Why Sean Spicer's Comment on Assad's Use of Sarin Immediately Compared to Holocaust?

Spicer's dumb comments were, predictably, wildly over-covered and dishonestly misrepresented for transparent partisan political gain. He wasn't displaying racism or hatred or bigotry, he was merely displaying his gross incompetence. Again..
That seems awfully harsh on Spicer. I know I couldnt do his job, in fact, most of these guys have repeated 'gaffes' and the media either makes an issue of it or does not, but they all have them.


I think they could get someone in there who can be smoother without losing the edge that I'm sure Trump wants to portray. That is, indeed, one fucked up job and the only reason I think someone would want it would be as leverage for a job later. I'd think someone like Laura Ingraham would have been a better pick. Spicer seems like he's just a gaffe waiting to happen, and we REALLY don't need MORE of that.
That's not what the problem is. The statement "not even hitler gassed his own people" is WRONG. Hitler did gas his own people.

Spicer said Hitler "didn't sink to the level of using chemical weapons" and the context of his statement was about using chemical weapons, not just poison gas in general.

You liberals are making a mountain out of a mole hill and it would be embarrassing to you if you weren't wrapped so hermetically in that echo bubble you guys live in.

The jews were his own people. Implying that the jewish people weren't German people, that they were "outsiders" or that they were the enemy is what lead to the holocaust.

The vast majority of the people that died in the Death Camps were rounded up in eastern Europe, so now I guess you are endorsing German claims to all of Eastern Europe?

Shame on you.
"When it comes to sarin gas, he was not using the gas on his own people," Spicer said. At least know what you're talking about before you start posting. No one is endorsing that, quite a reach.
The vast majority of the people that died in the Death Camps were rounded up in eastern Europe, so now I guess you are endorsing German claims to all of Eastern Europe?
Shame on you.
"When it comes to sarin gas, he was not using the gas on his own people," Spicer said. At least know what you're talking about before you start posting. No one is endorsing that, quite a reach.
You are deliberately twisting Spicers meaning by ignoring the context of all he said in the press conference and you know it. He referred to chemical weapons and that is what he was talking about.

Why do you lie and slander this man?
The vast majority of the people that died in the Death Camps were rounded up in eastern Europe, so now I guess you are endorsing German claims to all of Eastern Europe?
Shame on you.
"When it comes to sarin gas, he was not using the gas on his own people," Spicer said. At least know what you're talking about before you start posting. No one is endorsing that, quite a reach.
You are deliberately twisting Spicers meaning by ignoring the context of all he said in the press conference and you know it. He referred to chemical weapons and that is what he was talking about.

Why do you lie and slander this man?
nothing is being twisted. Spicey does not have the intelligence or articulation to perform his job. He shows us that every time hes at the podium. He said what he said. If he didn't mean it he should have immediately clarified and rephrased. Get that baboon off the stage. Hire one who at least went to 7th grade history class.
nothing is being twisted. Spicey does not have the intelligence or articulation to perform his job. He shows us that every time hes at the podium. He said what he said. If he didn't mean it he should have immediately clarified and rephrased. Get that baboon off the stage. Hire one who at least went to 7th grade history class.
So now you go from a discussion of what Spicer said to now just slandering him.

OK, thank you for conceding the point that Spicer was talking about CHEMICAL WEAPONS, dolt.
nothing is being twisted. Spicey does not have the intelligence or articulation to perform his job. He shows us that every time hes at the podium. He said what he said. If he didn't mean it he should have immediately clarified and rephrased. Get that baboon off the stage. Hire one who at least went to 7th grade history class.
So now you go from a discussion of what Spicer said to now just slandering him.

OK, thank you for conceding the point that Spicer was talking about CHEMICAL WEAPONS, dolt.
Maybe you should go get a job for him.. It seems like the WH spokesperson whose job it is to defend trumps stupidity, needs a spokesperson to defend his own stupidity. You up for the job?
Maybe you should go get a job for him.. It seems like the WH spokesperson whose job it is to defend trumps stupidity, needs a spokesperson to defend his own stupidity. You up for the job?
Yeah, everyone that disagree with you is stupid, meanwhile you cannot discern chemical weapons from the use of executioner's gas, nor grasp the fact that the vast majority of Jews killed in the Holocaust were not German.

No wonder libtardism is dying out and less than 25% of the population.
Libtards are in such a frenzy to attack Trump on anything at all, that Spicers comment about what a shit-pile Assad is was immediately compared to Hitler and the Holocaust.

Can someone tune in these morons and let them know that some dictators can surpass Hitlers evil in various ways without necessarily pissing on the memory of the Holocaust victims?

