Will conservatives ever learn to stop trying to make a big deal out of liberal scandals?

Pedro de San Patricio

Gold Member
Feb 14, 2015
I've mentioned it time and time again. It doesn't really matter what you say. It doesn't matter what evidence you have, or at least think you have. The media doesn't want to report it and the majority of the public isn't interested in hearing it anyway. You're literally wasting your time every time you bring up some crime Hillary committed or some corrupt Democratic donor. You're wasting the government's time and money when you demand investigations of stuff like that. They won't lead to anything, the evidence will just be destroyed go missing, and everything will continue as normal until you cheat on your wife with an underage male White House page.
I've mentioned it time and time again. It doesn't really matter what you say. It doesn't matter what evidence you have, or at least think you have. The media doesn't want to report it and the majority of the public isn't interested in hearing it anyway. You're literally wasting your time every time you bring up some crime Hillary committed or some corrupt Democratic donor. You're wasting the government's time and money when you demand investigations of stuff like that. They won't lead to anything, the evidence will just be destroyed go missing, and everything will continue as normal until you cheat on your wife with an underage male White House page.
Both my wife and I worked as government contractors for decades in the DC Metro area. If either of us had done what Hillary did (e-mail scandal) we'd both be in prison right now and would never be able to get even a secret clearance let alone another top secret clearance ever again. Can you say double standard? I knew you could.......
I've mentioned it time and time again. It doesn't really matter what you say. It doesn't matter what evidence you have, or at least think you have. The media doesn't want to report it and the majority of the public isn't interested in hearing it anyway. You're literally wasting your time every time you bring up some crime Hillary committed or some corrupt Democratic donor. You're wasting the government's time and money when you demand investigations of stuff like that. They won't lead to anything, the evidence will just be destroyed go missing, and everything will continue as normal until you cheat on your wife with an underage male White House page.
Both my wife and I worked as government contractors for decades in the DC Metro area. If either of us had done what Hillary did (e-mail scandal) we'd both be in prison right now and would never be able to get even a secret clearance let alone another top secret clearance ever again. Can you say double standard? I knew you could.......
You would have lost your clearance unless your agency had approved a private server

Which Hilary's did
Conservatives overplaying a weak hand

Been doing it for decades

I've mentioned it time and time again. It doesn't really matter what you say. It doesn't matter what evidence you have, or at least think you have. The media doesn't want to report it and the majority of the public isn't interested in hearing it anyway. You're literally wasting your time every time you bring up some crime Hillary committed or some corrupt Democratic donor. You're wasting the government's time and money when you demand investigations of stuff like that. They won't lead to anything, the evidence will just be destroyed go missing, and everything will continue as normal until you cheat on your wife with an underage male White House page.
Both my wife and I worked as government contractors for decades in the DC Metro area. If either of us had done what Hillary did (e-mail scandal) we'd both be in prison right now and would never be able to get even a secret clearance let alone another top secret clearance ever again. Can you say double standard? I knew you could.......

Sorry, it's not a crime when a Clinton does it
Sorry,but politicians need to be held accountable.
The minute we stop trying to do so we're screwed because they'll walk all over us..even worse than they do now.
Unless you're a Republican. Then it's OK.

Flashback: Rove Erases 22 Million White House Emails on Private Server at Height of U.S. Attorney Scandal – Media Yawns

Maybe in your little mind.
I want any politician caught scamming the system to go to prison and I dont give a shit who's side they're on.
And I find it laughable that you would even throw stones with the criminal you clowns support for a white house bid.
Maybe in your little mind.
I want any politician caught scamming the system to go to prison and I dont give a shit who's side they're on.
And I find it laughable that you would even throw stones with the criminal you clowns support for a white house bid.
Nobody's going to prison though. Holder isn't. Obama isn't. Richards isn't. Hillary isn't. Lerner isn't. In the other team, Bush and Rove aren't. Power makes you legally unaccountable for your actions here. I mean, how the hell was the attorney general supposed to prosecute himself? Why do people expect that Hillary wouldn't have signed off on herself if it was to her advantage and she could?
We should pass a law that says we can pass state secret information. To anyone. I know that will be suicide but at least it will be honest.
I've mentioned it time and time again. It doesn't really matter what you say. It doesn't matter what evidence you have, or at least think you have. The media doesn't want to report it and the majority of the public isn't interested in hearing it anyway. You're literally wasting your time every time you bring up some crime Hillary committed or some corrupt Democratic donor. You're wasting the government's time and money when you demand investigations of stuff like that. They won't lead to anything, the evidence will just be destroyed go missing, and everything will continue as normal until you cheat on your wife with an underage male White House page.
Both my wife and I worked as government contractors for decades in the DC Metro area. If either of us had done what Hillary did (e-mail scandal) we'd both be in prison right now and would never be able to get even a secret clearance let alone another top secret clearance ever again. Can you say double standard? I knew you could.......
You would have lost your clearance unless your agency had approved a private server

