Why Thank You Obama!


Diamond Member
May 17, 2013
I'd like to take the time to thank Obama for his excellent work on the economy and the Fiat Currency machine to help out the American people.

Here's how he has helped us out.....................

Do you like Beef? I love a Good Steak or Good Hamburger cooked on the grill................

So lets see how Obama and the Gov't has helped us out.

Beef - Daily Price - Commodity Prices - Price Charts Data and News - IndexMundi

February 2009 Beef was at 107.13 Cents a pound............
July 2014 Beef is at 227.5 Cents a pound.......

So Thank You Obama for making beef more than double in price. Anyone else want to thank him for his sound economic accomplishments? Feel Free to do so.
Cattle are evil. All they do all day is eat and fart, adding more carbon emissions.

Therefore, you must be trained to love vegetables. Besides, they are better for you, Michelle Obama says so.
Commodity Food Price Index - Monthly Price - Commodity Prices - Price Charts Data and News - IndexMundi

Commodity Food price index..............

Look at the data in 2008 and 2011 the spike in prices prompting food riots in the world.........And the Arab Spring.

December 2008 122.5
June 2014 171,99

Let's be fair, since we've allowed the Markets to go bat shit crazy with Fiat money back in 2000 what's the changes

January 2000 81.06

More than doubled on buying food.

Good job Gov't on ensuring everything costs double what it was before..............

How's that M3 money supply coming along....................
Well Mr. Lone Laughter who always applauds the Greatness of the Current Administration.......Why the increases in prices under his watch..............

You've been bragging about the markets.......why don't you brag about how good a job this administration is doing for the people.....

He's SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO nice that FOOD HAS DOUBLED in price.............

How's that help the people tool?
Is the anything more satisfying than watching a USMB nutter tackle complex issues head on only to get body slammed before he takes his first steps?


I think the OP trying to explain what "fiat money" is IN HIS OWN WORDS would be equally as entertaining.
Cattle are evil. All they do all day is eat and fart, adding more carbon emissions.

Therefore, you must be trained to love vegetables. Besides, they are better for you, Michelle Obama says so.

That post reminds me of that important study the Gov't did on Cow Burps and how it impacts the Environment Study............One of those important expenditures necessary in the Budget of the United States..........
Well Mr. Lone Laughter who always applauds the Greatness of the Current Administration.......Why the increases in prices under his watch..............

You've been bragging about the markets.......why don't you brag about how good a job this administration is doing for the people.....

He's SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO nice that FOOD HAS DOUBLED in price.............

How's that help the people tool?

No...no...no. You started the thread thanking ( blaming ) the POTUS for the high price if your meat loaf. It is clearly upon you to make the case.

Please.....don't run away from your own thread. That's very unseemly.
Okay...officially in coo coo for cocopuffs territory. Arab Spring is responsible for the price of beef? How did the Arab Spring cause droughts?


I pointed out those dates on the graph if you clicked it when prices spiked to hell and back in 2008 and 2011 causing Food Riots in the world.

You know an example of people getting pissed off when rice prices go up 300% because of the global markets and such.

But hey, THE MARKETS ARE AT RECORD HIGHS buddy....................Eat your Ramen Noodles and Shut up.................be happy in the increases in prices.

BTW.......keep it quite we are telling everyone there's no inflation.........shhhhhhhh
Well Mr. Lone Laughter who always applauds the Greatness of the Current Administration.......Why the increases in prices under his watch..............

You've been bragging about the markets.......why don't you brag about how good a job this administration is doing for the people.....

He's SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO nice that FOOD HAS DOUBLED in price.............

How's that help the people tool?

No...no...no. You started the thread thanking ( blaming ) the POTUS for the high price if your meat loaf. It is clearly upon you to make the case.

Please.....don't run away from your own thread. That's very unseemly.

I'm not running from anything. Who's in charge of our country right now..........hmmmmmmmm

Who else am I going to bitch at the Easter bunny...............Oh........sorry he didn't hear about the rising food prices until he saw it on this thread after a round of Golf..............

Have the prices spiked or not.............The charts say so............So why aren't you bitching at him for the higher prices in consumer goods.
Cattle are evil. All they do all day is eat and fart, adding more carbon emissions.

Therefore, you must be trained to love vegetables. Besides, they are better for you, Michelle Obama says so.

WooooHooooo! All aboard the USMB nutter fact train! Next stop.....Benghaaaaaaaaaazzzzziiiiiiii!

EPA lists cattle as primary methane source

Moooooooooo Put a cattle fart anal izer stat..............Don't burp cow or the Enviro's will fine the farmer so burp emissions..............

The OP has yet to explain how President Obama is responsible for the droughts that are causing beef prices to rise.

How about you adding in the 143 metric tons of Corn into your equation..........Raising feed prices for ethanol to the equation...........47% of our corn crops...........To save the planet............

How's that EPA enviro rule helping out food prices................
Well Mr. Lone Laughter who always applauds the Greatness of the Current Administration.......Why the increases in prices under his watch..............

You've been bragging about the markets.......why don't you brag about how good a job this administration is doing for the people.....

He's SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO nice that FOOD HAS DOUBLED in price.............

How's that help the people tool?

No...no...no. You started the thread thanking ( blaming ) the POTUS for the high price if your meat loaf. It is clearly upon you to make the case.

Please.....don't run away from your own thread. That's very unseemly.

I'm not running from anything. Who's in charge of our country right now..........hmmmmmmmm

Who else am I going to bitch at the Easter bunny...............Oh........sorry he didn't hear about the rising food prices until he saw it on this thread after a round of Golf..............

Have the prices spiked or not.............The charts say so............So why aren't you bitching at him for the higher prices in consumer goods.

You've not done much to state your case yet.

What has the POTUS done that resulted in the price of beef rising?

Unless you can establish that his policies are to blame you really shouldn't be bitching at him for it.

Want to take a stab at it?
Is the anything more satisfying than watching a USMB nutter tackle complex issues head on only to get body slammed before he takes his first steps?


I think the OP trying to explain what "fiat money" is IN HIS OWN WORDS would be equally as entertaining.

Looked at an M3 or total historical graph lately............Pick the U.S. the EU and Japan for starters..........tell me the graphs don't look like the worlds money supplies look like someone is climbing Mt. Everest............

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