Send Out the Pink Slips


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004
MADISON -- Gov. Scott Walker said late Monday that unless 14 Senate Democrats return to the state Capitol to act on his budget bill by this weekend, approximately 1,500 state and government employees face layoffs soon and as many as 12,000 could ultimately get pink slips.

"It is of the greatest important that we pass this budget repair bill. It sets the table to make sure we can balance the $3.6 billion deficit going into the next biennium," Walker told a news conference in Madison.

He also said failure to act quickly on the budget bill would eventually lead to the state being unable to make Medicaid reimbursements.

Taking note of the mass protests outside the Capitol for the past week, Walker said:

"They have every right to be heard, but I want to make clear, especially to those union leaders who are coming in from outside of the state of Wisconsin, that when given the choice to stand with them or to stand with the millions of the hard-working taxpayers all across Wisconsin, many of whom are paying much [more] for health care and retirement benefits than the modest amount we’re asking for in this proposal I’m going to stand with the hard-working taxpayers of Wisconsin.”

Walker called statements by unions that they are now willing to make concessions on pensions and health care insurance "an interesting development" in light of their position that such changes were unacceptable 10 days ago.

"Their logic changes day by day," he said, adding...

Walker warns of imminent layoff of 1,500 government workers if Senate fails to act on budget bill; calls on Democrats to return to Capitol - NewsoftheNorth.Net, Northwoods News
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What is the History of Republican Legislator's Walking out in this manner??? Just Curious.
ME TOO. FIRE THEM ALL we can't do anyworse if we just hire teachers off the street, anybody can teach
What is the History of Republican Legislator's Walking out in this manner??? Just Curious.

Texas legislators got in a bus and headed out of the state in an incident some time ago. The governor then told them he was putting an out-of-state restriction on their state credit cards and they came crawling back.

What pure scumbags. I'm not aware of any Republicans ever doing anything like this, but it's typical business as usual for cowardly dem politicians. Obama does the same thing. He does things against the will of the people, then trots out the door as fast as he can and leaves others to deal with the fallout.
What is the History of Republican Legislator's Walking out in this manner??? Just Curious.

Texas legislators got in a bus and headed out of the state in an incident some time ago. The governor then told them he was putting an out-of-state restriction on their state credit cards and they came crawling back.

What pure scumbags. I'm not aware of any Republicans ever doing anything like this, but it's typical business as usual for cowardly dem politicians. Obama does the same thing. He does things against the will of the people, then trots out the door as fast as he can and leaves others to deal with the fallout.

i agree that dimocrats are cowards. always going for that cheap shot. the dirtbag party
They're bussing in people; they're writing fake medical excuses (which not only is fraud and medical malpractice, but it also comes really close to BRIBERY) for those who will support their cause.

Meanwhile, they're also forcing parents, often single parents, to choose between staying home with their kids, who the teachers have kicked into truancy, or going to work to feed those kids.

Lovely, lovely people. LIBERALISM works..if you have power or money. If you're a poor single parent, fuck you. You exist to support them, not the other way around. And nobody wants you educated, anyway.
I wonder how many teachers are willing to receive a pink slip in exchange for endless protests....?

My understanding is Gov. Walker plans to start handing them out next week...
fire them all. how far are they willing to go to risk 90,000 $/ year salery and summers off, we're less sympathetic than before.
MADISON -- Gov. Scott Walker said late Monday that unless 14 Senate Democrats return to the state Capitol to act on his budget bill by this weekend, approximately 1,500 state and government employees face layoffs soon and as many as 12,000 could ultimately get pink slips.

"It is of the greatest important that we pass this budget repair bill. It sets the table to make sure we can balance the $3.6 billion deficit going into the next biennium," Walker told a news conference in Madison.

He also said failure to act quickly on the budget bill would eventually lead to the state being unable to make Medicaid reimbursements.

Taking note of the mass protests outside the Capitol for the past week, Walker said:

"They have every right to be heard, but I want to make clear, especially to those union leaders who are coming in from outside of the state of Wisconsin, that when given the choice to stand with them or to stand with the millions of the hard-working taxpayers all across Wisconsin, many of whom are paying much [more] for health care and retirement benefits than the modest amount we’re asking for in this proposal I’m going to stand with the hard-working taxpayers of Wisconsin.”

Walker called statements by unions that they are now willing to make concessions on pensions and health care insurance "an interesting development" in light of their position that such changes were unacceptable 10 days ago.

"Their logic changes day by day," he said, adding...

