Why we need to nationalize our energy sector

should we nationalize our energy sector?

  • Yes

    Votes: 5 22.7%
  • No

    Votes: 15 68.2%
  • Other, with explanation

    Votes: 2 9.1%

  • Total voters


I give you....the TRUTH
Feb 9, 2011
The United States
Energy makes the world go around, especially in todays society. Electricity is a must have if you intend on living in the United States, with the notable exception of the Amish. Let it be said though that even the Amish are having a hard time fitting in and are moving further and further west. We use electricity for a wide variety of essential everyday needs from running our refridgerators (food), heating our homes (shelter), providing lights so we can operate and function around the clock, and to run our televisions (information gathering). Wether you have electricity or not determines what type of society you live in such as in the industrial world, or the third world. The question to ask yourself is...can I live for over a year without electricity? Every post cataclysmic scenerio puts man back decades if not longer because of the lack of electricity, society crumbles without it.

Electricity comes from a variety of sources, water, wind, solar, nuclear, and fosil fuels. Oil being the most versitile of the lot is the most coveted. Our society has entwined itself with oil and has become so dependant on it that without it we would not last very long. Oil provides the means to do everything from transportation to production to providing electricity, and to heating our homes (along with natural gas). I believe it would be fair to put oil into the same catagory as electricity when it comes to it's effect on society if it became absent. Society would crumble. Though it would be easier to get by without oil than electricity the effects would be very comparable. Let it be noted that alot of our electricity comes from oil as well.

Given the facts about electricity and oil and their effects and contributions to society I cannot understand how energy in the United States has not been nationalized yet. In todays day and age with speculators and oil companies record setting profits how is it that this is allowed to continue? I would put forth that in the intrests of the population our energy should be produced, maintained, and provided by our government to ensure an affordable price to all. Now wether the government hires independant contractors to help with this or not would remain to be seen.

Would this make us a socialist society? absolutely. Would this be a difficult transition? absolutely. Would this be beneficial to the population as a whole? absolutely. Would the oil fat cats and energy mongers fight this tooth and nail? without question, yes. In the quest for energy independance I feel that it is a must that we nationalize our energy sector. To leave it up to individuals to do what is right has not proven to be the answer (greed), leaving it up to wall street has also proven not to be the answer (free market system / capitalism), and leaving it up to government regulations (politics) is not the answer either. Even dealing with OPEC has proven not to work (foreign policy).

We as a nation of free people need to re-evaluate our energy situation before we are no longer a free people. This I believe is what our government was created to do, protect us from enemies foriegn and domestic, and to maintain a fair and level playing field for all. We are already part way there, we maintain a standing army and now we must follow up with a nationalized energy policy to ensure our way of life, our civilization can survive and thrive.
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This is probably a yes and no thing. Right know it is big energy that has way to much control of the government. If regulations caught up with the present situation, it might very well be possible for it to remain in the private sector. But by no means can it go on the way it has been.
This is probably a yes and no thing. Right know it is big energy that has way to much control of the government. If regulations caught up with the present situation, it might very well be possible for it to remain in the private sector. But by no means can it go on the way it has been.

Of course it can't go on this way, and if we don't act now it could be too late. The Big energy companies run this show and have us by the short hairs. Government is a tool of the people to keep everything level and by not allowing a few individual companies or people to rule over the rest of us.
i think you are out of your mind. our government has never been able to run anything. maybe the military, but they will not even take care of our wounded returning from the wars. if we keep going like we are we will end up a banana republic. the gov has to much control now, about70% of it needs to go away.
Given the facts about electricity and oil and their effects and contributions to society I cannot understand how energy in the United States has not been nationalized yet.

Because nationalized systems suck when compared to the free market. Want to make something less efficient? Put the government in charge.

spectrumc01 said:
In todays day and age with speculators and oil companies record setting profits how is it that this is allowed to continue?

Because the alternative is worse.
Yeah. Let's nationalize energy so that the same people who are granting waivers from ObamaCare to their pals can rig the distribution and pricing so that the well connected get plentiful bargains and the rest of us are screwed.
Energy makes the world go around, especially in todays society. Electricity is a must have if you intend on living in the United States, with the notable exception of the Amish. Let it be said though that even the Amish are having a hard time fitting in and are moving further and further west. We use electricity for a wide variety of essential everyday needs from running our refridgerators (food), heating our homes (shelter), providing lights so we can operate and function around the clock, and to run our televisions (information gathering). Wether you have electricity or not determines what type of society you live in such as in the industrial world, or the third world. The question to ask yourself is...can I live for over a year without electricity? Every post cataclysmic scenerio puts man back decades if not longer because of the lack of electricity, society crumbles without it.

