Why the fight against Birth Control?

In my view, when a woman uses birth control she is not engaging in the same behavior that got her pregnant, she is altering it by taking responsibility. And that means using birth control.

In my view, birth control is nothing but a way for a woman to escape that responsibility.

As soon as the cell in that zygote begins to divide, that is human life. When a woman starts using birth control, she is ending that life. That is the ultimate abandonment of responsibility. And in my view, an act of murder.

That is a pretty darn strong statement and one that places it all at the feet of the woman.

The pill acts, primarily to prevent pregnancy and secondarily to prevent implantation by keeping the womb hostile through the use of natural hormones. We're not incubators for potential life. Most fertalized eggs never even make it that far. Add to that the fact that many married couples also use birth control for family planning - is she escaping responsibility because she doesn't want go through ten or twelve pregnancies? Should a married couple be expected to practice abstinance?
Seriously...I just don't get it.

What's wrong with letting women have it?

The argument that they shouldn't have it free doesn't fly. ACA includes a bunch of different free items: Preventive care benefits for adults - but I have yet to hear an argument against aspirin or vaccinations being offered and birth control is a relatively cheap thing to offer.

The Pill is, as of this time, the most reliable method of pregnancy prevention. Yes...abstinence itself works, but isn't realistic as few people stick with it and, frankly, why should they if the pill can offer a more reliable option if they don't want to be abstinent? There is a direct correlation between preventing unwanted pregnancies, particularly teens, and the availability of reliable contraception.

What a loopy kunt. The point is that government should't pay for you to fuck your brains out whoring yourself to any John. Er, I mean guy you met at a bar. That you want to. Fuck your brains out on your own dime, slut. It's as simple as that
While I don't see many "fighting" against it, some of us think abstinence is the most effective form of birth control. And it's free.
It is, but the importance of birth control goes beyond the pre-marriage period. You want married folks thinking seriously about family planning too and that does involve birth control unless you seriously expect to tell married couples not to have sex.

Plus, a lot of folks forget sex isn't always a choice or can be a choice made with the deck stacked against them. For Teens, Hormones+Self respect problems+Peer pressure can erode judgement pretty fast when it comes to sex before you toss in underage drinking. Better to be preventative. Like I said, when my kids come of age I intend to be fully upfront with expectations on behavior (Mom and Dad waited for marriage, you should too if you really love someone and respect them) as well as upfront on birth control and it's importance.

Why do you keep insisting that people young people have no control over their lives?you are a typical,it's not my fault I couldn't help it liberal. If children were taught the perils,of bringing someone into the world they cannot care for and that you as an individual have a responsibility to control your behavior before they handed out birth control like candy you might have less unwanted pregnancies. I don't know how civilized you can be when you compare,feudal preteens and third world arranged marriages as similar behavior to teens in America today. And what kind of genius claims that mature teens get pregnant and immature ones don't because of sex Ed, utter unsubstantiated bs.

I would suggest you study this link. For coyote the greatest amount of unwanted pregnancies is in the 20-24 age group. The instances of pregnancy have more to do with poverty than geography but that doesn't fit your agenda. I don't think birth control is a bad thing at all, but you believe teenagers should be able to do whatever they want or what their hormones want and any restraint on this behavior is fruitless or fascist. This is the same reason we have crying rooms, hot chocolat, counselors, days off from school, and comfort dogs. We are coddling a whole generation and the uninhibited disassociation of sex with responsibility is just one reason we are creating a generation of spoiled wimps.

Unintended Pregnancy in the United States

I'm not sure what "agenda" you think I have? I've used that same link as well so I'm familiar with it and it supports what I've said.

Your claim: but you believe teenagers should be able to do whatever they want or what their hormones want and any restraint on this behavior - is baseless and shows you aren't reading what I and others are writing.

NO ONE is saying that teenagers should show no restraint - NO ONE. What people are saying is YES - they should taught restraint, responsibility, etc. - but they ARE teenagers and not adults - so are you going to leave it at that? OR are you going to provide a back up plan so if they do decide to have sex they will at least not come home with a baby?

Your "agenda" is to spread your legs and pass the consequences to taxpayers. How stupid are you?
While I don't see many "fighting" against it, some of us think abstinence is the most effective form of birth control. And it's free.
It is, but the importance of birth control goes beyond the pre-marriage period. You want married folks thinking seriously about family planning too and that does involve birth control unless you seriously expect to tell married couples not to have sex.

