Why people vote Republican

During the 2000 Republican presidential primary, Senator John McCain was the target of a whisper campaign implying that he had fathered a black child out of wedlock. (McCain's adopted daughter is a dark-skinned child from Bangladesh). Voters in South Carolina were reportedly asked, "Would you be more likely or less likely to vote for John McCain if you knew that he fathered an illegitimate black child?". McCain would later lose the South Carolina primary, and the nomination, to George W. Bush.

In addition, on the week of the nomination vote, dozens of radio stations were called on the same day asking talk show hosts what they thought of McCain's fathering of a black child out of wedlock. McCain later said of the incidents:[1]

"There were some pretty vile and hurtful things said during the South Carolina primary. It's a really nasty side of politics. We tried to ignore it and I think we shielded [our daughter] from it. It's just unfortunate that that sort of thing still exists. As you know she's Bengali, and very dark skinned. A lot of phone calls were made by people who said we should be very ashamed about her, about the color of her skin. Thousands and thousands of calls from people to voters saying, 'You know, the McCains have a black baby.' I believe that there is a special place in hell for people like those."

Whispering campaign - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So Democratic racism before 1965 was wrong, but Republican racism since then is right?

Pretty lame argument.
Bigotry is the Republican core value.
Abject stupidity is Chris' core value.

From Reagan's "welfare queen" to Willie Horton to Saddam to Bin Laden to gays to Mexican immigrants to Rev Wright to Gingrich's "foodstamp president" to whomever, Republicans always find a brown, black, or gay person to scare white suburban voters with.

You can't even dispute it except with personal insults.
Eugene Connor was member of the Alabama Ku Klux Klan in the 1920s. Connor entered politics as a Democrat in 1934, winning a seat in the Alabama Legislature. As a legislator he supported populist measures and pro-union issues. He voted for extending the poll tax and against an anti-sedition bill meant to stifle union activity. He did not stand for a second term in 1936, instead running for Commissioner of Public Safety for the City of Birmingham.. In 1936, Connor was elected to the office of Commissioner of Public Safety, beginning the first of two stretches that spanned a total of 26 years. Connor's first term ended in 1952, but he resumed the post four years later.
George Corley Wallace (August 25, 1919 – September 13, 1998) was an American politician and the 45th governor of Alabama, serving four terms: 1963–1967, 1971–1979 and 1983–1987. After four runs for U. S. president (three as a Democrat and one on the American Independent Party ticket), he earned the title of "the most influential loser" in 20th-century U.S. politics, according to biographers Dan T. Carter[1] and Stephan Lesher.[2]

In an 1868 newspaper interview, Forrest stated that the Klan's primary opposition was to the Loyal Leagues, Republican state governments, people like Tennessee governor Brownlow and other carpetbaggers and scalawags. He argued that many southerners believed that blacks were voting for the Republican Party because they were being hoodwinked by the Loyal Leagues.[40] One Alabama newspaper editor declared "The League is nothing more than a ****** Ku Klux Klan."[41]
Despite Gordon's and Forrest's work, local Klan units never accepted the Prescript and continued to operate autonomously. There were never hierarchical levels or state headquarters. Klan members used violence to settle old feuds and local grudges, as they worked to restore white dominance in the disrupted postwar society. The historian Elaine Frantz Parsons describes the membership:
Lifting the Klan mask revealed a chaotic multitude of antiblack vigilante groups, disgruntled poor white farmers, wartime guerrilla bands, displaced Democratic politicians, illegal whiskey distillers, coercive moral reformers, sadists, rapists, white workmen fearful of black competition, employers trying to enforce labor discipline, common thieves, neighbors with decades-old grudges, and even a few freedmen and white Republicans who allied with Democratic whites or had criminal agendas of their own. Indeed, all they had in common, besides being overwhelmingly white, southern, and Democratic, was that they called themselves, or were called, Klansmen.[42]

yep... no facts.
Bigotry is the Republican core value.
Abject stupidity is Chris' core value.

From Reagan's "welfare queen" to Willie Horton to Saddam to Bin Laden to gays to Mexican immigrants to Rev Wright to Gingrich's "foodstamp president" to whomever, Republicans always find a brown, black, or gay person to scare white suburban voters with.

