Why the victimization?

I've noticed a trend in politics.

Both sides of the aisle tend towards this, but it's particularly prevalent in the right wing right now - Where does the need for victimization come from?

The rightys of no emotions need sympathy, and paranoia to have a cohesive grouping, because that is all they have got. They have no family values, no morals, and no ethics, and no party to speak of, having divided it during Bush, and splintered it with chaotic tea parties with no direction. Its like hanging from a cliff by a vine in a desperate hope the vine won't break, and wanting others to share the vine so they won't feel alone. No body brought this misery on them but themselves.

Rhetoric from the right seems to constantly imply victimization: They're coming to take our guns! They're coming to take our talk radio! The Muslims are coming, the muslims are coming! Sharia Law!

Once again, a desperate attempt at cohesiveness grouping, even to the point of lying to one another. Interesting you mention guns, the perfect analogy of the rightwing. During the campaigning it was "Obama was going to take our guns away!" And yet there was no logical reasoning for this belief, but it did instill fear and paranoia the rightys needed for cohesiveness as victims. Death panels, WMDs, guns, birth certificate, Kenya, raise taxes, racist & poor whitey, etc.

The implication seems to be that all "real" Americans are being persecuted by a massive government-media conspiracy, and it's time to "stand up and fight" against the evil "liberal" conspiracy.

I don't think the media is the one dreaming up the fear for these paranoid "victims," they just reporting the end results of a splintered party, much like a historical note, a dirty job someone has to do. The media didn't start the T-Party or bring up all the fears & hate these rightys are going through, having been kicked out of DC in droves, and their war hero McCain snubbed for a black president whose only message was hope & change.

Where does that rhetoric come from? Is it necessary to create such a deep divide?


The rhetoric comes from righty think tanks, like the Swift-Boaters, and backed by elite money to insure the message gets out.
The media is a circus. I've never seen such a collection of retards.
I'm thinkin' you made a wrong turn......and, ended-up at the side-show.....

The rhetoric seems to be based entirely around a persecution complex.

The right seems to need to feel "persecuted" by the overwhelming evil conspiracy - that all "real" Americans are against. Why is this?

Where does this come from?

i believe it stems from being accused of intollerance and racisim for holding opinion contrary to those on the left....

speaking out was considered patrotic when bush was pres ... now it is just the opposite....

same game everyone just switched sides for awhile....

No, it started long before Obama became President.
Why didn't ABC give their "This Week' show to George Will? He has been with ABC for many years and is certainly a credible and well respected journalist. How could they pass him up and give that show to the ultra Left-leaning activist Christine Amanpour? There is only one answer. Will was a Conservative and Amanpour was a preferred Leftist. So don't tell me the MSM isn't overwhelmingly Liberal-leaning. That just insults the intelligence of Millions of Americans. Where are all the Conservatives/Republicans? Good luck finding them in the MSM.

Joe Scarborough - MSNBC
William Kristol - NY Times (formerly)
George Will - ABC
Charles Krauthammer - Washington Post
The entire pundit staff of FOX NEWS
The entire editorial board of the Wall Street Journal

There's plenty more.

Yes there are some. I have said that already. But the numbers are still overwhelming die-hard Leftist/Democrat. George Will is a good example of Liberal Media bias. He has been with ABC for twenty five years yet got passed over for the 'This Week' show in favor of a Left Wing extremist Christine Amanpour. Travesties like that go on all the time in the Liberal Media. Elliot Spitzer given a Prime time show on CNN? Yikes! Just look at CNN,CBS,ABC,and NBC and see who all their hosts are. Where are all the Conservative/Republican hosts? The same bias exists at PBS and NPR as well. I can't recall any Conservative/Republican hosts ever being on PBS or NPR. Thank God for Fox News and Talk Radio. If it weren't for them we would never hear the Conservative perspective. The Liberal Media Bias is not just a "Conspiracy." It's reality.
Of all the Liberal Media travesties,ABC hiring the ultra-Left-leaning Christine Amanpour to host their 'This Week' show was by far the worst. Now CNN is giving disgraced Democrat Governor Elliot Spitzer a show. Lets not even talk about NBC. Then you have CBS with the whole Dan Blather debacle. So of course there is a Government-Media conspiracy. How can people not see it? The Government-Media conspiracy is overwhelmingly Left/Democrat-leaning. This is just fact.

So it is your opinion that the right is starving for media attention? They gave Palin media attention and she quit her job as governor of Alaska. They gave McCain media attention and he lost the campaign with bomb bomb Iran. Maybe you just think outside of what the mainstream rightys are crying for.
I've noticed a trend in politics.