Plus, a lot of folks forget sex isn't always a choice or can be a choice made with the deck stacked against them. For Teens, Hormones+Self respect problems+Peer pressure can erode judgement pretty fast when it comes to sex before you toss in underage drinking. Better to be preventative. Like I said, when my kids come of age I intend to be fully upfront with expectations on behavior (Mom and Dad waited for marriage, you should too if you really love someone and respect them) as well as upfront on birth control and it's importance.

Why do you keep insisting that people young people have no control over their lives?you are a typical,it's not my fault I couldn't help it liberal. If children were taught the perils,of bringing someone into the world they cannot care for and that you as an individual have a responsibility to control your behavior before they handed out birth control like candy you might have less unwanted pregnancies. I don't know how civilized you can be when you compare,feudal preteens and third world arranged marriages as similar behavior to teens in America today. And what kind of genius claims that mature teens get pregnant and immature ones don't because of sex Ed, utter unsubstantiated bs.

I would suggest you study this link. For coyote the greatest amount of unwanted pregnancies is in the 20-24 age group. The instances of pregnancy have more to do with poverty than geography but that doesn't fit your agenda. I don't think birth control is a bad thing at all, but you believe teenagers should be able to do whatever they want or what their hormones want and any restraint on this behavior is fruitless or fascist. This is the same reason we have crying rooms, hot chocolat, counselors, days off from school, and comfort dogs. We are coddling a whole generation and the uninhibited disassociation of sex with responsibility is just one reason we are creating a generation of spoiled wimps.

Unintended Pregnancy in the United States

I'm not sure what "agenda" you think I have? I've used that same link as well so I'm familiar with it and it supports what I've said.

Your claim: but you believe teenagers should be able to do whatever they want or what their hormones want and any restraint on this behavior - is baseless and shows you aren't reading what I and others are writing.

NO ONE is saying that teenagers should show no restraint - NO ONE. What people are saying is YES - they should taught restraint, responsibility, etc. - but they ARE teenagers and not adults - so are you going to leave it at that? OR are you going to provide a back up plan so if they do decide to have sex they will at least not come home with a baby?

Your "agenda" is to spread your legs and pass the consequences to taxpayers. How stupid are you?

Apparently not as stupid as you. Zip up your pants and don't forget to pick up the shrimp.
In my view, when a woman uses birth control she is not engaging in the same behavior that got her pregnant, she is altering it by taking responsibility. And that means using birth control.

In my view, birth control is nothing but a way for a woman to escape that responsibility.

As soon as the cell in that zygote begins to divide, that is human life. When a woman starts using birth control, she is ending that life. That is the ultimate abandonment of responsibility. And in my view, an act of murder.

That is a pretty darn strong statement and one that places it all at the feet of the woman.

The pill acts, primarily to prevent pregnancy and secondarily to prevent implantation by keeping the womb hostile through the use of natural hormones. We're not incubators for potential life. Most fertalized eggs never even make it that far. Add to that the fact that many married couples also use birth control for family planning - is she escaping responsibility because she doesn't want go through ten or twelve pregnancies? Should a married couple be expected to practice abstinance?

What the fuck? Places at the "feet of women?" Fuck your brains out, spread your legs, get VD, get pregnant, what ever the fuck you want. Just do it on your own dime. What is possibly unclear about that?
While I don't see many "fighting" against it, some of us think abstinence is the most effective form of birth control. And it's free.
It is, but the importance of birth control goes beyond the pre-marriage period. You want married folks thinking seriously about family planning too and that does involve birth control unless you seriously expect to tell married couples not to have sex.

Plus, a lot of folks forget sex isn't always a choice or can be a choice made with the deck stacked against them. For Teens, Hormones+Self respect problems+Peer pressure can erode judgement pretty fast when it comes to sex before you toss in underage drinking. Better to be preventative. Like I said, when my kids come of age I intend to be fully upfront with expectations on behavior (Mom and Dad waited for marriage, you should too if you really love someone and respect them) as well as upfront on birth control and it's importance.

Why do you keep insisting that people young people have no control over their lives?you are a typical,it's not my fault I couldn't help it liberal. If children were taught the perils,of bringing someone into the world they cannot care for and that you as an individual have a responsibility to control your behavior before they handed out birth control like candy you might have less unwanted pregnancies. I don't know how civilized you can be when you compare,feudal preteens and third world arranged marriages as similar behavior to teens in America today. And what kind of genius claims that mature teens get pregnant and immature ones don't because of sex Ed, utter unsubstantiated bs.