You can't even dispute it except with personal insults.
Eugene Connor was member of the Alabama Ku Klux Klan in the 1920s. Connor entered politics as a Democrat in 1934, winning a seat in the Alabama Legislature. As a legislator he supported populist measures and pro-union issues. He voted for extending the poll tax and against an anti-sedition bill meant to stifle union activity. He did not stand for a second term in 1936, instead running for Commissioner of Public Safety for the City of Birmingham.. In 1936, Connor was elected to the office of Commissioner of Public Safety, beginning the first of two stretches that spanned a total of 26 years. Connor's first term ended in 1952, but he resumed the post four years later.
George Corley Wallace (August 25, 1919 – September 13, 1998) was an American politician and the 45th governor of Alabama, serving four terms: 1963–1967, 1971–1979 and 1983–1987. After four runs for U. S. president (three as a Democrat and one on the American Independent Party ticket), he earned the title of "the most influential loser" in 20th-century U.S. politics, according to biographers Dan T. Carter[1] and Stephan Lesher.[2]
In an 1868 newspaper interview, Forrest stated that the Klan's primary opposition was to the Loyal Leagues, Republican state governments, people like Tennessee governor Brownlow and other carpetbaggers and scalawags. He argued that many southerners believed that blacks were voting for the Republican Party because they were being hoodwinked by the Loyal Leagues.[40] One Alabama newspaper editor declared "The League is nothing more than a ****** Ku Klux Klan."[41]
Despite Gordon's and Forrest's work, local Klan units never accepted the Prescript and continued to operate autonomously. There were never hierarchical levels or state headquarters. Klan members used violence to settle old feuds and local grudges, as they worked to restore white dominance in the disrupted postwar society. The historian Elaine Frantz Parsons describes the membership:
Lifting the Klan mask revealed a chaotic multitude of antiblack vigilante groups, disgruntled poor white farmers, wartime guerrilla bands, displaced Democratic politicians, illegal whiskey distillers, coercive moral reformers, sadists, rapists, white workmen fearful of black competition, employers trying to enforce labor discipline, common thieves, neighbors with decades-old grudges, and even a few freedmen and white Republicans who allied with Democratic whites or had criminal agendas of their own. Indeed, all they had in common, besides being overwhelmingly white, southern, and Democratic, was that they called themselves, or were called, Klansmen.[42]

Historian Eric Foner observed:
In effect, the Klan was a military force serving the interests of the Democratic party, the planter class, and all those who desired restoration of white supremacy. Its purposes were political, but political in the broadest sense, for it sought to affect power relations, both public and private, throughout Southern society.

yep... no facts.
It so cool that you guys don't have a single fact to dispute the bigotry that is the Republican Party.

Gingrich makes a few racist comments and base pours out in droves to vote for him

Racism is the dog whistle of Republican politics.

Oh, and I forgot John McCain's "black baby." Brilliant move on Rove's part.
I wasn't ware that you spoke Sphincter Chrissy...You flow like you were fluent.

Good job.

Like I said, no response at all except insults.

Why don't you just own up to it?

Republicans love to demonize black people, Mexican immigrants, muslims, and gay people.

at least they are up front about it.....not like the Democrats who say one thing but as soon as one of those people leave the room and the door shuts they start laughing and if it was a Mexican they get the Lysol out....
During the 2000 Republican presidential primary, Senator John McCain was the target of a whisper campaign implying that he had fathered a black child out of wedlock. (McCain's adopted daughter is a dark-skinned child from Bangladesh). Voters in South Carolina were reportedly asked, "Would you be more likely or less likely to vote for John McCain if you knew that he fathered an illegitimate black child?". McCain would later lose the South Carolina primary, and the nomination, to George W. Bush.

In addition, on the week of the nomination vote, dozens of radio stations were called on the same day asking talk show hosts what they thought of McCain's fathering of a black child out of wedlock. McCain later said of the incidents:[1]

"There were some pretty vile and hurtful things said during the South Carolina primary. It's a really nasty side of politics. We tried to ignore it and I think we shielded [our daughter] from it. It's just unfortunate that that sort of thing still exists. As you know she's Bengali, and very dark skinned. A lot of phone calls were made by people who said we should be very ashamed about her, about the color of her skin. Thousands and thousands of calls from people to voters saying, 'You know, the McCains have a black baby.' I believe that there is a special place in hell for people like those."

Whispering campaign - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So Democratic racism before 1965 was wrong, but Republican racism since then is right?

Pretty lame argument.
That's why I didn't make the argument, dipshit.

You see, I'm not a blindly partisan shithead like you. I have no use for either of the parties, because they both lie.

