

Staff member
Gold Supporting Member
Apr 17, 2009
Canis Latrans
Something to think about...

#WhyIDidntReport : Sexual assault survivors respond to Trump's tweet - CNN

They are afraid of repercussions.

They are made to feel it’s their own fault.

They are told to dismiss it.

They are often the ones who were blamed.

They are afraid they might be asked for more evidence.

They are afraid no one will believe them.

They are afraid people will find out.

They want to forget.

Now look at how Dr. Ford is being treated.
Something to think about...

#WhyIDidntReport : Sexual assault survivors respond to Trump's tweet - CNN

They are afraid of repercussions.

They are made to feel it’s their own fault.

They are told to dismiss it.

They are often the ones who were blamed.

They are afraid they might be asked for more evidence.

They are afraid no one will believe them.

They are afraid people will find out.

They want to forget.

Now look at how Dr. Ford is being treated.

I thought she said she could not even remember it?? If so, she doesn't know that it happened. :dunno:
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Something to think about...

#WhyIDidntReport : Sexual assault survivors respond to Trump's tweet - CNN

They are afraid of repercussions.

They are made to feel it’s their own fault.

They are told to dismiss it.

They are often the ones who were blamed.

They are afraid they might be asked for more evidence.

They are afraid no one will believe them.

They are afraid people will find out.

They want to forget.

Now look at how Dr. Ford is being treated.

I thought she said she could not even remember it?? If so, she doesn't know that it happened. :dunno:
I think she couldn’t say exactly when or where..,?
Something to think about...

#WhyIDidntReport : Sexual assault survivors respond to Trump's tweet - CNN

They are afraid of repercussions.

They are made to feel it’s their own fault.

They are told to dismiss it.

They are often the ones who were blamed.

They are afraid they might be asked for more evidence.

They are afraid no one will believe them.

They are afraid people will find out.

They want to forget.

Now look at how Dr. Ford is being treated.

I thought she said she could not even remember it?? If so, she doesn't know that it happened. :dunno:
I think she couldn’t say exactly when or where..,?

Did she? I am not sure how she can't remember. Admittedly I have not followed this too much.
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Something to think about...

#WhyIDidntReport : Sexual assault survivors respond to Trump's tweet - CNN

They are afraid of repercussions.

They are made to feel it’s their own fault.

They are told to dismiss it.

They are often the ones who were blamed.

They are afraid they might be asked for more evidence.

They are afraid no one will believe them.

They are afraid people will find out.

They want to forget.

Now look at how Dr. Ford is being treated.

I thought she said she could not even remember it?? If so, she doesn't know that it happened. :dunno:
I think she couldn’t say exactly when or where..,?

Did she? I am not sure how she can't remember. Admittedly I have not followed this too much.
I wasn’t until I saw some of the really horrible threads about her :(
Something to think about...

#WhyIDidntReport : Sexual assault survivors respond to Trump's tweet - CNN

They are afraid of repercussions.

They are made to feel it’s their own fault.

They are told to dismiss it.

They are often the ones who were blamed.

They are afraid they might be asked for more evidence.

They are afraid no one will believe them.

They are afraid people will find out.

They want to forget.

Now look at how Dr. Ford is being treated.

Why didn't she report when Brett Kavanaugh was previously being confirmed a Federal Judge?
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Something to think about...

#WhyIDidntReport : Sexual assault survivors respond to Trump's tweet - CNN

They are afraid of repercussions.

They are made to feel it’s their own fault.

They are told to dismiss it.

They are often the ones who were blamed.

They are afraid they might be asked for more evidence.

They are afraid no one will believe them.

They are afraid people will find out.

They want to forget.

Now look at how Dr. Ford is being treated.

Why didn't she report when Brett Kavanaugh was previously being confirmed a Federal Judge?
Most likely because that wasn’t in the news.
Something to think about...

#WhyIDidntReport : Sexual assault survivors respond to Trump's tweet - CNN

They are afraid of repercussions.

They are made to feel it’s their own fault.

They are told to dismiss it.

They are often the ones who were blamed.

They are afraid they might be asked for more evidence.

They are afraid no one will believe them.

They are afraid people will find out.

They want to forget.

Now look at how Dr. Ford is being treated.

Why didn't she report when Brett Kavanaugh was previously being confirmed a Federal Judge?
Most likely because that wasn’t in the news.

Of course it would have been in the news, if then she would have Googled Brett Kavanaugh she would have been aware.
A Shepherd Boy tended his master's Sheep near a dark forest not far from the village. Soon he found life in the pasture very dull. All he could do to amuse himself was to talk to his dog or play on his shepherd's pipe.

One day as he sat watching the Sheep and the quiet forest, and thinking what he would do should he see a Wolf, he thought of a plan to amuse himself.

His Master had told him to call for help should a Wolf attack the flock, and the Villagers would drive it away. So now, though he had not seen anything that even looked like a Wolf, he ran toward the village shouting at the top of his voice,
"Wolf! Wolf!"

As he expected, the Villagers who heard the cry dropped their work and ran in great excitement to the pasture. But when they got there they found the Boy doubled up with laughter at the trick he had played on them.

A few days later the Shepherd Boy again shouted,
"Wolf! Wolf!" Again the Villagers ran to help him, only to be laughed at again.

Then one evening as the sun was setting behind the forest and the shadows were creeping out over the pasture, a Wolf really did spring from the underbrush and fall upon the Sheep.

In terror the Boy ran toward the village shouting
"Wolf! Wolf!" But though the Villagers heard the cry, they did not run to help him as they had before. "He cannot fool us again," they said.

The Wolf killed a great many of the Boy's sheep and then slipped away into the forest.

Liars are not believed even when they speak the truth.​
Something to think about...

