Why some regret giving women the right to vote

We didn't fuck it up. We realized that everyone should vote. And those who think the gov't only effects land owners is painfully naive.
Why should everyone vote?

Why should welfare queens, that don't do anything to contribute to society, be able to vote for assholes that promise them more welfare?
if you think there are as many women as men clombing poles your either ignorant or a liar,, and nased on what I know about you is that youre lying,,

I didn't say that.

You know, for someone who cries about someone's posts not being exactly what you think you said, you sure spend a lot of time trying to put words in people's mouth.
Try rereading what I actually said.
you said there are as many women as men doing hard jobs,,

so what do you consider a hard job is the issue,,

cause out here in the real world hard jobs are the ones that take every fiber of your being to survive the job,,

thats why more men die in the workplace than women by a wide margin,,
FEMALES of every color
Normal humans use the word "women". They're not livestock or pets.

Many Trump cult losers have major, major issues with women. TheParty uses that to retain their allegiance. The Party tells them that, no, it's not their fault that they're such a disgusting human, no woman wants anything to do with them. No, it's somehow the fault of "feminism." TheParty promises that under the fascist utopia, life will be made so miserable for single women, those women will be forced to marry any man just to survive.
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you said there are as many women as men doing hard jobs,,

so what do you consider a hard job is the issue,,

cause out here in the real world hard jobs are the ones that take every fiber of your being to survive the job,,

thats why more men die in the workplace than women by a wide margin,,

You are still lying about what I said. Once again, reread what I said.

I never said there are as many women as men doing hard jobs.
The fact that we have large number of confused women voting for Democrats is absolute proof it was the wrong thing to do give women the right the vote.

It takes a real idiot to vote Democrat.
The fact that we have large number of confused women voting for Democrats is absolute proof it was the wrong thing to do give women the right the vote.

It takes a real idiot to vote Democrat.

I tend to agree with you. But it is not just women voting for Dems.
my bad,, I didnt realize how much of a racist you are,,

so how do you plan on proving that??

its easily disproven by just walking onto any jobsite,,

Yeah, you are right. I can't prove it.

And women should never have been given the vote. They should stay home and raise babies and take care of their husband and the household.

How dare they think they understand politics well enough to vote.

We should repeal the 19th amendment immediately.
Yeah, you are right. I can't prove it.

And women should never have been given the vote. They should stay home and raise babies and take care of their husband and the household.

How dare they think they understand politics well enough to vote.

We should repeal the 19th amendment immediately.
first honest thing youve said ,,
my bad,, I didnt realize how much of a racist you are,,

so how do you plan on proving that??

its easily disproven by just walking onto any jobsite,,

If I see 10 latinos working, and say that, is it racist? You are reacting too much to the constant liberal accusations of racism.

Or are you one of those who accuse everyone of racism? You know, the standard dem line.
If I see 10 latinos working, and say that, is it racist? You are reacting too much to the constant liberal accusations of racism.

Or are you one of those who accuse everyone of racism? You know, the standard dem line.
thats an obseravation of a singular event,,

why did you single out white people to make your point?? sorry,, white men,,,
I didn't single anyone out. I posted what I have seen on local work sites. Hispanics are doing the hard work on most of them.
so youre playing word games again,,

when you only include one race on one side of your claim and all races on the other is singling them out,,

and you wonder why I say youre the worst humanity has to offer,,

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