But keep on sucking Democratic dick and pretending like your party's history isn't fraught with lynchings and cross-burnings.
The following is from: AlterNet Mobile Edition

Most Republican presidents of the last century were more “socialistic” than Barack Obama. Eisenhower built the federal highway system and presided over the IRS when the top marginal tax rate for high earners was 91 percent.

Nixon proposed a minimum guaranteed income for all Americans, which he called a “negative income tax," without any Clinton-era preconditions like "workfare." It would have applied to all families with children, and passed Congress but failed in the Senate. Nixon also imposed wage and price controls in 1971to control inflation. These controls, while not considered traditionally “socialistic,” were a radical imposition of state control over the private-sector economy.

Even Herbert Hoover, who presided over the Crash of 1929 and is often contrasted with FDR, described himself as a “progressive.” He expanded the civil service, proposed a Department of Education and a guaranteed pension for all Americans, enlarged the national park system, ended private oil leases on government land, and formed an antitrust division within the Justice Department.

And, much as it irritates Republicans to be reminded of it, Ronald Reagan raised taxes 11 times.

Obama has proposed a reasonable $476 billion program of infrastucture repair, but he's avoided the kinds of bold initiatives put forward by his Republican predecessors: No Hoover-like litany of progressive reforms, no major public projects like Eisenhower's highways, no Nixon-style negative income tax. And he certainly hasn't responded to our ongoing economic crisis with any state interventions on the scale of Nixon's wage and price controls.

Two things: First, look up "socialism", because it is painfully obvious that you have no frigging clue what you're talking about when you mention it.

Second, it is undeniable that not all Republicans are conservative. The difference is that when Republicans advance bigger, more intrusive government and screw up the country, they are acting AGAINST the party's stated beliefs and objectives. When Democrats advance bigger, more intrusive government and screw up the country, they're doing exactly what they profess. That's their actual party platform.

So Democratic racism before 1965 was wrong, but Republican racism since then is right?

Pretty lame argument.
That's why I didn't make the argument, dipshit.

You see, I'm not a blindly partisan shithead like you. I have no use for either of the parties, because they both lie.

But keep on sucking Democratic dick and pretending like your party's history isn't fraught with lynchings and cross-burnings.

Still a lame argument.

Racism was wrong when the Dems did it, and it is wrong now that the Republicans are doing it.

Since 1965 Republicans have been the party of racists.

Just admit it and move on.
So Democratic racism before 1965 was wrong, but Republican racism since then is right?

Pretty lame argument.
That's why I didn't make the argument, dipshit.

You see, I'm not a blindly partisan shithead like you. I have no use for either of the parties, because they both lie.

But keep on sucking Democratic dick and pretending like your party's history isn't fraught with lynchings and cross-burnings.

Still a lame argument.

Racism was wrong when the Dems did it, and it is wrong now that the Republicans are doing it.

Since 1965 Republicans have been the party of racists.

Just admit it and move on.
So PissyChrissy has decreed... So shall PissyChrissy be mocked.
The following is from: AlterNet Mobile Edition

Most Republican presidents of the last century were more “socialistic” than Barack Obama. Eisenhower built the federal highway system and presided over the IRS when the top marginal tax rate for high earners was 91 percent.

Nixon proposed a minimum guaranteed income for all Americans, which he called a “negative income tax," without any Clinton-era preconditions like "workfare." It would have applied to all families with children, and passed Congress but failed in the Senate. Nixon also imposed wage and price controls in 1971to control inflation. These controls, while not considered traditionally “socialistic,” were a radical imposition of state control over the private-sector economy.

Even Herbert Hoover, who presided over the Crash of 1929 and is often contrasted with FDR, described himself as a “progressive.” He expanded the civil service, proposed a Department of Education and a guaranteed pension for all Americans, enlarged the national park system, ended private oil leases on government land, and formed an antitrust division within the Justice Department.

And, much as it irritates Republicans to be reminded of it, Ronald Reagan raised taxes 11 times.

Obama has proposed a reasonable $476 billion program of infrastucture repair, but he's avoided the kinds of bold initiatives put forward by his Republican predecessors: No Hoover-like litany of progressive reforms, no major public projects like Eisenhower's highways, no Nixon-style negative income tax. And he certainly hasn't responded to our ongoing economic crisis with any state interventions on the scale of Nixon's wage and price controls.

Two things: First, look up "socialism", because it is painfully obvious that you have no frigging clue what you're talking about when you mention it.

