Why Sean Spicer's Comment on Assad's Use of Sarin Immediately Compared to Holocaust?

No, he does not, and if he did, THEN SPICER IS WRONG AS WELL, dumbass.

LOL- I love it when Jimmie speaks out of his ass so clearly

"no he didn't say that- and if he did he is wrong'

You don't actually know what he said- do you Jimmie?
Libtards are in such a frenzy to attack Trump on anything at all, that Spicers comment about what a shit-pile Assad is was immediately compared to Hitler and the Holocaust.s

Only a Conservative Assperger as yourself would try to overlook that Spicer was the one who mentioned Hitler and the Holocaust.

Was Spicer intentionally being so incredibly stupid and offensive? I don't think so- I just think that Spicer is representative of some of the partisan idiots Trump has surrounded himself with- but Spicer has no one to blame but himself for his comments- lets see his exact quotes- shall we?

Spicer said, “Someone who is [as] despicable as Hitler didn’t even sink to using chemical weapons.”

Spicer seemed confused by the question and stuttered an answer: “I think when you come to sarin gas, there was no — he was not using the gas on his own people the same way that Assad is doing.”

“There was no … he brought them into the holocaust center. [Not] the way Assad dropped the bombs into the middle of towns. I appreciate the clarification. That was not the intent,” he stuttered.

Only a true Trumpass snowflake would blame 'liberals' for Trump's mouthpiece's stupid comment.

Spicer said, “Someone who is [as] despicable as Hitler didn’t even sink to using chemical weapons.”

So what was wrong with that statement? Hitler did not use chemical weapons on his opposition.

Are you liberals seriously that mentally deficient not to see that as a true statement and a fact?

Hitler did in fact use chemical weapons- gas- on the German people- including Jews and Gypsies and the mentally ill.

Why are you so mentally deficient that you are now arguing with Spicer- who has acknowledged he made a stupid mistake?

Are you just so far down the Trump rabbit hole that you feel obligated to defend even the most stupid claims by his administration?

Did Assad round up all of his opponents in a concentration camp and then gas them? Of course not!

It's an apples to watermelon comparison that speaks volumes about your limited intelligence.
I rather think the point was the administration of gas, don't you?
Gassing Jews in a concentration camp is not using chemical weapons.

Sorry! You lose. Thank you for playing! Here are some nice parting gifts.

Technically he was right. Gassing jews in a concentration camp is not "using chemical weapons against his own people." It's using gas against your enemy..

So you believe that the German Jews were the enemy of the German people?
Libtards are in such a frenzy to attack Trump on anything at all, that Spicers comment about what a shit-pile Assad is was immediately compared to Hitler and the Holocaust.s

Only a Conservative Assperger as yourself would try to overlook that Spicer was the one who mentioned Hitler and the Holocaust.

Was Spicer intentionally being so incredibly stupid and offensive? I don't think so- I just think that Spicer is representative of some of the partisan idiots Trump has surrounded himself with- but Spicer has no one to blame but himself for his comments- lets see his exact quotes- shall we?

Spicer said, “Someone who is [as] despicable as Hitler didn’t even sink to using chemical weapons.”

Spicer seemed confused by the question and stuttered an answer: “I think when you come to sarin gas, there was no — he was not using the gas on his own people the same way that Assad is doing.”

“There was no … he brought them into the holocaust center. [Not] the way Assad dropped the bombs into the middle of towns. I appreciate the clarification. That was not the intent,” he stuttered.

Only a true Trumpass snowflake would blame 'liberals' for Trump's mouthpiece's stupid comment.

Spicer said, “Someone who is [as] despicable as Hitler didn’t even sink to using chemical weapons.”

So what was wrong with that statement? Hitler did not use chemical weapons on his opposition.

Are you liberals seriously that mentally deficient not to see that as a true statement and a fact?

Hitler did in fact use chemical weapons- gas- on the German people- including Jews and Gypsies and the mentally ill.

Why are you so mentally deficient that you are now arguing with Spicer- who has acknowledged he made a stupid mistake?

Are you just so far down the Trump rabbit hole that you feel obligated to defend even the most stupid claims by his administration?

Did Assad round up all of his opponents in a concentration camp and then gas them? Of course not!

It's an apples to watermelon comparison that speaks volumes about your limited intelligence.
I rather think the point was the administration of gas, don't you?

