Why Trump is Leading


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

We can listen to all the Pundits, but this graphic seems to nail it.
Geeze louise here longknife. I just woke up and on my first coffee and you're knocking these out of the ball park. Great threads!

And what an awesome chart. Will spread that around.
Donald Trump is clearly the leading candidate. He is the focal subject in the news media and certainly on the minds of all other candidates, Republican and Democrat. His recognition is even above that of Obama at this point in the race.
Also, Trump is the only candidate who doesn't depend on billionaire donors to fund him, which helps his popularity. Donors = bribes. Of course, the supreme court says bribing politicians is legal now.
Why has Trump done worse versus Clinton compared to the other Republican candidates?

Trump has consistently polled last versus Clinton compared to all the other Republican candidates.

Rubio +1.5 over Clinton
Clinton +0.3 over Carson
Clinton +1.3 over Bush
Clinton +2.5 over Cruz
Clinton +6.1 over Trump

RealClearPolitics - 2016 Latest Polls

The Republican base is acting like a petulant teenager throwing a temper tantrum, on their way to losing a very winnable election to a weak candidate. They'd rather lose the election to make a point than win with a candidate even slightly identified with an establishment they think isn't ideologically pure enough, even though Trump is one of the most liberal candidates in the Republican party in a generation.

Absolutely bizarre.
Its just one of those teachable moments we have heard of,Way to early to call it for trump,the lazy entitlement mentality from the Dems will give them a weak candidate, rebubs are still working it out,nobody has cast a single vote yet.
Trump connects with people who are fed up with the political correctness crowd
Trump connects with people who watch "Reality" TV. He's no more qualified to lead this country than a game show host.

...or a "community organizer". :lol:

But he is fulfilling a very important purpose by calling out Liberals for being the fucking retards that they are. He is saying publicly what Conservatives fear to say... the truth.

Conservatives have lived in fear since Obama took office seven years ago. One tiny slip and there goes your job, you fucking racist.

Trump won't be our next President, but a Republican will be. And Trump will gladly step aside once he's cleared the minefield of Liberal bullshit.

Fuck Liberals, fuck Democrats, fuck Socialists, fuck Communists. They are all one and the same.

Oh yeah - and FUCK Obama. :fu:
Trump may lose a few state primaries, but in the end, it sure looks like a Trump Win!
The Hildebeast is AFRAID to go out and campaign...someone MIGHT ask a hard question!

  • Trump draws record DeltaPlex crowd: 'We love Michigan'
    Fox 17 ^ | December 21, 2015 10:41pm | Josh Sidorowicz
    WALKER, Mich.- A record-setting crowd packed into the DeltaPlex Monday night to see Republican front runner Donald Trump take the stage. "We love Michigan, we love it!" Trump said as he first entered the arena for his first campaign stop in West Michigan and second in the state since announcing his presidential run. ... At least 10 people were escorted out of the building by security during the hour-long speech for heckling Trump, shouting various and usually inaudible things at the candidate. Trump didn't miss a beat, calling the protesters sad and staged. ... Expectedly, Trump also hit hard against...
There are those who revel in the ignorance of the American voter and those who hope to rescue the country from the results of that ignorance. Where do you stand?
the supreme court says bribing politicians is legal now.

That's right: It used to be restricted to labor unions. Waah!

It wasn't just restricted to labor unions. Corporations have also been bribing politicians for decades, but with citizens united ruling, the flood gates are open. We don't even know where the money comes from now. Could be red china, saudi arabia. At least with labor unions we knew the influence was coming from Americans.
Why has Trump done worse versus Clinton compared to the other Republican candidates?

Trump has consistently polled last versus Clinton compared to all the other Republican candidates.

Rubio +1.5 over Clinton
Clinton +0.3 over Carson
Clinton +1.3 over Bush
Clinton +2.5 over Cruz
Clinton +6.1 over Trump

RealClearPolitics - 2016 Latest Polls

The Republican base is acting like a petulant teenager throwing a temper tantrum, on their way to losing a very winnable election to a weak candidate. They'd rather lose the election to make a point than win with a candidate even slightly identified with an establishment they think isn't ideologically pure enough, even though Trump is one of the most liberal candidates in the Republican party in a generation.

Absolutely bizarre.
What is also interesting is the Sanders support on the Democratic side. Yes I know he isn't leading and most likely won't be the nominee, he has much more support than expected though and I consider it notable.

I think what both these things show is that a lot of people on both sides of the aisle are not happy with their parties and are sick of corruption for different reasons.

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