Second, it is undeniable that not all Republicans are conservative. The difference is that when Republicans advance bigger, more intrusive government and screw up the country, they are acting AGAINST the party's stated beliefs and objectives. When Democrats advance bigger, more intrusive government and screw up the country, they're doing exactly what they profess. That's their actual party platform.

Super comeback Cecille, and accurate as well.

So Democratic racism before 1965 was wrong, but Republican racism since then is right?

Pretty lame argument.
That's why I didn't make the argument, dipshit.

You see, I'm not a blindly partisan shithead like you. I have no use for either of the parties, because they both lie.

But keep on sucking Democratic dick and pretending like your party's history isn't fraught with lynchings and cross-burnings.

Still a lame argument.

Racism was wrong when the Dems did it, and it is wrong now that the Republicans are doing it.

Since 1965 Republicans have been the party of racists.

Just admit it and move on.
You must be illiterate. Kindly link to where I defended the Republicans for their racism or shut the fuck up.

Or both, in that order.
That's why I didn't make the argument, dipshit.

You see, I'm not a blindly partisan shithead like you. I have no use for either of the parties, because they both lie.

But keep on sucking Democratic dick and pretending like your party's history isn't fraught with lynchings and cross-burnings.

Still a lame argument.

Racism was wrong when the Dems did it, and it is wrong now that the Republicans are doing it.

Since 1965 Republicans have been the party of racists.

Just admit it and move on.
So PissyChrissy has decreed... So shall PissyChrissy be mocked.
And deservedly so. He can dish but not receive.
Ike was an Independant. Your Dems are Southern racists from before the Dems lost the South with the civil rights laws, and Pubs went for the racist vote (Nixon's Southern)' Absolute disengenuous horseshytte for the dupes.

Oh, "Ike was an independant [sic]", was he? Based on what? Your wet dream last night?

From WhiteHouse.gov:

After the war, he became President of Columbia University, then took leave to assume supreme command over the new NATO forces being assembled in 1951. Republican emissaries to his headquarters near Paris persuaded him to run for President in 1952.

Dwight D. Eisenhower | The White House

He ran as a Republican, he won as a Republican, deal with it.
Bigotry is the Republican core value.

why don't you go blow up your girlfriend and have your way with her....
He's having second thoughts...She was conceived with plastic, and that means she was in cahoots with eeeevil OIL...Engagement off...Marriage...OFF.

You realize that knowing plastic is a petroleum product would require an education, which means that Chris and his deluxe blow-up girlfriend will live on together in blissful ignorance.
From Reagan's "welfare queen" to Willie Horton to Saddam to Bin Laden to gays to Mexican immigrants to Rev Wright to Gingrich's "foodstamp president" to whomever, Republicans always find a brown, black, or gay person to scare white suburban voters with.

You can't even dispute it except with personal insults.
Repetition of mindless leftist horseshit is proof of nothing but that you're a mindless leftist.

Wow. Way to prove Chris's point......:clap2:
Speaking of mindless leftists...

His "point" is nothing more than the product of leftist non-thought fueled by bigotry.

If you agree with him, and you do, you're a non-thinking bigoted leftist.

But then, that was already obvious.
why don't you go blow up your girlfriend and have your way with her....
He's having second thoughts...She was conceived with plastic, and that means she was in cahoots with eeeevil OIL...Engagement off...Marriage...OFF.

You realize that knowing plastic is a petroleum product would require an education, which means that Chris and his deluxe blow-up girlfriend will live on together in blissful ignorance.

And SHE would be way too good for Chris.
Still a lame argument.

Racism was wrong when the Dems did it, and it is wrong now that the Republicans are doing it.

Since 1965 Republicans have been the party of racists.

Just admit it and move on.
Why should anyone admit that leftist fantasies are reality?

They're not. Get someone else to validate your delusions. Which reminds me -- what's your DU username?

On edit: Typically, you can't prove your point, so you pathetically beg people to say you're right when you haven't proven your case.
Last edited:
He's having second thoughts...She was conceived with plastic, and that means she was in cahoots with eeeevil OIL...Engagement off...Marriage...OFF.

You realize that knowing plastic is a petroleum product would require an education, which means that Chris and his deluxe blow-up girlfriend will live on together in blissful ignorance.

And SHE would be way too good for Chris.

Who isn't? That's why Chris only dates those who have no hope of escaping: blow-up dolls, securely-tethered sheep . . .

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