No. That's why you are also a member of the Liberal Low-IQ Club!
Alternative facts? What exactly did he say that was not true?
"Hitler never used chemical weapons against his own people."

Gassing Jews in a concentration camp is not using chemical weapons.

The Jews disagree with you.

Even Spicer disagrees with you.

Who cares what "the Jews" think?

Clearly not you.

Why would you care what the very Jews you refer to have to think about the Holocaust?

Holocaust deniers like you never do care what "Jews" think.
Oh he might want to soon, Don's cabal is full of them, much to Odious' chagrin.
Gassing Jews in a concentration camp is not using chemical weapons.

Sorry! You lose. Thank you for playing! Here are some nice parting gifts.

Technically he was right. Gassing jews in a concentration camp is not "using chemical weapons against his own people." It's using gas against your enemy..

So you believe that the German Jews were the enemy of the German people?

That is what the Nazis believed.

Your historical knowledge is apparently on par with a pre-schooler who watches Spongebob!
Stupid Trumpsters can't help themselves trying from trying to cover up the mistakes made by Trump's surrogates.
Hell even Spicer has acknowledged his mistake- and you are still trying to explain how he was correct- your own version of fake news.
roflmao, you libtards are desperate for a victory, anything that remotely smells of victory, that you will take a polite apology as proof of vindication.

Spicer could have argued it but did not as THAT IS NOT HIS JOB, dumbshit, so he made his apologies and changed the subject back to Assad.

The Nazis did not use chemical WEAPONS in WW2; a simple FACT and you can shove it where the sun dont shine, Twinkle Toes.

Except Spicer didn't try to continue to make such a stupid argument- Spicer apologized for his mistake.

The Germans used chemical weapons on Jews, gypsies and others locked in their concentration camps.

And that is a fact.

Despite what holocaust deniers like you will do to defend Hitler and Spicer.

Apples to watermelons! Apples to watermelons!

xcept Spicer didn't try to continue to make such a stupid argument- Spicer apologized for his mistake.

The Germans used chemical weapons on Jews, gypsies and others locked in their concentration camps.

And that is a fact.

Despite what holocaust deniers like you will do to defend Hitler and Spicer.

But yes- Assad has not managed to kill 6 million of his people yet.
Only a Conservative Assperger as yourself would try to overlook that Spicer was the one who mentioned Hitler and the Holocaust.

Was Spicer intentionally being so incredibly stupid and offensive? I don't think so- I just think that Spicer is representative of some of the partisan idiots Trump has surrounded himself with- but Spicer has no one to blame but himself for his comments- lets see his exact quotes- shall we?

Spicer said, “Someone who is [as] despicable as Hitler didn’t even sink to using chemical weapons.”

Spicer seemed confused by the question and stuttered an answer: “I think when you come to sarin gas, there was no — he was not using the gas on his own people the same way that Assad is doing.”

“There was no … he brought them into the holocaust center. [Not] the way Assad dropped the bombs into the middle of towns. I appreciate the clarification. That was not the intent,” he stuttered.

Only a true Trumpass snowflake would blame 'liberals' for Trump's mouthpiece's stupid comment.

Spicer said, “Someone who is [as] despicable as Hitler didn’t even sink to using chemical weapons.”

So what was wrong with that statement? Hitler did not use chemical weapons on his opposition.

Are you liberals seriously that mentally deficient not to see that as a true statement and a fact?

Hitler did in fact use chemical weapons- gas- on the German people- including Jews and Gypsies and the mentally ill.

Why are you so mentally deficient that you are now arguing with Spicer- who has acknowledged he made a stupid mistake?

Are you just so far down the Trump rabbit hole that you feel obligated to defend even the most stupid claims by his administration?

Did Assad round up all of his opponents in a concentration camp and then gas them? Of course not!

It's an apples to watermelon comparison that speaks volumes about your limited intelligence.
I rather think the point was the administration of gas, don't you?

No. That's why you are also a member of the Liberal Low-IQ Club!

You don't mind if I seek out a second opinion given the mental acuity you’ve demonstrated here, do ya shoog?
Gassing Jews in a concentration camp is not using chemical weapons.

Sorry! You lose. Thank you for playing! Here are some nice parting gifts.