I would suggest you study this link. For coyote the greatest amount of unwanted pregnancies is in the 20-24 age group. The instances of pregnancy have more to do with poverty than geography but that doesn't fit your agenda. I don't think birth control is a bad thing at all, but you believe teenagers should be able to do whatever they want or what their hormones want and any restraint on this behavior is fruitless or fascist. This is the same reason we have crying rooms, hot chocolat, counselors, days off from school, and comfort dogs. We are coddling a whole generation and the uninhibited disassociation of sex with responsibility is just one reason we are creating a generation of spoiled wimps.

Unintended Pregnancy in the United States

I'm not sure what "agenda" you think I have? I've used that same link as well so I'm familiar with it and it supports what I've said.

Your claim: but you believe teenagers should be able to do whatever they want or what their hormones want and any restraint on this behavior - is baseless and shows you aren't reading what I and others are writing.

NO ONE is saying that teenagers should show no restraint - NO ONE. What people are saying is YES - they should taught restraint, responsibility, etc. - but they ARE teenagers and not adults - so are you going to leave it at that? OR are you going to provide a back up plan so if they do decide to have sex they will at least not come home with a baby?
Dont hold your breath.

I do wonder where these people come from. When I was a teenager sex was the biggest obsession of me and everyone I knew. Sex was is and has always been the predominant obsession of all teenagers.

The problem we have as society are twofold.

The first is obviously that kids are not always mature enough to deal with it.
The second is that a lot of adults have sexual hang ups, primarily religious nonsense, which they project on their kids and make it impossible for kids to talk to their parents about these issues.

Sex is not a sin. It is the best fun you can have if you take the right precautions.
In my view, when a woman uses birth control she is not engaging in the same behavior that got her pregnant, she is altering it by taking responsibility. And that means using birth control.

In my view, birth control is nothing but a way for a woman to escape that responsibility.

As soon as the cell in that zygote begins to divide, that is human life. When a woman starts using birth control, she is ending that life. That is the ultimate abandonment of responsibility. And in my view, an act of murder.

That is a pretty darn strong statement and one that places it all at the feet of the woman.

The pill acts, primarily to prevent pregnancy and secondarily to prevent implantation by keeping the womb hostile through the use of natural hormones. We're not incubators for potential life. Most fertalized eggs never even make it that far. Add to that the fact that many married couples also use birth control for family planning - is she escaping responsibility because she doesn't want go through ten or twelve pregnancies? Should a married couple be expected to practice abstinance?

Or the third option, go head and screw around and have a kid, end up having to lower the quality of life for the whole family, and wreck an innocent kids life ? Na, take the pill, get where you want to be and be able to get lewd on the kitchen butcher block worry free. way better option.
While I don't see many "fighting" against it, some of us think abstinence is the most effective form of birth control. And it's free.
It is, but the importance of birth control goes beyond the pre-marriage period. You want married folks thinking seriously about family planning too and that does involve birth control unless you seriously expect to tell married couples not to have sex.

Plus, a lot of folks forget sex isn't always a choice or can be a choice made with the deck stacked against them. For Teens, Hormones+Self respect problems+Peer pressure can erode judgement pretty fast when it comes to sex before you toss in underage drinking. Better to be preventative. Like I said, when my kids come of age I intend to be fully upfront with expectations on behavior (Mom and Dad waited for marriage, you should too if you really love someone and respect them) as well as upfront on birth control and it's importance.

Why do you keep insisting that people young people have no control over their lives?you are a typical,it's not my fault I couldn't help it liberal. If children were taught the perils,of bringing someone into the world they cannot care for and that you as an individual have a responsibility to control your behavior before they handed out birth control like candy you might have less unwanted pregnancies. I don't know how civilized you can be when you compare,feudal preteens and third world arranged marriages as similar behavior to teens in America today. And what kind of genius claims that mature teens get pregnant and immature ones don't because of sex Ed, utter unsubstantiated bs.