Walker warns of imminent layoff of 1,500 government workers if Senate fails to act on budget bill; calls on Democrats to return to Capitol - NewsoftheNorth.Net, Northwoods News

Sounds like a guy who's feeling the heat and is getting desperate.
Start by firing the Teachers who are trying to defraud the government with phoney doctors notes. Prosecute them and the doctors for providing them.
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MADISON -- Gov. Scott Walker said late Monday that unless 14 Senate Democrats return to the state Capitol to act on his budget bill by this weekend, approximately 1,500 state and government employees face layoffs soon and as many as 12,000 could ultimately get pink slips.

"It is of the greatest important that we pass this budget repair bill. It sets the table to make sure we can balance the $3.6 billion deficit going into the next biennium," Walker told a news conference in Madison.

He also said failure to act quickly on the budget bill would eventually lead to the state being unable to make Medicaid reimbursements.

Taking note of the mass protests outside the Capitol for the past week, Walker said:

"They have every right to be heard, but I want to make clear, especially to those union leaders who are coming in from outside of the state of Wisconsin, that when given the choice to stand with them or to stand with the millions of the hard-working taxpayers all across Wisconsin, many of whom are paying much [more] for health care and retirement benefits than the modest amount we’re asking for in this proposal I’m going to stand with the hard-working taxpayers of Wisconsin.”

Walker called statements by unions that they are now willing to make concessions on pensions and health care insurance "an interesting development" in light of their position that such changes were unacceptable 10 days ago.

"Their logic changes day by day," he said, adding...

Walker warns of imminent layoff of 1,500 government workers if Senate fails to act on budget bill; calls on Democrats to return to Capitol - NewsoftheNorth.Net, Northwoods News

Sounds like a guy who's feeling the heat and is getting desperate.

Sounds like a guy who doesn't want his state to go bankrupt at the behest of socialist and criminal teachers.
A liberal perspective piece from yesterday:

He just gave a late afternoon press conference in which he grandly stated that he won't compromise on union rights to collective bargaining and that it's time for the senate Democrats to come back to Madison. But why would they? Walker appears to be totally hamstrung by their absence. And his ally, the senate Majority Leader, said today that he won't try to push a workaround to get those provisions through before the Democrats come back.

I don't think he was being charitable. I think he lacks the votes. It seems like there is a faction within his caucus that is refusing to go that route and is proposing other compromise solutions. I had heard from some sources in Wisconsin that the Republicans in the state weren't as solid behind Walker as it seemed. They were sticking with him because they don't want to undercut a newly elected governor of their own party.
Read the rest here:

Walking Into the Wind | Talking Points Memo
He'll lay 1500 - 2000 off on Monday, and he isn't bluffing.

And their positions will be filled the first day they are open for application, by teachers who want to teach, not simply draw a paycheck.
MADISON -- Gov. Scott Walker said late Monday that unless 14 Senate Democrats return to the state Capitol to act on his budget bill by this weekend, approximately 1,500 state and government employees face layoffs soon and as many as 12,000 could ultimately get pink slips.

"It is of the greatest important that we pass this budget repair bill. It sets the table to make sure we can balance the $3.6 billion deficit going into the next biennium," Walker told a news conference in Madison.

He also said failure to act quickly on the budget bill would eventually lead to the state being unable to make Medicaid reimbursements.

Taking note of the mass protests outside the Capitol for the past week, Walker said:

"They have every right to be heard, but I want to make clear, especially to those union leaders who are coming in from outside of the state of Wisconsin, that when given the choice to stand with them or to stand with the millions of the hard-working taxpayers all across Wisconsin, many of whom are paying much [more] for health care and retirement benefits than the modest amount we’re asking for in this proposal I’m going to stand with the hard-working taxpayers of Wisconsin.”

Walker called statements by unions that they are now willing to make concessions on pensions and health care insurance "an interesting development" in light of their position that such changes were unacceptable 10 days ago.

"Their logic changes day by day," he said, adding...

Walker warns of imminent layoff of 1,500 government workers if Senate fails to act on budget bill; calls on Democrats to return to Capitol - NewsoftheNorth.Net, Northwoods News

Sounds like a guy who's feeling the heat and is getting desperate.

Not really....seems he's already won on the pension and healthcare issues.....seems more like he is getting ready to wrap this thing up by next week one way or another....

I doubt the teachers are going to want to be fired......just because the union leaders want to maintain their tight control.....

If Gov. Wright gets his way teachers will have the choice to pay or not pay dues to the union every year....that's about $1,000 each person per year......instead the teachers could put that union dues money toward paying for their pensions and healthcare.....i think many would take this choice...

...bummer for the union coffers....:cool:
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