Both sides of the aisle tend towards this, but it's particularly prevalent in the right wing right now - Where does the need for victimization come from?

Rhetoric from the right seems to constantly imply victimization: They're coming to take our guns! They're coming to take our talk radio! The Muslims are coming, the muslims are coming! Sharia Law!

The implication seems to be that all "real" Americans are being persecuted by a massive government-media conspiracy, and it's time to "stand up and fight" against the evil "liberal" conspiracy.

Where does that rhetoric come from? Is it necessary to create such a deep divide?

It's not rhetoric if it's true. Nor is pointing out oppression a "need" for victimization.
Why didn't ABC give their "This Week' show to George Will? He has been with ABC for many years and is certainly a credible and well respected journalist. How could they pass him up and give that show to the ultra Left-leaning activist Christine Amanpour? There is only one answer. Will was a Conservative and Amanpour was a preferred Leftist. So don't tell me the MSM isn't overwhelmingly Liberal-leaning. That just insults the intelligence of Millions of Americans. Where are all the Conservatives/Republicans? Good luck finding them in the MSM.

Joe Scarborough - MSNBC
William Kristol - NY Times (formerly)
George Will - ABC
Charles Krauthammer - Washington Post
The entire pundit staff of FOX NEWS
The entire editorial board of the Wall Street Journal

There's plenty more.

Yes there are some. I have said that already. But the numbers are still overwhelming die-hard Leftist/Democrat. George Will is a good example of Liberal Media bias. He has been with ABC for twenty five years yet got passed over for the 'This Week' show in favor of a Left Wing extremist Christine Amanpour. Travesties like that go on all the time in the Liberal Media. Elliot Spitzer given a Prime time show on CNN? Yikes! Just look at CNN,CBS,ABC,and NBC and see who all their hosts are. Where are all the Conservative/Republican hosts? The same bias exists at PBS and NPR as well. I can't recall any Conservative/Republican hosts ever being on PBS or NPR. Thank God for Fox News and Talk Radio. If it weren't for them we would never hear the Conservative perspective. The Liberal Media Bias is not just a "Conspiracy." It's reality.

Link to any evidence that George Will even was in the running for "This Week"?

Any evidence he even wanted it?
I've noticed a trend in politics.

Both sides of the aisle tend towards this, but it's particularly prevalent in the right wing right now - Where does the need for victimization come from?

Rhetoric from the right seems to constantly imply victimization: They're coming to take our guns! They're coming to take our talk radio! The Muslims are coming, the muslims are coming! Sharia Law!

The implication seems to be that all "real" Americans are being persecuted by a massive government-media conspiracy, and it's time to "stand up and fight" against the evil "liberal" conspiracy.

Where does that rhetoric come from? Is it necessary to create such a deep divide?


Perhaps it's easier to use shock value to get people to listen to you than to actually discuss the logic or ill logic involving the various positions on the issues.

As to why you feel it is more prevalent on the right ( I don't, I think it's used pretty equally on both sides) it could be because the right is in the minority in Congress right now and feel the momentum behind them to take it back.
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Don't kid yourself. There is a massive Government-Media conspiracy and it's an extreme Left/Democrat-leaning Government-Media conspiracy. All recent non-partisan studies have shown that a vast majority of MSM journalists are registered Democrats. It really is overwhelming. However there are a few exceptions like in Talk Radio and Fox News. Fighting against something you don't believe in doesn't necessarily mean you're trying to divide anything. However i do think this current Administration has divided our nation unlike anything i've ever seen before. Calling your own people "racists" and then suing them in Arizona is an incredibly divisive act. Hey that's just my take anyway.

Most Doctors are Liberal too. Does that mean there's a massive "doctor-government" conspiracy all around us? How about economists? A majority of them are liberal as well.

Here's a little help for you: Reporters don't choose what's on the news. Media conglomerates do - and all they're after is MONEY.

Watch most MSM News Outlets and see for yourself. I just read where CNN is now hiring disgraced Democrat Governor Elliot Spitzer for a Prime time show.

Where are the Conservatives/Republicans? You see a couple in Talk Radio and Fox News but that's about it.
Yeah.....there's a serious-shortage of White-Wing infotainment.

The media is a circus. I've never seen such a collection of retards.

Agreed. The majority of the media simply can't be trusted these days to report without bias. I read the news from a majority of outlets to try and get the best picture possible.
I've noticed a trend in politics.