I would suggest you study this link. For coyote the greatest amount of unwanted pregnancies is in the 20-24 age group. The instances of pregnancy have more to do with poverty than geography but that doesn't fit your agenda. I don't think birth control is a bad thing at all, but you believe teenagers should be able to do whatever they want or what their hormones want and any restraint on this behavior is fruitless or fascist. This is the same reason we have crying rooms, hot chocolat, counselors, days off from school, and comfort dogs. We are coddling a whole generation and the uninhibited disassociation of sex with responsibility is just one reason we are creating a generation of spoiled wimps.

Unintended Pregnancy in the United States

I'm not sure what "agenda" you think I have? I've used that same link as well so I'm familiar with it and it supports what I've said.

Your claim: but you believe teenagers should be able to do whatever they want or what their hormones want and any restraint on this behavior - is baseless and shows you aren't reading what I and others are writing.

NO ONE is saying that teenagers should show no restraint - NO ONE. What people are saying is YES - they should taught restraint, responsibility, etc. - but they ARE teenagers and not adults - so are you going to leave it at that? OR are you going to provide a back up plan so if they do decide to have sex they will at least not come home with a baby?

Your "agenda" is to spread your legs and pass the consequences to taxpayers. How stupid are you?

Apparently not as stupid as you. Zip up your pants and don't forget to pick up the shrimp.

I have zero problem paying for the birth control to get laid. This is on you, bimbo. You're the one who wants to spread them and have someone else pay for it. I'm hot for a chick? I pay for it in a second
Seriously...I just don't get it.

What's wrong with letting women have it?

The argument that they shouldn't have it free doesn't fly. ACA includes a bunch of different free items: Preventive care benefits for adults - but I have yet to hear an argument against aspirin or vaccinations being offered and birth control is a relatively cheap thing to offer.

The Pill is, as of this time, the most reliable method of pregnancy prevention. Yes...abstinence itself works, but isn't realistic as few people stick with it and, frankly, why should they if the pill can offer a more reliable option if they don't want to be abstinent? There is a direct correlation between preventing unwanted pregnancies, particularly teens, and the availability of reliable contraception.

What a loopy kunt. The point is that government should't pay for you to fuck your brains out whoring yourself to any John. Er, I mean guy you met at a bar. That you want to. Fuck your brains out on your own dime, slut. It's as simple as that

Sounds like you have issues. Take a deep breath. Someday you'll meet the right girl.

In the meantime - why are you so opposed to preventing teen pregnancies? Prevention is cheaper than paying for the consequences.
And if that were truly your fight, you ought to be promoting free birth control. Lower rates of abortion and teen pregnancies in countries where that is offered.
I gave up promoting anything years ago, except clear thinking. Taking Birth control pharmaceuticals requires that you see a doctor. It's for the safety of the person taking it. You have to pay the doctor and for the pills because the people working to make them and working for the doctor, as well as the doctor have bills to pay, Bernie. You see, liberals always have simple minded and short sighted answers, which is why we have the mess we are in now, and skank hoes like Sandra Fluke.

So Sandra Fluke is a "skank" now because she spoke up in favor of birth control being offered for free?

The cost of having a baby is much higher then the cost of preventing a baby.
She's a skank libtard that wants to screw whoever without giving a thought to any consequences, just like all liberals.

But to answer your stupid, no she's not a skank now, she's always been one.

I see. So, a woman who wants to be able have sex when she feels like it, something men have always been able to do...is a skank.
There are forces who would like to work on that as well, but they have to begin somewhere, that's why the very notions of community and a national unity are always under attack with fomented wedge rivalries. The masses must be dispersed and be kept squabling amongst themselves.
Birth control is not public health, although in your case I may be mistaken. Becoming pregnant without being prepared for the life long job of parenting is completely irresponsible, something that brands all you libs.

Birth control is a matter of public health because unwanted pregnancies cost the public.
Correction. Irresponsible entitlement prices are a matter of public health. Education, and responsibility is the answer.

Education and responsibility are part of the package but obviously they don't work well enough.

I think you don't realize what all public health involves, a large part of it is prevention. It's more expensive to wait until you have to deal with the consequences of not preventing something (short term thinking ie you guys vs. long term thinking).

What is Public Health?
Public health promotes and protects the health of people and the communities where they live, learn, work and play.

While a doctor treats people who are sick, those of us working in public health try to prevent people from getting sick or injured in the first place. We also promote wellness by encouraging healthy behaviors.

