Why you shouldn't try to reason with Trump supporters


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Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
USMB validates everything the writer points out.

Why you shouldn't try to reason with Trump supporters
Reporters have noticed that no amount of evidence to the contrary will sway the most die-hard Trump fans
Jeremy Binckes

A year ago, in the wake of President Donald Trump's stunning election win, you couldn't swing a dead cat in the Rust Belt without hitting a Trump supporter who understood the president-elect's flaws, but insisted on giving him a chance to follow through on his campaign promises. Over the next 365 days, reporters visited and re-visited so-called Trump country — even as support for him dwindled in those areas — searching for the reasons why people continued to pledge their support for making America great again.

A new Politico Magazine profile of die-hard Trump supporters in Johnstown, Pa — the heart of Trump country — suggests that Trump's most fervent fans haven't swayed in their support, even as the president continues to break (or forget) his promises. Here's one Johnstown, Pennsylvania, native, telling a Politico reporter why he liked Trump.

“Everybody I talk to,” he said, “realizes it’s not Trump who’s dragging his feet. Trump’s probably the most diligent, hardest-working president we’ve ever had in our lifetimes. It’s not like he sleeps in till noon and goes golfing every weekend, like the last president did.”

I stopped him, informing him that, yes, Barack Obama liked to golf, but Trump in fact does golf a lot, too—more, in fact.

Del Signore was surprised to hear this.

“Does he?” he said.

“Yes,” I said.

He did not linger on this topic, smiling and changing the subject with a quip. “If I was married to his wife,” Del Signore said, “I don’t think I’d go anywhere.”

This is the Trump supporter in a nutshell: When confronted with facts, the topic changed. The sources they use to get their information on a daily basis are suspect: Friends, family and Fox News. The latter is, well, Fox News, but the former are the people who were absolutely certain that Obama was the antichrist.

In short, the Trump die-hards are not sound on policy or history — recent or otherwise. It wouldn't be fair to say that they're unfairly ridiculed, because they constantly wave their ignorance around like it's a flag.

Why you shouldn't try to reason with Trump supporters
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When Trump was asked today if the chant "send her back" bothered him. What did he do? True to Trumpian style, he said that what bothered him was congress women who hated American and were anti Semetic.

He didn't even bother to answer the question, he just deflected to why he is bothered by the 4 congresswomen and left the question about the chant unanswered.

I mean, why be surprised? Trump supporters learned how to do that from Trump.
USMB validates everything the writer points out.

Why you shouldn't try to reason with Trump supporters
Reporters have noticed that no amount of evidence to the contrary will sway the most die-hard Trump fans
Jeremy Binckes

A year ago, in the wake of President Donald Trump's stunning election win, you couldn't swing a dead cat in the Rust Belt without hitting a Trump supporter who understood the president-elect's flaws, but insisted on giving him a chance to follow through on his campaign promises. Over the next 365 days, reporters visited and re-visited so-called Trump country — even as support for him dwindled in those areas — searching for the reasons why people continued to pledge their support for making America great again.

A new Politico Magazine profile of die-hard Trump supporters in Johnstown, Pa — the heart of Trump country — suggests that Trump's most fervent fans haven't swayed in their support, even as the president continues to break (or forget) his promises. Here's one Johnstown, Pennsylvania, native, telling a Politico reporter why he liked Trump.

“Everybody I talk to,” he said, “realizes it’s not Trump who’s dragging his feet. Trump’s probably the most diligent, hardest-working president we’ve ever had in our lifetimes. It’s not like he sleeps in till noon and goes golfing every weekend, like the last president did.”

I stopped him, informing him that, yes, Barack Obama liked to golf, but Trump in fact does golf a lot, too—more, in fact.

Del Signore was surprised to hear this.

“Does he?” he said.

“Yes,” I said.

He did not linger on this topic, smiling and changing the subject with a quip. “If I was married to his wife,” Del Signore said, “I don’t think I’d go anywhere.”

This is the Trump supporter in a nutshell: When confronted with facts, the topic changed. The sources they use to get their information on a daily basis are suspect: Friends, family and Fox News. The latter is, well, Fox News, but the former are the people who were absolutely certain that Obama was the antichrist.

In short, the Trump die-hards are not sound on policy or history — recent or otherwise. It wouldn't be fair to say that they're unfairly ridiculed, because they constantly wave their ignorance around like it's a flag.

Why you shouldn't try to reason with Trump supporters

"Reporters have noticed that no amount of evidence to the contrary will sway the most die-hard Trump fans"

and the same holds true when confronting anti-Trump supporters.

Do you actually have a point?
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First thing a Trump supporter does when shown something that is less than complimentary about something Trump has done, the first thing out of their mouths is that it's fake news.
Oh boy. . . . And you could go around the country and find just as many, if not more, clueless liberals who would likewise change the subject when confronted with facts they could not answer.

Keep in mind that in 2008 and 2012, Obama won the high-school-dropout vote by a wide margin.
USMB validates everything the writer points out.