Both sides of the aisle tend towards this, but it's particularly prevalent in the right wing right now - Where does the need for victimization come from?

Rhetoric from the right seems to constantly imply victimization: They're coming to take our guns! They're coming to take our talk radio! The Muslims are coming, the muslims are coming! Sharia Law!

The implication seems to be that all "real" Americans are being persecuted by a massive government-media conspiracy, and it's time to "stand up and fight" against the evil "liberal" conspiracy.

Where does that rhetoric come from? Is it necessary to create such a deep divide?


Perhaps it's easier to use shock value to get people to listen to you than to actually discuss the logic or ill logic involving the various positions on the issues.

As to why you feel it is more prevalent on the right ( I don't, I think it's used pretty equally on both sides) it could be because the right is in the minority in Congress right now and feel the momentum behind them to take it back.

I feel it's more prevalent on the right right now - entirely because of what you said: they're currently in the minority, and feel the momentum behind them to "take it back". I'm certainly not trying to excuse the Left of doing exactly the same thing (the whole "9/11 was an inside job" thing is based on the same idea).
Haven't noticed it. I've noticed an increasingly desperate whine from the left about 'racism', 'homophobia', and a plethora of other ridiculous ranting. I figure it's just stupidity.

No, "stupidity" isn't the answer. Feel free to try again.

"Rhetorical tactics" is a better answer. I'll start another thread for this.

Start all the threads you want.. some folks feel it easier to call you some horrible name in the hope that you will feel bad, than to actually defend their views.
I've noticed a trend in politics.

Both sides of the aisle tend towards this, but it's particularly prevalent in the right wing right now - Where does the need for victimization come from?

Rhetoric from the right seems to constantly imply victimization: They're coming to take our guns! They're coming to take our talk radio! The Muslims are coming, the muslims are coming! Sharia Law!

The implication seems to be that all "real" Americans are being persecuted by a massive government-media conspiracy, and it's time to "stand up and fight" against the evil "liberal" conspiracy.

Where does that rhetoric come from? Is it necessary to create such a deep divide?


The right used to ridicule the left for victimology; now it's become the right's standard practice.
Joe Scarborough - MSNBC
William Kristol - NY Times (formerly)
George Will - ABC
Charles Krauthammer - Washington Post
The entire pundit staff of FOX NEWS
The entire editorial board of the Wall Street Journal

There's plenty more.

Yes there are some. I have said that already. But the numbers are still overwhelming die-hard Leftist/Democrat. George Will is a good example of Liberal Media bias. He has been with ABC for twenty five years yet got passed over for the 'This Week' show in favor of a Left Wing extremist Christine Amanpour. Travesties like that go on all the time in the Liberal Media. Elliot Spitzer given a Prime time show on CNN? Yikes! Just look at CNN,CBS,ABC,and NBC and see who all their hosts are. Where are all the Conservative/Republican hosts? The same bias exists at PBS and NPR as well. I can't recall any Conservative/Republican hosts ever being on PBS or NPR. Thank God for Fox News and Talk Radio. If it weren't for them we would never hear the Conservative perspective. The Liberal Media Bias is not just a "Conspiracy." It's reality.

Link to any evidence that George Will even was in the running for "This Week"?

Any evidence he even wanted it?

Irrelevant. He should have been given the 'This Week' show based on merit. He has been with ABC for twenty five years and is a well respected journalist. ABC's last two 'This Week' hosts have been diehard Leftist Democrats. A Conservative Republican should have been given a shot. Liberal Bias is the only explanation for hiring Christine Amanpour.
I've noticed a trend in politics.

Both sides of the aisle tend towards this, but it's particularly prevalent in the right wing right now - Where does the need for victimization come from?

Rhetoric from the right seems to constantly imply victimization: They're coming to take our guns! They're coming to take our talk radio! The Muslims are coming, the muslims are coming! Sharia Law!

The implication seems to be that all "real" Americans are being persecuted by a massive government-media conspiracy, and it's time to "stand up and fight" against the evil "liberal" conspiracy.

Where does that rhetoric come from? Is it necessary to create such a deep divide?