From conducting scientific research to educating about health, people in the field of public health work to assure the conditions in which people can be healthy. That can mean vaccinating children and adults to prevent the spread of disease. Or educating people about the risks of alcohol and tobacco. Public health sets safety standards to protect workers and develops school nutrition programs to ensure kids have access to healthy food.

Public health works to track disease outbreaks, prevent injuries and shed light on why some of us are more likely to suffer from poor health than others. The many facets of public health include speaking out for laws that promote smoke-free indoor air and seatbelts, spreading the word about ways to stay healthy and giving science-based solutions to problems.
Actually a man that went around bellyaching that he wanted the public to pay for his viagra and condoms is a skank too.

Damn that's true. If coyote wasn't such a skank spreading them for whoever buys her "shrimp." She'd have no problem getting a guy to pay for it. Maybe she's hot, but I don't want to risk that disease that guys she fucks won't pay for a freaking condom
Seriously...I just don't get it.

What's wrong with letting women have it?

The argument that they shouldn't have it free doesn't fly. ACA includes a bunch of different free items: Preventive care benefits for adults - but I have yet to hear an argument against aspirin or vaccinations being offered and birth control is a relatively cheap thing to offer.

The Pill is, as of this time, the most reliable method of pregnancy prevention. Yes...abstinence itself works, but isn't realistic as few people stick with it and, frankly, why should they if the pill can offer a more reliable option if they don't want to be abstinent? There is a direct correlation between preventing unwanted pregnancies, particularly teens, and the availability of reliable contraception.

What a loopy kunt. The point is that government should't pay for you to fuck your brains out whoring yourself to any John. Er, I mean guy you met at a bar. That you want to. Fuck your brains out on your own dime, slut. It's as simple as that

Sounds like you have issues. Take a deep breath. Someday you'll meet the right girl.

In the meantime - why are you so opposed to preventing teen pregnancies? Prevention is cheaper than paying for the consequences.

I have issues saying I'll pay for my own birth control? And you don't saying you're going to get diseases and pregnant if I don't pay for you? That's some serious sick
I gave up promoting anything years ago, except clear thinking. Taking Birth control pharmaceuticals requires that you see a doctor. It's for the safety of the person taking it. You have to pay the doctor and for the pills because the people working to make them and working for the doctor, as well as the doctor have bills to pay, Bernie. You see, liberals always have simple minded and short sighted answers, which is why we have the mess we are in now, and skank hoes like Sandra Fluke.

So Sandra Fluke is a "skank" now because she spoke up in favor of birth control being offered for free?

The cost of having a baby is much higher then the cost of preventing a baby.
She's a skank libtard that wants to screw whoever without giving a thought to any consequences, just like all liberals.

But to answer your stupid, no she's not a skank now, she's always been one.

I see. So, a woman who wants to be able have sex when she feels like it, something men have always been able to do...is a skank.
Birth control is not public health, although in your case I may be mistaken. Becoming pregnant without being prepared for the life long job of parenting is completely irresponsible, something that brands all you libs.

Birth control is a matter of public health because unwanted pregnancies cost the public.
Correction. Irresponsible entitlement prices are a matter of public health. Education, and responsibility is the answer.

Education and responsibility are part of the package but obviously they don't work well enough.

I think you don't realize what all public health involves, a large part of it is prevention. It's more expensive to wait until you have to deal with the consequences of not preventing something (short term thinking ie you guys vs. long term thinking).

What is Public Health?
Public health promotes and protects the health of people and the communities where they live, learn, work and play.

While a doctor treats people who are sick, those of us working in public health try to prevent people from getting sick or injured in the first place. We also promote wellness by encouraging healthy behaviors.

From conducting scientific research to educating about health, people in the field of public health work to assure the conditions in which people can be healthy. That can mean vaccinating children and adults to prevent the spread of disease. Or educating people about the risks of alcohol and tobacco. Public health sets safety standards to protect workers and develops school nutrition programs to ensure kids have access to healthy food.

Public health works to track disease outbreaks, prevent injuries and shed light on why some of us are more likely to suffer from poor health than others. The many facets of public health include speaking out for laws that promote smoke-free indoor air and seatbelts, spreading the word about ways to stay healthy and giving science-based solutions to problems.
Actually a man that went around bellyaching that he wanted the public to pay for his viagra and condoms is a skank too.

Damn that's true. If coyote wasn't such a skank spreading them for whoever buys her "shrimp." She'd have no problem getting a guy to pay for it. Maybe she's hot, but I don't want to risk that disease that guys she fucks won't pay for a freaking condom

Goodness. You are certainly an excitable child. Do you normally get so excited using naughty words like that?