Technically he was right. Gassing jews in a concentration camp is not "using chemical weapons against his own people." It's using gas against your enemy..

So you believe that the German Jews were the enemy of the German people?

That is what the Nazis believed.

So you believe that airplanemechanic is a Nazi?

What about you- do you believe the Jews were the enemy of the German people?
Spicer screwed up- he made a stupid mistake.
He apologized for it- something that Trump has never actually done for anything he has said.

What I find amusing is the right wing tards who seem determined to keep flogging what Spicer said- to keep his stupid idiotic and insensitive statements alive- and to argue that he was right!

Keep reminding everyone of what Spicer said.

Please do.
Stupid Trumpsters can't help themselves trying from trying to cover up the mistakes made by Trump's surrogates.
Hell even Spicer has acknowledged his mistake- and you are still trying to explain how he was correct- your own version of fake news.
roflmao, you libtards are desperate for a victory, anything that remotely smells of victory, that you will take a polite apology as proof of vindication.

Spicer could have argued it but did not as THAT IS NOT HIS JOB, dumbshit, so he made his apologies and changed the subject back to Assad.

The Nazis did not use chemical WEAPONS in WW2; a simple FACT and you can shove it where the sun dont shine, Twinkle Toes.

Except Spicer didn't try to continue to make such a stupid argument- Spicer apologized for his mistake.

The Germans used chemical weapons on Jews, gypsies and others locked in their concentration camps.

And that is a fact.

Despite what holocaust deniers like you will do to defend Hitler and Spicer.

Apples to watermelons! Apples to watermelons!

xcept Spicer didn't try to continue to make such a stupid argument- Spicer apologized for his mistake.

The Germans used chemical weapons on Jews, gypsies and others locked in their concentration camps.

And that is a fact.

Despite what holocaust deniers like you will do to defend Hitler and Spicer.

But yes- Assad has not managed to kill 6 million of his people yet.

Who is denying the Holocaust? Please show anything that states anything of the sort!

Come on! Grow up and act like an adult with some measure of a spine. Being liberal has turned most of you into jellyfish.

You don't have the balls to stand up and fight for your rights but prefer the keyboard Rambo approach, knowing that saying the same type of crap to a person standing in front of you would lead to an ass-whipping of epic proportions and you would not have a legal leg to stand on!
Gassing Jews in a concentration camp is not using chemical weapons.

Sorry! You lose. Thank you for playing! Here are some nice parting gifts.

Technically he was right. Gassing jews in a concentration camp is not "using chemical weapons against his own people." It's using gas against your enemy..

So you believe that the German Jews were the enemy of the German people?

That is what the Nazis believed.

So you believe that airplanemechanic is a Nazi?

What about you- do you believe the Jews were the enemy of the German people?

Why the fuck would I care what he believes?

I think I will go down to the retirement home and talk to someone with dementia. They'll make more sense than you liberals.
So using Liberal logic: From the first execution by lethal gas on December 2, 1938, through 1967, 194 people – including four women – were executed by California chemical weapons at San Quentin.
Poor Spicey, "alternative facts" caught up with him again.

Alternative facts? What exactly did he say that was not true?

Spicer said, “Someone who is [as] despicable as Hitler didn’t even sink to using chemical weapons.”

This is a matter of interpretation- no one was using sarin gas in WW2- did he mean Hitler didn't use sarin gas- that is like saying Hitler didn't use the internet- or did he mean Hitler didn't use 'gas'

“I think when you come to sarin gas, there was no — he was not using the gas on his own people the same way that Assad is doing.”

And of course this is just nonsensical
There was no … he brought them into the holocaust center. [

“I think when you come to sarin gas, there was no — he was not using the gas on his own people the same way that Assad is doing.”

Another true statement! Why are you making things appear to be lies when they are 100% correct?
It's the Reality America show. Everything is fake, everything is true.

To you liberal airheads, nothing makes sense! You probably have to Google why the sun comes up in the east!
Spicer said, “Someone who is [as] despicable as Hitler didn’t even sink to using chemical weapons.”

So what was wrong with that statement? Hitler did not use chemical weapons on his opposition.

Are you liberals seriously that mentally deficient not to see that as a true statement and a fact?

Hitler did in fact use chemical weapons- gas- on the German people- including Jews and Gypsies and the mentally ill.