#WhyIDidntReport : Sexual assault survivors respond to Trump's tweet - CNN

They are afraid of repercussions.

They are made to feel it’s their own fault.

They are told to dismiss it.

They are often the ones who were blamed.

They are afraid they might be asked for more evidence.

They are afraid no one will believe them.

They are afraid people will find out.

They want to forget.

Now look at how Dr. Ford is being treated.

I thought she said she could not even remember it?? If so, she doesn't know that it happened. :dunno:

Christine Ford is of course a very confused woman. The first question to her from the Republicans:

"Christine, can you REMEMBER who was President when Brett Kavanaugh ALLEGEDLY attacked you?

Christine Ford responds with:

"Yes I can remember that it was 1983 and William McKinley was President!"
As a father of two young daughters I get it but what happened to innocent until proven guilty? We are destroying a mans life over a word of a potential mad woman over an alleged crime that supposedly took place 36 yrs ago.

This is insanity.
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As a father of two young daughters I get it but what happened to innocent until proven guilty? We are destroying a mans life over a word of a potential mad woman over an alleged crime that supposedly took place 36 yrs ago.

This is insanity.
Aren’t we destroying TWO people here? Look at your last sentence...you have already judged and convicted her.
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Something to think about...

#WhyIDidntReport : Sexual assault survivors respond to Trump's tweet - CNN

They are afraid of repercussions.

They are made to feel it’s their own fault.

They are told to dismiss it.

They are often the ones who were blamed.

They are afraid they might be asked for more evidence.

They are afraid no one will believe them.

They are afraid people will find out.

They want to forget.

Now look at how Dr. Ford is being treated.

Why didn't she report when Brett Kavanaugh was previously being confirmed a Federal Judge?
Most likely because that wasn’t in the news.

Of course it would have been in the news, if then she would have Googled Brett Kavanaugh she would have been aware.
Why would she want to do that?
Something to think about...

#WhyIDidntReport : Sexual assault survivors respond to Trump's tweet - CNN

They are afraid of repercussions.

They are made to feel it’s their own fault.

They are told to dismiss it.

They are often the ones who were blamed.

They are afraid they might be asked for more evidence.

They are afraid no one will believe them.

They are afraid people will find out.

They want to forget.

Now look at how Dr. Ford is being treated.

Third Named Witness Rejects Kavanaugh's Accuser's Allegations | National Review

She’s being treated poorly because she simply isn’t credible. I was open to it when she first came forward, but not anymore
As a father of two young daughters I get it but what happened to innocent until proven guilty? We are destroying a mans life over a word of a potential mad woman over an alleged crime that supposedly took place 36 yrs ago.

This is insanity.

The Leftists being Officially Unhinged everything is upside down with them, so it's not innocent until proven guilty it's guilty until proven innocent :uhoh3:


"We are destroying a mans life over a word of a potential mad woman over an alleged crime that supposedly took place 36 yrs ago."

They do not care about destroying his life or ANYONES life, the situation with them is that IF someone does not support the Unhinged Leftist Agenda then they want that person and their family destroyed.

"This is insanity."

That is because Leftism IS a Mental Illness.
As a father of two young daughters I get it but what happened to innocent until proven guilty? We are destroying a mans life over a word of a potential mad woman over an alleged crime that supposedly took place 36 yrs ago.

This is insanity.
Aren’t we destroying TWO people here? Look at your last sentence...you have already judged and convicted her.

I have because instead of stating I will come in and testify she has asked for all these unprecedented demands and wants BK to go first. Have you ever seen the accused aka the defendant go first in any trial or hearing? How can he go first when he doesn’t have all the facts?

Diane Feinstein herself stated she doesn’t really believe her. Lastly, this is a weapon of the Left that I have seen before. People still believe Nikki Haley spent $50k+ on curtains and that story as you know is complete BS.

No matter what happens Kavanaugh is tarnished. Just like Thomas and the FBI found that Hill was full of BS.
I think if I were sexually assaulted I would remember, no matter what. It may even be fuzzy to me, but I would remember. Maybe different people react differently, but you can't go with "I think".
What kills me is these idiotic actresses. They have her back but not Juanita Broadericks. Hypocrisy of the Left strikes again.
Something to think about...

#WhyIDidntReport : Sexual assault survivors respond to Trump's tweet - CNN

They are afraid of repercussions.

They are made to feel it’s their own fault.

They are told to dismiss it.

They are often the ones who were blamed.

They are afraid they might be asked for more evidence.

They are afraid no one will believe them.

They are afraid people will find out.

They want to forget.

Now look at how Dr. Ford is being treated.

Why didn't she report when Brett Kavanaugh was previously being confirmed a Federal Judge?
Most likely because that wasn’t in the news.

Of course it would have been in the news, if then she would have Googled Brett Kavanaugh she would have been aware.
Why would she want to do that?

Because she is of course obsessed with him, she is or exhibits symptoms of being mentally unstable. She is delusional, she THINKS Brett Kavanaugh who a TON of women who have known him since school ALL state that he is a decent man and that they have always known him to be a decent man and yet this crazed SJW Christine Ford is the ONLY one who insists he's NOT a decent man and has NEVER been a decent man. She cannot find ONE person to corroborate her vicious and delusional accusations against him, she has ATTEMPTED NOT to give evidence to that Senate Committee, to the point her and her SJW Radical Feminist lawyer Debra Katz have for DAYS been holding off and asking for more time so Christine Ford can THINK about giving evidence. WTF?! I say FORCE her to give evidence, I guarantee that when she DOES the Republicans are going to slice and dice her and she will probably be lucky IF at the end when Brett Kavanaugh is confirmed a Justice that HE does not sue her for the unhinged and vicious crap she has thrown at him.
She has forever tarnished the man. If he is guilty he deserves it but if he is not this is an unforgivable offense.

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