In the meantime (hopefully your pants are zipped and you've washed your hands) - how do you propose to reduce teen pregnancy rates or is your preference to have those costs passed on to the rest of us once they've had their babies? Because dude, that's what happens - regardless of whether you kick and scream and cry about it. Someone has to pay, and it's usually the rest of us. I'd rather pay for the prevention.
While I don't see many "fighting" against it, some of us think abstinence is the most effective form of birth control. And it's free.
It is, but the importance of birth control goes beyond the pre-marriage period. You want married folks thinking seriously about family planning too and that does involve birth control unless you seriously expect to tell married couples not to have sex.

Plus, a lot of folks forget sex isn't always a choice or can be a choice made with the deck stacked against them. For Teens, Hormones+Self respect problems+Peer pressure can erode judgement pretty fast when it comes to sex before you toss in underage drinking. Better to be preventative. Like I said, when my kids come of age I intend to be fully upfront with expectations on behavior (Mom and Dad waited for marriage, you should too if you really love someone and respect them) as well as upfront on birth control and it's importance.

Why do you keep insisting that people young people have no control over their lives?you are a typical,it's not my fault I couldn't help it liberal. If children were taught the perils,of bringing someone into the world they cannot care for and that you as an individual have a responsibility to control your behavior before they handed out birth control like candy you might have less unwanted pregnancies. I don't know how civilized you can be when you compare,feudal preteens and third world arranged marriages as similar behavior to teens in America today. And what kind of genius claims that mature teens get pregnant and immature ones don't because of sex Ed, utter unsubstantiated bs.

I would suggest you study this link. For coyote the greatest amount of unwanted pregnancies is in the 20-24 age group. The instances of pregnancy have more to do with poverty than geography but that doesn't fit your agenda. I don't think birth control is a bad thing at all, but you believe teenagers should be able to do whatever they want or what their hormones want and any restraint on this behavior is fruitless or fascist. This is the same reason we have crying rooms, hot chocolat, counselors, days off from school, and comfort dogs. We are coddling a whole generation and the uninhibited disassociation of sex with responsibility is just one reason we are creating a generation of spoiled wimps.

Unintended Pregnancy in the United States

I'm not sure what "agenda" you think I have? I've used that same link as well so I'm familiar with it and it supports what I've said.

Your claim: but you believe teenagers should be able to do whatever they want or what their hormones want and any restraint on this behavior - is baseless and shows you aren't reading what I and others are writing.

NO ONE is saying that teenagers should show no restraint - NO ONE. What people are saying is YES - they should taught restraint, responsibility, etc. - but they ARE teenagers and not adults - so are you going to leave it at that? OR are you going to provide a back up plan so if they do decide to have sex they will at least not come home with a baby?
Dont hold your breath.

I do wonder where these people come from. When I was a teenager sex was the biggest obsession of me and everyone I knew. Sex was is and has always been the predominant obsession of all teenagers.

The problem we have as society are twofold.

The first is obviously that kids are not always mature enough to deal with it.
The second is that a lot of adults have sexual hang ups, primarily religious nonsense, which they project on their kids and make it impossible for kids to talk to their parents about these issues.

Sex is not a sin. It is the best fun you can have if you take the right precautions.

No one can say they were any different. Its a biological imperative you know. perfectly natural.
I was speaking more,to,dr,traveler,than you C, but you have cut out teen pregnancies from,the other 15-44 census of women. It's the road we are going down. If you want to play, you have to pay. Why do I or you have to pay for someone else choices. I have said before, having children out of wedlock or while young is creating your own ATM machine. Are there any consequences?

Do you believe sex Ed should start at six years old. Do you believe the school not the parents should define what acceptable sex behavior is. Do you believe sex among minors should be encouraged. Like pot, do you believe teenage sex is healthy for the emotional development of an individual. Do you not admit that the act of sex has become a pedestrian act among the young? Intimacy is an endangered act thanks to,social media, porn, and cell phones. I am not,preaching here, I am just stating facts. Eons ago, when I was young, you were never left in any doubt that if you gave a girl a bellyfu, you were going to get married or you were going to be shamed, and that was before welfare but with the same hormones. You were not allowed to keep attending high school if you were big and pregnant, and you might have gotten an ass whipping from the girls parents. These are prehistoric attitudes in many liberals minds but the social construct kept a lid on unwanted pregnancies, which doesn't mean it didn't happen.

