Wikileaks: Murdered DNC staffer Seth Rich leaked Clinton Emails


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
WikiLeaks : Murdered DNC Staffer Seth Rich Leaked Clinton Emails

Why is it the Trump haters better known as CLINTON lover's can't piece together when the Clintons' want someone to shut up they kill them.
As MSM is ordered to consider honest information the Clinton force their orders to say " IT IS A CONSPIRACY" why the hell do we think they created this FAKE NEWS BS!! Because they probably got word this was going to come out and in order to beat this they had to get their sheep corralled into the FAKE NEWS so by the time this leaked out the sheeple will think it's all a nice big lie.

LOOK AT MY PROFILE and where it mention " CIA".........

I CAN'T HELP it. I blew up on illegal immigration. I need to go find me some Rexx Taylor thread to calm down.
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As more will die as more information comes out, many have already died. But of course they committed suicide it's made to look that way.
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The same paper you're getting your "news" from is suggesting Sandy Hook was staged....

speaks volumes to the credibility.

And the same mind set your sheep msm want's you think just that. You are their perfect little obeying pet.
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The same paper you're getting your "news" from is suggesting Sandy Hook was staged....

speaks volumes to the credibility.
Can you prove it wasn't? :tinfoil:

For people who have the memory of a goldfish these people aren't intelligent enough to connect those dots. You know all the prior deaths and cover ups.
Most are to fkn stupid to realize what the shadow Government does, can do, and will do in order to cover their leaders asses.
They think it's only TV lol. ..............The Government knows these idiots are that fkn stupid.
That's why it's all done in plain view.
Pretty pathetic isn't it.
WikiLeaks : Murdered DNC Staffer Seth Rich Leaked Clinton Emails
View attachment 102691

Why is it the Trump haters better known as CLINTON lover's can't piece together when the Clintons' want someone to shut up they kill them.
As MSM is ordered to consider honest information the Clinton force their orders to say " IT IS A CONSPIRACY" why the hell do we think they created this FAKE NEWS BS!! Because they probably got word this was going to come out and in order to beat this they had to get their sheep corralled into the FAKE NEWS so by the time this leaked out the sheeple will think it's all a nice big lie.

LOOK AT MY PROFILE and where it mention " CIA".........

This is the easiest explanation by a long shot. Lefties here need not respond with your LOL because you have proven you are not capable of honest discourse.

Below is a mini-list of just some of the latest. Not to mention Max Spiers (aresenic poisoning when investigating pizzagate connection in Poland) --- and Monica Peterson (30 some year old journalist while in Haiti investigating the connection between the Clinton foundation and child trafficking. They say it was another suicide. :0 ) Hard to believe the devil can be so obvious and no one has the guts to say it out loud! I guess because they don't want to die as well.

Julian Assange Drops Bombshell Involving Murder on Hillary Clinton (Video)

1. John Ashe (6/22/16)

The first in this most recent string of Clinton associate deaths was that of John Ashe, the former president of the United Nations General Assembly in 2013 and 2014.

Ashe died Wednesday, June 22nd while awaiting trial in a bribery scandal that was closely tied to the Clinton Foundation.

OFFICIAL CAUSE OF DEATH: Traumatic asphyxia and suffered laryngeal fractures while lifting.

TRANSLATION: His windpipe was crushed by a barbell.

2. Seth Rich (7/10/16

Seth Conrad Rich’s unsolved murder on a Washington D.C. street has sparked a flurry of conspiracy theories because he was a staffer and self-described data analyst for the Democratic National Committee. Rich, 27, who worked for the DNC on voting issues,was shot and killed in Washington D.C., and his murder remains mysterious. “Police have found little information to explain his death,” said The New York Daily News.

Perhaps the reason for the “conspiracy theories” has something to do with the fact that Rich allegedly had access to the voter database and would have known about specific instances of voter fraud. Furthermore, in addition to being shot multiple times, including the back, nothing was taken from his person. His assailants didn’t take his phone, his watch, or his jewelry, and in addition to being shot multiple times, he was badly beaten.

It’s also worth noting that Julian Assange has hinted that his source might have been someone inside the DNC, and Seth certainly had access.

OFFICIAL CAUSE OF DEATH: Shot and beaten to death

3. Joe Montano (7/25/16)

Aid to Hillary’s running mate Tim Kaine

OFFICIAL CAUSE OF DEATH: Heart attack at age 47 on the day the DNC began, and immediately after the Wikileaks announcement was made.

TRANSLATION: Why is this not being investigated?

4. Victor Thorn (8/1/16)

Famously wrote books about Bill Clinton’s sexual assaults

Also wrote books about the Clinton’s increasing trail of dead bodies

OFFICIAL CAUSE OF DEATH: Alleged self-inflicted gunshot wound (On his birthday)

5. Shawn Lucas (8/2/16)

Most famous for being the one to serve the DNC and Debbie Wasserman Schultz with a nationwide class action lawsuit for defrauding Bernie Sanders and all his voters. Lucas famously said, “You’ve been served.”

OFFICIAL CAUSE OF DEATH: Details nor released but there are conflicting reports he died in his sleep or he died on the bathroom floor.

TRANSLATION: Don’t even think about suing us

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