Why the public unions will lose big.


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
On a hill
Democrats and union organizers are working feverishly. A truly historic event took place in WI as state senators actually abandoned their positions and fled the state to avoid a vote that will hurt the unions. Organizers are bussing people from other states, some even rumored to be paid protesters...Doctors flirting with heavy fines and possibly losing their licence...all to try and build/maintain unnatural protester numbers.
Simple...they know they are more likely to lose it all then simply even maintain their position.
They broke the age-old "deal".
The deal for decades between public and private employment is public = lower wages, but better benefits...more paid time off and lower retirement age.
But over the past 10 years, in many areas - including WI - the public sector is making the same or MORE than private...and still have all of the extraordinary benefits.

You lost us.
We have no sympathy for your greed.
The private sector is reeling from high unemployment, reduced wages, higher benefit cost sharing, reduced hours etc. etc, etc....and you guys wanna complain that you don;t want to pay almost HALF what we pay for health coverage.
And you refuse to loosen the rules where you cannot be fired even if you suck at your job?

You lost us.
You cheated on the deal...you need to suffer for it.
these are the folks who fail to do their jobs in the schools, who make life so wonderful for us at the county couthouse or the DMV, all the myriad little people who make life for the rest of us a little foretaste of hell...
And they think we will be sympathetic to them?
Especially in Wisconsin, where their wages are stratospheric, their benefits sybaritic, and their demands so far out of line with comparable jobs in the private sector.
the folks in Madison who are holding the line against the rapacious unions are the ones getting sympathy. Holding the line against the yelling, stomping, in-your-face union thuggery only gets them more support.
This is not a battle the unions can win this time. This is the kind of thing that will shatter union support.
It's inevitable. Most common sense thinking Americans have no sympathy for greedy political activist Unions. They have lost the People. That started when they decided to prostitute themselves out to the Democratic Party. They should have played it smart and maintained a good relationship with both Parties. Instead they allowed the Lefty "Community Organizer" loons to seize control of their Unions. They lost the People when they allowed that to happen. Now they have to pay the price for that very bad decision. Things are only gonna get worse for them. The times,they are a changin.
If WI succeeds then I think other States will follow suite.

The teachers in WI are shooting themselves in the foot and the voters in WI should dump those loser Dems next go round.

Should an interesting next two years.
HaHA....this just in...Union thugs have informed the Governor that they are "willing to come to a deal and accept higher health care sharing".
If so, we will see the union puppets..err...Senators...return to WI, where they will shout and poster and whine and cry...but nevertheless they will show up when their bosses tell them to.

This is only the beginning.
States all over the country will repeat what WI is doing.
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Yea and now they're pulling out the old "HITLER NAZI" Blah Blah Blah stuff. That wont help them. That stuff really is pretty lame. Unions lost the People a long time ago. They shouldn't have prostituted themselves out to the Democratic Party. They alienated so many when they did that.

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