I am glad birth control is readily available, cheap, and potent. Every adult who wants to engage in consensual sex have at it. But when I hear from my grandkids that eighth graders are engaging in sex because that is on every girls bucket list before they enter high school or they will be considered uncool, I have to ask did the anything goes environment created by public schools contribute to this behavior? School sex Ed policy has put sex on steroids as well as hormones. Saying birth control is cheaper than births while true, trivializes all the unintended consequences and makes a right of passage no different than relieving oneself.
That is a pretty darn strong statement and one that places it all at the feet of the woman.

Because the woman is the only half of our species capable of giving birth to offspring. The female is the conduit by which all human life springs. She carries the greatest responsibility of all -- nurturing and protecting the life inside her. The moment she starts using birth control is the moment she shirks that responsibility.

We're not incubators for potential life.

Yes you are. The biological nature of our species says you are. If you don't want to be "incubators", then practice abstinence. It is at this point that instead of treating human life as the human life life it actually is, people of your persuasion turn it into a valueless object, in exchange for the illusion of liberation. No longer is life viewed as precious in any stage of its existence, it is now known "potential life."

It makes me angry thinking about it. Life has no value in that it is invaluable. Even the most primal of animals in our world can disseminate that life is life and that life invaluable. But us? We have to place value on life for the sake of choice. Human life isn't something you play with or take lightly and it isn't something you should have the freedom to destroy.
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Should a married couple be expected to practice abstinence?

They should ask themselves:

Is this right? Is this what we want? Do we want it right now? Are we prepared?

If the answer is no to any of those questions, then yes, abstinence. If it is yes, then they need to be prepared to bring life into this world, because there is no turning back.
So Sandra Fluke is a "skank" now because she spoke up in favor of birth control being offered for free?

The cost of having a baby is much higher then the cost of preventing a baby.
She's a skank libtard that wants to screw whoever without giving a thought to any consequences, just like all liberals.

But to answer your stupid, no she's not a skank now, she's always been one.

I see. So, a woman who wants to be able have sex when she feels like it, something men have always been able to do...is a skank.
Birth control is a matter of public health because unwanted pregnancies cost the public.
Correction. Irresponsible entitlement prices are a matter of public health. Education, and responsibility is the answer.

Education and responsibility are part of the package but obviously they don't work well enough.

I think you don't realize what all public health involves, a large part of it is prevention. It's more expensive to wait until you have to deal with the consequences of not preventing something (short term thinking ie you guys vs. long term thinking).

What is Public Health?
Public health promotes and protects the health of people and the communities where they live, learn, work and play.

While a doctor treats people who are sick, those of us working in public health try to prevent people from getting sick or injured in the first place. We also promote wellness by encouraging healthy behaviors.

From conducting scientific research to educating about health, people in the field of public health work to assure the conditions in which people can be healthy. That can mean vaccinating children and adults to prevent the spread of disease. Or educating people about the risks of alcohol and tobacco. Public health sets safety standards to protect workers and develops school nutrition programs to ensure kids have access to healthy food.

Public health works to track disease outbreaks, prevent injuries and shed light on why some of us are more likely to suffer from poor health than others. The many facets of public health include speaking out for laws that promote smoke-free indoor air and seatbelts, spreading the word about ways to stay healthy and giving science-based solutions to problems.
Actually a man that went around bellyaching that he wanted the public to pay for his viagra and condoms is a skank too.

Damn that's true. If coyote wasn't such a skank spreading them for whoever buys her "shrimp." She'd have no problem getting a guy to pay for it. Maybe she's hot, but I don't want to risk that disease that guys she fucks won't pay for a freaking condom

Goodness. You are certainly an excitable child. Do you normally get so excited using naughty words like that?

In the meantime (hopefully your pants are zipped and you've washed your hands) - how do you propose to reduce teen pregnancy rates or is your preference to have those costs passed on to the rest of us once they've had their babies? Because dude, that's what happens - regardless of whether you kick and scream and cry about it. Someone has to pay, and it's usually the rest of us. I'd rather pay for the prevention.

Exactly, donate to a charity and pay for it. But that isn't what you're proposing, you're proposing government do it for you. I like how when liberals want government to pay for your shit, you say you are paying for someone else's as if your greed is somehow altruistic.

