Why Sean Spicer's Comment on Assad's Use of Sarin Immediately Compared to Holocaust?

Gassing Jews in a concentration camp is not using chemical weapons.

Sorry! You lose. Thank you for playing! Here are some nice parting gifts.

Technically he was right. Gassing jews in a concentration camp is not "using chemical weapons against his own people." It's using gas against your enemy..

So you believe that the German Jews were the enemy of the German people?

That is what the Nazis believed.

So you believe that airplanemechanic is a Nazi?

What about you- do you believe the Jews were the enemy of the German people?

Why the fuck would I care what he believes?

You cared enough to post about his response- but I know- you don't really give a fuck what anyone but the voices in your head tell you.

And now they tell you to keep shoving your head further up Trump's ass.
Libtards are in such a frenzy to attack Trump on anything at all, that Spicers comment about what a shit-pile Assad is was immediately compared to Hitler and the Holocaust.s

Only a Conservative Assperger as yourself would try to overlook that Spicer was the one who mentioned Hitler and the Holocaust.

Was Spicer intentionally being so incredibly stupid and offensive? I don't think so- I just think that Spicer is representative of some of the partisan idiots Trump has surrounded himself with- but Spicer has no one to blame but himself for his comments- lets see his exact quotes- shall we?

Spicer said, “Someone who is [as] despicable as Hitler didn’t even sink to using chemical weapons.”

Spicer seemed confused by the question and stuttered an answer: “I think when you come to sarin gas, there was no — he was not using the gas on his own people the same way that Assad is doing.”

“There was no … he brought them into the holocaust center. [Not] the way Assad dropped the bombs into the middle of towns. I appreciate the clarification. That was not the intent,” he stuttered.

Only a true Trumpass snowflake would blame 'liberals' for Trump's mouthpiece's stupid comment.

Spicer said, “Someone who is [as] despicable as Hitler didn’t even sink to using chemical weapons.”

So what was wrong with that statement? Hitler did not use chemical weapons on his opposition.

Are you liberals seriously that mentally deficient not to see that as a true statement and a fact?

Hitler did in fact use chemical weapons- gas- on the German people- including Jews and Gypsies and the mentally ill.

Why are you so mentally deficient that you are now arguing with Spicer- who has acknowledged he made a stupid mistake?

Are you just so far down the Trump rabbit hole that you feel obligated to defend even the most stupid claims by his administration?

Did Assad round up all of his opponents in a concentration camp and then gas them? Of course not!

Assad used gas against his innocent civilians- and Hitler used gass against his innocent civilians.

Hitler did in fact use chemical weapons- gas- on the German people- including Jews and Gypsies and the mentally ill.

Why are you so mentally deficient that you are now arguing with Spicer- who has acknowledged he made a stupid mistake?

Are you just so far down the Trump rabbit hole that you feel obligated to defend even the most stupid claims by his administration?
Poor Spicey, "alternative facts" caught up with him again.

Alternative facts? What exactly did he say that was not true?
"Hitler never used chemical weapons against his own people."

Gassing Jews in a concentration camp is not using chemical weapons.

Sorry! You lose. Thank you for playing! Here are some nice parting gifts.
Weapons are designed to kill. Zyklon B was used to kill. The victims, in sadly many times, were German citizens.

If you cannot deign to admiring the obvious, what would you call the agent used to cause millions of deaths?

You are simply splitting pubic hairs. Shut up and go play in traffic!

splitting pubic hairs? :lmao:

sorry ....but that is hilarious!:laugh:

please go on :lmao:
Libtards are in such a frenzy to attack Trump on anything at all, that Spicers comment about what a shit-pile Assad is was immediately compared to Hitler and the Holocaust.

Can someone tune in these morons and let them know that some dictators can surpass Hitlers evil in various ways without necessarily pissing on the memory of the Holocaust victims?

Sean Spicer Argues Assad’s Chemical Weapons Atrocities Were Worse Than Hitler’s
Anyone who is still listening to these assholes after all of their lies is a fool.

