types of coverage with the insurer. Some coverages get left out. In Georgetown's case, because of their Jesuit base, left out contraception. In other words they said "students must pay for their pills and rubbers"...I see nothing wrong with that.
Ms. Fluke knew EXACTLY what she was getting into when she elected to attend class at G'Town. Now because of the political aspect and the fact that she is going to get her 15 mins. SHE is demanding Georgetown change to suit HER needs. I don't think so.
That school is very expensive. I am sure all students who attend can afford the few bucks per week it costs for contraceptive items.
This story is bullshit. It has nothing to do with reproductive rights. This is pure politics. This is about democrats trying to get votes.
Women who use contraception are sluts?

No, not at all. Women who want ME to pay for their contraception are out of bounds.

Rush is a bomb thrower. You know, think Ann Coulter, Jon Stewart and Bill Maher. You only get excited when it's a conservative bomb thrower. I've got more to be concerned about.
I posted this in another thread on the same topic.
Newsflash: College kids have lots of sex. I think they drink more beer and smoke more pot however.
Should we pay for their beer and pot too?

According to OWS, why YES! We should. After all these self absorbed narcissistic little bastards think the world owes them.
Birth Control is in the best interests of society, it helps prevent the spread of STDs, prevents unwanted pregnancies and abortions
only condom's help in preventing spread of STD's but this isn't about condoms is it?

No it is about preventing unwanted pregnancies and therefore preventing abortions. And alleviating some medical issues.
Though you rethugs were so anti abortion. But can't seem to support the drug that helps prevent pregnancies. wtf is wrong with you people?

No, it's about getting someone else to pay for something one wants.
No one is denying access to birth control. We just think people should pay for it themselves.
You people think contraception should be free of charge. There is no such thing as "free". At the end of the day, someone has to pay. I will pay for mine, and you will pay for yours.
If you cannot afford it, go to you local Planned Parenthood clinic and get it from them.
Don't you dare go thinking you can screw with impunity and expect others to foot the bill for YOUR choices.
Ah but you can force them by "fiat" to pay for:

-Lunches for rich people.
-Dinners for rich people.
-Flights for rich people.
-Broadway for rich people.
-Parties for rich people.

And a whole lot of other goodies that get written off in the name of conducting "business".

You guys are fucking hilarious. :lol:

So would you support the elimination of ALL write-offs, coupled with a flat tax?

How would Nancy Pelosi or Algore feel about that? As a mindless drone, do you think their taxes - the actual amount paid, would go up, or down under that plan? Bourgeoisie taxes would go down, but what about our illustrious Aristocracy? Would the beloved Hollywood left suddenly pay like the hated plumbers, doctors and accountants that Obama deems "the rich?"

You don't need to answer, I can log on to KOS to find out what you think.

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