Seriously, the only way you can think of paying for birth control is to hand it off to government. Personal responsibility and charity from your own pocket just aren't part of your world
She's a skank libtard that wants to screw whoever without giving a thought to any consequences, just like all liberals.

But to answer your stupid, no she's not a skank now, she's always been one.

I see. So, a woman who wants to be able have sex when she feels like it, something men have always been able to do...is a skank.
Correction. Irresponsible entitlement prices are a matter of public health. Education, and responsibility is the answer.

Education and responsibility are part of the package but obviously they don't work well enough.

I think you don't realize what all public health involves, a large part of it is prevention. It's more expensive to wait until you have to deal with the consequences of not preventing something (short term thinking ie you guys vs. long term thinking).

What is Public Health?
Public health promotes and protects the health of people and the communities where they live, learn, work and play.

While a doctor treats people who are sick, those of us working in public health try to prevent people from getting sick or injured in the first place. We also promote wellness by encouraging healthy behaviors.

From conducting scientific research to educating about health, people in the field of public health work to assure the conditions in which people can be healthy. That can mean vaccinating children and adults to prevent the spread of disease. Or educating people about the risks of alcohol and tobacco. Public health sets safety standards to protect workers and develops school nutrition programs to ensure kids have access to healthy food.

Public health works to track disease outbreaks, prevent injuries and shed light on why some of us are more likely to suffer from poor health than others. The many facets of public health include speaking out for laws that promote smoke-free indoor air and seatbelts, spreading the word about ways to stay healthy and giving science-based solutions to problems.
Actually a man that went around bellyaching that he wanted the public to pay for his viagra and condoms is a skank too.

Damn that's true. If coyote wasn't such a skank spreading them for whoever buys her "shrimp." She'd have no problem getting a guy to pay for it. Maybe she's hot, but I don't want to risk that disease that guys she fucks won't pay for a freaking condom

Goodness. You are certainly an excitable child. Do you normally get so excited using naughty words like that?

In the meantime (hopefully your pants are zipped and you've washed your hands) - how do you propose to reduce teen pregnancy rates or is your preference to have those costs passed on to the rest of us once they've had their babies? Because dude, that's what happens - regardless of whether you kick and scream and cry about it. Someone has to pay, and it's usually the rest of us. I'd rather pay for the prevention.

Exactly, donate to a charity and pay for it. But that isn't what you're proposing, you're proposing government do it for you. I like how when liberals want government to pay for your shit, you say you are paying for someone else's as if your greed is somehow altruistic.

Seriously, the only way you can think of paying for birth control is to hand it off to government. Personal responsibility and charity from your own pocket just aren't part of your world

If you have health insurance, your health insurance should cover your birth control. Period. End of story. You shouldn't have to pay extra for it.

Your insurance company would certainly prefer it.

Your employer should have no say in what you health care involves. That's forcing your religion on others.
In my view, when a woman uses birth control she is not engaging in the same behavior that got her pregnant, she is altering it by taking responsibility. And that means using birth control.

In my view, birth control is nothing but a way for a woman to escape that responsibility.

As soon as the cell in that zygote begins to divide, that is human life. When a woman starts using birth control, she is ending that life. That is the ultimate abandonment of responsibility. And in my view, an act of murder.

That is a pretty darn strong statement and one that places it all at the feet of the woman.

The pill acts, primarily to prevent pregnancy and secondarily to prevent implantation by keeping the womb hostile through the use of natural hormones. We're not incubators for potential life. Most fertalized eggs never even make it that far. Add to that the fact that many married couples also use birth control for family planning - is she escaping responsibility because she doesn't want go through ten or twelve pregnancies? Should a married couple be expected to practice abstinance?

What the fuck? Places at the "feet of women?" Fuck your brains out, spread your legs, get VD, get pregnant, what ever the fuck you want. Just do it on your own dime. What is possibly unclear about that?
Generally speaking, I agree I don't want to pay for other people's choices. The problem here is that I'm going to pay either way, either in the minimal cost of birth control or in the schooling or incarceration of the kid. One is very much cheaper than the other, so I'm going with the cheap one.

That's pure economics here. The only way to 100% avoid paying for unwanted pregnancies as a citizen is to either completely stop funding education via tax money, as well as jails, or to pay for birth control. And dollar for dollar, the birth control is far cheaper.

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