Sean Spicer Argues Assad’s Chemical Weapons Atrocities Were Worse Than Hitler’s

Because it was like a few drops of blood amidst a school of Tiger sharks.

They inhaled the briny blood and are still starving, though.

Expect them to eat their own sooner rather than later.
Poor Spicey, "alternative facts" caught up with him again.

He must have remembered what Chris Matthews said in 2013.

"Sean Spicer has spent the past two days apologizing for saying that Adolf Hitler didn’t use chemical weapons.

Unfortunately for MSNBC’s Chris Matthews, that led to people remembering he’d said said the exact same thing back in 2013.

In an August 27, 2013 appearance on MSNBC’s Morning Joe, Matthews seemed displeased with Obama’s “red-line” policy in Syria and offhandedly mentioned that Hitler “didn’t use chemical weapons.”

“We didn’t use [chemical weapons] in World War II, Hitler didn’t use them,” Matthews said at the time. “But we don’t use chemical weapons. That’s no deal.”

To Matthews’ credit, he defended Sean Spicer after his Tuesday gaffe, explaining that the White House press secretary clearly “was talking about” the fact that Hitler “didn’t resort to [chemical weapons] in the battlefield.”

Read more: People Forgot, But In 2013, CHRIS MATTHEWS Said Hitler Never Used Chemical Weapons [VIDEO]

Your media machine is what it is now, that got turned over to concentrated wealth and power, it's merely a PR platform.
Libtards are in such a frenzy to attack Trump on anything at all, that Spicers comment about what a shit-pile Assad is was immediately compared to Hitler and the Holocaust.

Can someone tune in these morons and let them know that some dictators can surpass Hitlers evil in various ways without necessarily pissing on the memory of the Holocaust victims?

Sean Spicer Argues Assad’s Chemical Weapons Atrocities Were Worse Than Hitler’s
Anyone who is still listening to these assholes after all of their lies is a fool.

I don't watch them. When they start talking, I change the station to Sponge Bob Square Pants.

LOL glad you are finally realizing that everything Spicer says is a lie.
Maybe you should go get a job for him.. It seems like the WH spokesperson whose job it is to defend trumps stupidity, needs a spokesperson to defend his own stupidity. You up for the job?
Yeah, everyone that disagree with you is stupid, meanwhile you cannot discern chemical weapons from the use of executioner's gas, nor grasp the fact that the vast majority of Jews killed in the Holocaust were not German./QUOTE]

Still trying to defend Spicer's actual words- even after Spicer has apologized for screwing up?

Hitler used gas on his own people- between 134,500- 141,500 German Jews- and who knows how many more thousands of German homosexuals, Catholics, gypsies and mentally retarded.

Israel recognized how stupid Spicer's statement was- and that is why they appreciated Spicer's apology and withdrawal- I wonder why you Spicer deniers are so determined to keep reminding everyone of how stupid Spicer was?

ERUSALEM (Reuters) - A senior member of Israel's government welcomed on Wednesday White House spokesman Sean Spicer's apology for saying Adolf Hitler did not use chemical weapons, comments that overlooked the killing of millions of Jews in Nazi gas chambers. "Since he apologized and retracted his remarks, as far as (I) am concerned, the matter is over," Intelligence and Transport Minister Israel Katz said in a statement, citing the "tremendous importance of historical truth and remembrance" of the victims of the Holocaust

Still trying to defend Spicer's actual words- even after Spicer has apologized for screwing up?

Hitler used gas on his own people- between 134,500- 141,500 German Jews- and who knows how many more thousands of German homosexuals, Catholics, gypsies and mentally retarded.

Israel recognized how stupid Spicer's statement was- and that is why they appreciated Spicer's apology and withdrawal- I wonder why you Spicer deniers are so determined to keep reminding everyone of how stupid Spicer was?

ERUSALEM (Reuters) - A senior member of Israel's government welcomed on Wednesday White House spokesman Sean Spicer's apology for saying Adolf Hitler did not use chemical weapons, comments that overlooked the killing of millions of Jews in Nazi gas chambers. "Since he apologized and retracted his remarks, as far as (I) am concerned, the matter is over," Intelligence and Transport Minister Israel Katz said in a statement, citing the "tremendous importance of historical truth and remembrance" of the victims of the Holocaust
The vast majority of the people that died in the Death Camps were rounded up in eastern Europe, so now I guess you are endorsing German claims to all of Eastern Europe?

Shame on you.

You don't think the 130-140,000 German Jews killed by Hitler count?

Shame on you.
Everybody knows spicer was referring to chem weapons on the battlefield. This is just more manufactured media outrage. It's all part of the daily game of finding fault and discredit this presidency.

They can't get over Hillary lost.

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