I don't watch them. When they start talking, I change the station to Sponge Bob Square Pants.
Anyone with a brain knows what Spicer meant.
But people still defend him.
Yeah....we should just stop defending the fact that he's not reading this from a script, take him out back and shoot him in the head.
Whatever he meant by his comments will be interpreted through the prism of your feelings towards the regime.
You have a hierarchy of Trump,Sessions and Bannon so eyebrows will obviously be raised on comments like this.
Anyone with a brain knows what Spicer meant.
But people still defend him.
Yeah....we should just stop defending the fact that he's not reading this from a script, take him out back and shoot him in the head.
Whatever he meant by his comments will be interpreted through the prism of your feelings towards the regime.
You have a hierarchy of Trump,Sessions and Bannon so eyebrows will obviously be raised on comments like this.
If he gets rid of all of the above then you guys will find fault in whoever he replaces them with.
Anyone with a brain knows what Spicer meant.
But people still defend him.
Yeah....we should just stop defending the fact that he's not reading this from a script, take him out back and shoot him in the head.
Whatever he meant by his comments will be interpreted through the prism of your feelings towards the regime.
You have a hierarchy of Trump,Sessions and Bannon so eyebrows will obviously be raised on comments like this.
Nobody but the media thinks the Trump administration are Nazis and they are doing it to push a lie to get The President to resign. It ain't gonna work. All this does is make the democrat less popular.
Poor Spicey, "alternative facts" caught up with him again.

He must have remembered what Chris Matthews said in 2013.

"Sean Spicer has spent the past two days apologizing for saying that Adolf Hitler didn’t use chemical weapons.

Unfortunately for MSNBC’s Chris Matthews, that led to people remembering he’d said said the exact same thing back in 2013.

In an August 27, 2013 appearance on MSNBC’s Morning Joe, Matthews seemed displeased with Obama’s “red-line” policy in Syria and offhandedly mentioned that Hitler “didn’t use chemical weapons.”

“We didn’t use [chemical weapons] in World War II, Hitler didn’t use them,” Matthews said at the time. “But we don’t use chemical weapons. That’s no deal.”

To Matthews’ credit, he defended Sean Spicer after his Tuesday gaffe, explaining that the White House press secretary clearly “was talking about” the fact that Hitler “didn’t resort to [chemical weapons] in the battlefield.”

Read more: People Forgot, But In 2013, CHRIS MATTHEWS Said Hitler Never Used Chemical Weapons [VIDEO]
Spicer's dumb comments were, predictably, wildly over-covered and dishonestly misrepresented for transparent partisan political gain.

He wasn't displaying racism or hatred or bigotry, he was merely displaying his gross incompetence.

That seems awfully harsh on Spicer.

I know I couldnt do his job, in fact, most of these guys have repeated 'gaffes' and the media either makes an issue of it or does not, but they all have them.
Libtards are in such a frenzy to attack Trump on anything at all, that Spicers comment about what a shit-pile Assad is was immediately compared to Hitler and the Holocaust.

Can someone tune in these morons and let them know that some dictators can surpass Hitlers evil in various ways without necessarily pissing on the memory of the Holocaust victims?

Sean Spicer Argues Assad’s Chemical Weapons Atrocities Were Worse Than Hitler’s
That's not what the problem is. The statement "not even hitler gassed his own people" is WRONG. Hitler did gas his own people. The jews were his own people. Implying that the jewish people weren't German people, that they were "outsiders" or that they were the enemy is what lead to the holocaust. Perpetuating the same logic that lead to the genocide is dangerous.
This is either a case of someone who is shockingly ignorant to history making it to the white house, or holocaust denial. Either way Spicey is out of his league and needs to be replaced.
That's not what the problem is. The statement "not even hitler gassed his own people" is WRONG. Hitler did gas his own people.

Spicer said Hitler "didn't sink to the level of using chemical weapons" and the context of his statement was about using chemical weapons, not just poison gas in general.

You liberals are making a mountain out of a mole hill and it would be embarrassing to you if you weren't wrapped so hermetically in that echo bubble you guys live in.

The jews were his own people. Implying that the jewish people weren't German people, that they were "outsiders" or that they were the enemy is what lead to the holocaust.

The vast majority of the people that died in the Death Camps were rounded up in eastern Europe, so now I guess you are endorsing German claims to all of Eastern Europe?

Shame on you.

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