Why you shouldn't try to reason with Trump supporters
Reporters have noticed that no amount of evidence to the contrary will sway the most die-hard Trump fans
Jeremy Binckes

A year ago, in the wake of President Donald Trump's stunning election win, you couldn't swing a dead cat in the Rust Belt without hitting a Trump supporter who understood the president-elect's flaws, but insisted on giving him a chance to follow through on his campaign promises. Over the next 365 days, reporters visited and re-visited so-called Trump country — even as support for him dwindled in those areas — searching for the reasons why people continued to pledge their support for making America great again.

A new Politico Magazine profile of die-hard Trump supporters in Johnstown, Pa — the heart of Trump country — suggests that Trump's most fervent fans haven't swayed in their support, even as the president continues to break (or forget) his promises. Here's one Johnstown, Pennsylvania, native, telling a Politico reporter why he liked Trump.

“Everybody I talk to,” he said, “realizes it’s not Trump who’s dragging his feet. Trump’s probably the most diligent, hardest-working president we’ve ever had in our lifetimes. It’s not like he sleeps in till noon and goes golfing every weekend, like the last president did.”

I stopped him, informing him that, yes, Barack Obama liked to golf, but Trump in fact does golf a lot, too—more, in fact.

Del Signore was surprised to hear this.

“Does he?” he said.

“Yes,” I said.

He did not linger on this topic, smiling and changing the subject with a quip. “If I was married to his wife,” Del Signore said, “I don’t think I’d go anywhere.”

This is the Trump supporter in a nutshell: When confronted with facts, the topic changed. The sources they use to get their information on a daily basis are suspect: Friends, family and Fox News. The latter is, well, Fox News, but the former are the people who were absolutely certain that Obama was the antichrist.

In short, the Trump die-hards are not sound on policy or history — recent or otherwise. It wouldn't be fair to say that they're unfairly ridiculed, because they constantly wave their ignorance around like it's a flag.

Why you shouldn't try to reason with Trump supporters

Hammer meet nail.
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The same could be said of the rabid Trump critics who still insist there was collusion with Russia despite the Mueller report saying otherwise. Fanatics believe what they want to believe no matter what side of the political aisle they are on.
The same could be said of the rabid Trump critics who still insist there was collusion with Russia despite the Mueller report saying otherwise. Fanatics believe what they want to believe no matter what side of the political aisle they are on.

Half of America is fanatical?
The same could be said of the rabid Trump critics who still insist there was collusion with Russia despite the Mueller report saying otherwise. Fanatics believe what they want to believe no matter what side of the political aisle they are on.

No it cannot. Because collusion was never a consideration and Mueller stated so in his report.
When Trump was asked today if the chant "send her back" bothered him. What did he do? True to Trumpian style, he said that what bothered him was congress women who hated American and were anti Semetic.

He didn't even bother to answer the question, he just deflected to why he is bothered by the 4 congresswomen and left the question about the chant unanswered.

I mean, why be surprised? Trump supporters learned how to do that from Trump.
---------------------------------- THE Chant is no big deal . In fact its a good chant except the actual action of a deportation like experience isn't legally possible . And yeah , traitorous 'congress' also concerns me same as they concern the TRUMP BSailor .
The same could be said of the rabid Trump critics who still insist there was collusion with Russia despite the Mueller report saying otherwise. Fanatics believe what they want to believe no matter what side of the political aisle they are on.

No it cannot. Because collusion was never a consideration and Mueller stated so in his report.

The Mueller Reports states that could not reach a decision on collusion because of stonewalling by the Administration.

It would be nice if you related the facts of the report correctly.
Oh boy. . . . And you could go around the country and find just as many, if not more, clueless liberals who would likewise change the subject when confronted with facts they could not answer.

Keep in mind that in 2008 and 2012, Obama won the high-school-dropout vote by a wide margin.

Keep in mind that Obama was a far better president this this fool.
The same could be said of the rabid Trump critics who still insist there was collusion with Russia despite the Mueller report saying otherwise. Fanatics believe what they want to believe no matter what side of the political aisle they are on.

No it cannot. Because collusion was never a consideration and Mueller stated so in his report.
And speaking of Mueller,,,
Mueller testifies this coming Wednesday. We start bombing that morning.
First thing a Trump supporter does when shown something that is less than complimentary about something Trump has done, the first thing out of their mouths is that it's fake news.
--------------------------- most things that TRUMP has done makes me wanna shake his hand and thank him BSailor . In his period of time in office i can find no fault with TRUMP except that he is treating 'iran' too nicely and with 'kid gloves' BSailor .
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Oh boy. . . . And you could go around the country and find just as many, if not more, clueless liberals who would likewise change the subject when confronted with facts they could not answer.

Keep in mind that in 2008 and 2012, Obama won the high-school-dropout vote by a wide margin.

Left and right winger extremists are different sides of the same shit pile. They are even starting to resemble each other.

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