Why Trump


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Here's one man's view of The Donald:

Bill Bennett: They will kill Trump before they let him be a president…… ~ “…But there’s one man who isn’t beholden to anyone. There’s one man who doesn’t need foreigners, or foreign governments, or George Soros, or the United Auto Workers, or the teacher’s union, or the Service Employees International Union, or the Bar Association to fund his campaign. Billionaire tycoon and maverick Donald Trump doesn’t need anyone’s help. That means he doesn’t care what the media says. He doesn’t care what the corporate elites think. That makes him very dangerous to the entrenched interests. That makes Trump a huge threat to those people. Trump can ruin everything for the bribed politicians and their spoiled slave masters. Don’t you ever wonder why the GOP has never tried to impeach Obama? Don’t you wonder why John Boehner and Mitch McConnell talk a big game, but never actually try to stop Obama? Don’t you wonder why Congress holds the purse strings, yet has never tried to defund Obamacare or Obama’s clearly illegal executive action on amnesty for illegal aliens? Bizarre, right? It defies logic, right? First, I’d guess many key Republicans are being bribed….”

I got this from a blog that does what Drudge does and had a very hard time trying to link to the original source. I finally got to this Listen to Bill Bennett's Morning In America online but didn't listen. The above words seem to nail just who Trump is but the ending is more like a conspiracy theory. Judge for yourselves.
Secretive GOP Group Targets Trump for Destruction @ Secretive GOP Group Targets Trump for Destruction

The goal is to keep Trump supporters from voting, the memo said, not to convert them into backing other candidates.

The GOP Establishment getting desperate.

Goon Who Stormed and Disrupted Trump Rally Is #BlackLivesMatter Activist Mercutio Southall Jr. @ Goon Who Stormed and Disrupted Trump Rally Is #BlackLivesMatter Activist Mercutio Southall Jr. - The Gateway Pundit

UPDATE: CNN Lied – Trump Protesters DID NOT Kick Black Activist Who Stormed Rally @ UPDATE: CNN Lied - Trump Protesters DID NOT Kick Black Activist Who Stormed Rally - The Gateway Pundit

It appears that not only the GOP Establishment is becoming panicked by The Donald
Trump is leading on one issue and one issue only: Immigration. He is the only one who is saying what the American people want to hear.

And white, working-class Americans are FINALLY starting to connect the dots and realize that while Republicans "talk the talk," it is ALL TALK, and Republicans have no more intention of enforcing the US' immigration laws than the Democrats do.

I have always thought that there is a rationale for electing a Rich Guy to high office (Executive, not legislative), and Trump is Exhibit A. He doesn't have to grovel for campaign cash, and doesn't really care if he is re-elected, so he can make decisions based on his view of what's best for the country. And even if he makes mistakes, it won't be because he is in the pocket of some secret constituency, it will be because his information was possibly flawed.

I would rather have Chris Christie, but I will vote for Trump if he's still around when the primaries get to my state. October?
face it many of the issues trump addresses need to be discussed but in a more rational and factual manner...i dont agree with the wall bs at all...mexicans are fleeing the us...i guess they are fearful of syrians too...the man has clay feet...he cannot do what he says he can do...cause he is awesome...i mean he reminds me of a kid running for senior class president...with his bragging...and yet he has a very very thin skinned as proven time and time again...he cannot let any insult go unanswered...why do you think he will be able to do anything....realistically...he will be ground up by the machine of government...what happens if he does go independant? just listen to him..he really doesnt have answers....just more chatting himself up
FRESNO, Calif. – Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump told California voters Friday that he can solve their water crisis, declaring, "There is no drought."

Speaking at a rally in Fresno, Calif., Trump accused state officials of denying water to Central Valley farmers so they can send it out to sea "to protect a certain kind of three-inch fish."

"We're going to solve your water problem. You have a water problem that is so insane. It is so ridiculous where they're taking the water and shoving it out to sea," Trump said at a rally that drew thousands.

California is, in fact, in midst of a drought. Last year marked the state's driest four-year period in its history, with record low rainfall and snow.

