Why We Push for an Ethnostate

William Joyce

Chemotherapy for PC
Jan 23, 2004
Why We Push for an Ethnostate - American Renaissance

We are in the middle of an undeclared race war. To end a war you have peace talks. We should focus on specifics: Whoā€™s going to get what? Which counties in our state should be for whites? Which ones for blacks? Which ones will be ā€œmultiracialā€? Letā€™s get out maps and start marking them up.

White ethnostates, along with corresponding black ethnostates, Hispanic ethnostates, etc., cut off just about every complaint of unfairness by non-whites. You canā€™t discriminate against people you donā€™t live with. If Ta-Nehisi Coates says white racism is incurable, this is the solution.
Why We Push for an Ethnostate - American Renaissance

We are in the middle of an undeclared race war. To end a war you have peace talks. We should focus on specifics: Whoā€™s going to get what? Which counties in our state should be for whites? Which ones for blacks? Which ones will be ā€œmultiracialā€? Letā€™s get out maps and start marking them up.

White ethnostates, along with corresponding black ethnostates, Hispanic ethnostates, etc., cut off just about every complaint of unfairness by non-whites. You canā€™t discriminate against people you donā€™t live with. If Ta-Nehisi Coates says white racism is incurable, this is the solution.

More lunacy. The only people claiming there is a race war going on are the far right racist extremists. So it has been declared.
Why We Push for an Ethnostate - American Renaissance

We are in the middle of an undeclared race war. To end a war you have peace talks. We should focus on specifics: Whoā€™s going to get what? Which counties in our state should be for whites? Which ones for blacks? Which ones will be ā€œmultiracialā€? Letā€™s get out maps and start marking them up.

White ethnostates, along with corresponding black ethnostates, Hispanic ethnostates, etc., cut off just about every complaint of unfairness by non-whites. You canā€™t discriminate against people you donā€™t live with. If Ta-Nehisi Coates says white racism is incurable, this is the solution.

Always good to hear from the Trump voters.
The United States is not Yugoslavia.

Therefore, breaking up the United States into ethnic mini-states is out of the question.

No one is going anywhere.

So we have to learn to live together the best that we can.

Of course, in one's individual life, one has the freedom and right to try to interact as much as is practically possible only with people of one's own ethnicity.

I have read, for example, that most people still attend churches whose members are primarily of their own ethnicity.

No one can predict, however, what may occur in the next century. Wise people never say "never."
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No ethno states needed, more respect for each other required.
Why is a thread allowed here that is openly advocating for a race war?
OP and myself , for that matter, pray for peace. Multiculturalism has been such a dismal fail. Every race needs a place. Stop the hate and self segregate. The future of Western Civilization depends on Aryan separation.
OP and myself , for that matter, pray for peace. Multiculturalism has been such a dismal fail. Every race needs a place. Stop the hate and self segregate. The future of Western Civilization depends on Aryan separation.
. The future of Western Civilization depends on Aryan separation.
Then I suggest you and the OP find a country where you kick out everyone that doesn't fit your agenda.

the US isn't it

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