Why the media is ignoring Trump's embarrassing failure with North Korea.


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
‘Belligerent’ letter from North Korea reportedly prompted Trump to cancel Pompeo trip to Pyongyang

A meeting of equals: what we learned from the Trump and Kim handshake

1. Flags
The US and North Korean flags were lined up in an alternating pattern as the world waited for the two men to shake hands and pose for the cameras. The imagery was striking and a big win for Kim, who has worked to appear as an equal to the US president.

The two men walked out together, with Trump extending his hand first.



Remember how Trump kept telling us he was doing what no other president has done?

Well, in a way he did. He made North Korea look like the super power and the US look like a supplicant.

So why isn't the media reporting on this massive failure and lie to the American People?


There is only so much headline room. It's been taken up with bunnies and porn stars, felony convictions, disrespect of a man millions in the military consider a hero, jail terms, new trials and more and more corruption.

But the rest of the world is continuing. For every scandal here, there is an overseas foreign relations disaster. They just keep piling up.
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Godzilla salutes North Koreans just like Trump does.


Trump on video saluting North Korean general at summit

The salute has spurred outrage among those who believe it is inappropriate for a president to salute any foreign military officer, let alone a top general from one of the most oppressive regimes on Earth.

He's getting played on the world stage & doesn't even realize it
what we have to remember is Trump's history

* below average student
* military school
* (military) draft dodger
* con man
* 'reality" TV personality
* business associates are felons & mafia figures
* admitted to being a sexual perv, sexual assaults, and adultery
* Russian money tied to Trump going back to the 1980s
* Russian connections to the Trump 2016 POTUS campaign
* It's ALWAYS ABOUT Donald

with a track record like that how could the 'deal' with NoKo go wrong?
Then this blithering idiot pisses and moans when people encourage "him" to kill itself.

I'm not sure why we allow pieces of shit like Deanturd to steal our oxygen in public. The stupid mother fucker belongs in padded cell. Not out loose in public where it might get behind the wheel of a car and wipe out a family while it was driving 20 MPH under the limit in the left lane on IH35 while while posting an insipid cut/paste agitprop rant on it's phone.

When I assert "people" like Deanturd are dangerously stupid, I am not in any way joking, jesting, or making light of a handicap.

I'm warning people that it's detrimental to humanity to have pieces of shit like it, that are deliberately ignorant running around free.

what we have to remember is Trump's history

* below average student
* military school
* (military) draft dodger
* con man
* 'reality" TV personality
* business associates are felons & mafia figures
* admitted to being a sexual perv, sexual assaults, and adultery
* Russian money tied to Trump going back to the 1980s
* Russian connections to the Trump 2016 POTUS campaign
* It's ALWAYS ABOUT Donald

with a track record like that how could the 'deal' with NoKo go wrong?

Yet somehow he is more successful and likeable than you are! Maybe if you would stop lying people would like you more.
Then this blithering idiot pisses and moans when people encourage "him" to kill itself.

I'm not sure why we allow pieces of shit like Deanturd to steal our oxygen in public. The stupid mother fucker belongs in padded cell. Not out loose in public where it might get behind the wheel of a car and wipe out a family while it was driving 20 MPH under the limit in the left lane on IH35 while while posting an insipid cut/paste agitprop rant on it's phone.

When I assert "people" like Deanturd are dangerously stupid, I am not in any way joking, jesting, or making light of a handicap.

I'm warning people that it's detrimental to humanity to have pieces of shit like it, that are deliberately ignorant running around free.

Oh, come on! Don't hold back! Tell us how you really feel about him!
Then this blithering idiot pisses and moans when people encourage "him" to kill itself.

I'm not sure why we allow pieces of shit like Deanturd to steal our oxygen in public. The stupid mother fucker belongs in padded cell. Not out loose in public where it might get behind the wheel of a car and wipe out a family while it was driving 20 MPH under the limit in the left lane on IH35 while while posting an insipid cut/paste agitprop rant on it's phone.

When I assert "people" like Deanturd are dangerously stupid, I am not in any way joking, jesting, or making light of a handicap.

I'm warning people that it's detrimental to humanity to have pieces of shit like it, that are deliberately ignorant running around free.

Oh, come on! Don't hold back! Tell us how you really feel about him!

I have.

Got banned for it every time.

Don't care though, hopefully one day Deanturd will return all that nitrogen back to the planet along some rail line and the planet will become a slightly cooler place without his carbon footprint.

what we have to remember is Trump's history

* below average student
* military school
* (military) draft dodger
* con man
* 'reality" TV personality
* business associates are felons & mafia figures
* admitted to being a sexual perv, sexual assaults, and adultery
* Russian money tied to Trump going back to the 1980s
* Russian connections to the Trump 2016 POTUS campaign
* It's ALWAYS ABOUT Donald

with a track record like that how could the 'deal' with NoKo go wrong?

Yet somehow he is more successful and likeable than you are! Maybe if you would stop lying people would like you more.

Trump failed in NoKo just like he has failed, his entire life.
Then this blithering idiot pisses and moans when people encourage "him" to kill itself.

I'm not sure why we allow pieces of shit like Deanturd to steal our oxygen in public. The stupid mother fucker belongs in padded cell. Not out loose in public where it might get behind the wheel of a car and wipe out a family while it was driving 20 MPH under the limit in the left lane on IH35 while while posting an insipid cut/paste agitprop rant on it's phone.

When I assert "people" like Deanturd are dangerously stupid, I am not in any way joking, jesting, or making light of a handicap.

I'm warning people that it's detrimental to humanity to have pieces of shit like it, that are deliberately ignorant running around free.

This^ is the post of a person who is desperate for attention.

Might I suggest a puppy.
This^ is the post of a person who is desperate for attention.

Might I suggest a puppy.


It's post from someone who doesn't give a shit how pieces of shit like you are programmed too respond.

I suggest a retroactive self abortion.


Trumps North Korean policy has been exposed as a complete and utter failure and yet here are Republicans on the US message board swarming posts trying to stop any discussion on it.

Must be a slow news day...this shit has been hashed over 100 times
How could it be hashed over 100 times when it’s breaking news.
Oh I get it you’re trying to stop any discussion of it.
Got it!

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