Electricity comes from a variety of sources, water, wind, solar, nuclear, and fosil fuels. Oil being the most versitile of the lot is the most coveted. Our society has entwined itself with oil and has become so dependant on it that without it we would not last very long. Oil provides the means to do everything from transportation to production to providing electricity, and to heating our homes (along with natural gas). I believe it would be fair to put oil into the same catagory as electricity when it comes to it's effect on society if it became absent. Society would crumble. Though it would be easier to get by without oil than electricity the effects would be very comparable. Let it be noted that alot of our electricity comes from oil as well.

Given the facts about electricity and oil and their effects and contributions to society I cannot understand how energy in the United States has not been nationalized yet. In todays day and age with speculators and oil companies record setting profits how is it that this is allowed to continue? I would put forth that in the intrests of the population our energy should be produced, maintained, and provided by our government to ensure an affordable price to all. Now wether the government hires independant contractors to help with this or not would remain to be seen.

Would this make us a socialist society? absolutely. Would this be a difficult transition? absolutely. Would this be beneficial to the population as a whole? absolutely. Would the oil fat cats and energy mongers fight this tooth and nail? without question, yes. In the quest for energy independance I feel that it is a must that we nationalize our energy sector. To leave it up to individuals to do what is right has not proven to be the answer (greed), leaving it up to wall street has also proven not to be the answer (free market system / capitalism), and leaving it up to government regulations (politics) is not the answer either. Even dealing with OPEC has proven not to work (foreign policy).

We as a nation of free people need to re-evaluate our energy situation before we are no longer a free people. This I believe is what our government was created to do, protect us from enemies foriegn and domestic, and to maintain a fair and level playing field for all. We are already part way there, we maintain a standing army and now we must follow up with a nationalized energy policy to ensure our way of life, our civilization can survive and thrive.
It's funny how you say we'll lose our freedom if we don't give up our freedom. Where have I heard something like that before...?

Oh, yeah --

War is Peace.
Ignorance is Strength.
Freedom is Slavery.

So, to answer your question, no. Not happening.
SOME things that governmenht do, they do very well.

I do not think that nationaling the assets of oil compnaies is remotely a good idea, though.

There might be one way to test that theory, though., and no nationalization of private peroperty is necessary

The USA still owns plenty of land and offshore locations where there's oil.

Instead of selling the right to drill to a private company, let the government try to set up its own oil company.

I suspect that the oil won't be brought up out of the ground any more chearply than the private companies do it.
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SOME things that governmenht do, they do very well.

I do not think that nationaling the assets of oil compnaies is remotely a good idea, though.

There might be one way to test that theory, though., and no nationalization of private peroperty is necessary

The USA still owns plenty of land and offshore locations where there's oil.

Instead of selling the right to drill to a private company, let the government try to set up its own oil company.

I suspect that the oil won't be brought up out of the ground any more chearply than the private companies do it.

by nationalizing, the prices would absolutely go, down because if we the people being the govenment decide that oil needs to break even and the government doesn't need to make a profit then the price will definitally go down. Gas will become cheaper when it comes to the profit margin.
Oil without question is the lifeblood of our economy and thus society.
Far too important to be left in the hands of an inept Government.
SOME things that governmenht do, they do very well.

I do not think that nationaling the assets of oil compnaies is remotely a good idea, though.

There might be one way to test that theory, though., and no nationalization of private peroperty is necessary

The USA still owns plenty of land and offshore locations where there's oil.

Instead of selling the right to drill to a private company, let the government try to set up its own oil company.

I suspect that the oil won't be brought up out of the ground any more chearply than the private companies do it.

by nationalizing, the prices would absolutely go, down because if we the people being the govenment decide that oil needs to break even and the government doesn't need to make a profit then the price will definitally go down. Gas will become cheaper when it comes to the profit margin.

Yeah - Just how big is that big nasty oil company profit margin?
Oil without question is the lifeblood of our economy and thus society.
Far too important to be left in the hands of an inept Government.

an inept government or a handful of people running the oil industry bent on making as much money as possible all the while turning their heads to problems their greed is causing. Or the other handfull of people who run opec who hate us? I still believe that the govenment energy is the way to go as a matter of national security.
I can't fathom the lack of maturaty in a person that hates private biz cuz they are a bunch of money making meanies, but the begs that the government that only takes money, to take care of them.

You have to completely ignore current facts and history to think the government won't fuck it up.
Oil without question is the lifeblood of our economy and thus society.
Far too important to be left in the hands of an inept Government.

an inept government or a handful of people running the oil industry bent on making as much money as possible all the while turning their heads to problems their greed is causing. Or the other handfull of people who run opec who hate us? I still believe that the govenment energy is the way to go as a matter of national security.

Evul oil fat cats make $.08 profit on a gallon of gas
Pure loving Big daddy government makes over $.40 a gallon.

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