Which Hilary's did
All approved servers MUST be located in a home SCIF........... Her's wasn't...... That's a jail-able federal offense. Granted the one who set up the server will obviously be tossed under the bus..... She can claim plausible deniability......
I've mentioned it time and time again. It doesn't really matter what you say. It doesn't matter what evidence you have, or at least think you have. The media doesn't want to report it and the majority of the public isn't interested in hearing it anyway. You're literally wasting your time every time you bring up some crime Hillary committed or some corrupt Democratic donor. You're wasting the government's time and money when you demand investigations of stuff like that. They won't lead to anything, the evidence will just be destroyed go missing, and everything will continue as normal until you cheat on your wife with an underage male White House page.

Sure as soon as Libs stop making bigger deals out of Rep scandals.
Maybe in your little mind.
I want any politician caught scamming the system to go to prison and I dont give a shit who's side they're on.
And I find it laughable that you would even throw stones with the criminal you clowns support for a white house bid.
Nobody's going to prison though. Holder isn't. Obama isn't. Richards isn't. Hillary isn't. Lerner isn't. In the other team, Bush and Rove aren't. Power makes you legally unaccountable for your actions here. I mean, how the hell was the attorney general supposed to prosecute himself? Why do people expect that Hillary wouldn't have signed off on herself if it was to her advantage and she could?

And there lies the problem.
We need to hold our politicians accountable,they get away with shit that would see the average person locked up.
I've mentioned it time and time again. It doesn't really matter what you say. It doesn't matter what evidence you have, or at least think you have. The media doesn't want to report it and the majority of the public isn't interested in hearing it anyway. You're literally wasting your time every time you bring up some crime Hillary committed or some corrupt Democratic donor. You're wasting the government's time and money when you demand investigations of stuff like that. They won't lead to anything, the evidence will just be destroyed go missing, and everything will continue as normal until you cheat on your wife with an underage male White House page.
What you're describing is a few things.....

Scandals are the only way to get attention, and move numbers, for polticial strategy firms, and campaigners.

Nobody cares about scandals untill they're proven....and the rest is important.......in such a way, that results in admission or proof of guilt. Like Nixon, and Billy Bob Clinton. Otherwise it's dismissed the way the IRS, Behghazi, and coming soon, the dissmissal of the email scandal
I've mentioned it time and time again. It doesn't really matter what you say. It doesn't matter what evidence you have, or at least think you have. The media doesn't want to report it and the majority of the public isn't interested in hearing it anyway. You're literally wasting your time every time you bring up some crime Hillary committed or some corrupt Democratic donor. You're wasting the government's time and money when you demand investigations of stuff like that. They won't lead to anything, the evidence will just be destroyed go missing, and everything will continue as normal until you cheat on your wife with an underage male White House page.
Both my wife and I worked as government contractors for decades in the DC Metro area. If either of us had done what Hillary did (e-mail scandal) we'd both be in prison right now and would never be able to get even a secret clearance let alone another top secret clearance ever again. Can you say double standard? I knew you could.......
You would have lost your clearance unless your agency had approved a private server

Which Hilary's did
Oh and a couple of other things, sending and receiving classified e-mails (yes the State Department stated those e-mails were classified) on an unsecured network (government dictated secured) is a serious breach. The fact she gave e-mails to her lawyer on an unsecured thumb drive, e-mails that had not been determined to to be classified or not by the proper government authorities, a MAJOR breach of security.
Trust me, if you or I had done any of that we'd be sitting in a cell right now and not simply losing our clearances. My wife, because of someone elses breach was still given a warning and came close to losing her clearance. She was the one who discovered the breach. Go figure.

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