Why are you so mentally deficient that you are now arguing with Spicer- who has acknowledged he made a stupid mistake?

Are you just so far down the Trump rabbit hole that you feel obligated to defend even the most stupid claims by his administration?

Did Assad round up all of his opponents in a concentration camp and then gas them? Of course not!

It's an apples to watermelon comparison that speaks volumes about your limited intelligence.
I rather think the point was the administration of gas, don't you?

No. That's why you are also a member of the Liberal Low-IQ Club!

You don't mind if I seek out a second opinion given the mental acuity you’ve demonstrated here, do ya shoog?

Where am I wrong? "Nowhere" would be the correct answer.
The Germans used chemical weapons on Jews, gypsies and others locked in their concentration camps.

And that is a fact.

Despite what holocaust deniers like you will do to defend Hitler and Spicer.

But yes- Assad has not managed to kill 6 million of his people yet.

Who is denying the Holocaust? Please show anything that states anything of the sort!

Disagreeing with a libtard about the Holocaust makes you a 'denier', just like disagreeing with them on Affirmative Action, Black Lies Matter and a dozen other racial topics makes one a racist, lol.

Poor Syriously doesnt even know what a fucking weapon is. To him a fish hook is probably a weapon if it fits his rhetorical bullshit.

Come on! Grow up and act like an adult with some measure of a spine. Being liberal has turned most of you into jellyfish.

You don't have the balls to stand up and fight for your rights but prefer the keyboard Rambo approach, knowing that saying the same type of crap to a person standing in front of you would lead to an ass-whipping of epic proportions and you would not have a legal leg to stand on!

He is a troll, SJW, libtard wind bag who can't think straight, much less engage in rational discussion.
Poor Spicey, "alternative facts" caught up with him again.

Alternative facts? What exactly did he say that was not true?

Spicer said, “Someone who is [as] despicable as Hitler didn’t even sink to using chemical weapons.”

This is a matter of interpretation- no one was using sarin gas in WW2- did he mean Hitler didn't use sarin gas- that is like saying Hitler didn't use the internet- or did he mean Hitler didn't use 'gas'

“I think when you come to sarin gas, there was no — he was not using the gas on his own people the same way that Assad is doing.”

And of course this is just nonsensical
There was no … he brought them into the holocaust center. [

“I think when you come to sarin gas, there was no — he was not using the gas on his own people the same way that Assad is doing.”

Another true statement! Why are you making things appear to be lies when they are 100% correct?
It's the Reality America show. Everything is fake, everything is true.

To you liberal airheads, nothing makes sense! You probably have to Google why the sun comes up in the east!

Don't be silly, we look in awe to white males of privilege to tell us what is real and what is not. Thank sweet jesus that Goldman Sachs still runs the white house as it always has and would have continued to under Hilary anyway.
Hitler did in fact use chemical weapons- gas- on the German people- including Jews and Gypsies and the mentally ill.

Why are you so mentally deficient that you are now arguing with Spicer- who has acknowledged he made a stupid mistake?

Are you just so far down the Trump rabbit hole that you feel obligated to defend even the most stupid claims by his administration?

Did Assad round up all of his opponents in a concentration camp and then gas them? Of course not!

It's an apples to watermelon comparison that speaks volumes about your limited intelligence.
I rather think the point was the administration of gas, don't you?

No. That's why you are also a member of the Liberal Low-IQ Club!

You don't mind if I seek out a second opinion given the mental acuity you’ve demonstrated here, do ya shoog?

Where am I wrong? "Nowhere" would be the correct answer.
You cannot offer another source?
He is a troll, SJW, libtard wind bag who can't think straight, much less engage in rational discussion.

Poor Jimmie- still has his head so firmly lodged up Trump's ass that he will try to rationalize something even Trump's surrogates have already apologized for.

Yes- Hitler used gas weapons on his own people.

Trump's administration gets it.

Trumpsters still though, are denying that Hitler used gas weapons against his own people.

Just like so many Holocaust deniers.

They are the Trump Asspergers.
So using Liberal logic: From the first execution by lethal gas on December 2, 1938, through 1967, 194 people – including four women – were executed by California chemical weapons at San Quentin.

So you equate the legal execution of condemned murderers to Hitler gassing millions of innocent women and children?

Maybe you can share that with Spicer so he can use that in his next press conference.

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