why were otto's parents guests at the sotu address?


Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2008
chicken farm
remember otto the young man seeking adventure travel...traveling to n korea to party?
he was returned to the us with medical issues and died quickly...why were his parents guests of trumps at sotu? i remember when posters on here trashed them for allowing them son to adventure travel to n korea? what say you now?
Why shouldn't they have been? Regardless of what he did, he was still an American. We defend our own. Yes, Otto was tempting fate by trying to steal something in a country like North Korea, but he didn't deserve to die for such a petty crime.

My question to you is why do you have such a problem with it? The right wing posters on this board had no bearing on Trump's decision to invite his parents to the SOTU. It was a common theme, the brutality and mercilessness of the North Korean regime. It's also why he invited Ji Seong-ho, the man who defected.

Don't impugn the motives just because you disagree with some right wingers on this board.
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i find it amusing how fast conservatives flip flop....trump merely wanted to remind people of n korea's past acts...nothing more..he could care less about them.....you are aware there are us citizens being held as captives as we speak? were is the defending our own for them?
i find it amusing how fast conservatives flip flop....trump merely wanted to remind people of n korea's past acts...nothing more..he could care less about them.....you are aware there are us citizens being held as captives as we speak? were is the defending our own for them?
Where was your concern about it when Obama was president?
i have always watched the captive and hostage situations concerning us citizens and have found neither party really cares until they need the public sympathy or empathy for a cause....

now can you move into the current times with the current admin. being held responsible for what is a year in? or can you only live in the past?
i find it amusing how fast conservatives flip flop....trump merely wanted to remind people of n korea's past acts...nothing more..he could care less about them.....you are aware there are us citizens being held as captives as we speak? were is the defending our own for them?
Why didn't Obama free them? Do you really want to go down this road?

Trump cared enough to get Otto back in time for him to pass away at home. Last I recall, Obama traded away 5 terrorists for a traitor. He valued a traitor over the lives of innocent Americans being unjustly held prisoner elsewhere in the world.

No. Just no.
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remember otto the young man seeking adventure travel...traveling to n korea to party?
he was returned to the us with medical issues and died quickly...why were his parents guests of trumps at sotu? i remember when posters on here trashed them for allowing them son to adventure travel to n korea? what say you now?

Pure tragedy, his parents were broken and received high honor.
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i always love the current view from the basement....
Still can't let go of that, can you? Well I guess it can't be helped when you proceeded to get your backside kicked in this trash heap of a thread you started.

You don't even have the guts to directly quote me. How pathetic. Why do you feign to care so much about Otto's parents? They're still grieving and you used them as political tools. I have never cared much for people who use the grieving and the dead as tools to advance a political point. Never mind what Trump did. At least what he did was sincere. You on the other hand? You're simply a sad, bitter character.

I'm outta here.
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why not honor the men/women who are in wars for this country...i still see no reason to honor a victim of his own actions....a. going to on adventure travel ....b. stealing in a country where it could and most likely will mean your death but lets boo hooo over his terrible choices...no he did not deserve to die...but he did bring all this upon himself...so why are his parents honored for watching him make poor decisions at best?
why not honor the men/women who are in wars for this country...i still see no reason to honor a victim of his own actions....a. going to on adventure travel ....b. stealing in a country where it could and most likely will mean your death but lets boo hooo over his terrible choices...no he did not deserve to die...but he did bring all this upon himself...so why are his parents honored for watching him make poor decisions at best?
You're looking pretty foolish attacking Trump for honoring an American family whose son died at the hands of lil kim
why not honor the men/women who are in wars for this country...i still see no reason to honor a victim of his own actions....

And before I go... I'll let you in on a little secret:

Because the punishment didn't fit the crime. Because he died at the hands of a merciless regime. A sign can be replaced, an American life cannot.

You won't ever find me making fun of a guy or even chastising him. He was a young man, made a naive and obviously poor decision. Maybe I would question that decision, though ultimately I have to lay the blame on those who abused their authority, he should never have experienced the fate he did. I reserve my vitriol for those who did what they did to him.

The CIA should find out who did it (if possible), who ordered the torture and ultimately the murder of this young American. They should then send out an APB to their intelligence agencies "wanted dead or alive". No one would risk their lives smuggling such a person out so you can assume the former would be the outcome.

Outside of that, justice for Otto will probably be found within the next few years, though not as a direct result of what they did to him but as a result of the greater threat the North Koreans pose to America and the West.

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