The comments came a day after Trump outlined an energy policy plan that relies heavily on expanding U.S. fossil fuel exploration and reducing environmental regulations.

He held a pair of rallies Friday in Fresno and San Diego as he closed a campaign swing through the west, drawing vocal crowds of protesters, many carrying signs critical of Trump's plan to wall off the U.S. border with Mexico.

Trump tells California 'there is no drought' | Fox News

There it is in plain language. Trump denies reality, and the 'Conservative' morons go right along with the dumb bastard. And then there is the 'Facts' in post # 5. Total lies, but what the 'Conservatives' want to hear. And that is what Trump specializes in, what fools wish to here.
The major effects of a lack of rainfall in California - which is normal - has been exacerbated by stupid state and federal rules. That, and abnormal demands on a naturally limited resource.
The major effects of a lack of rainfall in California - which is normal - has been exacerbated by stupid state and federal rules. That, and abnormal demands on a naturally limited resource.

And exactly what do you have against the poor little Delta Smelt......ya' big bully!!!!
During his first stint as Governor, Jerry Brown opposed any new dam construction that would have added to California's water storage capacity. As a result normal variations in rainfall are now treated as flood or drought emergencies, sometimes at the same time. For example, Folsom Lake was recently discharging record amounts of water while local residents were placed on strict water rationing.

He also canceled every highway project in the State, thereby wasting hundreds of millions of dollars that had already been spent in preparation and worsening traffic congestion. Now he is building a $100 billion bullet train between San Francisco and L.A. as a monument to himself. Unfortunately, the Tehachapi Mountains are in the way, so passengers will have to get off the train and take a two hour bus ride to their destinations. Blue State politics at its finest.
Bret Stephens (conservative columnist from the Wall Street Journal) said it perfectly this morning:

“I most certainly will not vote for Donald Trump,” Stephens began tersely. “I will vote for the least left-wing opponent to Donald Trump and I want to make a vote that makes sure he is the biggest loser in presidential history since, I don’t know, Alf Landon.”

Then Stephens went off: “It’s important that Donald Trump, or what he represents, this kind of quote ‘ethnic conservatism or populism,’ be so decisively rebuked that the Republican Party and the Republican voters will forever learn their lesson that they cannot nominate a man so manifestly unqualified to be president in any way, shape or form.”

“So they have to learn a lesson perhaps the way Democrats learned a lesson from McGovern in ’72,” he added.

WSJ editor: Trump needs to be destroyed in the November election to teach GOP voters a lesson
The major effects of a lack of rainfall in California - which is normal - has been exacerbated by stupid state and federal rules. That, and abnormal demands on a naturally limited resource.

Not knowing anything about the subject (California's drought) doesn't stop you from making comments so inaccurate they border on stupid.

We have had a several year drought, which is definitely not normal. Agribiz demands more water in the freaking desert so they can grow cotton and rice and continue receiving their ag subsidies.

They don't care that this destroys the lives of those who depend on the Delta for their living.

Trump made it clear in his speech that he comes down on the side of big agriculture and doesn't care about the little guy or the environmental damage being done by water diversion.

There is no indication that the drought is over. One winter of still below average rainfall is what we got last year.
Bret Stephens (conservative columnist from the Wall Street Journal) said it perfectly this morning:

“I most certainly will not vote for Donald Trump,” Stephens began tersely. “I will vote for the least left-wing opponent to Donald Trump and I want to make a vote that makes sure he is the biggest loser in presidential history since, I don’t know, Alf Landon.”

Then Stephens went off: “It’s important that Donald Trump, or what he represents, this kind of quote ‘ethnic conservatism or populism,’ be so decisively rebuked that the Republican Party and the Republican voters will forever learn their lesson that they cannot nominate a man so manifestly unqualified to be president in any way, shape or form.”

“So they have to learn a lesson perhaps the way Democrats learned a lesson from McGovern in ’72,” he added.

WSJ editor: Trump needs to be destroyed in the November election to teach GOP voters a lesson
Wonderful quote. Love it! Thank you! :clap2:

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