Why the divide? Discuss? :lol::lol::lol:

Here's what the left says. If you white, you ain't right, sit down and stfu, you izz racist, you don't give a shit about poor people only the rich, white people suck, rich people suck, banks suck, insurance companies suck, and did I mention rich people suck? white people suck,, why the divide??????? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
Yes there are some. I have said that already. But the numbers are still overwhelming die-hard Leftist/Democrat. George Will is a good example of Liberal Media bias. He has been with ABC for twenty five years yet got passed over for the 'This Week' show in favor of a Left Wing extremist Christine Amanpour. Travesties like that go on all the time in the Liberal Media. Elliot Spitzer given a Prime time show on CNN? Yikes! Just look at CNN,CBS,ABC,and NBC and see who all their hosts are. Where are all the Conservative/Republican hosts? The same bias exists at PBS and NPR as well. I can't recall any Conservative/Republican hosts ever being on PBS or NPR. Thank God for Fox News and Talk Radio. If it weren't for them we would never hear the Conservative perspective. The Liberal Media Bias is not just a "Conspiracy." It's reality.

Link to any evidence that George Will even was in the running for "This Week"?

Any evidence he even wanted it?

Irrelevant. He should have been given the 'This Week' show based on merit. He has been with ABC for twenty five years and is a well respected journalist. ABC's last two 'This Week' hosts have been diehard Leftist Democrats. A Conservative Republican should have been given a shot. Liberal Bias is the only explanation for hiring Christine Amanpour.

I don't think your personal opinions of who should or should not be the host of a certain show are "evidence" of the liberal bias in the media.
I've noticed a trend in politics.

Both sides of the aisle tend towards this, but it's particularly prevalent in the right wing right now - Where does the need for victimization come from?

Rhetoric from the right seems to constantly imply victimization: They're coming to take our guns! They're coming to take our talk radio! The Muslims are coming, the muslims are coming! Sharia Law!

The implication seems to be that all "real" Americans are being persecuted by a massive government-media conspiracy, and it's time to "stand up and fight" against the evil "liberal" conspiracy.

Where does that rhetoric come from? Is it necessary to create such a deep divide?


Perhaps it's easier to use shock value to get people to listen to you than to actually discuss the logic or ill logic involving the various positions on the issues.

As to why you feel it is more prevalent on the right ( I don't, I think it's used pretty equally on both sides) it could be because the right is in the minority in Congress right now and feel the momentum behind them to take it back.

I feel it's more prevalent on the right right now - entirely because of what you said: they're currently in the minority, and feel the momentum behind them to "take it back". I'm certainly not trying to excuse the Left of doing exactly the same thing (the whole "9/11 was an inside job" thing is based on the same idea).

I think you have it completely backwards. The far left is still a minority, yet they have been running the agenda in this country, with willing accomplices from the right for quite some time. It is imploding, there is a groundswell to move back to the center, or center-right, and they are scared. Hence the *****phobia, racist, redneck, etc. nonsense.

Unfortunately there are still far too many who get worked up over some bogus label thrown at them from some over emotional, intellectual lightweight who can't really explain his agenda without calling you stupid for not getting it.
I've noticed a trend in politics.

Both sides of the aisle tend towards this, but it's particularly prevalent in the right wing right now - Where does the need for victimization come from?

Rhetoric from the right seems to constantly imply victimization: They're coming to take our guns! They're coming to take our talk radio! The Muslims are coming, the muslims are coming! Sharia Law!

The implication seems to be that all "real" Americans are being persecuted by a massive government-media conspiracy, and it's time to "stand up and fight" against the evil "liberal" conspiracy.

Where does that rhetoric come from? Is it necessary to create such a deep divide?


Why the divide? Discuss? :lol::lol::lol:

Here's what the left says. If you white, you ain't right, sit down and stfu, you izz racist, you don't give a shit about poor people only the rich, white people suck, rich people suck, banks suck, insurance companies suck, and did I mention rich people suck? white people suck,, why the divide??????? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

:lol: :clap2:
I've noticed a trend in politics.

Both sides of the aisle tend towards this, but it's particularly prevalent in the right wing right now - Where does the need for victimization come from?

Rhetoric from the right seems to constantly imply victimization: They're coming to take our guns! They're coming to take our talk radio! The Muslims are coming, the muslims are coming! Sharia Law!

The implication seems to be that all "real" Americans are being persecuted by a massive government-media conspiracy, and it's time to "stand up and fight" against the evil "liberal" conspiracy.

Where does that rhetoric come from? Is it necessary to create such a deep divide?


Why the divide? Discuss? :lol::lol::lol:

Here's what the left says. If you white, you ain't right, sit down and stfu, you izz racist, you don't give a shit about poor people only the rich, white people suck, rich people suck, banks suck, insurance companies suck, and did I mention rich people suck? white people suck,, why the divide??????? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Is this supposed to have meaning?

There's another thread discussing the lefts overuse of the race card. If that's what you want to talk about, use that thread, instead of making strawmen in this one.


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